"Gang Qi," Hai Yunjian was stunned, shocked, and even regained his sanity in the grief of his son being killed. He even thought deeper, and said silently: "Give up everything in Yunbo County, use everything for me Let's find out if Chen Tao is related to the Guwu family, "

"Brother, you won't be," the Fifth Elder's heart jumped when he heard what the elder brother said, "Brother, you will not want to tear up the agreement made by the Guwu family not to attack each other for the sake of revenge, right?"

"It's not me tearing it up, it's the other party, we're just fighting back," Hai Yunjian's tone became extremely dark when he said this: "Of course, if Chen Tao doesn't belong to any force, I will let all his family members be buried with my son."

"I'll investigate now," the fifth elder felt a little more worried when he heard Hai Yunjian's explanation. If Chen Tao really belonged to a certain force, would it really be good to break the centuries-old agreement of the Guwu family?


Chen Tao informed Mo Yu to bring people over to deal with the bloody traces left by the killing. He took the frightened Qi Yaxuan siblings to the hospital again. into the hands of these people.

"What on earth does he want to do?" Chen Tao calmed down and reviewed the whole incident in his mind. He suddenly felt that many things were not in line with common sense.

Chen Zhengxin was definitely not a simple-minded person who was able to achieve the position of governor. Why did he want to kill Qi Yaxuan in such a hurry? Could it be that Qi Yaxuan had enough evidence to kill him.

"Yaxuan, where are the things you have mastered?"

"It's stored in the computer where I live, and some are in the safe," Qi Yaxuan saw Chen Tao's serious expression, although he didn't know why Chen Tao asked, he still answered honestly.

"It's broken, turn the tiger away from the mountain," Chen Tao suddenly realized at this time, this is a double game, and the purpose of bringing the Hai family into the game is to hold him back. Of course, it would be better if he could be killed.

"What are you talking about?" Qi Yaxuan was a little confused.

"It is to divert all our attention here. In fact, their real purpose is the evidence in your family." Chen Tao regretted it at this time, and was a little careless at the time. It seems that I was really wrong.

"Ah, will Yuxin be in danger?" Qi Yaxuan suddenly thought that Li Yuxin was living in her house. If the other party went to get the evidence, wouldn't Li Yuxin be in danger.

Chen Tao didn't speak, and quickly took out his phone to call Li Yuxin. Three times in a row, it showed that the dialed user was not answered.

It was only after calling for the fourth time that the phone was connected. Before Chen Tao could inquire about the situation, Li Yuxin's tired voice came from the other side, "Sister is busy, I will call you when I am done."

"Talk with me for a while, don't always be so active at work," Chen Tao joked in relief when he heard Qi Yaxuan's voice.

"A gas tank suddenly exploded at Yaxuan's house today. If I don't put out the fire as soon as possible, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life." Li Yuxin was a little sad when she spoke. She thought it was caused by forgetting to turn off the gas stove in the morning.

"This has nothing to do with you, don't blame yourself too much," Hearing Li Yuxin's words confirmed his guess, it seems that if you want to break through now, you can only test these clues in Yunbo County.

"Okay, don't comfort me anymore, hang up first," Li Yuxin hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Did something happen to Yuxin?" Qi Yaxuan asked worriedly seeing that Chen Tao's expression was more serious after hanging up the phone than before.

"She's fine, it's just that the evidence you prepared may be completely destroyed in this fire,"

"Ah," Qi Yaxuan felt a burst of despair when she heard this. Coupled with the things she encountered today, her heart almost collapsed, and her eyes darkened and she passed out.

"Squeak," Chen Tao hurriedly braked, one hand went to pinch Qi Yaxuan's person, and the other hand injected true energy. After a full ten seconds, Qi Yaxuan opened his eyes again, hugged Chen Tao tightly and cried loudly .

At this moment, she completely tore off the strength of her disguise, and embraced her own reliance to vent her fear from the bottom of her heart. At this moment, she knew that she had lost the last weapon that could protect herself, and Chen Zhengxin would have nothing to do if he wanted to take revenge on her now. scruples.

"Do you know how to drive?" Chen Tao asked Qi Juntian who was in the back seat.

"Yes," Qi Juntian was a little afraid of Chen Tao, and answered in a low voice at this moment.

"Come and drive, go to the county hospital," Chen Tao patted Qi Yaxuan on the back lightly, picked her up and got off the car, walked towards the back seat, and said softly: "It's okay, everything is up to me Woolen cloth,"

"Well," Qi Yaxuan buried her head tightly in Chen Tao's chest, and replied in a low voice. At this moment, she felt very happy, felt the man's tenderness, and the fear just now completely dissipated.

