Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 374 I want to destroy him

"What, failed," Shi Er's hand holding the teacup couldn't help but tremble, a little of the boiling hot tea spilled out and landed on the back of his hand, causing burning pain.

"Yes, it failed," a deep voice came from the phone, "and I suspect that they already know the real number of deaths. If the leader insists on investigating this matter, it will definitely be exposed. You should get ready,"

Wang Yannian slowly put the teacup on the desk, stood up with the phone and walked slowly towards the floor-to-ceiling windows. This office building is where he works, and it is the place with the best feng shui in the whole building, implying the ninth five-year layout. Looking from his position, it seems that the entire provincial capital is under his feet.

And he is the master of this city, life and death can be up to him, he has never known to be afraid, he is really afraid at this moment, he did not expect that just one wrong move would lead to the current situation where everything is lost .

"Use the opportunity of the investigation team to return to the provincial capital to shut up the insider completely," Wang Yannian gritted his teeth and said viciously. At this time, he was no longer calm, and became completely violent. He wanted to fight one last time.

"Boss, I'm afraid this will make you more passive. Chen Tao and Li Yuxin are not simple people, and there is a reporter beside them. If they try again, if they fail, it will arouse the anger of the higher-ups. Everyone is done. Anyway, Zhao Tiezhu has pleaded guilty. Wouldn't it be better to have a deadly confrontation?"

The man on the other side of the phone gave advice in a gloomy voice.

Wang Yannian was silent for a long time before he said: "Hey, it seems that he can only be sacrificed. You can figure it out. I hope that this matter will be completely safe. Even if the top leader investigates it, no one else will be implicated. Understand?"

"Don't worry, as long as you are willing to make up your mind, I can hide from anyone," the man hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

That person was like a shadow, and after speaking without unnecessary nonsense, he began to act.

Of course, Wang Yannian really didn't want to do this in his heart, because sacrificing his cronies would chill the hearts of others, but at this time, what can he do if he doesn't do this, should everyone follow along.

"No, never, he wants everyone to know the real reason why he did this this time." After thinking for a while, he edited a group text message with his secret phone: "1 o'clock in the morning, see you at the meeting,"


Chen Tao, who had dealt with this matter and was in a good mood, was about to go to the provincial capital to have a good day, but received a call from Zhuang Youxue, and the little girl looked very angry on the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Chen Tao was swearing at her head and face: "Chen Tao, you bastard, you know how to be happy with other women every day, and you don't even care about Sister Lan. Do you want to eat it and refuse to admit it?"

"What's the situation? Could it be that Junlan is pregnant?" Chen Tao was delighted in his heart, but in order to avoid misunderstanding and embarrassment, he asked, "I can swear to God, I am definitely not that kind of person. I must be responsible for Sister Lan,"

"It sounds good. Sister Lan has endured such a big grievance this time, why don't you help him solve it," the little girl said resolutely, and Chen Tao was stunned by these words, "What's the matter?"

"Just pretend, you don't know about such a big thing. Sister Lan's newly established film and television company recently had just one-tenth of the film's preparations, but some people secretly tampered with it and couldn't continue filming,"

Zhuang Youxue became even more angry, and now there is so much noise on the Internet, saying that Baohe Film and Television Company is about to go bankrupt due to improper management, and that it offended film and television bosses and was banned. In short, it can be ranked in the top ten in the entertainment sector.

"I really don't know about this. Tell me why you can't continue filming," Chen Tao was a little puzzled when he heard this. Jun Lan had mentioned it to him before, saying that the film was already on track, but now it has the opposite effect. And it was so difficult, Jun Lan didn't tell him.

"Ghost knows, Sister Lan didn't tell me the real situation. I only know that all the companies we cooperated with broke the contract overnight, and even promised to pay liquidated damages. Even the director we hired with a lot of money went on strike, and we went to contact The others were all rejected,"

"...," Chen Tao was stunned for a moment, this matter is too weird, in Chen Tao's opinion, someone who can have such great energy is definitely a film and television boss, but he didn't have any conflicts with those guys, why did they As for dealing with Junlan, could it be that he wanted to hit his own woman?

