Super ambiguous master

Chapter 520 1-way Tracking

King of Special Forces Mixed Flowers - Chapter 520 Following All the Way

Xiaohe frowned, the matter was exactly as Qin Hao said, Huang Jiu left, just left!

Seeing that Qin Hao was already rushing forward on the tree, Xiao He also caught up directly, thinking about where this rice wine player was going to go.

Of course, Qin Hao and the others didn't know that Huang Jiushou was heading towards Zhou Fatian's side, which was not far away. At this time, Huang Jiushou was not far away.

The Scorpion organization is very large, and among many organizations, he can be regarded as the next one between the Holy Heaven Shoumen Group and the Special Function Association.Natural strength should not be underestimated.

"As long as I join the Scorpion organization and follow Zhou Fatian, the chances of surviving this time will be much greater." Huang Jiu thought as he walked, and at this moment another organization appeared in front of him, but it was not Zhou Fatian and the others.

"Who!" When Huang Jiu's hand came forward, two people rushed down from the tree and surrounded Huang Jiu's hand to intercept him.

"I'm Huangjiu Shou!" Huang Jiushou said, looking at the member of the Sunset Organization.

"Yellow Wine Hand? What are you doing here if you don't stay in your team? Don't you know that the Psychic Ability Association has drawn up a range of activities for us?" The member of the setting sun said, looking at Yellow Wine Hand warily.

No one knows if the current Huangjiu hands have betrayed the organization, but judging from the current situation, it seems that the Huangjiu hands should not be here.

"I want to find Zhou Fatian, and I want to join their organization instead!" Huang Jiushou was not in a good mood, he was like the kind of person who was abandoned, like a wanderer.

The two Sunset members who intercepted Huang Jiushou looked at each other and were puzzled, but they didn't intercept Huang Jiushou again and let him pass.

"This bastard, I don't know what he's playing." Seeing that Huang Jiushou had gone away, the two Sunset members chatted with each other.

"God knows, but it's none of our business." Another Sunset member sneered.

"That's right, who cares what he does!" The last two Sunset members shrugged, and then they were about to turn around and go to their own organization.But just as the two turned around, they immediately put on a defensive posture, and there was an extra person in front of them!

"Who cares about you?" Qin Hao has already seen Huang Jiushou leave, but now Qin Hao is not in a hurry to catch up.Huang Jiushou said that he was looking for Zhou Fatian, which is exactly what Qin Hao was looking for.So Qin Hao is not in a hurry, it is enough for other members to follow.

Qin Hao was also anxious to see Zhou Fatian, but Qin Hao wanted to take care of this member of the Sunset Organization on the way.

As long as it is an alliance related to the Supernatural Power Association, Qin Hao will not let it go.

"You, are you a member of the Holy Heaven Shouren?" When the two saw Qin Hao, their pupils constricted and they backed away.But soon the two realized that there was no way out, and there was a woman behind them, Ling Ruolan.

"Yes, I'm sorry," Qin Hao apologized.People who are not from the same team may meet each other outside, but in the wind and sand forest, there is only life and death.

"You attack from the left!" The members of the setting sun are not at the mercy of others. Seeing that there is no way out at this time, they have no choice but to fight to the death!

After finishing speaking, he directly attacked from the right, while the other person was from the left.Their attack target is Ling Ruolan, because Ling Ruolan is a woman!And they didn't know Ling Ruolan, but they knew Qin Hao, so they knew Qin Hao's terror, so they naturally chose to attack Ling Ruolan.

"That's all I know!" Qin Hao had already made up his mind. Seeing the two of them rushing towards Ling Ruolan, Qin Hao stretched out his right hand, aimed at one of them and followed


Qin Hao had a gun barrel on his right hand, and then a beam of light shot out from it, directly shooting through the chest of a member of the setting sun and penetrating his body.In the end, the body inertia fell forward, dying with regret

Another member of the setting sun paused when he saw his companion's mysterious death. Instead of attacking Ling Ruolan, he turned his head to look at Qin Hao in a daze.

He saw that there was a hole in his companion's chest, and blood gushed out crazily from it.The opponent must have something similar to a pistol, and it is more powerful than a pistol.

"Qin Hao, your hand." Ling Ruolan was surprised when she saw the gun barrel in Qin Hao's hand. Originally, she was planning to fight the two men who came running.However, Qin Hao just raised his hand, and then a ray of light appeared from the bottom of Qin Hao's right hand, shooting and killing the sunset member who was already in the end.

"You can too." Qin Hao smiled, looked at Ling Ruolan and said.

Ling Ruolan looked puzzled, not knowing what Qin Hao meant.But when Ling Ruolan was thinking, another member of Sunset was about to run away.

The remaining member of the setting sun dodges quickly and rushes towards the grass on one side.If you don't run now, when will you wait?

"Not good!" Seeing that the man was about to flee, Ling Ruolan rushed forward, struck the man with both hands and forced him back.At the same time, he pushed forward, swept his right leg, and swept directly towards the head of the member of the setting sun.

The members of the setting sun were forced to take a step back by Ling Ruolan, but the next moment.The members of the setting sun grabbed Ling Ruolan's sweeping leg with both hands, and then pulled Ling Ruolan forward, breaking Ling Ruolan's attack immediately and pulling Ling Ruolan forward.Immediately, Ling Ruolan's body lost balance, and the young man in the setting sun jumped up instantly, and swung his right hand directly at Ling Ruolan's chest.


