Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 195 Crisis

"The secretary of Huying Village..." After saying this, Haihao didn't continue, but looked at Chen Tao with a playful expression, as if he wanted to see that expression of shock and regret, but Chen Tao let him down .

No wonder a small branch secretary can completely monopolize the smuggling business in the seaport. It turns out that the Guwu family is behind it. This also understands why Qin Wantian did not find out any related clues in this incident.

"It seems that this battle between us is unavoidable, let the innocent people go, let's make a settlement here,"

"I think it's better to let their siblings be buried with you, lest you go on the road alone." Hai Hao didn't want to let the secular police trouble him, so he directly rejected Chen Tao's proposal.

"I wanted to let you live, but I didn't expect that you don't know how to live or die. If you want to die, I will help you." Knowing Haihao's intention to kill everyone, Chen Tao also made a counterattack.

Hai Haoqi's complexion changed suddenly, and his strange eyes rolled round. It was the first time he was said so, which made him feel ashamed, and said harshly: "It's really shameless."

The same was true for the island warriors beside him, looking at Chen Tao like an idiot. They had seen Haihao's strength before, and that was enough to kill a Jonin with their bare hands.

"Chen Tao, hurry up," Qi Yaxuan suddenly realized that she dared not touch Hai Hao's eyes at all. This man gave her a kind of fear from the bottom of her heart, worrying that Chen Tao was really not his opponent and would die.

"Trust me, it will be fine, and your brother will be rescued." When Chen Tao spoke, he pulled Qi Yaxuan behind him and said, "Don't run around, close your eyes and count to five hundred, and everything will be over after you open it."

"This..." Qi Yaxuan wanted to say something, but Chen Tao showed a confident smile again: "You must have confidence in your man, be good, and close your eyes."

"En." Seeing Chen Tao's confident look, Qi Yaxuan chose to believe, and really stood still, silently starting to count.

"Hahaha, what a concubine, I am so envious of a single man, it seems that I have to enjoy this woman after you die." Hai Hao has never been attracted to any secular woman .

But just now Qi Yaxuan's lovely and pitiful appearance made him suddenly have the urge to own this woman, this woman was a bit more elegant than the little mother he had been secretly in love with.

Qi Yaxuan's body visibly trembled when he heard this, but Chen Tao's face became even more gloomy, and he said coldly, "Just based on your last words, I will have your fifth limb broken before you die."

Haihao laughed back in anger, and said: "Haha..., I haven't seen someone as arrogant as you for a long time, but I don't know if you have the capital to be arrogant."

Although Hai Hao had heard about Chen Tao's guy, he didn't care about it. He had entered the top ten during the competition in the ancient martial arts sect. Even if he personally shot the guy who was defeated by Chen Tao, he could instantly kill him.

Facing Chen Tao at this time made him feel like a cat playing with a mouse. The island ninja and the female master beside him chose to take a few steps back when they heard him say the capital.

There is no other reason. At this moment, Haihao released a powerful aura, and a violent energy fluctuation centered on him spread out like a tide, causing the people who were closer to him to feel pressure, and there was even a kind of The urge to fight back.

In order to avoid accidental injury, they chose to retreat. Of course, this is also the reason why they understand the true qi characteristics of the Hai family. Only Qi Yaxuan with his eyes closed was left in the field, and there were two opponents.

Sensing the strangeness in Haihao's true energy, Chen Tao couldn't help but grimace, because the interference of Haihao's true energy gave him an urge to reverse his tendons.

"You can feel it. This is my Hai family's corrosive true energy. The stronger the opponent's true energy, the greater the impact on your true energy." Hai Hao smiled ferociously, and at the same time exuded a faint fragrance from his body.

The clothes on his upper body shattered in an instant, and the shattered clothes fluttered down in the air like dust. What is surprising is that this tattoo of a woman holding a folding fan is actually tattooed on his upper body.

As his qi poured into his body, the tattooed woman became more and more clear, and the color also began to change from red at first to black.

The pupils of Chen Tao's eyes shrank, and two cold lights bloomed. He said coldly, "It turns out that you are using nerve-stimulating drugs."

Seeing the changes in the tattoos on Haihao's upper body, Chen Tao thought of some guys who took shortcuts in cultivating iron sand palms. In order to win, they often soaked their arms and palms in poison. The effect of poisoning the opponent to death.

He said it easily, but he was extremely careful in his heart, holding his breath to avoid inhaling that smell again.

"Go to hell with me," Hai Hao roared angrily when Chen Tao told him the essence of his true energy, and charged towards Chen Tao with all his strength. He wanted to hurt Chen Tao with one blow.

Normally, Chen Tao would choose to dodge this move, and then give the opponent a powerful blow from behind, but now he can't do that, Qi Yaxuan, who is behind him after he dodges, will be swept away by his true energy, and if he fails, he will die.

