Back at the credit union, Chen Tao thought about it for a long time, and decided that it would be better to call Li Yuxin and inquire about her father's situation. When the number is dialed, it will prompt that the caller has turned off the phone.

Chen Tao knew about Li Yuxin's serious attitude towards work. If something had not happened, the phone would not have been turned off at all. Could it be that his father's affairs had troubled her.

Thinking of this, Chen Tao thought it would be better to ask his uncle to see what was going on, "Uncle, isn't Mayor Li quite honest? How could he be taken away?"

"This matter is not a matter of incorruptibility, but a problem with the project he is focusing on. It is an inevitable procedure for the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to take him away, and there is no guarantee that something will happen." Hu Yingxian obviously knew that Chen Tao would ask this question, low Said on the other side of the vocal cord.

"Uncle, stop flirting with me, tell me the truth, what's going on," Chen Tao knew that his uncle didn't want him to be involved when he heard what Hu Yingxian said, but he didn't want to watch Li Qiangshan have an accident.

Let's not talk about Li Yuxin's relationship, just talk about Li Qiangshan's style and ability, which is definitely second to none in the entire Guangxi Province.

In the past few years in Yu City, he has developed Yu City from a backward city in the province to a city that is now among the best and drives the economic development of the province. This alone makes Chen Tao very admired.

Hu Yingxian heard Chen Tao's question, sighed and did not answer Chen Tao's question, but said: "I admire Qiangshan's personality, and he is also good at developing the economy. This matter is very complicated, and uncle thinks that if you get involved, it will make things more complicated."

"The struggle between the Hu family and other factions in the south," Chen Tao asked after a pause.

"It should be said that it is a struggle between them. Li Qiangshan is the son-in-law of the Hu family, but he belongs to the second branch of the second family, and it was the boss's branch that did the fighting." Hu Yingxian knew everything about the Hu family clearly.

Back then, my sister's death was due to the shadow of their Hu family, but now they don't have enough strength to bear it, and they didn't tell Chen Tao the truth.

"I think it's better for us to participate and support one side now, so that we can attract an ally," Chen Tao thought that this time was a good opportunity, and it would save him from going to the Hu's house in the south to be looked down upon later.

"The Hu family is not as simple as it appears on the surface. Participating in it may make us provoke a powerful enemy," Hu Yingxian directly denied Chen Tao's idea. In his opinion, doing so with Chen Tao's current strength is tantamount to taking advantage of the fire outweighing the gain.

Even if the Chen family really supported him unconditionally, things might not go so smoothly. Maybe the tragedy of more than ten years ago would repeat itself. Of course, he didn't dare to tell Chen Tao about it, worrying that Chen Tao's fiery temper would come up for revenge. It's really troublesome.

But now that Chen Tao's growth has given him a glimmer of hope, he doesn't want to shatter this hope with his own hands, so his tone has become severe: "This is the way it is, you don't want to participate in it, make good preparations, and get ready later." I went to Huying Town to take office in a few days.

Hearing what Hu Yingxian said, Chen Tao basically understood that the boss of the Hu family might not be as simple as he appeared on the surface. He was an existence that even his uncle was afraid of. It seemed that Li Qiangshan was really in trouble.

"There is really no room for maneuver in this matter," Chen Tao asked in a low voice.

Hu Yingxian sighed, heard Chen Tao's low tone, worried that Chen Tao would really get involved if he was disobedient, and persuaded him: "They are all born from the same root, and they will not be pinched to death. The most is to transfer Li Qiangshan away and replace him with Hu Ying." The boss of the family, "

"You were transferred, and Mayor Li was also transferred. Why do I feel that this matter is a bit aimed at me?" Chen Tao always felt a little unusual. Today, I heard about the struggle of the Hu family for a mayor of Yu City. , let him think of himself involuntarily.

"You think too much. When you arrive in Huying Town, just be yourself. When the water is clear, there will be no fish. Sometimes you have to learn to be flexible," Hu Ying thought for a while and gave Chen Tao some advice before hanging up the phone.

"If the water is muddy, we won't be able to survive," Chen Tao hung up the phone and muttered in a low voice, looking at Wang Mei who was helping him make tea, Chen Tao suddenly remembered what happened to the Commission for Discipline Inspection this morning.

"Sister Wang, I helped consolidate the credit union's debts, did it damage some people's interests?"

"Ah..." When Wang Mei heard Chen Tao's question, she naturally knew what was going on. She went to the office door to see that there was no one around. After closing the door, she walked to Chen Tao and said, "Director Chen, this is not just It hurt the interests of some people, and even drove them to a corner, "

"How do you say that?" Although Chen Tao knew some of the inside story, he didn't know the details, so he was a little confused.

