Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 111 The Secret of the Chen Family

In fact, the last thing Chen Tong wanted to mention was that past event, but now that Chen Tao cheered up, the Chen family had more hope, but he was worried that the group of people who came suddenly back then would come here again and ruin Chen Tao. , which is tantamount to destroying their Chen family.

"I don't know who those people are. I only know that they are all very strong in martial arts. Without any protection, bullets will have no effect on them. If it wasn't for your mother who abolished her cultivation and promised that she would never be with your father , I'm afraid our Chen family has come to an end now."

"Ah..." Chen Tong's words shocked Chen Tao immensely. The bullets of military automatic rifles can penetrate [-]mm steel plates at close range, but the opponent is able to fight with his body alone. This simply surpasses human perception. , Even the genetic mutation fighters are unwilling to resist this kind of impact. The genetic mutation fighters only speed up the regeneration speed of blood and skin, rather than really resisting bullets.

"So they will come here again?" Chen Tao's face was extremely serious, he knew that Chen Tong would never say this to himself for no reason.

Chen Tong looked at Chen Tao with complex eyes: "If you continue to be playful, maybe everything will pass, but you are too good now, good enough to attract their attention, so you must do your best before they notice you. Accumulate the power of funds, and the Chen family will give you enough help."

"Grandpa, thank you." Chen Tao was extremely moved when he heard Chen Tong's firm promise, and he called out to Grandpa from the bottom of his heart, and even the trace of resentment in his body disappeared at this moment.

"This is for you, and for our Chen family. We will not let him repeat such a shame." Hearing Chen Tao's sincere eyes, Chen Tong strengthened his decision in his heart. He believed that as long as there is someone who is not afraid Spirit, you can escape any future crisis.

"It will never happen again. I will let their blood debt be repaid with blood." When Chen Tao spoke, his whole body showed strong murderous intent and fighting intent, and the shock at the moment when he heard those words just now completely dissipated at this moment.

Chen Tong looked at Chen Tao and nodded in satisfaction. This is the seed of his Chen family, and he is worthy to be the helm of their Chen family in the future. This kind of pride and courage will surely make their Chen family go further.It's time to let him know some secrets.

"Yes, let them repay it with blood. With your arrogance, the gift that grandpa prepared for you will be given to you in advance today." When Mr. Chen was speaking, he took out the pen that he carried with him in his pocket, and wrote One of the buttons was pressed.

Chen Tao saw that the bookcase in the old man's study was slowly opened, revealing a password door for fingerprint verification. The old man smiled and looked at Chen Tao and said, "Don't be so surprised. After that incident happened that year, I started to study the countermeasures. Yes, now it is considered a small achievement, I will take you to understand it, it will be of great help to you who train yourself in the future."

After going through a long and narrow secret passage through the password door, the huge safety door was opened after being verified by pupils again, and the two of them entered a huge underground factory, to be exact, a huge research institute, with various world-leading high-tech equipment They are displayed in the lobby according to different categories. People in white coats, sterile gloves and masks are busy, and no one cares to look at them.

Seeing these facilities inside, Chen Tao was completely shocked. This is almost similar to the genetic mutation system in the West, and even has more complete facilities than the genetic research institute Amy worked for. Its scale is not inferior to Western research institutes at all.”

As soon as Chen Tao said this, he regretted it. The original owner of this body was always eating, drinking and having fun when he was abroad. Even if he said these things, the old man would think he was lying.

But what he didn't expect was that when the old man heard this, he smiled gratifiedly and said: "It seems that the money that allowed you to study abroad in those two years was not wasted, and it is very good that you have come into contact with this kind of high-end technology. It's more valuable to you."

"I happened to meet a few friends in this area. After I received Minister Qin's appointment this time, I planned to invite her over. Now that I have the equipment here with Grandpa, it will be even more powerful." Chen Tao didn't care about Mr. Chen. He concealed Qin Wantian's matter, and even briefly explained his training method to the old man.

"Although it's cruel, it can really improve. Unfortunately, our research on the development of the brain can't achieve a [-]% success rate." Mr. Chen couldn't help but sigh at this time. After so many years, he only studied the genetic mutation of the body. The first stage of physical transformation, the second stage of brain development has been stagnant.

