Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 21 Perseverance in the Heart

After receiving Zhao Hu's call to the police, these policemen had already realized the seriousness of the matter. No one knew what Zhao Hu's background was. Although he was an entrepreneur on the surface, he was one of the leaders of the evil forces in this area. one.

Now he can't even control the situation, making small calls can lead to fires and big ones to kill people. Yesterday, there was a murder case in a shopping mall with bad influence. Now if there is another accident, they, the police, will stop doing it, so it only took less than 5 minutes. At that time, Li Kuo, director of the Xihe District Bureau, personally led the team.

Of course, there is another point that Kerry International has 5.00% of his shares, and it will also affect him if it really gets bigger. He wants to get a deputy bureau seat. Now is the critical moment for the above inspection, although the relationship should go They are all gone, but the situation still has to go. If there is trouble, all previous efforts will be wasted.

When I reached the top floor, I saw Chen Tao coming out of the private room with Yang Huiying in his arms. I remembered Zhao Hu's words, this guy was the bastard who injured Mr. Chen, and I must not let it go. There was no limit, and he drew his gun and pointed it at Chen Tao, saying: "Don't move."

Chen Tao stopped, looked at this group of people, and knew what was going on. He met the other party's eyes, but did not stop according to Li Kuo's words, but continued to move forward. He was too lazy to talk to these guys.

"Put the person down and squat down with your head in your arms! Hurry up!" Seeing that Chen Tao didn't show face to the chief, a policeman who liked to flatter him took a step forward, and shouted again in a very strong tone.

"Comrade policeman, I didn't seem to violate the law when I left here with my wife in my arms. Why should I kneel down with my head in my arms?" Although Chen Tao said this politely, the disdain in his eyes and the tone of yin and yang in his tone were heard by the policemen. , feeling very harsh.

"Holding your wife is naturally not illegal, but your wife is involved in prostitution, and you fought in the hotel when it was revealed, which has already caused quite a bad influence." Hearing Chen Tao's harsh words, Li Kuo immediately became angry, and the tiger didn't show his strength. You think my district chief is a sick cat.

"Cuff him to me." Before Chen Tao could refute, Li Kuo gave the order.

"You are talking nonsense. It was Zhao Hu who drugged my wine. If my husband hadn't come in time, I would have been harmed by these beasts long ago." Hearing people say that she was prostitution, how could Yang Huiying, who was already strong-tempered, By default, although physically weak, he still narrated what happened aloud.

"So you admit to beating someone, what are you doing in a daze, arresting someone." Li Kuo scolded loudly.

"Are you convicting me directly? Don't investigate further?" When he said this, Chen Tao's face was extremely gloomy, and he stared at Li Kuo.Of course, he didn't say this sentence to these policemen, but he said it to the camera to provide a reason for himself to do it.

"Your wife has already admitted that you beat someone, and you are still investigating. Come back to the scene with us, so as not to suffer." This time Li Kuo did not speak, but the policeman who started to arrest him spoke.

"You don't distinguish between indiscriminate and indiscriminate labeling. Just because of this, you are not worthy of wearing the clothes that represent justice. Today I will take off your clothes for the people." When he was speaking, he had already put Yang Huiying on the ground, Then he reached out and grabbed the hand of the handcuffed policeman who was about to grab his arm.

One by one, he put the handcuffs on the policeman's hand, blocking himself and Yang Huiying, so as to prevent these guys from jumping over the wall and shooting randomly.

"What do you want to do? Let Xiao Zhang go." Li Kuo became anxious when he saw that the policeman became a hostage in an instant. If this caused a life, he would definitely have no hope of being promoted this time.

"Don't worry, my dignified secretary of the municipal party committee will not do things that will ruin the future. Subduing him is just to prevent him from making mistakes." When he was speaking, Chen Tao had already escaped from his certificate and threw it directly at Li Kuo.

"Om..." Li Kuo was stunned. Although he had never met Chen Tao, he was no stranger to him. The nephew of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary was also from the Chen family. The cheekiness and adaptability are quite strong.

"Slap." He slapped Zhao Hu across the face with a wave of his hand, and then said to his subordinates, "Cuff him to me and interrogate him properly. He even dared to deceive me. There must be some ulterior motive."

"Yes," the two clever policemen immediately started to move, and Zhao Hu put handcuffs on them.

"Ju Li, what do you mean?"

"Handle the case and give justice to the victim." After finishing speaking, he ignored Zhao Hu, changed into a smiling face, and said to Chen Tao: "Hehe, it turned out to be Secretary Chen. The misunderstanding is purely misunderstanding. It's all my wife." Trust this guy."

"So you won't take me away?" Chen Tao let go of the policeman who had just been captured by him, and asked jokingly.

Seeing Chen Tao's expression of beating up, Li Kuo was very upset, but after working in the system for so many years, he has long understood the true meaning of sacrificing face and suffering. If you don't have a background and want to climb up, you have to abandon everything like self-esteem .

"It's all my fault. When Secretary Chen is free, I'll serve you a drink to make amends."

"Forget it, since you guys are here, let's go to the hospital to give my wife a test and bring the suspect to justice." Chen Tao is going to completely let Chen Hai have no chance to stand up this time, and the woman who dares to touch me, I will let you never turn over.

In the face of absolute evidence, he did not believe that the old man would favor others.He didn't believe that cheap father would still turn a blind eye to his affairs.

At this moment, his mobile phone rang and he picked it up to connect, and there was his uncle Hu Yingxian's reprimanding voice: "Today I just told you to be honest for a few days, why did you cause trouble again, and even deposed Chen Hai?" , do you know that your uncle is very angry and has rushed to the hospital himself."

"It's none of my business to be angry, it's his son who doesn't live up to it." Chen Tao then described what happened in detail.

"Using emotions." This is the conclusion given by Hu Yingxian after listening to the narration. Chen Tao's status in the family is not high, and doing so this time will make him more passive. All of them can become white. If his uncle retaliates, he will die in the future without knowing how to die.

"Uncle, don't talk too much. I know what I'm going to do, and you don't want to get involved. I'll solve it all." Chen Tao also knew that Hu Yingxian was thinking of himself in many things, but in his opinion, there were some things There must be no compromise.

How can a dignified man of seven feet give up his self-esteem for the sake of fame and wealth, and let his lover be harmed and remain indifferent.

Some people think this is a stupid behavior, but in Chen Tao's view, he is not stupid. The most important thing in life is dignity. If a person can even give up his dignity, it is equivalent to a walking dead .In the end, it will become someone else's plaything tool.

"Then prepare well. Your father may also go to the hospital. At that time, you will go there with evidence. At least on the bright side, they dare not do anything to you." Hu Ying knew that something had happened, and now he could only remedy it, and revealed to Chen Tao information and plans.

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