The Special Forces King Mixes Flowers - Chapter 515 Putting Long Lines

Thinking about it now, it must be the purpose of the Special Function Association.Let Qin Hao and the others come in at the latest, so that the people from the Psychic Association can use this time to attack and kill some allies of the Shoumen of the Holy Heaven, so as to weaken the strength of the Shoumen of the Holy Heaven

So Qin Hao is sure that those bloody smells belong to the allies of the Holy Heaven Shoumen. Only in this way can the members of the Special Function Association compare the Holy Heaven Shoumen with an absolute advantage in this competition and give Qin Hao and the others a head-on blow. .

Qin Hao speeded up his pace and followed up while thinking, until he reached a position a hundred meters away, all [-] people on the ground died, and just as Qin Hao imagined, these [-] people were organized by Taina, a group with strength as an advantage The organization is also one of the alliance teams of the Holy Heaven Shoumen.

"Damn it!" Huang Ziming said angrily when he saw the Tyner players lying on the ground, and his thick arm directly smashed a big tree.

Ling Ruolan and the others didn't speak, but everyone's faces were full of grief and indignation, and at the same time they looked at the horrible side of the ground.

It's terrible, these people are all dead, and there is no corpse left behind.Twenty people died, but the difference between the death of one member and the death of the other party was unacceptable.No one can bear such a result, especially Taina's members are not weak in terms of strength, and they are one of the upper-middle groups among the more than 100 organizations.

"Forget it, let's deal with them, and find people from the Psychic Ability Association and stop them!" Liangzi said angrily.Seeing Taina's people die in front of them, everyone immediately felt that they already knew who did it, and there was no one else except the people from the Special Function Association.

And only the Twelve Golden Armored members of the Psychic Association have such powerful power, I am afraid that there is no other group that can kill all 20 members of an organization whose own strength is at the upper-middle level without sacrificing any member .

The meaning can be expressed in many aspects, and it is worth everyone's reflection and thinking of the fastest and most effective way to prevent the next tragedy from happening.

"Well, we're going to divide into two teams and keep people to handle the affairs here. I'll take a few people to the front to see if we can find people from the Psychic Association, and then we can stop the speed of attacking other organizations." Qin Hao said, and Ling Ruolan at the same time He stood behind Qin Hao with Xiao He and the five men who had been following Xiao He, indicating that they were in a group with Qin Hao.

"Okay! That's it! Execute quickly!" Huang Ziming said decisively, and then began to direct people to deal with the bodies of Taina's members.

Qin Hao led the way directly, and behind Xiaohe was the young man hunting the dog, and began to use his nose to look for the stranger's breath.Ling Ruolan jumped directly on the big tree and moved forward quickly. The superhuman jump is Ling Ruolan's most powerful strength.Ling Ruolan ran while holding the grass root in her hand, ready to strike at any time.

When running all the way and looking around, they often encountered wild beasts, but now these wild beasts are no longer the opponents of Qin Hao and the others, so Qin Hao and the others directly ignored them, but concentrated on searching for traces of other organizations and associations with special abilities.

"Someone!" The crowd continued to run, and at this time the dog-hunting youth rushed to Qin Hao and said.

"Scatter!" Qin Hao said, and then the eight of them immediately exploded and scattered in all directions.The sound of rustling and trampling that was still made by their fast running suddenly became silent, and the surroundings were as quiet as death.

"Huang Jiushou, you said there was someone? Look, there is someone there!?" Qin Hao and the others walked out of the woods in front of Qin Hao and the others shortly after they all got out of the way, and there were still two behind them 18 people, impressively, all the members of a team are here.

They are the alliance team of the Special Function Association, a brutal and killing team.

"Captain, I really heard footsteps just now, and there must be seven or eight people." Huang Jiushou said aggrievedly, and looked around after speaking, he clearly heard someone running towards them just now, and he was extremely murderous.

"Fuck your mother!" The captain slapped Huang Jiushou, but was dodged by Huang Jiushou, and at the same time looked at the captain with a gloomy face, "Chen Sang, if the boss didn't tell you to be the captain, I wouldn't even be the captain." I don’t know how to call you, what kind of bird are you? Try hitting me? See if you die or I die?!”

Huang Jiu said angrily, and pointed the middle finger at Chen Sangbi with a look of disdain.

"Okay! Good! You have the guts to play Huangjiu, but don't forget that I am the captain here!" Chen Sang fought back without hesitation.There are still eighteen people behind them. If Chen Sang has nothing to say about being messed up by Huang Jiu at this time, then he doesn't have to be the captain anymore.

"Captain bullshit! Let me tell you, there must be someone around here, I can hear you clearly! If you don't believe me, you just wait here for someone to assassinate you! I don't want to lose my life, bye!" Huang Jiushou laughed and roared.After speaking, disregarding Chen Sangna's expression of wanting to kill him, he waved his hands and left, walking decisively and gracefully.