"It's great to be able to complete the first stage. Even in many western countries, even the first stage of genetic mutation can't achieve a [-]% success rate. Grandpa, just do it step by step." After thinking about it, Chen Tao still thinks he should be persuaded Advise the old man, lest you rush for success and end up on the edge of a dead end.

"Of course I know this, but I'm just worried that I won't be with you." When he said this, Mr. Chen's face darkened a little. Although he looks extremely tough now, he knows better than anyone else what his body looks like. There are still five years to live, but the development of the brain by genetic mutations, the researchers here dare not give him a definite completion time.

After hearing what the old man said, Chen Tao didn't know what to say. After all, what the old man said was the truth. If he flattered the old man, he would immediately recognize it. It's a trivial matter to reprimand him. If the old man did something good or bad, it would be a crime .

Mr. Chen watched Chen Tao fall into silence, saw a meaningful smile appear on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this matter for now. Now I ask you if you like that girl from the Lin family?"

"Nothing, my idea at the time was very simple. I just wanted to destroy the marriage between the two families. Who knew that I was taken away by the police before I could escape." Chen Tao said very depressed. He thought that the matter would pass immediately. Who knew that the old man would start bringing up this issue again.

"Actually, I think this girl is pretty good. In your generation, our Chen family is obviously not thriving. I think you can find a few wives. Our Chen family can afford it."

Of course, this cannot be blamed on the old man, he is the only man who can carry on the family line of the Chen family now, and he is even facing an unpredictable crisis. If the next generation is not created as soon as possible, the old man Chen is really worried that his family's Chen family will become extinct.

"Grandpa, aren't you joking with me?" Chen Tao now wants to slap himself twice to verify whether he is dreaming. How could the always conservative grandpa have such a strange death penalty that only young people would have? Instigate yourself to commit a crime?

"I don't have time to joke with you. I have to have a great-grandson this year." The old man began to set targets for Chen Tao, which also showed that old man Chen was really in a hurry this time.

"Don't, if grandpa lets you hold her for a few years, it's definitely not your own. It takes October to conceive, and it's already July. It's impossible to hold a premature baby this year."

Chen Tao saw something unusual in the eyes of the old man, which was the old man's reluctance and nostalgia for life. This state does not mean that people are afraid of death, but that they are reluctant and worried about their family members.Just because Chen Tao understood, he didn't want this kind of emotion to continue to spread, so he opened his mouth to adjust the atmosphere.

"You brat, then next year." Chen Tao was also amused.At this time, the director of the secret research institute knew that Mr. Chen had come in person, so he hurried over to greet him.

Mr. Chen introduced the two of them. After all, they will need to work together in the future, "Little Hu, you go and take Taozi around. He is quite proficient in this research. I plan to leave it to him in the future. I believe What you learn can be used better."

"Yes, chief." Hu Yunbian saluted. Obviously, these are all the direct descendants of Mr. Chen, and his orders will not be discounted in the slightest.Then he said to Chen Tao: "Young Master Chen, please follow me."

Mr. Chen doesn't understand these things either, but he is more satisfied with Chen Tao when he sees the two of them observing each department and discussing them in technical terms. He came here to let Chen Tao get used to it and let him understand the importance of this technique. Sex, now Chen Tao actually speaks clearly and clearly, and understands everything.

Even Chen Tao's many opinions on this aspect shocked Hu Yunbian: "Young Master Chen, I didn't believe that there were geniuses in the world before, but now I do. The things you said are simply unheard of by me. Combining existing equipment, I believe the brain development system can be produced within a year."

"One year is too slow. I will arrange a top international expert in this field for you within half a month. As long as you cooperate with her, it can be done within half a year." Chen Tao has this confidence. The theories he just described , In fact, it was her theory when discussing with Amy back then.

"This is great. The West has been blocking us on talent and technology. If an expert in this field really comes, I am willing to give him my position as the director." Hu Yunbian is a person who is purely engaged in research and has no Too many complicated thoughts.Hearing that the top international experts came, I was very happy, like a child who got candy.

"It's not suitable for her to be the director, but his academic level is very high, and then it's good to give her the position of deputy director." Chen Tao is not a stunned young man, Hu Yunbian said so, he will not be stupid enough to accept it, Hu Yunbian is responsible for the deployment of all aspects of the institute, and Amy is a foreigner, and when she really arrives to become the director of the institute, she will definitely restrain her everywhere.

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