Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 290 What Are You Going There For?

Hearing the reminder, Chen Tao reacted immediately, threw the sleeping Lin Ziping on the ground, and at the same time said to Lin Ziyu, "If you don't want to die, lie down,"

"..." Lin Ziyu was about to say something, but found that Chen Tao had rushed towards the opposite side of the road in a strange posture, and could only lie on the ground obediently.

Chen Tao ran directly to the opposite side, not because he found the other side, but because he wanted to snipe at the gentleman. In this group of buildings, there is nothing more convenient than the roof platform of the building opposite. If it was Chen Tao, he would definitely choose Which direction, so his first reaction was to rush towards that position.

The sniper, who was a little excited just now, saw Chen Tao's strange running route and couldn't capture his figure at all. Just when Chen Tao was about to re-enter the community where the building was located, the killer realized something was wrong.

Quickly unpack the gun and pack it, the whole process only took 8 seconds. From this point, it can be seen that this person is definitely a very professional sniper, not even inferior to the king of soldiers in the army.

After finishing all this, the man rushed to the elevator room of Unit [-] with the fastest speed, and went to the room that had been prepared for refuge. So when Chen Tao reached the roof, he found two discarded bullet casings, and unexpectedly Nothing was gained.

"Such good judgment." Seeing this scene, Chen Tao couldn't help admiring the other party's strength, especially when he picked up the shell, he was stunned. It turned out to be a special bullet for the 88 sniper rifle army.

"What's going on? How come people from the military are also involved?" Chen Tao was completely confused now. He thought it was the ghosts of those guys who were haunted before, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

After going downstairs, Chen Tao arranged a taxi to take Lin Ziyu brothers and sisters home, and he personally took the gentleman and Li Yuxin to the hospital. Li Yuxin, who was only bruised in the car, seemed a little depressed.

They kept their heads down all the way and didn't speak, and the atmosphere in the car seemed a bit dignified. In the end, Chen Tao broke the dullness: "Yu Xin, call your grandfather. I want to know that the military in Suzhou City is equipped with 88 sniper rifles. It's the Special Forces, "

"Military people did it," Li Yuxin was also stunned when Chen Tao said this. He really didn't expect that with the prestige of the Hu family in the military, someone would dare to attack them so arrogantly.

"It's not completely sure yet, it can only be regarded as a clue," Chen Tao is not an arbitrary person, he will not wrong anyone without absolute evidence, and now he wants Li Yuxin to inform his grandfather, just to confirm whether it is true or not. The military personnel even beat the grass to scare the snake, and caught the person who secretly sniped.

Hearing what Chen Tao said, Li Yuxin quickly dialed her grandfather's phone and told the story of today's events. Originally, she was in a good mood on her birthday. Hearing that Li Yuxin and Chen Tao were assassinated, and the military was involved, the old man was very upset. Unhappy, but at the same time realized that it was unusual, he immediately notified Hu Zhenguo, the second son of the commander of Rensu City Garrison District, to investigate.

Just when the old man made arrangements, Chen Tao and the others had already arrived at the hospital. After making arrangements for the gentlemen, Chen Tao drove away from the hospital and went to the community just now. He wanted to copy a video of the people in the community to find the secret sniper.

Arriving at the security monitoring room, he showed his military officer ID, and gave a cigarette to the security captain. He lied a little, saying that there was an officer pretending to be a soldier living in the community, and he needed to lock the other party through monitoring. It was easy. I copied a video recording of people entering and leaving the community.


Just when Chen Tao got the video and arrived at the hospital again, the guy hidden in the community dialed the phone number of the master behind him again, and a slightly excited voice came from the other side just after connecting: "Both of you Killed,"

"Li Yuxin was killed, Chen Tao was too quick to find a chance to strike, so he could only look for opportunities slowly," the killer explained with a sigh, because after pulling the class, she saw Li Yuxin fell directly to the ground, so she mistakenly thought that she had killed him Li Yuxin, who didn't know that Li Yuxin fell to the ground, it was entirely because the gentleman felt the opponent's second bullet and threw Li Yuxin again.

After pounced, he was worried that Li Yuxin would be impulsive again, so he pressed Li Yuxin tightly to prevent her from getting up, and when the killer wanted to confirm again, he found Chen Tao, so he didn't confirm again.

It's a pity, but it's good to kill one person, at least temporarily cut off the possibility of cooperation between the two. Although the man on the phone is unwilling, he also knows that Chen Tao is really not that easy to deal with. At this time, killing one person has achieved his goal .

"In order to avoid being exposed, don't attack Chen Tao for the time being. You go back to the capital right away, and everything has never happened,"

Although the man was unwilling, he did not lose his mind. He knew that it was not appropriate to expose at this time. Only by giving people a false impression could arouse greater conflict and competition between these forces, and he could benefit from it, so he quickly made a decision. Decide.