Along the way, Chen Tao hugged Qi Yaxuan like that, making Qi Juntian, who was driving, a little envious of his elder sister, and at the same time, he was even more in awe of Chen Tao. Just when he was about to arrive at the hospital, Chen Tao's cell phone rang, breaking the warmth.

Picking up the phone, Chen Tao saw a text message, "I want to find out who is behind the scenes, see you on the basement floor of Meihui Supermarket."

"Things seem to be getting more and more interesting," Chen Tao showed a wicked smile at this time, and he called back directly. A hoarse male voice came from the phone, "Hello,"

"Hello," Chen Tao heard that the other party was deliberately lowering his voice, which made him a little disgusted, "Who are you, how did you know my number, and what is the purpose of doing this?"

"Everyone gets what they want, you need clues, I need justice and revenge," Chen Tao didn't expect the other party to say such a reason, and couldn't help laughing: "I have arrested people related to them, and I can interrogate them at any time Give a clue, why should I cooperate with you,"

"What you see and interrogate can only be appearances. You cannot see the real hidden darkness in a short time, and I can assist you," the man's voice was low and hoarse and calm. From this point, it can be seen that his The mind is very high.

"There is darkness everywhere in the world. I am not the savior, and I have no obligation to do those things." When Chen Tao said this, he did not forget to add: "A person who dare not speak to me with a real voice, let me cannot be trusted,"

"I deeply regret this. If I were exposed at this time, I might die on the street tomorrow." Perhaps to prove his sincerity, he thought for a while and said, "I can tell you to find the driver who caused the accident."

When Chen Tao heard this, he smiled and said: "This makes me a little interested, but it's not enough to make me believe in you. I don't want some unknown things to disturb my thinking of action. Of course, if you give me a suitable reason , I don't mind working with you, "

"Revenge for my dead daughter, and revenge for those common people who died," the man on the other end of the phone added: "I'm a policeman, that's all I can say, and if I say more, I'm afraid it will expose , "

"That's what I want to hear, but it's not enough to make me believe in you completely,"

"What does that take,"

"Tell me who you are, I need to know about your past,"

"This..." The person on the other side of the phone fell into silence. He was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle. It took him a while to make up his mind, and said in his real voice: "Anyway, I should have died a long time ago. Just take a gamble, my name is Hutu, and I am the deputy director of the hospital police station, you can check my police ID card when you arrive."

"I don't want you to be killed without cooperation. I will arrive at the supermarket you mentioned in half an hour," Chen Tao said and hung up the phone directly. At the same time, he was also thinking about whether to change the existing number so as not to Be eavesdropped by masters.

"Chen Tao, I'll go with you," Qi Yaxuan didn't want to leave Chen Tao for a moment, especially when she heard the words like kill in Chen Tao's words, she was very worried.

"Okay," Chen Tao thought for a while, since he didn't want to be suspected when he went to the supermarket, bringing Qi Yaxuan was indeed the best disguise, so he didn't refuse.


After getting the news of the fire in Qi Yaxuan's residence in Yu City, the judge immediately notified his brother Pluto, with a bit of dissatisfaction and resentment in his tone: "Brother, we were used by Chen Zhengxin this time, and now about his dissatisfaction." The proof disappears, and our men are caught,"

"It seems that we underestimated him too much, but this time it's not completely fruitless, at least Chen Tao offended the Hai family," Pluto's voice was still so gloomy that people couldn't feel his mood and thoughts at this time.

"I'm worried that Liu Min's psychological defense line will be breached, and the situation of our organization will be leaked," Chen Tao called the special police to parachute and arrest Liu Min directly. Such a bold behavior was completely out of their plan.

"Since you are worried, let him disappear," Pluto's voice was still so low, as if killing a person was as common as mowing the grass.

"This is inappropriate. If other people find out, it may cause panic. At that time, Chen Zhengxin will take this opportunity to make a big fuss, maybe...," the judge did not say the worried words later.

But Pluto guessed what he meant, interrupted the judge with a sneer, and said with disdain in his tone: "Just because he wants to replace me, he is not qualified. Don't forget our Pluto team, which can sweep away all forces." exist,"

"Ah..." The judge was surprised when he heard this. Before, he thought that this team did not exist at all. It was fabricated by his brother to win over other people. Now that he heard Pluto say it again, he realized that he was wrong. It really exists.

"Okay, let's go and do it. Ming has existed for hundreds of years, and it is not so easy to be defeated, let alone defeated by me." When Hades said this, his deep voice suddenly increased, Even with a little excitement.

"I'll make arrangements now." Hearing the confidence in his brother's words, the judge also had enough confidence. At the same time, he was also thinking about what happened to his brother in those years when he disappeared, and why he got Ming's inheritance.

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