Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 335 Tai Chi Life

Although Chen Tao couldn't control personnel changes, proper reminders could still play a certain role, so after his suggestion, Chen Weiguo thought about it, and finally made arrangements according to Chen Tao's wishes.

After this incident, Chen Tao could only inform Jane Mayer that he would go to Germany two days late, and he wanted to investigate the real cause of the death of the middle guard and give the deceased an explanation. Of course, it was to silence the spectators , lest they use dirty tricks behind their backs.

In order to prevent Mr. Chen from being overworked, Chen Tao sent him back to his residence first, and then he went to the forensic hospital accompanied by his second uncle.

At the same time, in the backyard of a beautiful suburban villa in the capital, an old man was holding an old sword and was practicing Tai Chi sword move by move.

When the old man swung the sword, he was calm and calm, and his movements were smooth. Every move and style contained the profound meaning of Tai Chi. It can be seen that he is proficient in this set of Tai Chi sword skills. Even so, he did not have the slightest carelessness. That concentration.

And under the gazebo not far away from where he practiced sword, there were two young men standing, one of them had bandages on his hands and was studying this set of sword skills carefully, while the other was kneeling on the ground of the gazebo .

After the old man finished practicing this set of sword skills, he put the sword back into its sheath, took the towel handed over by the nurse, wiped off the slight sweat on his body, glanced impatiently at the young man kneeling on the ground, and said, "Get up!" , Kneeling like this, the feeling of a good paradise has been destroyed by you, "

Hearing this, the young man didn't get up. He lowered his head, but raised it at this moment. With tears in his eyes, he said in a choked voice, "Please save my father, Chief."

"Does the criminal evidence he was accused of really exist?" The old man sat on the stone bench in the gazebo, took a cup of tea handed over by the nurse, and asked, taking a sip.

"Father has served the country and the people all his life. During the management of the dragon kiln, he offended the powerful and powerful for the sake of justice, and never overstepped. Those charges were framed by them." Maybe he will really give up on his father, for the sake of his father's future, he will never admit it.

"In this case, you can go back first, as long as there is no problem, I will do everything possible to get your father out," the old man waved his hand to let the young man leave.

Hearing what the old man said, the young man kowtowed three times on the ground before getting up and leaving.

After the young man left, the old man waved his hand to let the nursing doctor leave as well, leaving only his grandson here, pointing to the stone bench beside him and said, "Sit down, and tell me how grandpa's Tai Chi swordsmanship is."

"Peaceful and smooth, it has really reached the state of braking with static force," Liu Jiang thought for a while, and made a very pertinent evaluation.

The old man shook his head and said with a smile: "You only see the appearance, but not the real inside,"

"..." Liu Jiang was a little dumbfounded when he heard what Grandpa said, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Haha, it's normal that you don't understand. Grandpa didn't understand when you were your age. The more you have experienced, the more you will naturally understand. The mistakes I made before, I don't want you to continue to make them. "

The old man didn't blame his grandson. On the contrary, he was very happy to see that Liu Jiang didn't pretend to be ignorant: "Do you know why grandpa is always obsessed with Tai Chi sword?"


"This is just one of the reasons. Another reason is that Tai Chi can overcome rigidity with softness, and respond to all changes with invariance. It pays attention to attacking people later. Of course, what is more important is that when he hurts others, he is also so graceful, and he will not Wounded by the enemy," said the old man with a smile.

"Grandson has been taught," Liu Jiang bowed his head and said after thinking.

"Practicing the sword is actually the same as being a human being. This time, you didn't stay the same to cope with all changes. Instead, you were played and applauded by others, which disappointed Grandpa," the old man finally said what was in his heart.

Liu Jiang nodded guiltily again, and said, "Jiang'er is too stupid to embarrass you, old man."

"It doesn't matter if you are ashamed, it doesn't matter if you are stupid, the important thing is that you can learn from the lessons and put yourself in a clear position. Only by understanding your position can you overcome those problems in the future,"

Mr. Liu still taught his grandson patiently.

"Although we were fooled by others this time, we saw clearly the true colors of some people. Generally speaking, we didn't suffer too much. Even the loss of Longyao's power is a good sign for our Liu family. "

"The grandson doesn't understand,"

"Dragon Kiln has been under Xiao Bin's management for the past few years, and it has become more and more outrageous. I have never intervened in it, just hoping that he will realize that he has passed, but I didn't expect him..."

The disappointment in Mr. Liu's tone could not be concealed. Abandoning the subordinates he trained was what he couldn't bear the most, but now he has to abandon them. Such a person who has been completely defeated by sugar-coated bullets can only be left to hurt others.

