Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 16 Undercurrent

Originally, according to Chen Tao's temperament, he wanted to teach Wang Cong a severe lesson so that he would not dare to trouble Yang Huiying again, but Yang Huiying didn't want to make matters worse, after all, he was working in his company now.

"Honey, I'll listen to you this time. If he dares to harass you, tell me, and I'll set his shitty company on fire." Chen Tao responded, but in his heart, he was thinking about how to find Wang Cong and make him completely divorced. Think about it.

"Okay, if you harass me again, I will resign." Yang Huiying was really afraid that Chen Tao would do something stupid, so she comforted him, kissed him on the cheek, and then went to the company.

"Being more and more obedient." Looking at Yang Huiying's back, Chen Tao touched the place where he had been kissed with his hands, and smiled silly.

Then he took a taxi to the city hall and walked to the office of the secretary of the city party committee. Both men and women hid away when they saw him. Even when he greeted a few people who could be called by name, they were vigilant and vague. After a few words to deal with it, he hurriedly avoided it, as if he was a plague god.

Let Chen Tao truly experience the fucking personality of the original owner of this body.Shaking his head helplessly, it seems that if he wants to change everyone's impression, he has to take his time. When he passed the mayor's office, he heard a fierce quarrel inside.

"This matter is obviously framed and blamed. I must investigate this matter to the end. Old Liu is a hero and martyr. I will not allow anyone to discredit him." Li Yuxin's angry voice came out.

"But it's always true that Lao Liu sent 1 yuan in cash to Wang Yuanchao of the District Organization Department." Old Liu who died just yesterday.

If Lao Liu's matter is not reported, it will cause bad influence. Another point is that the province hopes that this matter will stop here and not dig deeper so as not to cause panic in the local government.

"But they said that Lao Liu acted as a protective umbrella for local evil forces. This is a complete framing. The police system was not allowed to attend his funeral, and it was an insult to a veteran policeman who had worked hard for more than [-] years."

"This is the result of the discussion in the city, and I am not the only one who has the final say." After Li Qiangshan said that he was worried that his daughter would continue to hold on to this matter, his tone suddenly softened: "Yu Xin, I only have one daughter, I don't want you to have an accident, so you should stay away from this kind of fight and be a grassroots policeman honestly, okay?"

"Dad, I really don't know when you became so selfish. Now I tell you as a people's policeman that I will not compromise. If I don't give old Liu justice, no one will feel better about it." Looking at his father again, he turned and left Li Qiangshan's office.

"You..." Looking at the heavily slammed door, Li Qiangshan didn't know how to explain it to his daughter.

Out of anger, she left the office and met Chen Tao face to face, but Li Yuxin ignored him, and didn't even look at him.

"The sense of justice is quite strong." Chen Tao muttered to himself, and then walked outside the office of the secretary of the municipal party committee. He knocked on the door first, and then opened the door and went in when he heard shouts from inside.

"Your boy will die if you are not late." Hu Yingxian sat on the chair and said angrily.

"Uncle, I don't want to do this either. I was blocked by a group of bastards when I left the house, and I finally sent them away. When I came outside the office, I heard the mayor's office quarreling. I heard a few ears, so I'm here now. "

"What's the matter?" Hu Yingxian is still very concerned about Li Qiangshan's affairs. Although the two have not yet had any major conflicts, they both know that as long as they are both in Yu City, it is impossible to carry out drastic reforms here. , with different political and economic concepts.

"I heard that a head of the organization department of the district was taken down, and a bribery case involved the policeman Lao Liu who died yesterday. Instructor Li came to seek justice, and the two quarreled when they couldn't agree. It was a fierce Ah, father and daughter act like enemies."

While talking, Chen Tao was watching the changes on Hu Ying's face. He thought he would sympathize and express his support for Lao Liu after listening to it, but he didn't expect that Hu Ying would just respond first and didn't ask about the situation.

"Uncle, don't you want to express your opinion?" Chen Tao instinctively felt that the matter might be complicated, which also aroused his curiosity.

"What do you want to express? This incident is not only caused by Liu Wugong, but also by you. At nine o'clock, I received a call from Deputy Minister Cao of the Provincial Organization Department, saying that you did not see the overall situation in this incident. As a result, all the hostages were killed, and you were asked to go to Hexi Village, the most difficult place in Xihe District, to be the village party secretary."

"I'm going, this time it's a big fuss, and even a small deputy cadre like me has alarmed the Provincial Organization Department." Chen Tao was really dizzy now, "Old man, do you think I should buy a bottle now?" To celebrate with wine, a village party secretary was appointed directly by the province."

"Don't be silly, this time the matter is strange, I pushed it back. From now on, you boy, please restrain me, and don't make trouble for me and offend people everywhere." Hu Yingxian knew the current situation of Hexi Village, and he couldn't handle his nephew. His political future may be ruined.

"It's still the old uncle who knows the details, he is simply a living Baogong." Chen Tao flattered him a little, but he was thinking in his heart who wanted to mess with him.

"Don't flatter, remember to be careful in the future, don't do good things but be regarded as bad people." Hu Yingxian had to remind him again at this time, so that Chen Tao could remember better.

"If it happened again, I would still do it. If not, everyone would die."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, use your brain more when you do things in the future, don't be arrogant, if you have something wrong with me, I will really lose face to see my sister after I die." Hu Yingxian also knew that Chen Tao was right. , But sometimes it doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong, the human heart is what determines the final result.

Although his words were meant to paralyze the robbers, but in the ears of those hijacked, they would definitely think that he was impulsive in order to survive. There should be people from the province involved in this incident, otherwise the organization Ministry will not do so.

"Old man, if I have nothing to do today, I will leave first. I just recovered from the car accident. I had a strenuous exercise yesterday. I feel dizzy now." Of course, this is just an excuse for him. In fact, he wants to go to the old The policeman's house went to offer condolences,

He always felt that things were a little strange. The head of the district organization department did not confess early or late, but he bit it out after Lao Liu died. In addition, he was directly ordered by the organization department to be transferred away. Could it be aimed at him?This made Chen Tao have to pay more attention.

Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles. Overnight, old Liu bribed the head of the district organization and shielded the evil forces. It made him, a good policeman who is dedicated to the public, become the opposite of a good policeman who knows everyone but doesn't In the teaching materials, even under the deliberate planning of some people, it was reported that even if this incident did not happen, Lao Liu would commit suicide in fear of guilt.

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