The mysterious voice sounded again, but it was Qin Hao who attacked again.Before the member of the setting sun could react, a hole was pierced in his chest, but he fell to the ground and died just like the person in front.

The shocking scene made Ling Ruolan still feel scared in her heart, she looked at Qin Hao with some horror, and looked at Qin Hao's right hand again.

"Look!" Seeing that there was no one else around, Qin Hao smiled directly, and then a streamer appeared on his body, but a black armor gradually appeared.

What Zou Zi gave to Qin Hao after his death was the armor.Qin Hao has been wearing the armor ever since he got it.It's just that the armor's toning function makes Qin Hao's armor look like ordinary clothes, but no one can see it.

"Armor!" Ling Ruolan said in surprise, why didn't she know that Qin Hao had armor?Back then Zou Zi and the others only gave Ling Ruolan one piece, how could Qin Hao have it?And this armor is so different, will it attack?

At that moment Qin Hao came to Ling Ruolan and pulled Ling Ruolan up, and then told all the things of last night.The more Ling Ruolan listened, the more amazed she became. When she heard the last thing, her expression turned a bit dark and sad.

Unexpectedly, Zou Zi and the others actually died. Although Qin Hao knew that Zou Zi and the others had been scheming against him and others, in the end they died, and the dead were the big ones.

Neither Qin Hao nor Ling Ruolan knew that Huang Ziming's condition was not very good at the moment.They met people from the Special Function Association!

When Qin Hao and the others were chasing them out, no one expected that the people from the Psychic Ability Association were also looking for Qin Hao and the others, and they happened to find Huang Ziming and twelve of them, and in the end it was a fierce battle.

Fortunately, not all the members of the Special Function Association are together, there are only seven, and there are thirteen people who don't know where to go.

But even though there are only seven people in the Special Function Association, they are tied with Huang Ziming's twelve people.The meaning of this is naturally very clear, Huang Ziming is not the opponent of these supernatural power associations.

Attacking all the way and tracking all the way, Huang Ziming discovered the secret sign left by Qin Hao and the others, so he was running towards Qin Hao and the others quickly.At the same time, the seven people from the Special Function Association followed closely behind.

"Those bastards, damn it!" Huang Ziming didn't want to fight, he was worried that other psychic associations would catch up.These seven members of the supernatural power association have already tied with Huang Ziming and the others. If there are more, then Huang Ziming and the others will definitely die.

"Captain, it's better for us to catch up with Qin Hao and the others. There are only two golden armors among the seven people here, but the situation has been completely counterattacked, so we have to fight Qin Hao and the others quickly, otherwise we will be in big trouble!" Said anxiously from behind, the whole person looked around vigilantly.

The members of these special function associations are really terrifying. They can even move trees and rocks, as if they have magic. If they are stronger, ordinary people will only worship them as mountain gods or something. .

But Liu Zhiguo knows that it is just a kind of power. When the power is strong enough, this kind of power is very terrifying, just like them. They may look like monsters in front of ordinary people outside, but in fact they also have what others do not have. It's just power, just like the people in the Special Function Association.

Different powers, different attack methods, this is the difference.At the same time, Liu Zhiguo finally understood why the Sacred Heaven Shouren Group and the Psychic Ability Association had been tied for the first place for so many years, and it was only because their abilities were different that they were not so terrifying.Obviously, the people from the Special Function Association had the upper hand this time.

Huang Ziming also knew that this time, Qin Hao and Ling Ruolan must work together to win the advantage in this disadvantage.Among the members of the Holy Paradise Shoumen, only they are the most unique.Even the old members of the Holy Heaven's Shoumen said the same thing. It is said that it was not accidental that they could enter the Holy Heaven's Shouren, but it was carefully arranged by the young master.

As for the specifics, Huang Ziming is not clear, but Huang Ziming thinks why there are only newcomers in this competition. If there are old members, the consequences will be different.

But no matter what, Huang Ziming and the others can't lose this time. This time it is related to the quota to go to the Quantum Realm. The number of places to go to the quantum world.That was what the young master was trying to obtain.

Thinking of this, Huang Ziming's speed increased a lot, and he was already running as fast as he could

The [-] members of the setting sun were all dead. When they felt abnormal, Qin Hao and Ling Ruolan shot at the same time, killing the remaining [-] people with the barrel of the gun in their right hand and their agility and bravery. Not too difficult.

On the other side, Xiaohe and the others were hiding in the grass and watching Huang Jiushou and Zhou Fatian standing together. Obviously Huang Jiushou and Zhou Fatian hadn't noticed their existence, and the two were chatting vigorously at this time.

"Those grandsons, forget it, brother, since you are here, you are naturally a member of our Scorpion, so care about them. Here, if you don't have enough strength, you will die!" Zhou Fatian laughed. He was in a happy mood at this time, With the addition of Huangjiu players, it means that his team is stronger, and they will have a slight chance of winning even when they meet the Holy Heaven Shoumen.

What's more, there are two golden armors from the Psychic Association not far away. This is what Zhou Fatian and the senior brother of the Psychic Association have discussed. There must be at least two golden armors guarding him nearby.

Zhou Fatian had contact with the Shoumen of the Holy Heaven before, and suffered a disadvantage at the hands of the Shoumen of the Holy Heaven, so now he came to the wind and sand forest again, and Qin Hao was sure that Qin Hao and the others would come to him.This is the bargaining chip between Zhou Fatian and the senior brother of the Association of Special Functions.

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