After Chen Tao made some observations, he became more certain of his guess. It seemed that the other party had already made strict deployments around the hotel, and if he was not careful, he might be killed by snipers in ambush.

Of course, Chen Tao had never thought of leaving. If he didn't enter the tiger's den, he would not catch the tiger's cubs. Only by using himself as a bait can he increase the probability of success and catch them all. So he returned to the hotel after knowing the situation.

As usual, he turned on the TV, drew the curtains, and lay on the bed to watch. While watching TV, he sent text messages to Jun Lan and the Yun Brothers respectively, asking them to deploy near the hotel as soon as possible.

Seeing Chen Tao's text message, Jun Lan knew that the critical moment had come. In order not to be foolproof, he immediately summoned the captains of each team under him to meet him in the room where he lived.

"Sister Lan, what you said is true." Hearing Jun Lan's detailed deployment, Fei Hu immediately became excited. Before he came, he was still wondering what opponent needed all their elite players to attack. A killer organization ranked in the early [-]s.

"Look how excited you are, a killer organization with more than 100 members in the world, we have so many elites coming out together, isn't it a bit of a fuss?" Gai Xin said a little puzzled. Going out is enough.

"If you dare to assassinate Young Master Chen so boldly, no matter who it is, I, Liu Yi, will be the first to disagree. Sister Lan, you just give the order. Our team will absolutely wipe them all out," Liu Yi immediately became angry at this moment. Gang guys really don't know how to live or die, and dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head.

The other team leaders also spoke one after another, with strong confidence in their tone, but Jun Lan knew that it would not be so simple for Chen Tao to arrange things this way, so she waved her hand to stop the discussion.

"It's good for everyone to have self-confidence, but you still have to be cautious. Although the opponent is ranked outside the top [-] in the world, they are ranked within the top ten in Southeast Asia. They have assassinated several generals in Southeast Asian countries, so we can't underestimate the enemy. , "

"Sister Lan is right, we will definitely be careful," Gai Xin has always been Jun Lan's supporter, no matter whether Jun Lan's words are right or not, he will be the first to support, and this time is no exception.


Aware of Chen Tao's power, King Chi decided to use a foolproof method to be safe, and issued an order to kidnap Yang Huiying to his subordinates who stayed in Yushi. Through investigations these days, King Chi had long understood the relationship between Chen Tao and the women around him. That woman is more important, that woman is less.

"King Chi, our Chi Mei's rules don't hurt others, so it's a bit of a good rule," the man who stayed behind was obviously a very disciplined person, so he asked the question immediately.

"I just asked you to catch it, but didn't say I asked you to kill it. This Chen Tao is too vigilant. If he doesn't take some extraordinary measures, he may not succeed this time," King Chi sneered.

"I'll do it right away," the man who stayed behind was relieved after hearing King Chi's explanation. Although he was not an upright person, he hated the kind of person who affected his family the most.

Of course, the more important thing is that his family was massacred by his opponents because of him. Although he took revenge in the end, he swore in his heart that he would never count on other people's family in his work in the future.

After hanging up the phone, King Chi stayed in the room where Chen Tao lived, and a room was opened next door. He wanted to monitor the movement of Chen Tao's room at any time, so as to better understand Chen Tao's situation, and wait for him to have a defensive loophole as soon as possible. Do it yourself, and prevent accidents from happening.

When the king entered the hotel room, he sat against the wall and listened carefully to what was going on at Chen Tao's side. As long as Chen Tao got the news of his woman's kidnapping and left, he would notify his subordinates to intercept and kill him halfway. Also must die undoubtedly.

The ghost is still lurking nearby, and even scouting, to prevent any accidents that may happen in the periphery. Just when he confirmed that the reserved escape route is clear and wants to leave, suddenly a Mercedes-Benz is driving at an extremely fast speed. come.

After a burst of emergency braking, it stopped next to the ghost, and two strange-looking men got out of the car. Seeing these two people, the ghost was shocked. Aren't these two bodyguards next to Chen Tao? How could they appear here? , could it be that he was exposed.

Years of experience have told Gui Gui that the more you encounter such a situation, the more you must be calm. You must not turn around and run. Turning around and running is equivalent to exposing yourself.

"Two big brothers, what are you doing?" Yun Jie was already furious before the ghost finished speaking, glared at him and said, "It's time now, you kid, stop pretending, everything you do is wrong." Be seen by our brothers, "

As soon as Yun Jie said this, a bone-piercing chill shot up from the ghost's back, causing his brain to flicker. These two people had been following him all along, but he didn't realize that this was What a terrible master, and there are two.

