Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 189 Abnormal situation

When Chen Zhengxin first heard the rumors between Qi Yaxuan and Chen Tao, he just smiled slightly. He didn't believe that with Qi Yaxuan's eyes, he could fall in love with such a second-generation ancestor. some means.

But after Chen Tao captured He Sanchun in one fell swoop, Chen Zhengxin realized that he was wrong, so he secretly sent people to investigate Chen Tao and Qi Yaxuan. Today, the person sent secretly sent him the news that Qi Yaxuan really had something to do with Chen Tao.

Kerry International's photo of the moment when Chen Tao kissed Qi Yaxuan forcefully was sent to him at this moment. Looking at this ambiguous photo, Chen Zhengxin was completely enraged. In his opinion, this is a shame, a cuckold.

This is completely beyond her bottom line, this woman belongs to him, Chen Zhengxin, and no one is allowed to profanity, so he finally decided to call that woman, she needs an explanation, a face, of course, he hopes that the woman will come back to him again serve.

"Why didn't you answer my call?" After the call was finally connected, Chen Zhengxin used his usual majestic voice to start the conversation.

"I don't answer your call because I don't want to think about the past, and I don't want to think about your ugly face that looks benevolent and righteous but is actually dirty." Hearing Chen Zhengxin's questioning tone, the anger that had been accumulated in his heart for many years burst out instantly at this moment.

Hearing the woman's angry voice, Chen Zhengxin felt as if someone had stabbed his heart severely with a knife. He understood what it meant. The woman already knew what happened back then, and there was no kindness between the two of them at all.

Now that he knew it, there was no need to hide it. Chen Zhengxin didn't correct his mistake just like his name did. Instead, he said angrily to the phone, "Since you know my method, you don't need to try to escape, otherwise your present Everything will be taken back by me,"

"Take it back," Qi Yaxuan said in a mocking tone, "whatever you want, I don't care, but you just remember that you will have to pay back what you owe me sooner or later,"

Hearing this, Chen Zhengxin lost the last sliver of reason, put his foot on the sofa table in the study, and threatened: "Bitch, how dare you threaten me, do you think you can fight and betray me by relying on an illegitimate child?" , It's ridiculous, if you don't come to the provincial capital villa within three days, I will make your family members disappear in front of you one by one, "

"How dare you," Qi Yaxuan became angry, the hand holding the phone trembled slightly, this bastard ruined herself, and now she wants to ruin her own home, this is absolutely intolerable to her.

"Remember, you only have three days. After three days, you will know whether I dare or not," Chen Zhengxin hung up the phone immediately after finishing speaking. She believed that with Qi Yaxuan's character, she would definitely compromise again.

"You forced me to do this," Qi Yaxuan hung up the phone, with desperate murderous intent in his eyes, then went back to the room, turned on the computer, and made n backups of the computer recording just now.


Early the next morning, Qi Yaxuan copied all the evidence she collected about Chen Zhengxin into two memory cards. She wanted to tell Chen Tao what happened last night to see if she could act in advance.

"Leave aside the matter of evidence. I'll go there now, and then we'll go to your house together. Before the other party makes any move, I will bring all the family members to Yu City, so that with my protection, nothing will go wrong,"

When Chen Tao said this, Qi Yaxuan felt very happy, because Chen Tao's first reaction was to think of his family, not the evidence.

At this time, Qi Yaxuan didn't care about those gossips and the nagging of his parents who were eager to find a boyfriend, so he replied: "Okay, everything is up to you,"

Although Chen Tao responded immediately, he still received unfortunate news on the way to Qi Yaxuan's hometown. Qi Yaxuan's father was hit by a van that didn't take pictures when he was going out today.

The hospital has already issued a critical illness notice, Qi Yaxuan almost fainted after hearing this.

"Yaxuan, your father will be fine." Hearing this, Chen Tao immediately became angry. Originally, he planned to avoid affecting Xu Tuzhi, but now it seems that he must use the network as soon as possible to make the other party's crimes public and let him punished by law.

"Well, it must be fine," Qi Yaxuan nodded for a while, which was also her own comfort to herself.

After five hours of driving, Chen Tao arrived at Yunbo County Hospital at around two o'clock in the afternoon. He bought some fruit supplements at the supermarket in front of the hospital, and the two went directly to the ward that Qi Yaxuan's mother mentioned.

Pushing open the door of the ward, the first thing you see is a series of hospital treatment equipment. Under the treatment equipment lies a dark-skinned but unconscious middle-aged man. It can be seen from the stable heartbeat of the equipment that his current The injury is basically stable and not life-threatening.

On the empty hospital bed next to the man, a middle-aged woman with a sallow complexion had fallen asleep while sitting, which showed how tired she was at this time.

"Mom," Qi Yaxuan looked at the exhausted mother, tears flowed down unconsciously, she hadn't seen her mother for three years, but she didn't think that her mother seemed to be more than ten years old.

"Ah..." Qi Yaxuan's mother, Wang Yumei, woke up from her dazed state when she heard her daughter's voice. Following the voice, tears welled up uncontrollably. Today's call was also made to her daughter tentatively. .

