The King of Special Forces Mixes Flowers - Chapter 487 Fighting

"It really is them!" Zhou Fatian's face was gloomy.The thing that the heart least expects always happens. This is the tragedy of living.However, he, Zhou Fatian, didn't think about fighting head-on with these members of the Holy Heaven Shouren this time. He only needs to take the three women, Zou Zi, away. As for the others

The others that Zhou Fatian was talking about naturally meant Zhong Chuhong and her senior brother. As for their life and death, it was none of his business, so Zhou Fatian had already decided to retreat until he had the armor given by Zou Zi. When they face each other.

The members of Scorpion are still waiting for Captain Zhou Fatian to give an order, but now they are very afraid of the members of the Shoumen of the Holy Heaven.

"Withdraw! Take those three women with you!" Zhou Fatian said decisively, then turned and left immediately.

"Yes!" Hearing Zhou Fatian say to retreat, this made the members of Scorpion feel better. He was afraid that the captain in front of him would get hot-headed, and then since he was retreating now, he just left.Thinking of this, the Scorpion member immediately turned around, but when he turned around, he saw his Captain Zhou Fatian smiling at him.

"Captain, you..." The member of the scorpion suddenly thought of something, but the next moment he didn't know anything, and fell to the ground with a plop.

Zhou Fatian clapped his hands, and pulled out a small silver needle from the neck of the Scorpion member.

"I'm sorry, it will take a while for us to retreat, so I have to let you stay here to stop those people from the Holy Heaven's Shoumen." After finishing these, Zhou Fatian clapped his hands and left to direct the team members to retreat.

As for the scorpion member on the ground, his face was wriggling like a bug, moving back and forth on his face, terrifying and ugly

At this time, the white tiger was afraid, and instead of going forward as before, he looked at the human beings in front of him vigilantly.

"Come on, come on!" Qin Hao's mouth was bloody, and there were scratches left by the white tiger on his arms and abdomen.The white tiger is very fierce and powerful, not to mention that it is much larger than the average tiger, but its strength is several times larger than its size.If such a white tiger were placed on the battlefield, it would certainly be able to kill hundreds of soldiers.

But the white tiger is not feeling well at this time, at least it has no fewer wounds than Qin Hao, and its front paw has been injured, and it is standing up and changing its steps to confront Qin Hao.

Qin Hao was speaking out and provoking, but the white tiger was obviously not fooled by Qin Hao, but just looked at Qin Hao and roared in a low voice.

"White tiger!" Zhong Chuhong and Yao Shuoming appeared at the same time, and they rushed over when the sound of the tiger sounded, less than 3 minutes before and after.But in less than 3 minutes, Bu Baihu fought Qin Hao for nearly a hundred times, and both were injured and began to get tired.

"Baihu!" Zhong Chuhong felt distressed when she saw Baihu's appearance. She had never seen Baihu suffer such a serious injury. Except for the training when she was a child, Baihu almost won many times in subsequent training and battles.

But now Baihu gave Zhong Chuhong a faint feeling of defeat.But the young man confronting the white tiger had a resolute and ruthless face, obviously much stronger than the white tiger.

"Junior Sister, you'll deal with this here, I'll go over there!" The situation was critical, Yao Shuoming rushed towards Xiaohe and the others. If Baihu and Zhong Chuhong were together here, they would definitely win against this injured young man.

So Yao Shuoming has nothing to worry about, he just needs to rush over to help the other tiger.

"Roar..." Baihu roared in a low voice when he saw Zhong Chuhong, growling like he was wronged.Obviously the injury was serious, making it uncomfortable.

"It doesn't hurt, darling. You rest, I'll do it!" Zhong Chuhong came to the white tiger and patted its broad forehead, then looked at Qin Hao coldly.

"You captured Huang Ziming and Zou Zi?" Qin Hao asked in a deep voice.The injuries on the body were not fatal, so they were nothing.Qin Hao wanted to know Huang Ziming's whereabouts and the current situation more than his own injuries.

"Are you a member of the Holy Heaven Shouren?" Zhong Chuhong said, already knowing the reason for the other party in his heart.It seems that Zhou Fatian has caused a lot of troubles this time, and he will have to negotiate with him later.That shou armor can't satisfy her

"If you don't take my captain away, do you think I like to play with tigers?" Qin Hao thought it was funny, the other party really regarded Qin Hao as someone who was full and had nothing to do.

"Okay! Whoever you are, you're going to die today!" After Zhong Chuhong finished speaking, she jumped towards Qin Hao like an ape, hugged Qin Hao's waist with both hands, and then twisted her body, leading Qin Hao to roll away To the side of the woods.

"Brother Qin Hao" Ling Ruolan said in surprise.The vigor Zhong Chuhong showed just now was not inferior to that of the white tiger, but at this time Qin Hao was injured, Ling Ruolan hurriedly uttered a word of worry.

It's just that Ling Ruolan didn't dare to get down from the tree. At this moment, Baihu had noticed her, and had already looked up at Ling Ruolan for a long time, waiting for Ling Ruolan to come down.

"Damn it, damn it!" Ling Ruolan was afraid of the white tiger, and began to tell herself to be brave and go down.But again and again, Zhong Chuhong still didn't dare to go down, but watched the white tiger start to swim beside the big tree.



In the woods where Zhong Chuhong and Qin Hao were, there was the sound of fighting and trees snapping.

"What a nimble move!" Qin Hao saw that the woman was much stronger after entering the forest just now, which made Qin Hao have to look at the woman in front of him more vigilantly.

"You should repent for your behavior just now!" Zhong Chuhong rubbed her neck and said.

