Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 221 The Weird Huying Town

When Ling Yun was speaking, his sharp eyes swept towards these veterans whom he had always relied on, but none of them dared to look directly into his eyes, which made him very disappointed and angry at the same time.

"Why don't you talk anymore, do you think that you can enjoy yourself now that you are at ease," Ling Yun couldn't help but raise his voice a little when he said this, his already cold face became even colder, as if looking directly at Just looking at it will feel the cold engulfing the whole body.

"Buddha, Guangxi province is in chaos now, we don't need to cooperate with anyone," Yin Hao, who is the most powerful among the vested interests of Lingyun Group, said at this moment.

He couldn't understand Ling Yun's temper very well, and when he saw Ling Yun's displeasure, he quickly explained, anyway, as long as he didn't cooperate with Chen Tao, there was still room for maneuver.

Ling Yun just sneered, and did not refute him, but asked: "Yin Hao, you are considered a veteran, and I am very grateful to you for the foundation that I made with me back then, but I hope that what happened today will not be repeated." Show up a second time, or I'll make you disappear forever,"

"Buddha, now we just need to make a little effort and we can be completely white. Why continue to get deeper and deeper. The mess in Gui Province will only make the good life that the brothers have so hard to get, completely lost,"

Originally, Yin Hao wanted to persuade him with good words, but he didn't expect that Ling Yun would threaten him directly, which made him a little surprised, and at the same time a little angry, and when his brain was excited, he spoke the truth in his heart.

"Do you think so too?" Ling Yun sneered, looked at the others and asked, seeing that everyone still didn't speak, Ling Yun knew that they had chosen to acquiesce.

"You guys have disappointed me so much." Ling Yun didn't want to do that kind of cunning thing, and sighed, "Since you want to live a comfortable life, I will help you, and I will send people to the industries controlled by all of you." to receive,'

"Buddha, isn't this going too far?" Yin Hao didn't expect that Ling Yun would directly open his mouth to strip their vested interests. If they really lost their properties, they would not be reconciled. In their hearts, those group properties have long been their private properties. , It is also where their power and reliance lie.

"Excessive," Ling Yun said disdainfully, staring into his eyes and said, "For so many years, I have been concerned about your previous achievements, and I have turned a blind eye to the fact that you embezzled a large amount of funds from the group to open your own business One eye, since you want to break away from the big tree of the group, get out completely, then rely on your own ability to operate, "

"Hmph, Lord Buddha, don't regret it," Yin Hao got up immediately and was about to leave, but Ling Tian blocked the door at this time, ready to clean the door.

"It's their right to leave, let them go." Although Ling Yun was annoyed by Yin Hao's words, don't regret it, but he knew that if he killed Yin Hao at this time, he would lose his heart. The underground kingdom he created It is possible to crash.

"I see," Ling Tian said as he stepped aside to leave the door, and went to Ling Yun's side to protect him again. Ling Tian was powerful, and Yin Hao also let out a sigh of relief, and left in a hurry.

Ling Yun said to the others: "Since the matter has been settled, you who want to run your own business can leave. No matter what you do in the future, it has nothing to do with the group, and I will not give you the care you deserve. Of course, I want to continue to create brilliance with me, and those who want to become truly untainted people can stay,"

A few more people hesitated, and explained a few words of farewell to Ling Yun. They felt that Ling Yun was a little crazy about this matter, and even felt that Ling Yun's words were a little too naive.

They will not believe that they can become truly unstained people. If they do stained things in one day, they will not be able to wash them away in a lifetime. This is the lesson that all the predecessors have summed up at the cost of their lives over the years.

Watching everyone leave, one of the leaders who remained stood up and said firmly to Ling Yun: "Lord Buddha, after listening to your last words, I understand that your ambition has not changed, and what happened today will never happen again. "

"I know that you were instigated by others, and being able to choose to stay shows that your ambition has not been lost." Half of the people who came tonight were able to stay, which made him feel very relieved.

So at this time, he explained to these people: "Chen Tao is from the Chen family in the capital. We can only be upright people in the future by being tied to a chariot with him. Remember that from today onwards, all gray industries will be completely rectified, and we will become A real star enterprise in Guangdong Province,"

Today's accident also made Ling Yun see some things. The departure of those people is not a bad thing for him, because only in this way can the industry that was worried about causing dissatisfaction among his subordinates be separated in a legitimate way.

Because Chen Tao's injury caused a complete rectification and layout change in the underground circle in Guangdong Province, which no one expected, Chen Tao returned to Yu City with a stable injury, and heard Junlan mention Lingyun's big move in Guangdong Province.

Chen Tao smiled slightly and said, "Only when you are willing can you make progress. Ling Yun is able to become what he is today, and it really didn't depend on courage alone. It seems that I underestimated him last time we met."

