Super ambiguous master

Chapter 475 Deal

King of Special Forces Mixes Flowers - Chapter 475 Deal

"How is it going?" Zou Zi knew that his cooperation was successful after seeing Huang Ziming and other members getting excited.I can't help but feel a little proud in my heart, this kind of thing can only be made by people in their mechanical team.In the future, they will need to rely on this thing to attract more people and cooperate with more organizations.

Zhou Fatian's face was ashamed, and when the Holy Heaven's Shoumen possessed these armors, their strength would undoubtedly increase a lot

"not good!"

Huang Ziming's voice made the proud Zou Zi and the ashen-faced Zhou Fatian suddenly look up, looking at Huang Ziming in confusion and surprise.

"It's a good thing, but I don't believe that it's as simple as seeking asylum when you come to us." Huang Ziming didn't know if he was right, but his personal cooperation model is not bad.But what Qin Hao meant just now was naturally that the people in the mechanical team in front of him still had "oil and water" to squeeze.

Zou Zi and Zhou Fatian were taken aback by Huang Ziming's words, thinking how did the other party know?

But when it comes to this idea now, Zou Zi and others also know that they should show some sincerity, otherwise they will collapse like the cooperation with the previous organizations.

There was a smile on the corner of Zhou Fatian's mouth, a little smug.Seeing Zou Zi and the others getting worse, the happier he was.

Zou Zi's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Then we will share [-]-[-]% of the shou pills obtained from hunting wild beasts, but you still need to protect us when you reach the Quantum Realm!" Almost no one in the Quantum Realm knows, only they The upper echelons of more than a hundred organizations are clear.Everything they do now is to reach the quantum realm.

"Quantum Realm?" Qin Hao smiled, and at the same time put a hand on Huang Ziming's shoulder and said, "Six of us, four of you, the deal will be done!" Qin Hao was afraid that Huang Ziming would cheat.No. 30 of them don't know what the hell the quantum world is.But you will know later, Qin Hao has long had a premonition that people from more than a hundred organizations are here for a purpose, like this Quantum Realm

If Huang Ziming hadn't been "reminded" by Qin Hao, he would have said it out loud, but with Qin Hao around, Huang Ziming would feel much more at ease in his heart.Qin Hao can always save crises and mistakes in time.Huang Ziming felt in his heart how wise it was for him to find someone to be the top number.At the beginning, it was this unremarkable Qin Hao who kept them struggling to survive and become strong.

Zou Zi didn't speak, but the three of them laughed and discussed something together.

"They are discussing whether to cooperate with us or not." Xiaohe stepped forward to Qin Hao's side and said.

Today's Xiaohe has a plump figure that cannot be concealed by her strength and her straight chest and buttocks. Xiaohe already has a leopard head, which is a bit ferocious but also a bit charming.

"How do you know?" Qin Hao asked back, the distance between here and Zou Zi is also seven or eight meters, and they speak so quietly, like mosquitoes.

Xiaohe didn't speak, and pointed to her ears that had turned into leopards, expressing that she now possesses their power while becoming a shouhou.It's like her ears can hear distant sounds, which is a natural ability.

Qin Hao was surprised, but quickly recovered and nodded to Xiaohe, "Tell me what they discussed."

"Then [-] to [-]?" Zou Zi asked his companion.This time there are only three of them, so any opinions need to be discussed and strive to reach a consensus.

"Well, if it can't be four or six, it's only five or five. Our armor is a combination of defense and attack. We pay so much but only get [-]%. That's not okay!" the woman in white armor said.

"I agree with Sister Shadow's suggestion!" The woman in the red armor also nodded.

If they hadn't felt the strength of the members of the Sacred Heaven's Legion in front of them, they definitely wouldn't be so "generous".But now the other party has to account for [-]%, which is a big mouth for the lion, right?

"Okay, if you both think so, Shadow and Shaofen, then we will"

"Don't tell us about the [-]-[-] split, we have six, you four, and keep you alive!"

Zou Zi hadn't made a decision yet, but Qin Hao spoke up, and Zou Zi and the other three looked at Qin Hao in horror, speechless for a long time.How does the other party know what they are discussing?So far away, they speak so softly

In the end, Zou Zi and the others looked at the leopard woman beside Qin Hao, and then the three of them smiled wryly.What else do they have to say now?The members of the Sacred Heaven Sect really deserved their reputation, and their strength is indeed extraordinary.if you can keep them safe

"Success!" Zou Zi, Ying Ying, and Shao Fen looked at each other and said immediately.

In the face of absolute strength, all words are superfluous.

"Welcome to join the dark team!" Qin Hao answered immediately when Zou Zi and the others agreed.In his heart, he was thinking about when to work on Ling Ruolan's armor. If Xiaohe could not hear what Zou Zi and the others were talking about, how would Qin Hao know that this armor, which was originally only used for defense, could still attack?Thinking of this, Qin Hao immediately looked at the armor on Ling Ruolan's body, looking up and down, wanting to know what's so special about the armor.Qin Hao didn't notice the strange thing, but looked at Ling Ruolan embarrassedly and bowed his head.

Everything went smoothly. As beauties, Zou Zi and the others were naturally taken care of by Qin Hao's many "beasts".People with unreasonable thoughts are also shou, so Qin Hao can only describe them as "should".