"You should repent because you moved our captain!" After Qin Hao finished speaking, he leaned slightly towards Zhong Chuhong, and swept the tiger claw with his right hand, even the big tree on one side was swept away by Qin Hao and took away a piece of thick bark .

"It's such a powerful force, it's no wonder that it can fight like this with my white tiger." Zhong Chuhong jumped up to a tree and looked coldly at Qin Hao below.


Qin Hao directly bombarded the big tree with both hands and claws, causing the tree to tremble, and finally Qin Hao pulled up even the roots, almost falling down.

"Strong power" Zhong Chuhong shook her body again and again, and finally got rid of this big tree that was about to fall and jumped to another tree again and again, with lingering fear in her heart.

However, Zhong Chuhong didn't realize that there was another person on the big tree she was on at this time.Ling Ruolan!

"Bai Hu? Hurry up and get out of the way, that person is coming!" Seeing Bai Hu was staring at him under the tree.

It's just that Baihu didn't leave, but roared again and again, as if telling Zhong Chuhong something.

"Why, how?" Zhong Chuhong also realized this, and at the same time, she unconsciously turned her head and looked back.


Even though Ling Ruolan is a woman, even though Ling Ruolan has always felt that she is soft, but at this moment Ling Ruolan kicked Zhong Chuhong behind decisively.Between life and death, if Ling Ruolan wants to live, he must kick that foot.

"Ah!" Zhong Chuhong's scream came, and her whole body flew out immediately, but she fell heavily to the ground, completely dizzy.

"Roar!" Baihu yelled angrily, and threatened Ling Ruolan on the tree with death.

"Strange" Feeling her own strength, Ling Ruolan herself is also strange.It turns out that she has always had the same power as the other members.But Ling Ruolan has always regarded herself as an ordinary person

"You're looking for death!" Zhong Chuhong was in pain, but finally stood up and started to attack Ling Ruolan on the tree.

Ling Ruolan gritted her teeth, then looked at another big tree three meters away, squatted slightly, and then jumped over.

"call out!"

Ling Ruolan only felt the wind blowing in her ears, and then her body paused, but she was already safely standing on another big tree.This made Ling Ruolan surprised and excited, she never thought that she could actually do it.

"Damn it!" Zhong Chuhong had just climbed up the tree, but Ling Ruolan had already left.This made Zhong Chuhong angry, and then her body began to jump vertically towards Ling Ruolan.


Sensing Zhong Chuhong's threat, Ling Ruolan took off again and jumped towards another big tree.Zhong Chuhong chased after her, while Ling Ruolan took off again, her figure jumped again and again, but it flickered like a phantom elf in the forest.

Zhong Chuhong chased after her again and again, the more she chased, the angrier she became, and the more she chased, the more angry she was.The jumping ability of this petite woman in front of him was far beyond his imagination, it was too powerful.

But she had to catch up with him, otherwise the anger in her heart would be difficult to calm down!

At this time, Ling Ruolan was immersed in her own jumping ability, but she forgot about Zhong Chuhong who was chasing after her. Ling Ruolan jumped faster and faster, farther and farther, which made Ling Ruolan feel a new self, and let her immerse herself in it.

"Don't run away!" Zhong Chuhong yelled angrily when she saw Ling Ruolan was about to disappear in front of her eyes, hoping that the other party would listen to her words in a daze and stop.But no, Ling Ruolan had disappeared when Zhong Chuhong spoke.

"Damn it!" Zhong Chuhong finally stopped on a tree to vent her anger, and hammered her right hand directly on the branch of the big tree, causing the leaves to rustle and fall.


The sudden slight sound alerted Zhong Chuhong, who was still angry, because she ignored a person, that young man.

It's just that when she was alert, her neck tightened, and something like a steel wire directly wrapped around her neck and tightly tightened her neck, causing her to suffocate instantly.And the tight steel wire told her that the more she resisted, the faster she would die!

"Hmm..." Zhong Chuhong groaned in distress, but behind her, the powerful hands slowly increased their strength.

"You shouldn't forget me, I'm your most terrifying enemy" Qin Hao murmured, since Zhong Chuhong was kicked to the ground by Ling Ruolan, Qin Hao had stopped attacking, but looked at the other side in surprise. Looking at Ling Ruolan, she didn't expect Ling Ruolan to have that power.

And Qin Hao just put Ling Ruolan on this tree for her safety, but he didn't expect that Zhong Chuhong suffered a secret loss because of his mistake.

Ling Ruolan's performance was still surprising, but after all, Ling Ruolan and Qin Hao had been together for a long time, so in the end Qin Hao just felt relieved and excited for Ling Ruolan in his heart.At the same time, she has been following Zhong Chuhong closely, waiting for an opportunity to make a move.Now his chance came, just when Zhong Chuhong stopped and vented his anger.

Qin Hao stepped forward without hesitation, and strangled Zhong Chuhong's neck with a tough grass rope.In the wind and sand forest, everything is much stronger than the outside, so to Qin Hao, it is a weapon for killing people.


The only answer to Qin Hao was Zhong Chuhong's terrified and angry voice, but he couldn't speak, and could only whimper repeatedly.

"Hohoo..." Baihu also came running over, raised his head and yelled at Qin Hao again and again.It has also felt the danger of Zhong Chuhong, and is now warning or threatening Qin Hao. If it can, it must have jumped on the big tree and attacked Qin Hao.

"I'm sorry, if she doesn't die, then I will die, right?" Qin Hao will not give up this great opportunity for a white tiger.For Qin Hao, there is nothing better than this.Kill each other, once and for all


Just when Qin Hao felt that Zhong Chuhong was gradually losing vitality, and when Qin Hao was about to force Zhong Chuhong to death, the white tiger lay down on the ground, wailing at Qin Hao with an aggrieved and sad face.

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