"Do you think Guangdong Province will be in chaos after being so organized by him, and will eventually attract the attention of the big tiger and attack Ling Yun?" Every change in the underground circle is no easier than system reform, because they also need to touch the hearts of some people Benefit.

"I believe he can handle it well," Chen Tao finished speaking confidently, and said to Jun Lan, "How is the matter of the real estate company under it?"

"What else can I do? Stop working and accept the evaluation of the professional department." When this matter was mentioned, Jun Lan's head grew bigger, especially when she thought that the residents who had signed the house purchase agreement came to refund and check out one after another, which put her in a dilemma .

"It's lucky that no one was killed. It doesn't matter if you stop or stop, we have to send someone to investigate carefully. What caused it? Why did the foundation of a good building suddenly break?"

"I have set up a special accident department and asked them to conduct a careful and thorough investigation. Even some long-term cooperative material suppliers have gone to check. If anyone deliberately provides substandard products to the department, I will hold them accountable according to law. criminally responsible,"

Jun Lan doesn't like to bear these responsibilities alone. This real estate project is more than one billion yuan. If it is found out that the main responsibility of their group is really found out, it is a trivial matter to order a shutdown. Lose building qualifications.

"That's good. I'm going to Huying Town tomorrow. If there is anything that can't be dealt with, call me in advance and go to solve it." Chen Tao thought about going to Huying Town tomorrow to take up his post, and there were many things that he couldn't solve. Now that I have to explain it face to face, I can only tell Junlan in advance.

"With your current body, you can't wait two days to report, lest you encounter something that will aggravate the injury," Jun Lan said with some worry. He knew Chen Tao's fucking temper, and he beat people at every turn, and Hu Yingzhen was even more serious. It is a place where various forces infiltrate, and if you are not careful, you may be assassinated.

"Wouldn't it be better to let them relax their vigilance and wipe them all out," Chen Tao thought this was not a bad phenomenon at all, on the contrary, it was a good opportunity for him to let his opponents relax their vigilance.

"But, I..." She still has lingering fears about what happened two days ago. She is afraid of that situation happening again, so she really doesn't want Chen Tao to go over at this time.

"Fool, it's okay, nothing will happen to me until I avenge you," Chen Tao interrupted Jun Lan, hugged her in his arms and comforted her, and finally completed the procedures in Huying Town , he didn't want to miss out because of injury.

"Even if it's revenge, you can't have anything to do. I may have used you before, but now I hope you will always be well and be my little man." After going through so many things, Jun Lan now sees Chen Tao more than what They are all important, and let her understand the truth that the living are always more important than the dead.

It is very stupid to sacrifice the living for the sake of the dead.

"I'll be Sister Lan's little man forever, forever, no, forever and ever." When Chen Tao spoke, he had already kissed Jun Lan's cherry lips, and Chen Tao didn't leave that night.

Early the next morning, Chen Tao drove to Huying County alone. With his uncle's transfer and appointment, he also knew that the people in the organization department had long regarded him as an abandoned pawn. Even if someone sent him to Huying Town, It will not give a good face either.

With such a tone, it's better to go there by yourself, and take a look at the real situation there, so as not to be tricked by others, and count the money for others.

When he drove to Huying Town, he was deeply shocked by the state of the town government. He originally thought that the town government would be very dignified if guarding the port, but he didn't expect that it was worse than the average town government. It is a model of a poor town.

Seeing this situation, Chen Tao did not drive into the town government, but parked his car outside, entered a canteen, showed that he had bought a pack of cigarettes, and then asked, "Sister, is the town government opposite?"

"That's right, isn't that clearly written on the brand?" The middle-aged woman in the canteen felt a little speechless, but for Chen Tao's sake of buying cigarettes, she finally didn't give him face.

"It's too shabby. I heard that here is a natural port, and there are a lot of taxes every year, not to mention the whole facade," Chen Tao began to get to the point.

"If you have money, you still put it in your own pocket. It's useless to show yourself." After finishing speaking, he seemed to realize that he had said something wrong, and said to Chen Tao: "I said, young man, if you come here to do something, do it quickly, don't worry about it." Make a noise so as not to cause trouble,"

"Sister, this is too outrageous, you can't even say a word," Chen Tao deliberately showed an exaggerated expression, pretending to be scared.

Perhaps seeing Chen Tao's cowardly appearance, the middle-aged woman looked around and said to Chen Tao: "Huying Town is different from other places. There are too many dead people just because of one sentence. If it is not It is best not to do things that must be done in Huying Town, "


"I can't say too much, anyway, just listen to me," the middle-aged woman urged Chen Tao to go to work and leave.

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