Everyone present was also looking at Chen Tao, watching how he would handle this matter, and seeing whether Chen Qingtian, who had been raving about for the past two days, would dare to confront the village tyrant of Hujia Village.

Some people even began to discuss secretly, saying that Chen Tao didn't dare to confront him at all, and some said that Chen Tao should dare. After all, Chen Tao could solve the matters of the shipyard and logistics company. In short, whispered discussions began for a while.

And the head of the little bastard who was beaten also recovered at this time, clutching his stomach that was beaten, glared at Chen Tao fiercely and said: "Boy, now you know who I am, you dare to hit me, believe it or not I will keep you from seeing the sun tomorrow,"

"The frog at the bottom of the well," Chen Tao said disdainfully, looked at the policeman just now with sharp eyes, and said, "Now I will give you another chance to arrest them,"

"Mayor Chen, please don't embarrass us," the policeman said in embarrassment, and so did the town defense team members.

"Okay, since you can't serve the people, you can make a living on your own in the future," Chen Tao called Hong Lihai directly after speaking, and told what happened just now.

When he asked him to come over to arrest people, Chen Tao deliberately said that he was the son of the head of Hujia Village. This was also his temptation to Hong Lihai. Obviously, Hong Lihai had a better understanding of the situation than the policeman.

"Mayor Chen, don't worry, I will organize the police to arrest people now, not to mention the son of the village head of Hujia Village, even if he is himself, I will definitely not tolerate him," he added, "Those from the town Scum, I will definitely clear it out,"

"Okay, I'll wait for you here," Chen Tao said, hung up the phone, hugged Hu Yun, walked towards the village chief's son, kicked him down again, stepped on his chest and said, "Remember, I am Mayor, this Huying Town is my territory, you, the son of the village chief, do not have any arrogant capital, "

"I... you... ah," that guy wanted to say something threatening, but Chen Tao directly kicked his feet, and the guy under the pain could only scream.

And when that guy was screaming, Hu Yun had woken up from the coma just now, opened his eyes with difficulty, looked at everything in front of him in disbelief, and even wondered at this time whether Chen Tao was the same person at that time The person was gone, and asked in a weak voice: "Are you... are... him?"

This sentence made everyone baffled, only Chen Tao understood it, because only three people knew about it, that is, the owner of the hotel and him. Looking at the weak Hu Yun, Chen Tao really didn't want to lie to her, but he was afraid to say To tell the truth, she couldn't bear the stimulation.

He fell into silence for a moment, with mixed feelings in his heart, not knowing how to answer this question, and fell into silence for a moment.

"No, you're not him," Hu Yun saw Chen Tao's deep gaze, and then remembered the frivolous look of that man at that time. Although he looked the same, his temperament was completely different.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you," Chen Tao saw the girl avoiding herself, which made him feel a pain in his heart. Now that he has merged with this body, what is the difference between what the former director of the body does and what he does.

Escape is not the solution, it is the same for him and Hu Yun, only by untying his heart knot can he face Hu Yun with peace of mind, and Hu Yun can fully recover mentally after untying his heart knot, so saying this is tantamount to admitting that he is him.

"Why did you save me?" Every girl has a fairy tale in her heart, hoping that her prince charming will step on the nine-colored clouds and come to save herself in the most dangerous time.

And just when Hu Yun was in despair, Chen Tao came. Although he didn't come on the nine-colored clouds, he was like a god descending from the earth, knocking down everyone in an instant. That is, after seeing Chen Tao knocking down everyone, Hu Yun was completely defeated. Relieved and passed out.

At that moment, she realized that her hatred for that man had already disappeared with the passage of time, and the reason why she couldn't let it go was entirely due to the unwillingness in her heart.

"I don't want you to be wronged, never will," Chen Tao didn't hide his true thoughts. Of course, he didn't mean to seduce girls at this time, but he thought that doing so could untangle the knot between the two of them.

Chen Tao didn't have this idea, but Hu Yun was completely addicted to this kind of emotion. No woman can forget to deprive her of her first man, even if it is a strong case.

The woman cried and the man hugged. This situation lasted until Hong Lihai brought the police. Chen Tao ordered Hong Lihai to bring those people back to the prison. After everything was arranged, Chen Tao drove Hu Sanpang and his daughter to the town. The hospital treated the wounded skin.

Just when Chen Tao arranged for Hu Sanpang and his daughter, his assistant Xiao Zhang came to the ward and whispered to Chen Tao: "Mayor Chen, Secretary Wang and several other members of the town leadership team also came to the hospital Already, let me invite you to go over and discuss how to deal with today's matter, "

"If there is anything to discuss, deal with it in accordance with the law, and change everything," Chen Tao said angrily, but seeing Xiao Zhang's bitter face, Chen Tao couldn't bear to embarrass him.

"Take me there," followed Xiao Zhang to the meeting room of the town hospital, and sure enough, everyone was there. To Chen Tao's surprise, Hong Lihai was also among them.

Seeing Chen Tao coming, Hong Lihai got up first and explained: "Secretary Wang notified me to come here, but I have already arranged for the interrogation of those arrested."

