Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 238 Compromise

"Director Zhang, don't worry, if we find anyone embezzling the property of the shipyard in the future, we will submit it to the relevant department for serious punishment and will not tolerate it." Chen Tao saw the real intention of Chen Tao's question, and naturally he would not chill their hearts. Talents are the backbone of a shipyard.

Only with these powers can he be able to guarantee his absolute control over the shipyard in the future, and make the economy of the shipyard and even the entire Huying Town move forward according to his plan. Only in this way can Huying Town be developed, Huying County and even the entire Yuying Town be driven The economy of the city and even Guizhou Province.

As long as his plan is completed, it will become a real political achievement. With this, he can better play his role and benefit more people.

Hearing Chen Tao's statement, all the employees of the shipyard applauded spontaneously, while Wang Hunan felt the unhappiness of the boss in his heart, and left the scene with a cold snort. He knew that the situation was out of his control at this time, and Chen Tao's settlement after autumn had become a reality. foregone conclusion.

After leaving the shipyard, Wang Hunan originally wanted to call and reprimand Hong Lihai, the director of the town police station, but then he thought that this might be counterproductive, so he pushed him to Chen Tao's side, and finally gave up after thinking about it.

Picking up the phone, he dialed the number of Li Yongqun, the county magistrate behind him, and briefly introduced what happened here, and there was a roar from over there, "Idiot,"

"I didn't expect Chen Tao to be able to find an accountant who is more powerful than the financial experts in the provincial capital, and once those accounts are exposed, I am worried that it will affect the situation in the entire Huying County." Although Wang Hunan did not directly say that Li Yongqun and the others would be involved, But the meaning of the words is already obvious.

"Major Li, Chen Tao can't let things go on like this, or everyone will be ruined,"

"Idiot, I thought that being suppressed for so many years would allow you to learn to be smarter in the town, but I didn't expect that you still didn't make progress." If the distance was not too far, Li Yongqun really wanted to kill Wang Hunan at this time.

But thinking that he is still his own person after all, he held back his anger and said, "What did I tell you usually, you have to do things without leaking, you can't eat all the cakes by yourself, what's the matter with sharing some of the money of those shipyard employees? , you really think that you, Hu Yingzhen, are the Heavenly King Lao Tzu, "

"..." Wang Hunan was scolded by Doutou, and he felt very upset. Now that something happened, you remembered what you said to me. Why didn't you say it when the stocks were drained at the end of the year, but thinking that you will have to rely on Wang Hunan in the future, I had no choice but to hold back my anger, and sighed: "But now that something has happened, we have to find a solution."

"Don't worry about the affairs of the shipyard for the time being. All the evidence that can be destroyed will be destroyed. As long as the evidence is insufficient, he, Chen Tao, can't do anything about it." Speaking of which, he told Wang Hunan: "Don't play with your cleverness, Chen Tao is not so easy to deal with. Yes, Hong Lihai may have taken refuge in him, it is best not to let him know when doing things in the future, "

"No way," Wang Hunan said in disbelief. Hong Lihai has not been clean all these years, and he knows this better than anyone else. In his mind, anyone in Huying Town could seek refuge with Chen Tao, but Hong Lihai was absolutely impossible.

"That guy has always been restless, so be careful," said Li Yongqun, who suddenly felt some pain in his chest, frowned and said, "Okay, let's do this first, and I'll contact you later if you have something to do. It's good to cooperate with Chen Tao during this period of time." , "

"Cooperate, wouldn't it be easier to find an excuse?" Wang Hunan heard an unusual taste from these words. Could it be that the county magistrate is giving up on himself.

After Li Yongqun finished speaking, he also realized that what he just said was a bit too much, and added: "Chen Tao just wants to accumulate some political achievements, so that he can enter a high position in the future. It will be fine to cooperate with him. I believe he will not be so stupid as to overthrow you." , when the time comes, everyone will be self-defense, let’s not talk about anything else, it’s just the matter of the seaport, without your help to mediate, he will be unable to move a single step, so keep your heart in your stomach.”

"Let's do things that offend people. Is it necessary to please Chen Tao?" Wang Hunan was really dizzy at this time, he was getting more and more confused about the intention of the county magistrate.

"You..." Li Yongqun was really speechless at this time, Wang Hunan couldn't figure it out at all, so he could only sigh and say earnestly, "It's not to offend people, but to let them know that Chen Tao wants to do this, and even more so to explain what he did. For the future development, as long as the economy develops, some sporadic and small problems will not be a problem, understand,"

Wang Hunan was originally a smart person, but Chen Tao repeatedly touched his bottom line in the past two days, which made him lose his sense of proportion. That's why he was like this. Hearing Li Yongqun's analysis at this time, he came to his senses.

"But will this make people think that we have joined the camp behind Chen Tao, and in the end, we will not be human inside and out?"

"It's good that you can think of this. Now I will give you a reassurance. There will be big changes in the city. The replacement will help us. Will Huying Town develop in the future? The people behind us will benefit , "

"Thank you for the county magistrate's advice, I know what to do," Wang Hunan said.

