Super ambiguous master

Chapter 467 Unbelievable

Special Forces King Mixed Flowers - Chapter 467 Unbelievable

"It's so powerful!" The woman on the big tree suddenly cried out in surprise, just when the man flew towards the giant python, the aura of this man suddenly became very strong, so powerful that she actually trembled slightly.

She is the controller, and she is the most sensitive to the aura, so when this person's aura changes, the person who feels it most clearly is her. The aura is so strong that even she feels afraid.

What kind of breath is this?The woman didn't know either, but at this moment her mind suddenly rang out what the master had said to her for a long time: Don't underestimate people in Shengtiandi, or in other words, don't underestimate anyone. There are too many secrets in this world, and there are too many powerful people. Maybe he's just an aunt who takes out the trash, maybe he's just a kid playing on a bicycle

At that time, the woman only thought that her master wanted to use words to spur her to study control skills, so she didn't listen to it. Now the woman can at least be sure that half of what the master said is correct, that is, don't underestimate the people of Sheng Tiantian.

The person in front of her was just stronger than the average person just now, but she seemed to have changed suddenly in such a pounce, as if the difference between heaven and earth, the difference was too big, so big that the woman has not recovered yet.


The ferocity of the three-headed python exceeded Qin Hao's imagination. At this time, the three-headed python was circling desperately, shaking, and the speed was so fast that Qin Hao's ears were only buzzing, and he couldn't hear anything else.

At the same time, Qin Hao felt that his internal organs would be directly squeezed out by the rapid shaking of the triangle-headed python, or had been deviated from the body and completely displaced.This feeling made Qin Hao uncomfortable, so Qin Hao also gritted his teeth fiercely, and with both black and white tiger claws, he grabbed the [-]-inch body of the python with black and white hands, kept grabbing, and swept across the giant python violently With a scrape and a heavy sinking, the meat and blood of the giant three-headed python were splashed directly on the tiger's claws.


The giant three-headed python roamed wildly in pain, sometimes rolled over, and sometimes flicked its long tail wildly. Even if its body bumped into a big rock and knocked down countless trees, now it just wants to catch this deadly place people throw down.But it couldn't, and it didn't throw this person off. Instead, this violent and reckless impact directly made its body even more scarred and gradually lost its strength.

Of course, the giant python didn't know that Qin Hao's tiger claws were directly inserted into the python's body when it swung it violently, and the five claws clasped the python's flesh tightly and clasped its body.So the more violently the triangle-headed python shakes, it will undoubtedly bring strength to Qin Hao to dig out the flesh of its body, and save Qin Hao from using his own strength

"Have you run out of strength?" Qin Hao murmured when he felt the swaying speed of the triangle-headed python slowed down. He took a deep breath and held it back.


When Qin Hao mobilized his whole body's strength, Qin Hao opened his mouth and roared fiercely, the sound was like a tiger's howl, and the sound echoed loudly throughout the wind and sand forest.At the same time, after hearing Qin Hao's roar, the giant python with a triangle head suddenly became sluggish and trembled slightly.

At the same time, many beasts in the sandstorm forest seemed anxious, and the beasts closer to Qin Hao's position even ran away one after another.

"What is it?!" The onlookers looked at the dust ball that couldn't see the situation inside and wondered.

How could a snake make such a growl?This voice is domineering and violent, a voice that only the king of beasts has.Could it be that another wild beast entered it during the battle?If yes, then

Everyone's faces were pale, and Huang Ziming backed away unbelievably. Qin Hao might be in danger.

No one saw that Qin Hao was standing on the motionless body of the giant python, but under Qin Hao's feet was a big hole, flowing with blood. The hole was made by Qin Hao's tiger claws, and Qin Hao After one attack, he found that his strength had increased a lot. More and more power emerged from Qin Hao's hands, and even Qin Hao's body was full of inexhaustible power.

Until everything was over, only when Qin Hao's hands returned to their original state, everything stopped here, and the thick and powerful force disappeared

The giant triangle-headed python is not dead, it just can't move. Qicun has been completely destroyed by Qin Hao, and because of the violent consumption of strength just now, the giant triangle-headed python is also taking in less air and expelling more air, just like a big lantern Eyes, lying quietly.Occasionally, the body moves a few times, but it is very subtle, just like trembling.From a distance, the giant triangle-headed python is no different from dead.

At this time, Qin Hao came to the front of the three-headed python, and sat cross-legged about two meters away, looking at the huge monster in front of him face to face.

The giant triangle-headed python seemed to be looking at Qin Hao as well. Its eyes were gray at this moment, but Qin Hao could feel that this huge monster was also looking at him.

If there is no sound, it proves that the giant python has stopped attacking and berserk.Everyone focused all their attention on the gray place, just wanting to see clearly what was going on after the dust and smoke disappeared.

