Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 108 You are trash

There are certain things that people won’t see through if they don’t say anything. Just after entering the special police brigade, what Chen Tao felt was not a courageous and vigorous atmosphere, but a lifeless atmosphere, with deep sorrow on everyone’s face.

"Minister Qin, do you have something to hide from me?" Chen Tao stopped and stopped moving forward. He couldn't pretend to be stupid when things were seen, or he might be involved in even more unusual incidents if he continued in a muddle. among.

Qin Wantian was taken aback, and wanted to make up an excuse to fool him, but he was stunned when he saw Chen Tao's sharp eyes, and sighed: "A month ago, our Ministry of Public Security found some special groups of people entering the country, and we were worried that they would pose a threat to national security. Threats, a small team of special police officers were followed up, and they finally found out that five of the six members died and one was seriously injured, and the one who was seriously injured was the former instructor of the special police team."

Those who can be the instructors of the special police team will have a kung fu, and they will be found and injured when they follow up with the team members, and all the team members will be killed. This surprised Chen Tao, "Who are they?"

After Chen Tao was surprised, he became excited. Now that he wanted to be promoted, he had to go through real killings. He originally thought that this situation was an extravagant wish, but he didn't expect to encounter such a thing when he happened to pass by the capital this time.

"The identities cannot be ascertained. They were all secretly transferred out of China on the day after they were exposed. We suspect that this is a test of our China's strength by a group of supernatural powers deliberately sent by the Western world."

"Western Ability Group?" Chen Tao was taken aback. He had heard of this organization before, and even fought against them at that time. This is a group of people created through genetic modification that transcends common sense.

"Do you know them?" Seeing Chen Tao's serious face, Qin Wantian asked the question in his heart.

"I have dealt with a group of people who are willing to lose their souls for the sake of strength." After Chen Tao finished speaking, he saw Qin Wantian's worry, and said with a smile: "Uncle Qin, the lieutenant colonel you gave me is a bit low, you should deal with them. Give me a colonel. Then I will be motivated, and after half a year, I will definitely train you guys who can compete with them."

"Okay, after six months you can really train these guys, I'll apply for you directly." Seeing Chen Tao's self-confidence, Qin Wantian's hanging heart was also relieved. The information they know is also limited.

Since Chen Tao has dealt with them before, it is natural to deal with their weaknesses. It seems that I have made a mistake in finding Chen Tao. Of course, it is also related to your recent performance of Chen Tao. Even the guards are no match.

"Uncle Qin, you are really nice, I think you should be the leader of Huaxia." Chen Tao said it casually, but he didn't expect Qin Wantian to actually agree.And also promised him a big colonel.

"Don't be so talkative, you brat. Uncle Qin, I can't help it. This incident almost made me lose my current seat."

Although he only came into contact with Chen Tao today, but through his words and deeds, he knew that this guy was not like the outside rumors.

"No wonder you are so willing to spend your money." Chen Tao discovered that Qin Wantian was also a talkative person during the exchange, so he didn't have so many scruples when speaking.

"Be serious, and look like an instructor soon." Seeing that he was about to walk to those special police training grounds, Qin Wantian gave a warning, while Chen Tao laughed and didn't say anything. In the army, the strong are always respected. You just look like you don’t have an instructor every day. As long as you can deter them, these people will admire them from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, there is another point in Chen Tao's sloppy look. He just wants to give the special police officers in the training ground a disarm, and let them know what is a real soldier and what is the best disguise.

When Qin Wantian assembled the special police team members and announced that Chen Tao was the new instructor, all the team members' eyes were full of disdain. They didn't know why the boss would send such a young and carefree person over.

Chen Tao was not polite either, and he taunted them directly: "I thought that the special police forces were all elites and real soldiers, but when I saw you today, I realized that I was wrong, and it was a big mistake. Wrong, you are not even as good as soldiers of an ordinary reconnaissance company, you are a bunch of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, without any aura that a soldier should have."

Chen Tao paused deliberately when he said this. He wanted to see the reactions of these people, but he was disappointed. Although these people were angry, none of them came forward to refute.

"Don't stare at me like that. It's useless. I won't lose a single hair. You have lost the soul of a soldier. Because of setbacks, you are afraid of life and death, and dare not go forward. You are a group of cowards, and you are not worthy of being the people's special police. "

"No, we are not cowards." One of the special police officers in his early twenties couldn't bear Chen Tao's words anymore, and retorted aloud.