After going through so much, the thirty members of the Holy Heaven Shoumen have already abandoned everything in the past, but get along like brothers and sisters.

Now the saddest and most uncomfortable are of course Zhou Fatian and others. The strength of the Shoumen of the Holy Heaven is destined to cause countless deaths and injuries to the Shoumen of the Holy Heaven. Now let Zhou Fatian face the shou in front of him. People, he himself is not sure that he can deal with them.terrible

"Hey, do you want to go?" Qin Hao was eating with a grilled chicken in his hand. Now Qin Hao can enjoy other people's grilled food to his heart's content. Who made one or two of those people energetic.

"What, what?" Zhou Fatian didn't know what Qin Hao meant, and looked at the roast chicken in Qin Hao's hand.he was already hungry

"I want to let you go, and I can still eat those things for you, but" when Qin Hao said those things, he pointed to the piles of roast chickens, fragrant and golden roast chickens.

Zhou Fatian swallowed, and finally looked at Qin Hao, his eyes were a little empty.I know in my heart that the other party must have conditions. From the conversation between Qin Hao and Zou Zi and others today, I know that Qin Hao in front of him is not only powerful in martial arts, but also careful in mind.

"What do we need to do?" Zhou Fatian could still accept the other party's conditions, which also proved that the other party really planned to let them go.

"Fatian is really smart, I don't have any requirements, I just hope that if there is a battle, you can stand by our side, not you understand?" Qin Hao immediately bit the chicken leg again, and said while eating Not tasty or something.

Poor Zhou Fatian is so hungry that he is turning black right now, some food is already his most extravagant thing, and now this bastard Qin Hao still despises him?This, this really made Zhou Fatian want to die.

Hunger didn't make Zhou Fatian lose his mind, he knew what Qin Hao meant.But if Zhou Fatian refuses to agree today, then the end will naturally not be better than that

"Success, deal!" Zhou Fatian finally said.

Qin Hao laughed after hearing Zhou Fatian's words, and did not forget to wipe off the oil stains on his mouth with his right hand

The Shoumen of the Holy Heaven had an extra ally, and it was completed under the condition of roasting chicken.Zhou Fatian must not know that it was the fault of the roast chicken that he promised so quickly

"Qin Hao, what do you think we should do next?" Huang Ziming asked after the break.In Huang Ziming's heart, Qin Hao is naturally the captain.

Zhou Fatian and others got a roast chicken and left after eating enough. Now there are only 30 people including Qin Hao and Zou Zi and others from the mechanical team.

"Didn't Zou Zi say he wants some kind of shou pill? This means that we want to hunt the wild beasts here, right? Zou Zi." Strength is the main thing. Although Huang Ziming and the others look tough and powerful at this time, they don't Fighting, Qin Hao believes that even if they have superhuman strength, they will not be able to perform.

So Qin Hao chose to fight, and fighting can strengthen them.And the shou pill mentioned by Zou Zi seems to be very important, so Qin Hao used this to let Huang Ziming and the others familiarize themselves with their own power.In Qin Hao's eyes, it is absolutely right to let each other continue to grow stronger.There are people from all organizations in Fengshalin, which also means that Qin Hao and the others will meet these people sooner or later. The Quantum Realm that Zou Zi said may be the common purpose of all organizations appearing in Fengshalin. Qin Hao has reason to believe that fighting will not Not many, so it is right to make people like yourself strong.

After hearing Qin Hao's words, Zou Zi immediately followed the sound and looked at Qin Hao with a little more admiration on his face.

And Huang Ziming nodded, also thought of the pros and cons.Immediately seeing Zou Zi was far away from him, Huang Ziming immediately leaned forward to Qin Hao's ear and whispered, "Qin Hao, what the hell is that quantum world? Why is Shou Dan here?" These questions have been lingering in his mind for a long time. , now Huang Ziming had to vomit quickly.

"I don't know either," Qin Hao said, and immediately began to concentrate on looking around, as if looking at something.

"" Huang Ziming looked at Qin Hao, but was speechless for a moment.I don't know if I still agree to the other party?If it's a fire pit, then they are almost finished?But Huang Ziming only thought about it in his heart, but kept silent.

Qin Hao is looking at the terrain now, different terrains have different wild beasts to survive.And Qin Hao's attack target this time must be to choose the fierce hand. Only in this way can the true meaning of the battle be reflected, Huang Ziming and others can continue to grow stronger, and at the same time, Qin Hao can also continue to grow stronger.

At this time, Zou Zi seriously looked at Qin Hao. This guy he looked down on seemed to occupy a very important position among the 30 people.But the person in front of him can't even turn his arms around. Does this mean that the person is unqualified?Even Zou Zi couldn't feel a powerful aura from him. Does this mean that Qin Hao is really ordinary?

But soon Zou Zi knew that she was wrong. When she saw Qin Hao fiercely lifted up the leopard and threw it more than ten meters away, Zou Zi knew that the guy named Qin Hao in front of her was not a shou The members of the people are inferior, and there are faint signs of being stronger than them.

Of course, maybe the [-] people surrounding the leopard put pressure on the leopard and greatly reduced the strength of the leopard, so Qin Hao could easily bring the leopard down.

After the leopard died, a round thing the size of a thumb was found in the leopard's body, maybe this is the shou pill that Zou Zi was talking about.

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