"Grandpa, so you are going to give up on Uncle Xiao,"

As soon as Liu Jiang heard this, he became a little anxious. This time, he informed Xiao Bin to do this matter. Now that Xiao Bin had an accident, their Liu family gave up. After that, no one would dare to help him.

"Under the current circumstances, that's all I can do. I don't want to ruin my entire game of chess because of him alone," Mr. Liu said firmly, although there was still a trace of unbearable in his eyes.

"Grandpa, if we do this, will other people dare to do things for us in the future?" Liu Jiang couldn't bear it anymore and asked anxiously.

Elder Liu took another sip from his teacup, and continued: "Do you think a person who is blinded by interests will sincerely serve us and the country? If he can't do this, he should be eliminated."

"But..." Liu Jiang wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Mr. Liu: "It's the same with you. At any time, the interests of the country are above all else. Anything that harms the interests of the country must be punished."

"Yes, grandson has been educated," Liu Jiang said with a bow.

"Go," the old man waved his hand, "by the way, don't let the third person know what I told you today, and don't be smart enough to bring some trash to me in the future."

"Yes, I understand," Liu Jiang's body was already drenched in sweat at this moment. He originally thought that his grandfather didn't know many things, but now it seems that although his grandfather lives far away, he is always paying attention to what happens in the capital. .


"Second Uncle, don't let Grandpa take that risk again. My heart is pounding when I see it. If something happens to me, I will be uneasy for the rest of my life."

Chen Tao sat in the co-pilot and said to the second uncle in the back seat.

"Some things are not up to me. You don't know the old man's temper. That's what you say. So if you want to prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future, the best way is you boy. Don't always take such big risks. , "

Chen Weiguo reminded angrily that Chen Weiguo, who has been calm for so many years, is really a little scared this time. Firstly, he is afraid that Chen Tao will be in danger, but he is also worried that something will happen to the old man.

Chen Tao smiled bitterly, and said: "I can't blame me for this incident. I was going to Germany. Who knew they stopped me halfway, but what happened yesterday was their initiative to provoke me. Do I let them slap me? "

"Okay, stop arguing with me here, what your second uncle is worst at is arguing." Hearing Chen Tao's words, Chen Weiguo couldn't think of a reason to refute, so he changed the subject directly.

"I know you are very measured, but something happened this time, who do you think is the most likely murderer?"

"It was the Liu family who died, and Liu Jiang was injured by me. In addition, the people involved in this operation were also from the Liu family. I feel that the possibility of them directing and acting on their own is very small. If the Liu family is removed, only Zhou can do it." home,"

Chen Tao analyzed calmly, but was interrupted by Chen Weiguo: "If it was done by the Zhou family, it would be too childish, as long as there is no problem with their brains, they can guess it."

"Although it is naive, the second uncle thinks it is impossible. If everyone thinks this way, then the Zhou family will naturally be excluded. If they are murderers, how will the case end?"

Chen Tao smiled and expressed his bold guess, and also gave an example by the way.

"Hahaha, from your analysis, it does make some sense, but we can't fight back based on speculation alone, we need enough evidence," Chen Weiguo suddenly realized at this time, Chen Tao's words were indeed not unreasonable.

"It's simple. As long as we see the corpse, we can find evidence after re-examination. Any method of killing people will leave evidence. Even the medicine that everyone thinks is safe, there will be flaws,"

Chen Tao was a killer in his previous life, and he has a very clear understanding of the human body. They can kill people, so they naturally know the reactions of various parts of the body after killing people. From this point of view, it can be said that Chen Tao is actually more proficient in anatomy than those so-called forensic experts.

"If you need to prepare something, I will arrange for someone to prepare it now. If you need an expert, you can contact me now to avoid any delay," Chen Weiguo said in fact to remind Chen Tao that an autopsy needs an expert, so let him contact him quickly.

"I'm here for an autopsy. Any cause of death can't be hidden from my eyes," Chen Tao said confidently.

"The master who taught you is really a strange person. If I have the chance, I really want to meet him," Chen Weiguo suddenly expressed such emotion when he saw Chen Tao say so rehabilitatedly.

"I'm afraid you don't have a chance for this. His old man has already achieved the fruit of his cultivation and went to bliss," Chen Tao said nonsense with a smile. He has a master there. He learned all this in life and death. thing.

"Then go to Jile to see him after you die," Chen Weiguo joked with a chuckle.

Since Chen Weiguo had notified the hospital leaders in advance before coming here, when Chen Tao and the others arrived and revealed their identities, two forensic doctors greeted them and took them to the morgue.

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