Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 312 Relative Strength

"Who knows the exact location of the ancient tomb at that time," Chen Tao said, everyone expressed their ignorance, some really didn't know, and some were afraid.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Chen Tao knew what was going on, coughed dryly and said, "You just need to tell me the location of the ancient tomb, I don't need you to accompany me down,"

"Mayor Chen, it's not that everyone doesn't want to take you there, but we are afraid that you will also be targeted by Xuanwu God," Zhang Cheng, who passed by here at this time, the director of the technical department and the current deputy factory director, suddenly said.

"You can be eaten by people when you are alive, and I don't think you will be a monster when you are dead," Chen Tao said firmly. "In my opinion, only humans are the ones who are responsible, so we must work together to find the mastermind behind the scenes. Only in this way can the shipyard develop healthily in the days to come,"

Zhang Cheng frowned. He never doubted what happened back then. Now that Chen Tao said this, he suddenly thought of a problem, that is, one of the people who was killed that year was not the director of the shipyard who ate turtle meat. , Li Yunfu.

"Mayor Chen, when you said that, I remembered one thing. Li Yunfu, the director of the shipyard, didn't eat snake meat, and was killed on the night of the third full month."

"Making mysteries to deceive people," Chen Tao said with a smile and continued: "After Li Yunfu died, who will replace him?"

"This..." Hearing Chen Tao's question, Zhang Cheng had a hard time, because that person is now a powerful figure, and if he said it, if it reached that guy's ears, it would be as if the other party crushed him to death. Squeezed to death like an ant.

Seeing that Zhang Chengcheng, who has always been upright, frowned, Chen Tao knew that the question just now must have involved something that was inconvenient to explain clearly, so he coughed dryly and said, "Okay, that's all for today, everyone should leave."

There are records in the archives of the factory, so Chen Tao didn't ask any more questions. At the same time, this incident has an additional direction of investigation. As long as it can be proved that the incident 15 years ago was man-made, then the incident this time can be ignored. Self broken.

As long as there are no rumors of haunting in the factory, it will be of great benefit to the people of the factory and the reform and expansion of the factory in the future, so that people who are interested will not make a fuss about these things to obstruct them.

For Chen Tao now, although this incident happened suddenly, from the perspective of the overall development of the factory in the future, it was not entirely a bad thing.

"In a while, I'll go to the archives to check the information. You go to Zhang Cheng's office and ask about the specific situation of the year. This may be the clue to uncover the incident," Chen Tao thought of the key and immediately gave orders.

Since the archives room is next to the experimental area, Chen Tao had to pass through the factory area to get there. Just as he was about to reach the archives room, there was an ethereal voice in the air: "Curiosity will kill the cat. If you want to live, this matter is the most important thing." stop here,"

Chen Tao was taken aback when he heard the voice, and then began to identify the location of the voice, but because the time was too short, and the person in the dark had already prepared, Chen Tao did not determine the location of the other party.

But Chen Tao has his own way, at this time he suddenly laughed and said, "I want to be that cat that was killed, but I don't know if you guys who hide their heads and show their tails and pretend to be ghosts have the strength,"

"I'm a god, do you still need to pretend? If you're smart, get out of here," the man's strange and ethereal voice sounded again, and at this moment, Chen Tao confirmed the direction of the other party.

He turned around and ran towards the east, but just as he was moving, the man's more arrogant voice came: "Hahahaha, I thought you were a master, but now it seems that you are just a waste of fame." of waste,"

This time the sound came from the west, Chen Tao stopped quickly, suddenly realized something was wrong, and rushed to the archives room as fast as he could. Since he was the factory manager, the staff in the archives room did not stop Chen Tao. Instead, he took him to the location where he was looking for files.

Sure enough, as Chen Tao expected, all the things recorded in the past are gone.

"Who took the files here?" Chen Tao asked the middle-aged woman working here, staring at him.

"I... I don't know. I have never moved these files, and I have never let others see them." Seeing Chen Tao's staring eyes and an unknown aura emanating from him made her feel very scared, and she was a little stunned. Ba's way.

Chen Tao stared at the woman for a long time, making sure that he was not lying, and then turned and left. On the way, he was thinking why the other party did this, whether it was to blame Jiang Dong, or to make a fool of himself.

Thinking of this, Chen Tao couldn't wait to make a phone call, hoping that he would gain something, "How is it?"

"The person who succeeded Li Yunfu back then was called Lin Yuanmin, and now he is the vice-governor in charge of the economy of Guizhou Province." As soon as Feng Zhen said this, Chen Tao interrupted and asked, "Is it possible that someone wants to bring trouble to Jiangdong, so that We confronted him and profited from it,"

"This may not exist, but it is also possible that we have touched his interests somewhere, and he wants to repeat the old tricks." Feng Zhen used to be called a military man, and when he did things, he would have both positive and negative aspects. Think about it well, but also to avoid being at a loss in unexpected situations.

