Super ambiguous master

Chapter 469 Scorpion Organization

King of the Special Forces Mixed Flowers - Chapter 469 Scorpion Organization

"You, what are you doing?" Xiaohe also realized what happened. Looking back, seeing five people walking towards her, Xiaohe suddenly panicked.

Xiaohe's voice silenced the surroundings immediately, and Huang Ziming and the others also stood up one after another. As long as those five people did something inappropriate, Huang Ziming would no longer care about being the same member, and let the other party know that he was in the dark team It's amazing.

Repeated forbearance becomes cowardice!What's more, Qin Hao just solved the triangle-headed python today, and everyone returned to their original appearance at night, revealing their true nature?

The other members are actually in different teams. Seeing those five people walking towards Qin Hao at this time, everyone's expressions turned gloomy.Obviously everyone is angry with those five people, are these five people planning to cause trouble again?

The incident with the giant three-headed python has proved that this dark team that has been underestimated and ridiculed by them is not weak, but powerful!Are those five people asking for trouble when they go?

"Xiao He, don't, don't bark, we are bringing you food!"

"Yes, yes, I, I was startled by you!"

"Qin Hao saved us today, how could we avenge our kindness?"

When the five people saw Xiaohe panicking, they also panicked immediately, because they really had no other intentions. Although they admired and coveted Xiaohe's figure and beauty, they absolutely didn't want to do anything.That's just the behavior of a normal man, and that's not a sin.

"Really, really?" Xiaohe looked at the five people in doubt, and then he was relieved when he saw that they were all holding barbecue.They really didn't come looking for trouble like this.

Qin Hao was relieved to hear this. Infighting is not what Qin Hao wants, and there are only [-] people here including Qin Hao at this time. Difficult to do.

"Well, our five brothers heard you said that you were hungry, so we gave you our own to eat first," said a young man in the head, and then handed the roasted triangle-headed python meat to Xiaohe.

Xiaohe smiled immediately, she liked the feeling of being surrounded by many men the most, it made her feel comfortable.Xiaohe reached out to take the barbecue, and finally walked to the other side, and the five young people naturally followed behind Xiaohe, and finally Xiaohe was surrounded by five young people alone, and laughter came from time to time

"I will never change my nature!" Everyone was silent and didn't know how to describe their mood.And Huang Ziming cursed directly in a low voice.

Qin Hao shook his head helplessly, Qin Hao has nothing to blame for this, everyone has their own favorites, Xiao He likes to live with glory like this, that is Xiao He's own life.

"Xiaohe too, what good is this?" Ling Ruolan finally said after a little silence.

"It's a good thing, so we can have five more partners in the Diablo team." Qin Hao laughed, this is an ironclad thing.It was not difficult to charm those five youths with Xiao He's charm.

"Hehe" Ling Ruolan was slightly taken aback, and finally smiled.What Qin Hao said is right, it is also a good thing for Xiao He to do so.

At night, the watchmen are in groups of two, divided into the first half of the night and the second half of the night. Four people were selected from the 30 people, but Qin Hao and the others were not included.I don't know if they deliberately took care of them or didn't mention Qin Hao and the others.

So Qin Hao and the others could have a good night's sleep. What happened in the past two days really made everyone physically and mentally exhausted. Naturally, Huang Ziming and the others fell asleep without being polite.

But Qin Hao didn't sleep, he lay on the ground and opened his eyes to look at the night sky.Maybe it was because of the beast beads, Qin Hao felt that he was quite energetic, and he didn't feel tired even if he didn't sleep, so he just looked at the night sky and thought about things.

Thinking of his younger brother Xiaohu, and younger sister Xiaohu, Chuxia, but Qin Hao was surprised that this feeling was not strong, but a little strange, but Ling Ruolan made Qin Hao feel more cordial.Qin Hao himself didn't know how to explain this kind of unreasonable thing, anyway, it was a feeling in Qin Hao's heart.

"I'm so sleepy, but unfortunately there's no smoke." There are two middle-aged men on duty at night. Zhang's is relatively burly. It is said that their beast beads are also attacking, and they are also powerful.At this time, the middle-aged man on Qin Hao's left yawned repeatedly.

"There is no smoke here? You want to burn the forest? Isn't that forcing those beasts out and killing us?" the middle-aged man on the right said.

"Is it that exaggerated?" The middle-aged man on the left asked, then laughed.


Just as the two were chatting happily, suddenly a small sound came from the grass, as if something was moving.

Hearing the sound, Qin Hao immediately looked over. In the dark night, with the help of the moonlight, he could see the weeds swaying. It was obvious that something was approaching here.

"Who is it!" The two middle-aged men were on guard immediately, and then spoke out.It was only after the words came out that the two realized their mistake. At this time, is there anyone else in Fengshalin?There are only beasts.