"You've done a good job, sit down," Chen Tao waved him to sit down, looked directly at Wang Hunan and said, "Secretary Wang, I don't think there's any need to discuss this matter, just deal with it as you like,"

"Mayor Chen, you may not know much about the affairs of our town. That young man is the son of Village Chief Hu. I'm afraid he will be arrested..." Wang Hunan said at this time pretending to be embarrassed.

In his heart, he was proud. In his opinion, if two tigers fight, one or both will be hurt. At that time, it will be Wang who will control the overall situation. On the surface, he seems to be persuading Chen Tao, but in fact he is trying to provoke the conflict between the two. , Stimulating Chen Tao to take the initiative.

"I'm afraid what," Chen Tao asked with staring eyes.

"Mr. Hu, it's not as simple as it looks on the surface. I'm afraid that if you over-stimulate him, you will be in danger," Wang Hunan reminded pretending to be worried.

"I would like to express my gratitude to Secretary Wang for reminding me, but I, Chen Tao, am not a cowardly tortoise who disregards the safety of the people and social order just because of danger," Chen Tao slammed the table down vigorously and said angrily.

No one thought that Chen Tao would be so excited, let alone that Chen Tao's slap was so powerful that he actually slapped the office table with several cracks. Swallowed it.

Seeing the silence of the crowd, Chen Tao knew that he had taken the lead now, so he took the lead in expressing his opinion: "This matter must be dealt with seriously, no matter who is involved, it must not be tolerated,"

After Chen Tao finished speaking, seeing that no one spoke, he turned his head to look at Hong Lihai and said, "Director Hong, the law and order in Huying Town needs to be strengthened. I hope you will let it go. If so-called experts are involved, you can call me and I will help you." Handle it myself, I really don’t believe that the sky in our Huying town won’t turn blue,”

"Mayor Chen, don't worry, I, Hong Lihai, did not dare to guarantee impartiality in previous cases, but from now on, I will strictly follow the legal procedures in all cases. As long as Mayor Chen can withstand the pressure, I can bring them to justice." Yifa, "

"Okay, listen to this to cheer you up," Chen Tao praised with satisfaction, then looked at the others and said, "In the future, everyone must have the spirit of Director Hong. Only in this way can our town develop well."

"It's useless to raise energy alone. The real energy is to solve the problem." Deputy Secretary Han Gensheng sarcastically mixed with yin and yang. In his opinion, Chen Tao dared not touch Hujiacun at all. Long Huo.

"Secretary Han, what are you talking about? What do you mean it's useless?" Li Tailai retorted suddenly at this moment: "If Mayor Chen hadn't arrived in time for today's incident, the consequences would have caused everyone to be upset. I can't walk around,"

"It's hard to say, maybe what happened this time was a misunderstanding," Han Gensheng glared at Li Tailai, trying to calm himself down and retorted.

"As the deputy secretary of the town committee, I don't even have the basic ability to try logic. I think you should go home early to take care of your children for the elderly." If there were not so many people present, Chen Tao would have wished to pass by now and beat Han Gensheng to death with a big ear photon. It is simply distorting the facts and misleading everyone.

"It doesn't matter what you say, Mayor Chen, but what the county organization department says." Hearing Chen Tao scolding him as if he was lecturing his grandson, Han Gensheng couldn't hold back the fire in his heart, and burst out in an instant.

"Secretary Wang, I don't think Deputy Secretary Han can take up his current position. Give him a long vacation to make adjustments. What do you think?"

Chen Tao looked at Wang Hunan, not allowing the old fox to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, forcing him to express his opinion.

"Comrade Gensheng, although I was a little excited just now, I don't think it's unreasonable. After all, many things can't be slapped." Wang Hunan didn't want to slap his family because of Chen Tao's persecution.

"Secretary Wang, what do you mean?" Chen Tao stared at Wang Hunan and said angrily.

"It's not interesting. I just think it's better not to rush into some things, so as not to backfire and put yourself in a dilemma." Wang Hunan didn't conflict with Chen Tao again, but said something pointedly, got up and said: "In this Regarding this matter, I will not make any suggestions, Mayor Chen, you have full authority to deal with it."

After speaking, he walked out of the conference room of the town hospital directly. The secretary left, and those who were in the same camp as him also got up and left. Finally, there were only three people left outside the office outside Chen Tao.

Looking at Li Tailai, Hong Lihai, and the mayor's assistant Xiao Zhang, Chen Tao asked, "Tell me what you think,"

"This matter is a bit complicated. It is very difficult to do it with the power of the town alone. It would be much easier if the city bureau intervened," Li Tailai said at this time. Although he knew that Chen Tao was powerful, he didn't think Chen Tao was fighting against Hujiacun again. The strength of the village chief.

"Yes, the situation in Hujia Village is very complicated, and most of our policemen are locals. Even if we really made up our minds, no one would dare to arrest people,"

Hong Lihai heard from Chen Tao that he wanted to take advantage of this incident to take down the village chief of Hujiacun, and he explained the difficulty of this incident.

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