With a cold snort, he gathered his whole body's true energy to form a protective cover, and stepped on the ground with both feet, making a booming sound.

The bastards around who were beaten by Chen Tao and fell to the ground and lost their fighting power looked at the voice, their hearts almost jumped out of shock, is this fucking human, and even crushed the marble paving the floor.

Chen Tao's right fist directly hit Hai Hao's fist, a sound that shook everyone's ears, and then felt a burning pain on his face.

"Bang bang bang," Hai Hao took three steps back under the powerful shock force, but Chen Tao didn't move at all, but his feet sank deeply into the marble.

"You really didn't disappoint me, then try my second move, and I'll see how you relieve your strength." Hai Hao was even angrier at this time because he was forced to take three steps back. In his view, this was a shame. He actually lost the first move to a man from the secular world.

"Unloading, do you think I need it," Chen Tao said with a disdainful expression.

These words were like a slap in the face to Hai Hao, making him look crazy, raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, and attacked Chen Tao again.

"Don't..." The woman in charge of guarding Hai Hao shouted anxiously when she saw Hai Hao attacking Chen Tao with a forbidden move.

But just after he yelled, Chen Tao and Hai Hao collided again, this time Hai Hao took five steps back, while Chen Tao's legs sank deeply into the ground, Hai Hao's face showed an expression of success yelled, "Hand it up,"

With this attack, the woman who just yelled was relieved, knowing that the young master had not lost her mind, those ninjas also rushed towards Chen Tao in four directions, and even two guys rushed towards Qi Yaxuan, trying to make Chen Tao throw a mouse.

"Just this trick, I'm so disappointed," Chen Tao's voice fell, he poured his true energy into his feet, pulled them out from the ground he had just sunk into, held the dragon dagger in his hand, and the shadow movement instantly urged move.

"Ah... ah," the two ninjas who were about to attack Qi Yaxuan were instantly killed by Chen Tao, and then he hugged Qi Yaxuan in his arms and retreated quickly to prevent her from being hurt.

"Is it over?" Qi Yaxuan felt Chen Tao's breath, opened his closed eyes slightly and asked softly.

"Fool, how could it be over before you counted to five hundred, close your eyes and count here," Chen Tao let go of Qi Yaxuan, and the dragon dagger in his hand was infused with true energy, forming a gang qi knife again.

He jumped up and shouted at Haihao, "I never thought you would be so courageous that you would attack me."

"It's the same principle that good people don't live long and live thousands of years, so today you will die, and I will get your woman," Hai Hao laughed arrogantly.

"Just relying on a few clowns from island countries and an ugly woman with mediocre qualifications," Chen Tao's tone was full of disdain. He wanted to provoke these guys and let them all attack him, lest someone sneak attack Qi Yaxuan and distract him .

"Damn it," women are most afraid of others saying they are ugly, masters are most afraid of others saying they are mediocre, Chen Tao angered that woman with one sentence, because ugliness and mediocrity were all used on her.

"Baga, our Yamato nation is supreme," those ninjas from the island nation were indoctrinated and brainwashed since they were young, so when they heard Chen Tao call them clowns, they were furious: "Combine the formation and kill this guy completely,"

"The supreme bird," Chen Tao looked at the woman and the ninja surrounding him in the center, holding his true energy with both hands, and spinning rapidly around him, he wanted to use this kind of indiscriminate attack to completely end this kind of battle.

"Kill," seeing Chen Tao spinning, those ninjas took the lead in attacking.

Haihao's female guard also jumped up at this time, and the long sword in her hand went straight to Chen Tao's head. No matter how powerful she was, no matter how fast she spun, it was impossible for her head to be protected.

"It's a head-to-head, stupid," Hai Hao looked at the place where Chen Tao was besieged, his eyes were full of disdain, and disdain was deep horror, because he saw the bloodiest scene in his life.

Chen Tao, who was spinning, was like a humanoid meat grinder at this moment. As soon as those attacking ninja samurai swords were swung out, they were broken by Chen Tao's powerful qi knife, and people were also torn into pieces.

Since his female guard was attacking Chen Tao's head, she was a little bit late in drawing her sword, and quickly pulled back when she felt something was wrong. This barely saved her life, but she was also seriously injured.

Hai Hao leapt up and hugged the guard in his arms, and said with concern: "Are you okay?"

"Young master, hurry up and get out of here, that man's power is far beyond our imagination," she pushed Haihao away as she spoke.

"No, never, I want to kill him," Hai Hao said, already holding the guard's long sword in his hand, he would rather die than tolerate the shame of failure, if he returns to the family in such a despondent way, he will lose All status in the family.

"No...no..." The female guard wanted to stop it, but it was too late, but she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the young master was charging towards Qi Yaxuan, it seemed that the young master had not completely lost his mind.

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