"The Baohe Group took over the debt and summoned the big bastards from all districts to ask for the debt. Those guys with some underground background were completely helpless, but they were unwilling to repay the money, so Boozhui urged those who went through the formalities without permission. man bears a part,"

When Wang Mei said this, Chen Tao completely understood. No wonder many people opposed the decision at the beginning. It turned out that this was a conflict of interest: "Then I was reported to the District Commission for Discipline Inspection, and it must be their fault."

"I'm not too sure about the specifics," Wang Mei obviously had some scruples when talking about this issue, but thinking of Chen Tao's kindness to her, she added in a low voice: "But I heard that it was led by the chief financial officer and the chairman of the board of supervisors." , just don’t know if it’s true or not,”

"Where there is no wind, there is no wave, there should be no mistakes," Chen Tao said with a smile, looking at Wang Mei with a little panic, knowing that she was worried that he would find trouble with those two people and implicate her in it.

"Sister Wang, you, the future director of the credit department, can't be so timid, or else no one will listen to you in the future," Chen Tao said suddenly, and said angrily, "Director Chen, don't make fun of me. , I am quite content to be a deputy director,”

"Sister Wang, how can a person be unambitious? I may be transferred in a few days, and I will nominate you at that time. Work hard and don't be intimidated." Chen Tao felt that Wang Mei was not bad, With some abilities, if they can really form an iron triangle with Jia Qingfang in the future, then the two of them will have a firm foothold in the credit union, and it may be beneficial to him at that time.

Chen Tao thinks far ahead. He wants to prepare for his own economic development in the future, because developing the economy requires developing enterprises, and developing enterprises involves loans. Although he has a lot of money, the money cannot be exposed, so as not to be exposed again. Being labeled a bribe.

"Then I would like to thank the director first." Speaking of which, he suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, the Credit Union will hold a routine meeting later. You may have to speak when you prepare."

"Sister Wang, your tea is really good, it's delicious," Chen Tao didn't pay attention to the meeting. In his opinion, it didn't mean much at all, and he didn't even think about going to the meeting.

"Okay, I'm going to be busy, Director, don't forget to prepare," Wang Mei saw that Chen Tao ignored her words, and left the office after reminding her, even a little worried in her heart, Director Chen would not give herself up Sell ​​it.

When it was time for the meeting, it was Jia Qingfang who personally invited Chen Tao. When he arrived in the meeting room, the chief supervisor took the lead in attacking Chen Tao, "Director, I think there is something wrong with our credit union's loan collection method. Now that we are cooperating with Baohe Group, they actually invited The big bastard has caused too much impact on our credit union, I think we want to develop, and we must not do this in the future, "

"That's right, I've also heard a lot of complaints from ordinary people, saying that our credit union is violent, so they don't dare to save money," the financial director echoed at this time.

He even reflected that Chen Tao was actually seeking personal gain for the sake of the credit union on the surface. Earlier, Chen Tao thought that he was going to open anyway, so there was no need to argue with them, but the latter sentence angered Chen Tao.

He jumped up at the case directly, and said coldly: "The chief financial officer, right? I hope you pay attention to your words when you speak, and don't use your pig-headed ideas to guess others,"

"Director Chen, what are you talking about? I'm just pointing out individual phenomena, and I didn't mention you,"

"Bullshit, I was the one who proposed the equity transfer. You said it was for personal gain. If I can't hear it, I'd be a fool," Chen Tao said coldly, then looked at everyone present, and said with disdain: " I have seen shameless ones, but I have never seen you so shameless, you obviously took advantage of it, and I tried to recover these loans, but you framed me for personal gain, "

"Chairman, look at Director Chen..." Hearing what Chen Tao said, the financial director secretly thought something was wrong, pretending to be wronged, and asked Jia Qingfang for help.

I thought that Jia Qingfang would be on the side of most of them, but I didn't expect Jia Qingfang to stand on Chen Tao's side without hesitation at this time: "Director Liu, I agree with Director Chen's words, those who take advantage of the credit union, don't I thought that the matter would be over, and the purpose of my meeting today is to remind everyone not to play tricks in secret, so as not to play with fire and set yourself on fire,"

Liu Shan, the chief financial officer, turned livid in an instant. He didn't expect Jia Qingfang to speak so directly, which made him feel ashamed in front of so many people. Resign,"

At this time, he started to make trouble, and several other guys who had discussed it earlier also expressed at this time that they would all resign if they were not given justice. The reason for doing this was that they did not want to spit out the money they got.

The only way is to resign collectively, paralyzing the operation of the credit union, forcing the new chairman to remove Chen Tao, and then their good days can come back again.

"You..." Jia Qingfang was so angry that she stood up and didn't know what to do for a while. Although she had worked and dealt with many credit union affairs, it was the first time she had encountered such a situation where almost all of them resigned. arrive.

He didn't meet him, but Chen Tao laughed loudly at this moment: "You guys are playing very beautifully, and you are so good at forcing the palace, but I told you that it is invalid here. It is just right for a group of moths to resign. The credit union does not need you. "

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