Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 300 The Inner Ghost

The people are generally reasonable, and Chen Tao has indeed done a lot of things to benefit the people, so after knowing that Chen Tao is the new mayor, everyone's excitement calmed down.

Especially with Chen Tao's guarantee, the injured will be properly arranged, and the deceased will be given enough pensions. At the same time, he guarantees to investigate whether this incident is really an accident or man-made. The perpetrators shall receive the punishment they deserve.

"Brother Chen, I'm sorry, I was too careless," Feng Zhen said with some guilt after the six people were taken away and the family members of the injured were calmed down.

"Since something happened, it's useless to say I'm sorry," Chen Tao felt a bit unusual when he heard Feng Zhen's carelessness. If ordinary people said carelessness, Chen Tao would definitely think it was a shirking of responsibility, but Feng Zhen has always been known as a master. , The handling of affairs is even more meticulous and abnormal. He said carelessness, which shows that there is something wrong with this matter.

"Tell me, what's wrong with you?"

"Too much trust in the technicians under him, and not strict requirements on the construction work specifications, which led to the explosion," Feng Zhen said with a little loss, obviously this incident hit him hard.

"Don't talk about these superficial reasons, you just need to tell me if it was an accident," Feng Zhen's words were somewhat ambiguous, which made Chen Tao slightly angry.

"Although there is not enough evidence, I can guarantee that this is definitely not an accident. When I came to the hospital, Vice President Zhang was in charge of the investigation and found some strange things. The surveillance camera was smashed before the explosion,"

Once Feng Zhen's words came out, Chen Tao could be sure that this was a premeditated incident, but the furnace in the shipyard exploded and the incident became a big mess. Although he could be squeezed out, the shipyard would be worsened and completely destroyed. situation.

Thinking of this, he first excluded people from the town. Since they were not from the town, it meant they were outsiders. When he thought of outsiders, he couldn't guess. In the criss-crossing city of Huying Town, everyone regarded him as A thorn in the flesh.

"It seems that the breakthrough can only be made by the few people caught," Chen Tao opened the car window to say hello, and the Yun brothers went to the scene of the incident at the shipyard in Huying Town to see if they could find any clues.

It was past one o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at the shipyard. Since Chen Tao wanted to see the explosion scene as soon as possible, he didn't go to eat. Instead, he asked Feng Zhen to inform the cafeteria to save some food for them.

When they arrived at the explosion site, the employees of the shipyard were cleaning up, and the surrounding area was blocked by a cordon. The shock wave caused by the explosion shattered almost all the glass in the workshop, and damaged several pieces of equipment.

"The two of you go to the nearby monitoring site and see where the person who destroyed the monitoring entered the factory," Chen Tao said to the Yun brothers beside him, and then he continued to observe the situation near the explosion site. Since the camera was destroyed, It proves that they tampered with the furnace.

Feng Zhen followed him and was also searching carefully, hoping to find some clues, but to his disappointment, the two of them searched the scene for a full hour, but found nothing.

This made Chen Tao a little reconciled, and just when he was about to search again, his cell phone rang, and the call was from Qi Yaxuan, and her voice seemed a little anxious, "Chen Tao, why are you so impulsive?" , The video of you beating people in the hospital was captured on the TV station, so you should think about what to do."

"I'll go, it's really good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles," Chen Tao said with a chuckle: "You help me find a way to suppress the matter, and when I investigate clearly, I will directly fight back."

"If I can suppress it, I won't call you anymore. The deputy director of the county directly handed over the materials to the city's publicity chief. I'm afraid this matter will become a big problem." It's not that Qi Yaxuan doesn't want to help, but now he She had no right to speak at all. Although Chen Tao helped him settle everything, she was basically isolated on the TV station.

"Then, you bring people to Huying Town, and I will tell those who were beaten the real situation before." Although Chen Tao was very reluctant to do this, but now there is really no way, if he does not make a favorable counterattack, then He might be kicked out of Huying Town.

At that time, all his efforts will come to naught. This is something he doesn't want to see, and it is absolutely unacceptable, so he wants to fight back and force the other party to show up completely.

"Okay, I'll go right away," Qi Yaxuan also knew that the matter was urgent, so he quickly hung up the phone to make arrangements.

Chen Tao hung up the phone, and Feng Zhen who was on the side saw Chen Tao thinking, and asked, "Brother Chen, what's the matter?"

Chen Tao smiled and shook his head and said, "Someone wants to use this incident to mess with me, but they are too hasty. I want to see who the planner of this incident is."

"Could it be just a smoke bomb, misleading us?" Feng Zhen thought more, he thought that the matter would not be that simple, who would just make an incident and come out in the first place, isn't this just asking for trouble.

"It's also possible, but it's better to have clues than nothing, and you might be able to find what you want," Chen Tao said with a smile, as if everything was under his control.

The two of Chen Tao walked out of the explosion scene in the workshop. To Chen Tao's comfort, the Yun brothers actually found some clues. From their one-hour repeated simulations, it can be concluded that the person who broke the camera was not an outsider, but an internal employee.