Is it a beast in the grass?The two gradually approached, but they were terrified in their hearts. This ghostly place is really not a place for people to stay. It is attacked by wild beasts from time to time, and these wild beasts are so many and powerful.

But there was no sound from the grass, but the grass could still be seen moving.The two became alert one after another, and then took the beast beads in their hands, preparing to swallow the beast beads when they met a strong opponent, so that they could strengthen themselves and then fight the opponent.

Cautiously, the two gradually approached.

"I'm so tired!" Suddenly, a strange voice sounded, but it came from the grass.

Is there any team members who are still alive? !The two middle-aged people immediately became excited when they heard the voice. What they lack now is people, and there are no outsiders in this sandstorm forest except for their original hundred people, so when they heard the voice of people, they immediately relaxed and became excited.

"Brother, which team are you from?" When the two were excited, three people quickly walked out of the thick and dark weeds. Unfortunately, the three of them covered their faces, which made the two middle-aged people puzzled .There were no masked people in their team together.

"Are you the members of the Holy Heaven Beastman Group = new members?" The visitor said nothing, then looked at the sleeping people behind the middle-aged man.

"It's good to sleep." The man among the three has yellow hair, and he is looking at the two middle-aged men with a bit of coldness at this moment.

"Why, how?"

"who are you?!"

The two middle-aged men reacted immediately, shot backwards, and put on a fighting posture.

At the same time, because of the voices of the two middle-aged men, several people who were not asleep suddenly woke up and sat up, watching the scene at this time.

"Us? We are members of the Scorpion team, and we are here to take away your beast beads! Because we also want to cultivate a group of orcs like your Holy Heaven orc group." The yellow-haired young man said, with a strange voice, Like a woman's voice.

Qin Hao was lying down, still sleeping, but he could notice everything that happened at this time, and at the same time, he also saw other places in the grass moving. Obviously, there were more than three people who came this time.

At the same time, it also let Qin Hao know that his guess was correct. There were not only members of their Holy Heaven Beastman Squad here, but also other people, and the number was no less than them.

"What scorpion fight? We don't know you at all!" The middle-aged man said, looking around at the same time, because he felt that there were people coming from other places.It seems to be surrounded.

At this time, the sleeping people woke up one after another, and all of them immediately entered a state of alert and ready to fight after seeing this formation.

"Qin Hao, wake up!" Huang Ziming also woke up, but he found three or five people walking out from different places, and when they were all surrounded, he panicked and kicked Qin Hao who was lying on the ground.

"I haven't slept all the time." Qin Hao lazily stood up, and then said lazily, with a careless look.

"What's the situation?" Huang Ziming said, at this moment his eyes saw that these people still had pistols on their bodies, which meant that they were in danger tonight.

"The one who snatched the beast beads." At present, Qin Hao only knows this.

At this time, Qin Hao and the others were completely surrounded. There were seventy or eighty opponents, each of them was wearing black tights, with a golden scorpion on the right chest, and each of them had a pistol in their hand. For Qin Hao and others.

"Don't make unnecessary resistance, you rookies. Do you know that we have been watching you since you came here?" The yellow-haired young man said disdainfully.

Huang Ziming and others all looked at each other when they heard this.They actually monitored themselves for so long but no one noticed?How can it be!This sandstorm forest is the territory of the Holy Heaven Beastman Group, not to mention surveillance, it is even less likely that someone will appear here.The instructor said that there are people like them here, and outsiders can't get in.

"It seems that you don't believe it, but what I can tell you is that those wild beasts rioted yesterday because of people from the Psychic Association. As for the other things, I won't say much. You should know that what I said is the truth It's still a lie."

The yellow-haired young man stopped talking when he said this, and made a look at the people around him. Immediately, thirty people stepped forward, holding pistols against everyone's back, and then tied them up. The beast beads were even more convenient. They held it in their hands and handed it all into a box.

"What are you guys going to do?" No one dared to resist, and Qin Hao was obediently tied up by them, but Qin Hao wanted to know more about these people, so he let them play around.Huang Ziming on the other side roared immediately.He managed to survive from the mouths of many wild beasts, but unexpectedly, he was being plotted by people all the time, and now he was tied up tightly.

"There's too much nonsense, whoever says more nonsense will have bad consequences," the yellow-haired young man continued.Obviously he is the captain among these people, so when he speaks, no one dares to refute but one or two sullen faces.Obviously, if anyone violates it, then they will not be polite.

"Damn you bastards"


A member of the team opened his mouth to speak, but the next moment his head was smashed by a member of the Scorpion with the butt of his gun, and the person fell to the ground and twitched.

"Say one more thing, I'll keep you dead!" The yellow-haired young man came to this man, lifted his hair with his right hand and said.

Poor guy is rolling his eyes at this moment, it seems that the force of the scorpion member just hit him is not small, and he hasn't recovered yet.

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