When Chen Tao expressed his doubts, he elicited his own opinions for Chen Tao's reference.

"I think the other possibility shouldn't exist. If there were no hauntings, we wouldn't pay attention to what happened back then." When Chen Tao said this, Feng Zhen also felt that it was possible. Although it touched the interests, the other party should kill It is Chen Tao, not a small person.

Thinking of this, Feng Zhen suddenly thought of a possibility. Could it be that the real target of this incident is Chen Tao? What happened before was just a prelude, so she hurriedly reminded: "Brother Chen, be careful these days, I am worried that this incident is aimed at you prelude to action,"

"Aiming at me, then I can't ask for it. Ask Li Yunfu's home address. Let's go and have a look today. Let's settle the matter of the year before we talk about it," Chen Tao hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

But the moment he hung up the phone, he felt a strong murderous intent, or in other words, a magical power, it was this kind of power that exposed the other party's intentions.

"A master hiding in the dark, come out and have a good chat," Chen Tao said with a wicked smile at the location where the magic energy appeared.

"You are the first person who can see through my concealment. It is really worth fighting." Following Chen Tao's words, a young man jumped down from an old tree not far away. The hidden breath instantly enveloped the whole body.

At this moment, he seemed to be about to explode, and the surrounding air was crackling. From this point, it can be seen that the opponent is definitely a master of stellar qi, otherwise the true qi that protects the body would not collide with the air.

Experts face each other, watch their strength, although the two haven't fought yet, just by the appearance of this explosive qi, Chen Tao knows that he has met a master this time, a master who surpasses any opponent before.

"Since it's worth fighting, can I tell you your name and sect?" Chen Tao didn't dare to be careless at this time, and his whole body also gathered the body-protecting qi in an instant. After all, it involves battles with qi, and it may be possible if you are not careful Seriously injured.

"I'll talk about it after defeat," the man did not use a weapon after he finished speaking, but instead attacked Chen Tao with both hands alternately. Although it was a pair of punches, in Chen Tao's eyes, it was no less than a hundred punches.

Unexpectedly, this man's speed is also so fast. In such a fast battle, it is impossible to distinguish which is the real fist and which is the phantom with the naked eye.

Chen Tao was shocked. If he closed his eyes and tested the guidance of the divine sense at this time, it would be too late. In this case, he had to fight hard, but he punched out at the same speed.

The heavy fists of the two sides exchanged more than a hundred times in the air in an instant, and there were countless bang bang sounds, as if firecrackers were set off during the New Year. When the sound stopped, the two retreated more than ten steps at the same time.

"Hahaha, you are still No. 1 if you can go head-to-head with my magic skills. You are worthy of letting me use weapons," when the man spoke, a dagger with a skull appeared in his hand.

Under the infusion of his stellar energy, the entire dagger unexpectedly took on the appearance of a skeleton, as if it was about to swallow Chen Tao instantly.

"It's just what I want," Chen Tao saw the skull formed by the dagger and the qi, and basically confirmed the origin of the opponent's weapon. It was the legendary ghost dagger. The weapons used.

The other party used magic weapons, Chen Tao naturally wouldn't suffer this loss, the dragon dagger appeared in his hand, the aura poured in, the aura was even higher than before, he tilted his head, and shouted: "Long Xian,"

As Chen Tao's voice fell, the dragon dagger in his hand began to take shape in an instant, and a golden dragon's head unexpectedly emerged, and then the whole dragon slowly formed, even at the moment when the two people's auras came into contact.

The golden dragon formed by the stellar qi actually made a sound of dragon chant. Obviously, he was very excited and excited when he saw his evenly matched opponent.

The man obviously rushed to this kind of momentum, he didn't expect that when he appeared with the ghost dagger, he would meet the legendary dragon dagger, and the other party seemed to have almost gotten along with the dragon dagger.

"The rumors are indeed true, let's see who is stronger between these two magic weapons." When he was speaking, he took the lead in attacking, and the devilish energy in his whole body instantly covered Chen Tao, and the ghost dagger's skeleton also began to devour the golden dragon.

"Sure enough, there are two tricks, but this alone is not enough,"

It was the first time for Chen Tao to see the stellar energy that could envelop himself and the golden dragon. This time, he was even more eager to fight. His whole body shone with golden light in the dark devilish energy, just like the sun covered by dark clouds.

The gang qi formed by the devil qi and the gang qi formed by Chen Tao are simply two completely different forces. These are two inherently hostile forces, one representing the darkness and the other representing the light.

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