Now that her daughter suddenly appeared in front of her, she didn't know what to do. Qi Yaxuan quickly ran to her mother and hugged her tightly: "Mom, my daughter is not filial and has caused you to suffer."

"Xuanxuan, it's really you, mom isn't dreaming, right?" The old man still couldn't believe it at this moment.

"It's not a dream, it's my daughter," Qi Yaxuan felt even more guilty when she heard her mother say that, and at the same time, her resentment towards Chen Zhengxin deepened. If he hadn't designed a bastard to coerce her, why would she never go home after the holiday to repay her kindness? That made my mother so worried.

Seeing the mother and daughter embracing and crying, Chen Tao suddenly had the appearance of a weak woman in his mind. This was the last image of his mother left in his body, which made her heart hurt deeply.

However, he didn't try to break this scene, but sat on the side bed and watched quietly, trying to search for the trace of the woman in his memory just now.

It took a full 5 minutes for the mother and daughter to embrace each other before Wang Yumei saw Chen Tao sitting on the bed, and said awkwardly, "Young man, you are Yaxuan's friend, thank you for sending her here."

"Mom, can you let me find a boyfriend on the phone? This is my boyfriend Chen Tao." Qi Yaxuan also wanted to make his mother happy at this time, so he directly positioned him as a boyfriend without discussing with Chen Tao.

"Hello, Auntie," Chen Tao stood up at this moment and said very politely.

"Okay, okay, you are so polite," Qi Yaxuan's mother couldn't help praising her, but out of responsibility for her daughter, she asked, "Chen Tao, what do you do?"

"I am currently the secretary of the village party committee and also the director of the Credit Department of Yushi Credit Union. I will be transferred to Huying Township to be the mayor in a while." Chen Tao is not an idiot. The news that he was going to be the mayor of the mayor also came out.

At this time, Wang Yumei was more satisfied, she nodded and said, "Not bad, very down-to-earth,"

"Thank you, auntie, for your compliment." Just as Chen Tao was speaking, a severe cough suddenly occurred on the hospital bed, and then Qi Yaxuan's father began to twitch, and the corners of his mouth began to foam.

"What's going on," Chen Tao muttered, and rushed over with a stride, a burst of true energy poured into Qi Yaxuan's father, and asked, "Does uncle have a history of epilepsy?"

"No, my old man has always been in good health," Wang Yumei said firmly after thinking about it.

"It seems that this hospital may also have problems." Chen Tao directly pulled out the infusion tube that was infused into Qi Yaxuan's father, which made Wang Yumei anxious: "Chen Tao, what are you doing?"

"Mom, there must be a reason for him to do this," Qi Yaxuan comforted his mother who stopped her from rushing over when she heard Chen Tao's words that there was something wrong with the hospital and realized something.

"But, this way..." Before he finished speaking, Chen Tao had already said, "Auntie, I forgot to tell you, my family is from a family of traditional Chinese medicine, and I have a unique treatment method for internal injuries caused by being hit by a car,"

Wang Yumei didn't believe it at first, but she believed it when she saw Chen Tao put his hand on her husband's wrist and the convulsions and foaming gradually disappeared.

"Yaxuan, call the attending doctor here, I want to ask what kind of medicine he is using." At this time, Chen Tao was a little lucky, they came in time, even if they came an hour late, maybe Qi Yaxuan's father would be treated according to epilepsy .

At that time, Qi Yaxuan really refused Chen Zhengxin's conditions, and finally died of epilepsy, there would be no loopholes at all.

"Oh," Wang Yumei said just as Qi Yaxuan was leaving, "I'll go, I know his office,"

"Mom, just say that there is something wrong with Dad, let him come over and take a look," Qi Yaxuan worried that her mother would directly question the doctor in the past, and it would be bad if she tried to scare the snake away. Although she is not a conspiracy theorist, she believed that Chen Tao would not do it for no reason. The one who said that just now.

"I understand," Wang Yumei seemed to realize something when she heard her daughter say that, but she was too embarrassed to ask if her daughter didn't say it.

About a minute later, a male doctor in a white coat and gold-rimmed glasses came in, saw Chen Tao beside the patient, and shouted anxiously: "What are you doing? Who told you to approach the patient? Who is responsible if someone dies?"

"I should have asked you this sentence, saying who told you to do this," the smile on Chen Tao's face disappeared instantly after seeing the doctor, and he stared at the guy with deep eyes.

"What did you say?" The doctor trembled in his heart, but he believed that no one could see the matter, so he said angrily, "Get out of here, or I'll call the police immediately,"

"Whatever, I'll wait here. By the way, I'll call the forensic doctor. I want to see what's in your infusion bottle." Although the doctor concealed it well, he didn't escape Chen Tao's eyes.

"You...how can you be so reasonable? Doing so will delay the patient's condition, do you know that?" Hearing what Chen Tao said, the doctor didn't dare to bring up the issue of calling the police anymore, but started to play the emotional card.

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