Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 31 He Has A Wife

Chen Tao sent Li Yuxin home, worried that her feet would be misaligned, so he hugged her directly on the sofa, then turned and left, just as he walked to the door, he heard Li Yuxin call him, and turned around: "My big police officer, what else is there?" matter?"

"Investigating cases is very tiring. It's not a thing to take a taxi all the time. You can just drive my car." While speaking, he threw the car keys that Chen Tao put on the coffee table to Chen Tao.

Chen Tao took the key and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be so humane, why don't you give me this car, and then we will pay the debt with meat."

"Get out." While speaking, Li Yuxin even picked up a cup on the coffee table and threw it out. Chen Tao quickly caught it with his hands, and said with a smile: "What a prodigal, how can you throw this cup casually."

While talking, he put the cup on the ground, saw Li Yuxin holding the second cup, and ran away at a speed that was faster than a car.

"Damn it, I'll beat you to death when my feet recover." Li Yuxin looked at the door angrily and said.

"Did you fall in love with him?" At this time, a voice came from the stairs on the second floor, but Li Yuxin was so startled that she almost sprained her foot again.

"Sister Hu, don't be so startled all the time, okay? It almost scared me to death." Li Yuxin reacted angrily and said.

"You dead child, you still call me that at home, don't you think you're out of luck." When the woman spoke, her voice was a little accusatory, but it was very magnetic, which made people feel extremely comfortable.

The woman patted her yawning mouth with her hands, her elegance, grace and laziness were perfectly blended together by her, which made people feel so natural, every smile and frown made people lose their minds, she was like a familiar fairy, when she sat When it comes to Li Yuxin, no one will believe that the two of them are mother and daughter.

"Huh, I don't want to follow your old man's teaching since childhood, saying that calling your sister will not make you grow old." Li Yuxin sometimes envies her mother, why is her temperament so good, she is obviously in her 40s, see She still looks like a woman in her early thirties.Sometimes she will have the idea that she is not this woman's daughter.

"Okay, remember this first. What's wrong with your feet? Is that man the unlucky boy you've been eyeing?" Hu Yudie grabbed Li Yuxin's injured ankle with one hand and performed an auxiliary massage, asking Is Chen Tao her boyfriend?

"Hey, Comrade Hu, are you my real mother? What kind of unlucky child I'm eyeing, am I that bad? Although this lady is not as attractive as your old man, she is not bad. Who will choose?" Having Miss Ben is a blessing he cultivated in eight lifetimes."

Every woman likes others to say good things about themselves, even if they are false, they are willing to listen, and Li Yuxin is no exception.

"It's a bit like your old lady and me. You deserve to have inherited half of my excellent genes." Hu Yudie's daughter, who was deliberately provocative, used her words, but now she strikes while the iron is hot: "My dear daughter, I know your temperament. I won't let a man touch you, did you fall in love with him if you let him hold you back?"

"He has a wife." Li Yuxin whispered, a blush appeared on her face.

"It's not a problem." Hu Yudie said with pride. "Wait, he has a wife? A married man."

Li Yuxin could tell, her mother's voice trembled a little.

"Well, I have a wife, and I've seen her before."

"Haha, my daughter's vision is really different. The men she likes are all so tasteful." Hu Yudie didn't blame Li Yuxin, but giggled, which made Li Yuxin want to find a crack in the ground at this time.

"You've all seen it, did you give her some color?"

"Sister Hu, I'm telling you the truth, can you stop joking? Otherwise, I will sever the mother-daughter relationship with you. I will never talk to you again." Li Yuxin turned her head and stopped talking. This superb mother has nothing to do with it.

At this time, she felt a little sympathetic to her father. No wonder the wife was strict with her. Anyone who met such a tough wife probably wouldn't be able to be a man.

"You damn child, I'm also serious. If you defeat her and she quits and gets a divorce, you can naturally let him be your husband."

"God's thoughts. It's just that I feel a familiar atmosphere from him." Li Yuxin replied angrily: "The relationship between the husband and wife is very good, and besides your daughter, I am not so lowly, to destroy the normal family of others. "

"Don't be suspicious, my mother will cook for you today." Hu Yudie hurriedly interrupted when she heard her daughter's last words. She naturally knew what the familiar aura her daughter was talking about. The man and her daughter were not the same at all.

She didn't reprimand her daughter like ordinary parents, but she was worried that the reprimand would cause rebellious psychology, so she guided her a little bit. Of course, she didn't want her daughter to think about that man who exuded a dangerous atmosphere.

"..." Li Yuxin had the urge to hit the wall at this time. The food cooked by her mother was comparable to chemical weapons. If she didn't die, she would have to cleanse her intestines for several days.At the same time, I also had some doubts in my heart, why did Chen Tao feel like being in his arms when he hugged him?

Chen Tao walked out of Li Yuxin's house, walked to the parking space, opened the car door with the key, got into the Bora, found the information collected by Li Yuxin from the co-pilot's trunk, and looked at the names on it and the accompanying documents. Looking at the photo, I couldn't help sneering: "Boys, it's unlucky for you to meet the uncle."

Don't look at Chen Tao as the one who got into a car accident, but he didn't learn his lesson and drive slowly.If it was an emergency to rob someone's driver's taxi last time, but now it is his personality that decides to step on the accelerator and reverse the car, and the Bora will reverse like lightning, and drive straight out of the gate of the community in reverse. The front of the car is adjusted by swinging the tail, and the whole process is smooth and smooth, and the speed and driving skills can be compared with those who drive a racing car.

Seeing this scene, the security guard who wanted to direct the car to back up almost dropped his jaw. It could be that the beautiful policewoman Hua has found a race car driver boyfriend. It seems that her desire to hook up is about to fail.

Naturally, Chen Tao didn't know the security guard's wretched thoughts, otherwise he would have to beat him so that he couldn't take care of himself, so he dared to hit the police girl's idea.

I drove to the door of the bar opened by the first interrogation subject. There was no way. According to the data, only this leopard had no mistress, and his violent personality offended many people. He was always afraid that he would be blacked out, so most of the time All in their own chaotic bars.

Saying it's a bar is actually prostitution.There is no difference between nests. In order to make quick money, you can even see men and women performing the most primitive movements here at night in the corner, not to mention in private rooms, multi-p is even more common.

The facade looks pretty good, giving people a very tidy feeling. Of course, this is also due to the rectification of the city government, but Chen Tao will never be confused by this appearance. The time has not yet opened, the bar is empty, only the dj dance music is playing inside, and there are a few guys watching the scene chatting and drinking in it.

With a bang, the dazzling sunlight from outside the gate shone in, and a tall and straight figure appeared at the door. Everyone turned their heads to look at this unexpected visitor. The boss who was watching the scene here even came over with a wine bottle in one hand. He asked very arrogantly: "Boy, you kicked the door open just now."

It's clear that they are asking the question knowingly, and the other guys are also bored. Hearing what the boss said, he naturally understands what he means. He just wants to mess with the young man in front of him. chair.

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