"Since you say you are not a coward, then I want to see why you are not." While speaking, he whispered to Qin Wantian: "Qin Bu, you send someone to get fifty crushing grenades, I want to test their guts myself."

"Ah?" Qin Wantian was taken aback. This training method was the first one. Every member of the SWAT team was tested when they entered the team, holding a grenade and throwing it at the last second to test their mental ability.

Doubts turned into doubts, I followed Chen Tao’s words. After a while, the box containing fifty petals was moved up. Chen Tao walked over and picked up one, and the insurance was pulled away. After holding it in his hand for three seconds, he faced it. In the distance, an empty sandy land was thrown away.

As the shock fuze thrown out was triggered, there was a loud noise the moment it hit the ground, and the ground was blown into a hole, and there were fragments of grenades all around, and everyone who saw it couldn't understand why.

Seeing that they were all looking at him inexplicably, Chen Tao changed his expression from the lazy look just now, and added some lion's roar in his voice: "Are you wondering what I want to do?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, he continued: "I will throw the grenade at you after pulling it away, and all you have to do is to have the courage to catch the grenade. I will not do anything to make it explode for ten of them. , that is to say, if you want to prove that you are not cowards today, ten of you will pay the price with your life."

"It's not fair. Our lives will not be lost for such meaningless tests and proofs. I have the right to refuse." As soon as he finished these words, several people immediately began to echo.

Even Qin Wantian felt tense, he had never seen such a training method, because he usually used training ammunition that was not dangerous, but this time he got live ammunition.

"Hmph." Chen Tao snorted coldly, looked very sharply at those commentators and said unceremoniously: "You guys can go, there is no need for cowards like you here, the duty of a soldier is to obey orders , Knowing that it is death must be carried out.”

Chen Tao is very dissatisfied with these special police officers at this time. If he wants to become a real sharp knife, he must not have independent thinking. If he has independent thinking, he will first consider his own gains and losses instead of the country when doing anything. Such people will have big troubles sooner or later. is the best choice.

No one expected Chen Tao to make such a decisive decision, and Qin Wantian couldn't bear it either. These special police officers were all the best selected by the whole army, and five of them were fired before the training started.

"Chen Tao, should you reconsider this matter?" Qin Wantian saw the look in the eyes of the political commissar of the special police detachment asking for help, and after thinking about it, he finally opened his mouth.

"Uncle Qin, please be smart." After Chen Tao finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. There was no other way. Any army that did not fear life and death and disobeyed orders could never become a real sharp knife.

"Listen to you." Qin Wantian held Chen Tao and whispered, then turned to look at the political commissar of the special police detachment and said, "Let them go back to their original unit."

"It's the chief." Although the political commissar of the special police detachment was not convinced in his heart, as a professional soldier, he knew that the duty of a soldier is to obey orders, so he responded and said to the special police lined up: "You guys come out, from now on Afterwards, you are no longer a member of our special police detachment, and I will send you back to your original unit, I hope you will do well."

"I'm not convinced, why did he let us leave with just one word." The guy who just took the lead was already a thorn in the head. He once won No.2 in the special police national competition, and he has always been arrogant.Chen Tao's words are tantamount to ruining his future, how can he give up.

"Don't be so angry, I let you leave because you are useless in my eyes, you are impossible to make, and because I am an instructor and you are soldiers." Chen Tao hit them with righteous words.

At this point, he changed his tone: "However, since you are not convinced, if I don't convince you, I will be suspected of bullying. Now I will give you this chance. As long as the five of you work together to be able to Beat me, everyone can stay, I can even apologize for what I just said."

After saying this, Chen Tao's momentum changed drastically, but the disdain in his eyes did not decrease at all. On the contrary, because of what the guy said just now, Chen Tao became more determined to drive them away. When the war is in crisis, they will defy orders and make wrong decisions privately, leading to the failure of the plan.

"Instructor Chen is really proud." Qin Wantian didn't say anything, but the political commissar of the special police brigade said something weird. In his opinion, Chen Tao was just pretending. If Qin Wantian wasn't here, he would never agree to Chen Tao's appointment. Instructor here.

Those special police members also became agitated, even the former instructors resisted the three of them at most, and the new guy who was fooling around wanted to fight against five people alone, which was simply looking for abuse.

They were all looking forward to what kind of face Chen Tao would stay here after his failure, and some people even prepared sarcastic words after Chen Tao's failure.

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