As soon as I heard that it was an internal employee, things were much easier to handle, as long as all the monitoring was called out, and people who walked near the smashed camera during that time period were checked.

"Feng Zhen, you can handle this matter. Let Yun Li and Yun Jie cooperate to investigate in detail for me. Before finding the ghost, all factory employees are not allowed to leave the factory." Chen Tao issued the most severe order after taking over the factory. The command.

What Chen Tao hates the most is the kind of person who eats inside and outside, so he wants to give the most severe punishment to that person, which is to go to jail.

After Feng Zhen left, Chen Tao was worried that someone from the Huying County Public Security Bureau was involved, so he hesitated and called Shan Shouxin. He wanted to use this old fox to contain the power of the county.

When Shan Shouxin received the call from Chen Tao, he showed considerable enthusiasm, but when Chen Tao talked about what happened just now, Shan Shouxin's face changed slightly. There was an explosion in the shipyard in Huying Town, and everyone died. As a The director of the city bureau didn't even know anything about it. With the unique vigilance of an excellent criminal policeman, he felt that this matter was not that simple.

What's more, it was a coincidence that the incident happened while Chen Tao was away. More importantly, what Chen Tao said was that there seemed to be some accomplices in the Huying County Public Security Bureau.

Encountered such a thing, Shan Shouxin pondered for a moment and said: "Chen Tao, please wait for a while, let me understand the situation first."

Chen Tao was somewhat disappointed with Shan Shouxin's answer, but thinking of this old guy's tactful and careful character, Chen Tao was relieved. Just when Chen Tao wanted to hang up the phone, Shan Shouxin seemed to realize that doing so was a bit of a hassle. Inappropriate, I added a sentence: "Chen Tao, if the matter is really as you said, the Municipal Bureau will come forward to clarify for you,"

"I also need the county bureau not to interfere with our investigation," Chen Tao said again.

"That's natural, then let's do this first, I'll make arrangements," Shan Shouxin said, put down the phone, and immediately called his cronies in Huying County. Sure enough, as Chen Tao said, the whole matter was being investigated by the county bureau. In the process, there are many doubts in the procedure.

"Single bureau, is the city bureau going to make a big move this time?" The policeman's voice was obviously excited, or he knew something about the inside story.

Shan Shouxin listened to what his cronies said, and he was completely sure that Chen Tao's words were not groundless, but he was not that stupid to offend his subordinates with backers, so he thought for a while and said, "Che Chen, do your duty now Don't get involved in everything related to Chen Tao, maybe you can pick up a bargain then, "

Picking up a cheap one, Che Chen was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized it, and said with a little excitement: "Thank you for the single game teaching,"

"Okay, let's leave it at that," Shan Shouxin hung up the phone after finishing speaking, and then called Xu Sheng, the chief of the county bureau that he didn't like very much.

When Xu Sheng received a call from Shan Shouxin, he, who was known for his shrewdness, was completely confused. The deputy secretary of the county party committee asked him to investigate this matter himself, and he must investigate it to the end. self resolved.

The thinking in his mind began to run rapidly, and he sorted out all the relationships of Chen Tao, and finally he suddenly thought of a sentence, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and quickly made up his mind: "Single game, don't worry, I will never interfere with their impartial investigation,"

"This is the best way, lest we meddle indiscriminately and complicate the matter," Shan Shouxin was very satisfied with Xu Sheng's attitude this time, and even wondered in his heart, could it be that he had had a bad opinion of him before.


The night in Huying County is very quiet, but in a luxury residential area in the county, one of the villas is not so quiet. If the windows are not so sound-proof, the neighbors around will probably be smashed by the teacups and the roar of the characters Woke up.

"Gou Chengcai, this is what you told me to be safe and the people who were arranged in advance were all taken away by the people of Huying Town. It has been ten hours and they haven't been released yet,"

"Boss, they are all desperadoes, they won't reveal our identities, and I didn't use my real name to make a deal with them at that time," said Gou Chengcai, although he was scolded like a dog, but the forbearance he had cultivated over the years, Still let him endure at this critical moment.

"If only the matter were so simple, it would be great. This matter has already alarmed the city bureau. We have no way to interfere. You must be prepared to sacrifice at any time." Zhao Xun hesitated, sighed, and said this sentence with difficulty .

Hearing this, Gou Chengcai's mind suddenly went blank. The hand that was about to put cigarettes into his mouth trembled and fell directly to the ground. He never thought that what he thought was a bright future turned into a catastrophe.

Seeing his appearance at this time, Li Xun's voice became a little cold: "You are afraid, and regret it,"

"No, no, I just think it was too sudden. I don't think things are that pessimistic. As long as the video is broadcast on major websites and TV stations, Chen Tao will definitely be punished under the public opinion. How will he fight back then?"

"I hope so," Zhao Xun sat on the sofa and tapped his fingers on the table lightly. He wanted to use this slow rhythm to adjust his heart rate. He wanted to calm himself down as soon as possible. what should be done.

He already understood from the conversation that Gou Chengcai would never stand up and take responsibility when something really happened, and he would definitely bite them all out, but if he was killed, it would chill the hearts of others, which made him Suddenly fell into a dilemma.

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