After hanging up the phone, he hesitated and dialed the number he didn't want to dial. After the call was connected, he heard a slightly disappointed voice from the opposite side: "Xinyu, why did you think of calling me? "

"I didn't call you, an old friend, when I came to Suzhou City, so why don't you just let me wander around Suzhou City alone?" After speaking, he deliberately pretended not to know what happened at Mr. Hu's birthday party today, and asked, "Zhiqiang , I can hear that you don't welcome me very much in your tone, "

"How is it possible? Anyone who doesn't welcome welcomes you. It's just that I have encountered some unhappy things today, and my mentality has not adjusted yet." Liu Zhiqiang was afraid that Wang Xinyu would misunderstand, so he explained, and then changed the subject: "By the way, Where are you, I will find you, "

"Paradise Entertainment Club, I heard that there are a few Korean stars here, so I stopped by to see if I can get some to play for a few days," Wang Xinyu said with a haggard on purpose, still looking like a dude.

"Those foreign goods look good, but they are actually terribly dirty. If you want to play with them, they are as good as our domestic ones. Haojue Entertainment will start the latest round of boat painting activities at 10 o'clock tonight. I heard that there will be a generation of charming girls coming out tonight. , that is the real high-value woman,"

Wang Xinyu has also heard of Haojue Entertainment's cruise and painting activities. It is a pure wooden ship built completely in accordance with the style of some romantic places in the Tang and Song Dynasties. I heard that the women in it are also wearing ancient costumes. He had missed the market, and this time, hearing what Liu Zhiqiang said, his eyes lit up immediately.

"A generation of charming girls came out, it's true,"

"You can't lie to anyone. It is said that this woman has already cultivated to the realm of wandering in the sky. More importantly, today's first night auction," Liu Zhiqiang introduced in detail. From this point, it can also be seen that Liu Zhiqiang is not that kind of girl. For those who really love deeply, if they don't want to give up Li Yuxin, the main consideration is their own interests.

"It seems that I am here this time. Now I will go to your house to find you. I will plan to make plans at night. How can I say that the woman will be auctioned?" Therefore, at this time, he deliberately acted a little anxious.


In the hospital, the bullet in the gentleman's body has been taken out, and the wound has been bandaged. Seeing Li Yuxin walk out of the ward, this guy gently touched Chen Tao with his arm, and whispered: "I said Shadow, take me to a good place to play at night How are you?"

"Just play a fart, take care of your wounds, and go when you recover," Chen Tao was really speechless. Although the gentleman's wound was not fatal, it would definitely worsen if he went out to play or engage in large-scale sports, so Chen Tao directly refused.

"That can't be done. After today, I have to wait half a year for another opportunity like this. I can't bear it," the gentleman said anxiously, which made Chen Tao a little strange. "Where is there such a rule?" , "

"It's not that there's such a rule, it's that it takes half a year to release a beauty who has been carefully cultivated, and then sell her first night," the gentleman said with some excitement as he spoke, as if he would soon be able to fight for [-] rounds.

First night, that is the first time for a woman, there is still such a place in Su City, where is it.

Men, no one is not interested in hearing this topic, except of course Master Rabbit, except for this kind of weird man, even old monks and Taoist priests, will be excited when they hear this, and even move their hearts to leave the Buddha Sea and experience the world.

Chen Tao is not a rabbit master, so he is no exception. He couldn't help asking again: "Where is it?"

"It is said that the cruise ships on the inland river outside Su City are designed according to the ancient Chinese style, and the women inside are also wearing ancient clothes. The only restriction is that you need a membership card to enter, so you can only bring me with you."

It can also be seen from this point that the gentleman has done enough homework before coming here, otherwise it would be impossible to even know that kind of place.

"I'll take you to hell, I don't even know about such a place, let alone a shitty membership card," Chen Tao said angrily, but now his mind is full of the word "first night".

At the same time, he was a little upset that the gentleman didn't talk about the restriction first, but the function first, so that he couldn't calm down. Just when he thought this way, seeing the gentleman's smiling face, Chen Tao suddenly realized that this guy deliberately dug a hole to let him Jump by yourself.

But Chen Tao thought about it again, he also wanted to see such an ancient place, so he didn't pursue it any further. It seemed that he really should inquire about what was going on, and who to ask.

Just when Chen Tao was thinking about this, Li Yuxin had already walked in from the outside. Seeing Chen Tao bowed his head in silence, he sat beside him and whispered, "What are you thinking? You are so engrossed that you didn't even glance at me when I came in."

"Oh, ah, it's nothing," just after Chen Tao finished speaking, the gentleman said, "Sister-in-law, I know what brother is thinking,"

"What?" Li Yuxin looked at it with some doubts. The gentleman who was a little too excited at this time, if he didn't see the bandages on his body at this time, Li Yuxin would have thought that the gentleman was not injured.

"He's thinking about how to sneak into the cruise ship," Li Yuxin's face became a little ugly when the gentleman said this. Even though he doesn't often stay in Suzhou City, he still knows where the cruise ship is.

The year before last, a cousin of hers fought with the son of a wealthy local businessman for the woman in the boat, and almost maimed him in the end. If it weren't for the deep family background of the Hu family, that incident might have sent him to jail.

I thought that after that time, someone would participate in the management and rectification of such things, but I didn't expect that the boathouse was still there.

"That's the land of fireworks and moonlight, what are you going to do?" No woman knows that the man she likes will be happy to go to that kind of place, and Li Yuxin is no exception, so her voice is a little cold.

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