"Huang Jiushou, when I get back, I will definitely tell the meeting, you are dead this time!" How could Chen Sang endure being confronted by Huang Jiushou like this?Immediately, he roared and protested at Huang Jiushou, and finally watched Huang Jiushou disappear in front of his eyes.

"Forget it, captain, that guy has always been so arrogant, we just ignore him."

"That's right, Chen Sang, it's better for him to go alone. If he meets a member of the Holy Heaven Shouren later, he will die!"

"No, we are a team, so what we need is wisdom and unity. The Yellow Wine Hand is a bastard, a saboteur!"

The remaining 18 people came forward to speak, and everyone was not very optimistic about Huang Jiushou, at least none of the 18 people spoke for Huang Jiushou.

"I don't care about that bastard. It is important for us to find people from the Psychic Association. As long as we find them, we will be safer." Chen Sang said, and then looked around involuntarily, as if he had heard Huang Jiushou's words and had doubts , but there was nothing around, so Chen Sang was sure again that Huang Jiushou was talking nonsense.

"Captain Yingming, let's find a few big wild dogs for barbecue first. People from the Psychic Association will find us. They have already agreed on this." A team member said, playing with a dagger in his right hand, throwing it Catch, then keep throwing, keep catching.

"That's right, the people from the Psychic Ability Association may not be good guys. Let's go find them? Then they will look down on us even more, so it's better to save some face for ourselves than anything else!" Another team member continued, with a face There was a bit of anger in the sneer.

"Well, I agree!" The team member had just finished speaking, and suddenly a young man jumped out not far in front of them, it was Qin Hao.

"People from the Holy Heaven Shouren Group!" Chen Sang turned his head to look when he heard the voice, and was shocked when he saw that the person who spoke was Qin Hao.Qin Hao has become their number one enemy. It is said that he even killed Park Han'er in the Twelve Golden Armor of the Supernatural Power Association two months ago!

"Be alert!" Surprised, Chen Sang immediately responded and asked all his members to be on alert to prevent other members of the Holy Heaven Shoumen.

But when Chen Sang couldn't think of it, when he just opened his mouth to be on guard, he saw a team member go straight into the air, with a hideous expression on his face.

"Not good!" When Chen Sang saw grass-like things on his team member's neck, he knew that his team member had been strangled and was about to lose his life.Sure enough, when Chen Sang continued to look up, he saw a woman in armor hanging upside down from a golden hook and strangling the neck of one of her team members with a grass-green thing. When Chen Sang was about to rescue her, she was directly crushed by a The body of the leopard's face was hit directly, and fell heavily to the ground.

"All spread out!" When Chen Sang struggled up from the ground and roared, Chen Sang shouted directly.But what Chen Sang didn't expect was that there were still his opponents in front of him. He saw one hanged on the tree, a few lying on the ground, and several more died tens of meters away.

Eighteen members were all killed, and he was the only one left standing there in a daze.

"What's the matter? What are you doing?" Qin Hao killed four of them in an instant. When Chen Sang was still horrified by Ling Ruolan's methods, Qin Hao grabbed one person with each of his left and right hands and dragged them all the way to a tree more than ten meters away. They "sent" their whole bodies directly into the tree trunk, and their whole bodies were sunken in.

And when Chen Sang was knocked out by Xiaohe, Qin Hao returned again and dealt with the two again, his neck twisted, and he died instantly.very simple

"You, you, what are you trying to do!" Chen Sang backed away again and again.In the past, I often heard that the members of the Saint Heaven Shouren Group are very powerful, especially the person named Qin Hao.Now it seems that it is true, and the powerful terror is too terrifying.

"It's nothing, killing people, dancing or something" Qin Hao sneered, not long ago the people from the Psychic Association killed Taina's people, now Qin Hao will return the courtesy.And from the moment they entered the sandstorm forest, either Qin Hao killed them or they killed Qin Hao.

"Actually, you should listen to your teammate. We were indeed running just now to catch up with the people from the Psychic Association. Why don't you tell me where the people from the Psychic Association are? How do they contact you? Maybe you still Can get out alive." Qin Hao continued, now Qin Hao's biggest enemy is the [-] members of the Psychic Ability Association, they are not dead, Qin Hao and his troubles, including the troubles of the alliance team, will continue to happen.

"I, I don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't be here but with them." Chen Sang really didn't know, so he didn't know what to say even if he wanted to say it.

"Since you don't know, then there is only one dead end! I'm very sorry," Xiaohe also said, and after finishing speaking, she gave a look to a young man behind her, and when Chen Sang had a premonition and panicked, a powerful slap The claws are already on his neck.Before Chen Sang could speak again, he felt a sore throat in the next moment, and fell directly to the ground.

"Let's go, there's one more!" People from the Psychic Ability Association will cut off the left and right shoulders of the Holy Heaven Shoumen first, and Qin Hao and the others can do the same.

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