Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 310 Weird Events

King Qi never thought that he would be in such a tragedy. He thought the plan was perfect this time, but he just underestimated Chen Tao's ability, and Chen Tao's car was equipped with bulletproof glass. Such an accident caused him to lose his life. One arm, and was threatened by Chen Tao.

At this time, he actually felt like a hero's end, but he didn't want to compromise. If the compromise spread, his killer organization might really be over. Another point was that he didn't believe that Chen Tao would really write it off.

So in his opinion, Yang Huiying is his only bargaining chip now, and he suddenly laughed: "Shadow, you are indeed the top ten masters on the killer list. , "

"If you are stubborn, then I will let your entire organization be buried with my woman." While speaking, Chen Tao took out his mobile phone and dialed Jun Lan's number: "All hands, kill all the guys hiding in the dark , "

Now Chen Tao was really angry. He knew very well that if he compromised at this time, Yang Huiying's life would be in danger. If he did not compromise and launched an attack, the king might be worried about the lives of his subordinates and compromise.

"Don't..." Sensing Chen Tao's strength, King Chi heard Chen Tao's murderous words, and knew that this guy was not joking anymore. He was thinking about the people he brought, and he had no idea if he really lost these elites. , Even if the reputation is not damaged, they will be wiped out.

After thinking over and over again, King Qi suddenly felt at this moment that Chen Tao's conditions were not unacceptable, so before Chen Tao's order was given and he hadn't hung up the phone, he quickly stopped it.

"Why do you still have something to say?" Chen Tao guessed what King Chi was thinking when he saw the pained and unwilling expression on his face, but he still asked because he wanted to hear what this guy said.

"I can promise my people to release Yang Huiying and write off our grievances, but you must ensure the safety of all our members and help us leave Huaxia," King Yan has no other choice at this time. He is worried that Chen Tao will write off everything. And playing dirty tricks while they're away.

"Since you mentioned additional conditions, I must also mention one, that is, you, Meimei, should never accept the task of assassinating people in Huaxia, and even your members are not allowed to enter Huaxia until they have completely retired."

King Chi was worried about Chen Tao's revenge, so why didn't Chen Tao worry that King Chi was an expedient measure now, so he also mentioned such a point.

"Okay, that's not too much," King Chi agreed happily, because it was his father's rule to not set foot in China, and this time he set foot in China only because of his greed.

Thinking about it at this moment, he suddenly felt that this setback was entirely his own fault. Huaxia was really like what his father said, and it was not something they could get involved in at all.

In order to show his sincerity, Chen Tao immediately said to the phone: "Stop all actions, you lead the brothers back to Yushi,"

"What's the matter?" Jun Lan asked with some doubts.

"I have reached a cooperation with King Chi, and they will no longer be our enemies in the future, so there is no need to fight to the death now," Chen Tao said, and Jun Lan reminded in a low voice: "Oral agreements are not credible, so be careful." better, "

As soon as the words came out, the king of Chi was immediately annoyed. He has always said his words, and when he regretted it, he suddenly got up and said: "I am a majestic king, how can I talk like Xiaoxiao? To tell the truth Let me tell you, I didn't move Yang Huiying, I just moved her from home to the suburbs."

The king said this very loudly, and Jun Lan on the other side of the phone could hear it clearly, just now when he wanted to make trouble, Chen Tao smiled and said: "Sister Lan, don't worry, if he dares to go back on his word, I guarantee that they will not be able to leave Huaxia , "

Chen Tao's words were not only to comfort Junlan, but also to threaten King Qi. The meaning was obvious, just to prevent him from playing tricks.

The king is not stupid. At this time, he took out the special intercom device that he carried with him and said, "Stop all actions against Chen Tao, and prepare to evacuate Huaxia immediately."

"But..." Everyone obeyed this order, but the ghost said at this time: "Brother, the ghost is arrested now, do you want to give up?"

"I will negotiate this myself. You can lead the brothers to evacuate now," King Qi turned off the intercom after finishing speaking, and then called Qisha and the others to evacuate according to the original plan.

After everything was arranged properly, King Chi looked at Chen Tao again and said, "Now you can use your relationship, and let me go, right?"

"Your man," Chen Tao was stunned when he heard these words. He had no news of anyone catching the ghost, and Jun Lan didn't mention it. There was only one possibility, and that was that the Yun brothers did it.

"That person should be used to take care of you. Your arm was cut off by me, and now you need immediate treatment. That guy just takes care of your safety," Chen Tao thought for a while. He did this firstly to show his favor, and secondly to prevent An accident happened.

"It seems that you are quite humane," King Chi reconciled with Chen Tao at this time. Hearing what he said just now, he said it half-jokingly. This moment completely dissipated.

"I was an opponent just now, but now I am a friend. I have always treated my friends very well," Chen Tao thought for a while, and directly said the word "friend", which was also a gesture of goodwill.