They got their wish, and as time passed, the dust that originally covered everything gradually fell to the ground, dust to dust, and dust to dust. At this moment, they first vaguely saw the figure of the giant triangle-headed python, still with that huge body, but at this moment Not moving, like lying still.

Huang Ziming, Liu Zhiguo, and Xiaohe stared blankly, unable to tell what it was like for a moment.They only wanted to see Qin Hao's figure, but they didn't see it. In the dust and mist, they could only see the ferocious body of the giant three-headed python, while Qin Hao

"Look! Who is that figure?" When everyone was worried about whether the giant python was dead or alive, someone with sharp eyes suddenly saw a figure sitting on the ground.

Everyone looked at the sound, and everyone guessed it was Qin Hao at this time, but because of the dust and mist, they couldn't think of who it was before they saw the person clearly.The main thing is that the giant triangle-headed python is too fierce and powerful, so powerful that everyone would rather believe that Qin Hao is dead than that the giant triangle-headed python is dead.

Huang Ziming also looked over when he heard the sound, but Huang Ziming didn't show the worry of others, but smiled, the shadow sitting on the ground turned into ashes, Huang Ziming also recognized it, wasn't it Qin Hao? !

"Qin Hao" Xiaohe also followed the sound, and now she was standing by herself, when she saw the figure, tears flowed from Xiaohe's eyes, it was Qin Hao, it was really Qin Hao, he didn't die !

Liu Zhiguo's originally frowning eyebrows were loosened, and he looked extremely relaxed. Then Liu Zhiguo slumped on the ground. If it wasn't for his life just now, he would have been frightened by the scene of the giant triangle-headed python chasing him. Now, where is the strength to escape?Seeing that he was fine now, Liu Zhiguo slumped down and began to breathe heavily.

"It's him!" When everyone was still watching, the dust and mist had almost dissipated, and everyone could see the body of the three-headed python clearly. The person on the ground was Qin Hao, the one who had just jumped on top of the triangle-headed python to wrestle with the triangle-headed python.

Everyone gasped, because Qin Hao was sitting on the ground smiling and looking at them, which made them feel like they were dreaming.The person in front of me is fine, but the giant three-headed python is dead

Is this person so powerful?Or did someone help during the fight?Otherwise, how could the other party still be smiling and looking at him and others.It stands to reason that he should be dead, must be dead.

The power of the giant triangle-headed python is what everyone can see. Looking westward at this moment, the ground is in a mess, the mountains are destroyed, and the entire range that can be seen is almost razed to the ground by the giant triangle-headed python. , it can be imagined how powerful this triangle-headed python can be dealt with by one person?

Everyone doubted when they were shocked

"Qin Hao! You, are you not dead?" Huang Ziming was the first to come to Qin Hao's side, put his hands on Qin Hao's body, and touched his head. Seeing that it was intact, Huang Ziming was surprised while touching. tsk tsk sound.

"I can't die." Qin Hao gave Huang Ziming a blank look, as if this bastard really wanted to die.But Qin Hao knew that Huang Ziming and the others had no malicious intentions, they were just excited for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

"Qin Hao" Xiaohe came next, just called out Qin Hao, and then threw herself into Qin Hao's arms, buried her whole body in Qin Hao's arms, not knowing whether she was crying or excited, her body was moving slightly .Liu Zhiguo didn't come over, and could only smile at Qin Hao from a distance. Liu Zhiguo really didn't feel that he still had strength, and now he didn't read the book.

"Are you okay? Damn it!" Huang Ziming finally realized that, except for the blood on Qin Hao's hands, Qin Hao's whole body didn't look injured at all. Huang Ziming still didn't understand how Qin Hao did this.This kind of power is beyond abnormal!

"Yes, you have something to do, let me tell you, the giant python with a triangle head is not dead yet." Qin Hao smiled wryly.

As soon as Huang Ziming heard Qin Hao's words, his face immediately turned ashen. Finally, he jumped away abruptly, turned around and looked at the giant triangle-headed python lying on the ground warily. However, it can be seen that the body of the triangle-headed python will still squirm, but it is so slight that it can hardly be seen.

"Really, I'm not dead!" Huang Ziming said in shock.

Huang Ziming's action immediately scared the other members of the holy heaven who were about to approach and withdrew them, for fear that the giant three-headed python would suddenly become violent again, and a sweep of its tail would definitely sweep them to death.

Qin Hao just smiled at the end, before he finished speaking, Huang Ziming reacted directly, which really made Qin Hao not know what to say.

"I'm not dead, but I can't move. I'm not far from death." Qin Hao finally added, Qin Hao felt that if he didn't say this, Huang Ziming and the others might not know what they would do later.

"" Huang Ziming looked at Qin Hao and didn't speak for a long time.

The others also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, but this time, no one dared to speak, and even insulted Qin Hao.No matter how the triangle-headed python in front of him died, the greatest credit was due to Qin Hao. Although they didn't want to admit it, it was the fact.Without Qin Hao, they would all die!

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