Unexpectedly, in the past, I was the oriole behind, but today I became someone else, I became that poor praying mantis, can I escape.

"There's nothing to say about how it was exposed, Mr. Ghost, who is famous for his physical skills," Yun Li said in a joking tone at this time.

But when Yun Li was speaking, Yun Jie couldn't bear the violence in his heart, and strode towards the ghost. In this casual pace, he showed a kind of disdain.

That's right, it's just disdain. In Yun Jie's view, anyone who secretly steps on and harms others is a villain. When he was in the army, he also looked down on the kind of guy who played tricks and hid his head and showed his tail.

When Yun Jie attacked, Yun Li was worried that his younger brother might make a mistake, so he also launched an attack at the same time. Seeing the two attacking, although Gui Gui didn't know what to do, he didn't want to sit still, so at this time he took out the powder from his bosom, and then attacked Then the two of them threw it out.

After throwing the powder, Gui Gui retreated quickly. He wanted to take this opportunity to leave as soon as possible, and reach a safe place to tell the news of the exposure to King Qi, lest these brothers suffer a big loss here.

Although Yun Li and Yun Jie didn't know what the ghosts threw out, years of combat experience at that time told them that this kind of master who stepped on the spot usually has special skills to escape.

Some of them had great lightness skills, some had powerful disguise techniques, and some used guns or poison to hurt people and then escaped. So when the ghost waved his hands, the two brothers realized that something was wrong.

So when the two rushed over, they held their breath for an instant, until they rushed out of the yellow smoke screen, Yun Jie said angrily: "You dare to use poison, you want to die,"

Yun Jie's speed was extremely fast, and he immediately caught up with the ghost. At this time, the ghost just jumped up and was about to pass the car parked in front. Yun Jie knew that if the ghost passed the car, they would think again If you want to chase, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult.

So at this time, he took off his shoes in a hurry, poured his true energy, and threw them out forcefully. The ghost, who thought he would be safe immediately, suddenly felt a wave coming from his back just as his feet touched the ground. severe pain.

Feeling the pain, he secretly thought it was bad, but he knew better that if he gave up, he would definitely die, and only by persisting in running away would he have a chance of survival, so he endured the pain and continued to move forward.

The shoe that was thrown out with all its strength didn't have much effect, which made Yun Jie very upset. His temper immediately came up, and he took off the shoe on the other foot, and threw it out again, but this One shot, but missed the ghost.

"Damn it, this is a provocation to my uncle, I must catch that bastard," Yun Jie was furious, and hurriedly chased him out with his bare feet.

Hearing the voice behind him, Gui Gui breathed a sigh of relief. Years of experience told him that the voice just now came from 50 meters away, and he has absolute confidence in throwing off the opponent 50 meters away with his skills. .

But just when he breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to continue exerting his strength, he suddenly felt a black shadow rushing by beside him. This speed was far superior to his, comparable to that of King Chi.

So at the first moment, he punched the black shadow beside him. He wanted to take advantage of the opponent's unpreparedness and kill him. Only in this way could he leave safely and unimpeded.

As soon as he punched out, Chi Gui felt a chill in his heart, he knew it was a bad move, although the punch just now was extremely fast and reached his best level, but it was a pity that it missed.

Because he missed the hit, the body stayed behind the black shadow at this moment, but this is not the most tragic thing for the ghost. The most tragic thing for him is that the black shadow just now At a time when his new strength was gone and his old strength was not born, he actually launched a counterattack against him. In such a haste, he couldn't dodge at all.

Therefore, Yun Li's kick hit Chi Gui solidly, with a huge impact, kicking Chi Gui to Yun Jie's side. The two brothers have been fighting together for many years, so they cooperated quite tacitly.

When the ghost arrived not far from Sister Yun, he had already stretched out his big foot, and came directly with a downward strike, kicking the ghost, which was already on the verge of falling, to the ground, instantly losing its fighting power.

After the foot fell, it directly stepped on the ghost's back, making him completely lose the chance to escape.

"Haha, big brother, the power of my kick has improved again," Yun Jie showed off proudly as he saw Yun Li approaching.

"It's normal, if it wasn't for my brother's first kick to stop him, this guy would have already run away," Yun Li smiled and hit him deliberately when he saw his younger brother's look of being dragged to the sky.

"Tch, I knew that big brother was jealous, anyway, the big credit this time is mine," while speaking, he had already taken out the rope that he carried with him, and directly tied up the ghost.

"For the time being, it's better not to tell Brother Chen the news, so as not to startle the snake during the call." Yun Li hurriedly stopped the younger brother who was on the phone, and continued: "Lock him up and torture him first, maybe we can do amazing things. "

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