"It seems that I am against you. It is really a wrong decision, but you have to be careful. This time, the news that you are a shadow killer has spread, and your amount of money is among the top five on the reward list,"

King Qi laughed at himself at this time, and then told Chen Tao an inside news about the killer that he could not get.

"Thank you," Chen Tao said. He picked up the king and took the broken arm in his hand. He wanted to send the king to the hospital himself. Tell Chen Weiguo the promise of King Chi.

Naturally, Chen Weiguo would not pursue this matter without sacrificing manpower, so he readily agreed to Chen Tao's request, and then Chen Tao notified the Yun brothers to come to the hospital and bring the ghost with them.

The matter was finally resolved, King Chi was sent to the operating room, and Chen Tao also received a call from Yang Huiying. After knowing that his wife was fine, he also felt relieved and sat on a chair in the hospital with his eyes closed, just falling asleep.

There was another rapid ringtone from his mobile phone, which made Chen Tao very angry. He didn't even look at the caller ID. He pressed the connect button and said, "No matter who you are, give me a reason,"

"Brother Chen, something weird happened in the shipyard. The little Wang who was on duty at night was killed by a ghost, and the old Wang who was with him was also seriously injured," Chen Tao immediately interrupted Feng Zhen's words.

Chen Tao is an atheist. He still believes that it was murdered by humans, but it is nonsense to say that it was murdered by ghosts.

"Let me say, Mr. Military Advisor, is your mind caught by the door today?" After interrupting, Chen Tao couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"Brother Chen, I didn't believe it at first, but when I saw the terrified look of the deceased and the strange scars of Lao Wang, it really seemed that the legendary zombies were at work." Feng Zhen thought for a while and said, "Especially, Xiao Wang's There are still two tooth marks on the neck, and the heart was taken out by someone, and the place where it was taken out was also corroded."

"The heart was taken out and corroded," Chen Tao was stunned. The heart is not as good as other organs in preservation, and it is also corroded, which means that the assailant did not kill for the purpose of selling organs.

"Could it be a vendetta?" Chen Tao thought of this, and said to Feng Zhen, "Have you notified the people at the police station?"

"Informed, they will arrive in a while, Lao Wang was also sent to the county hospital after a short treatment, I just feel that this happened too strangely, so I will tell you in advance,"

When Feng Zhen said this, her voice was a little trembling, obviously he already believed that this was a crime committed by ghosts.

"It just so happens that I'm also at the county hospital, and you come here with Lao Wang. I want to understand the ins and outs of the matter," Chen Tao hung up the phone after finishing speaking, without giving Feng Zhen any more time to explain.

First there was an explosion, and then such a strange thing happened, which made Chen Tao wonder if those people were making a final struggle, directing and acting such a frightening farce.

An hour later, King Chi's injury was under control, and he entered a separate ward for infusion. At this time, Lao Wang also finished treating the wound and was also placed in a separate ward.

All of this was arranged by Chen Tao, and there was a ghost to take care of the ghost king, Chen Tao was very relieved, so after saying hello, he went to the ward where the old king was, entered the room, and saw Feng Zhen comforting one, one A patient whose entire arm is wrapped.

This patient is the person who experienced this incident personally. Old Wang Wang Mingxi, an old employee of the shipyard, was a little flattered when he saw Chen Tao coming in. He wanted to say hello to Chen Tao but was stopped by Chen Tao.

"Don't get up, just lie on the bed,"

"Well," Old Wang nodded when he heard Chen Tao's words, but he didn't get up. Feng Zhen also greeted Chen Tao at this time. Chen Tao nodded to him, and continued to say to Old Wang: "I heard that you encountered a ghost. Now, can you tell me more about the situation at that time?"

Hearing Chen Tao's question, Lao Wang's body trembled in disbelief. What happened not long ago was the most terrifying experience in his life. He originally thought that there were no ghosts in this world, but now he believed it. There must be ghosts in the world.

Just when he was trembling, Chen Tao walked up to him, held his arm, injected a burst of true energy to temporarily stabilize his emotions, and then said: "Old Wang, don't be afraid, let you talk about what you saw , It is to avenge Xiao Wang and bring those who pretend to be gods and tricks to harm others to justice.

"Director Chen, you are a good person. Everyone in our factory is grateful to you, so I hope you don't interfere in this matter. This time it's really a ghost, not a human. It's too scary,"

"How scary," Chen Tao asked again.

"Xiao Wang and I were on duty at the back of the factory building today, and we saw a white shadow flash by. We thought it was a thief, but when we passed by, it turned out to be a female ghost in white clothes with a pale face. We were scared at the time. Silly,"

Having said that, Lao Wang showed fear again on his face, and covered his head with his hands, as if it was just a memory, which made him unbearable.

"What happened later," Chen Tao was so anxious, he really wanted to know what happened later so that he could better understand what happened.

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