"It's good to know. I heard that your lover is doing something wrong in the guest house. It's not good for you. Tell her to shut up forever." I will take the heart-saving pill, "

Hanging up the phone, Wang Hunan stood there in a daze. Originally, he thought it would be fine for Liu Lian to bear the crime, but he didn't expect the above to be so cruel. Although the two are not husband and wife, after all, they have lived together for so many years. It is blind to say that they have no feelings of.

He was struggling again in his heart, and after a full 10 minutes, Wang Hunan gritted his teeth and said to himself: "Lian, don't blame me, this is all forced by Chen Tao, I can only sacrifice you for me,"


Arranging the manpower to kill Liu Lian, although Wang Hunan had 1 people who were unwilling, but thinking of the county magistrate's words, he still bit the bullet and got out of the car and returned to the shipyard, expressing his position earlier to cooperate with Chen Tao.

Fortunately, many shipyard employees saw that Chen Tao and those favored accountants had come back, and many employees had already dispersed at this time, leaving only a few team leaders and directors in charge.

"Now that everyone is here, I will save myself the trouble of going to you alone. I have just notified the other deputy mayors and deputy secretaries, and I will go to the factory's conference room to hold a specific handover meeting in a while, so that mayor Chen can take over the work of the shipyard as soon as possible. "

Seeing everyone looking at him suspiciously, Wang Hunan expressed his intentions the first time they met. Everyone, including Chen Tao, was stunned when he made such a statement.

No one thought that Wang Hunan, who had regarded the shipyard as his own property for a long time, would take the initiative to hand over as soon as possible, but in the end it was Chen Tao who was the first to react. In his opinion, no matter what Wang Hunan's purpose is, since he wants to hand over as soon as possible, then That's a good thing.

"Secretary Wang's suggestion is good. Let's go to a meeting together and strive to implement the reform and development of the factory as soon as possible," Chen Tao said quickly after this remark. He didn't agree with Wang Hunan, but he wanted to use this to stimulate the enthusiasm of the backbone of the shipyard. By the way Through the meeting, several deputy mayors and several deputy section chiefs were removed.

Let those who are temporarily employed know that the shipyard will not support idlers in the future, and if they want to get paid in the shipyard, they must show their corresponding skills, and any relationship households will be treated equally with ordinary employees.

Chen Tao agrees with others that it is not easy to object, so they went to the conference room and waited for about 10 minutes. The deputy mayor and deputy secretary related to the shipyard also arrived. At the same time, he was thinking in his heart that Secretary Wang would not Let's have a complete showdown with Mayor Chen.

With the arrival of temporary staff, Wang Hunan took the lead and said: "In order to develop the shipyard in the future, it must carry out reforms, and Mayor Chen has experience in this area, so we ask him to talk about his views first."

"Then I'm not going to be polite." Chen Tao smiled modestly, without any intention of turning around, but directly said: "After these two days of careful observation and visits, I think there are two factors that restrict the development of our shipyard. One is that the management department is too bloated, which leads to mutual shifting of responsibilities, especially the serious kickback phenomenon, which erodes the interests of the shipyard for small profits, "

As soon as Chen Tao's words came out, the director who was assigned below and the two leaders in the town all lowered their heads, not daring to look directly into the eyes of Chen Tao and the shipyard staff, and at the same time they felt apprehensive.

Wang Hunan also didn't expect Chen Tao to be so ruthless, so he hit hard immediately, and thought for a moment: "Mayor Chen, I fully support you, but can you take it slow? There is no suitable location arrangement,"

Hearing this, those temporary employees were relieved. In their opinion, since Wang Hunan said so, Chen Tao should not refuse, but Chen Tao didn't give him any face at all.

"There is no suitable place to arrange it, and they can't be arranged in the shipyard. If there is no place to go, let them go to the county to apply. The shipyard is so difficult now that it can't support idlers,"

"You...you..." Wang Hunan was a little embarrassed by Chen Tao, pointed at Chen Tao and said two "I", suddenly remembered Li Yongqun's words in his mind, coughed twice deliberately in order to ease the embarrassment: "When people are old, they are easy to get sick , I have caught a cold, Mayor Chen, you are right, we will report to the town for temporary staff and let them arrange it, "

Wang Hunan, the overlord of Huying Town, actually agreed, which made those temporary employees a little uncomfortable, but thinking that Wang Hunan had endured, they didn't dare to make a mistake, and they were even thinking, Wang Hunan wouldn't be with Chen Tao What kind of secret agreement has been reached, deliberately united to kick them out.

Thinking of this, those people didn't dare to say anything anymore. They didn't want to lose their current positions for the benefit of the shipyard.

"Secretary Wang really cares about the overall situation, and I think other people have no objections," Chen Tao asked with a smile when he saw that the other people looked ugly but did not speak, but after the words were spoken, no one responded.

Resisting with silence, Chen Tao sneered in his heart, "Since everyone is silent, I will take it as your agreement. Of course, this month's salary will be paid as usual. From next month, all your materials will be transferred out of the shipyard. I wish you all the best! Good platforms make a difference,"

As soon as Chen Tao said this, the faces of those who had been suspended turned pale, but the leaders of the workers in the shipyard spontaneously applauded at this time. What Chen Tao did was really satisfying, and it was even more satisfying than paying them wages. They are excited.

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