Thinking of this, Chen Tao immediately lost his composure. He must investigate clearly the ins and outs of this matter, "Give the phone to Sister Lan, I want to know the real reason,"

"Call her yourself, don't say I told you, otherwise she will be angry," Zhuang Youxue stuck out her tongue on the phone when she heard Chen Tao's promise, and hung up the phone quickly after speaking .

"This girl," Chen Tao whispered with a smile.

I picked up the phone and dialed Jun Lan's number, but the line was always busy. From this point, I can see how bad the impact of this matter is. It took about 10 minutes for Jun Lan to call back to Chen Tao, " Little man, is there something wrong?"

Although Jun Lan's tone was still the same, Chen Tao could hear a trace of fatigue from her tone, which made Chen Tao directly hate the guy behind the trick.

"Sister Lan, today I saw a report saying that the movie invested by our group can't be made anymore, what's going on," Chen Tao asked in a gentle tone as he kept the agreement and didn't confess the little girl.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it, just do your thing with peace of mind," Jun Lan knew that the little man was very busy at this time, and what he was doing was serving the public, so she couldn't bear Chen Tao to be distracted by his affairs , pretending to be relaxed.

"I want to know the reason," Chen Tao asked again.

He doesn't want his woman to be wronged, let alone embarrassing her and let her show her face. He only wants her to enjoy success, and let him take on all the tiring and shady things.

"Because I reprimanded a well-known actress for playing a big role, she stopped acting in a rage. I wanted to sue her according to the contract, but she fought back before I acted,"

Seeing something wrong with Chen Tao's tone, Jun Lan knew that this was a sign before the little man got angry, so she didn't hide anything, so she briefly introduced it.

"A small star has so much energy," Chen Tao heard for the first time.

"It's not a small star, but his lover Zheng Yuan, a film and television boss, his influence in the film and television industry is too great, so he said that people in the entertainment industry are not allowed to cooperate with us, and no one dares to cooperate with us. "

Jun Lan couldn't help sighing when she said this. Of course, there is one more thing she didn't say. She was worried that the little man would cause a big mess because of his impulsiveness. It was Zheng Yuan's manager who made her a condition yesterday, that is, to stay with him all night. , let this matter be written off.

"Ci'ao, cats and dogs dare to bully us, it's really beyond our control," Chen Tao had never heard of such a character, so he was naturally angry at this moment.

"Don't be impulsive. The other party is a public figure. If you really send someone to beat you up, it will really end badly in the future," Jun Lan hurriedly advised after hearing Chen Tao's murderous words.

"Public figures are great. If you do good deeds, you can spread them thousands of miles, and if you do bad deeds, you can also spread them thousands of miles. If you play with me, then I will ruin his reputation." Chen Tao thought he was a big man behind the scenes, but now he heard that he was a public figure. He immediately had an idea.

"But the film and television industry is very chaotic. I'm afraid the general style of work can't control him," Jun Lan didn't think of this, but she just asked her subordinates to investigate secretly, and the information they got back made him a little disappointed.

Apart from having a few lovers, it seems that Zheng Yuan has no other bad deeds on the surface.

"I don't believe that a big shot who has really been in the entertainment industry has achieved his current status. I don't believe that he hasn't done anything harmful to the world. I'll leave this matter to me," Chen Tao assured with a smile.

"Don't be impulsive, otherwise you will be in trouble if you are exaggerated," Jun Lan was still worried, and urged again.

"Don't worry, Sister Lan, I'm no longer a brat," Chen Tao didn't feel disgusted when he heard Jun Lan's advice, on the contrary, he felt very comfortable, just like a wife's advice to her husband when she goes out.

"That's good," Jun Lan was about to hang up the phone after finishing speaking, Chen Tao said again: "Sister Lan, those who are willing to pay liquidated damages, let them pay all the compensation, and tell friends in the industry that Zheng Yuan will be finished."

"This way I won't be afraid to scare the snake," Jun Lan asked suspiciously.

"I just let him know, let him feel uneasy, let him know the fate of offending us, and let people in the entertainment industry know that we are not soft persimmons that anyone can bully,"

After speaking, Chen Tao called the second uncle again, and declared in advance that this is a private matter. He hoped that the second uncle could help investigate Zheng Yuan, everything, especially illegal matters.

"Don't worry, I'll give you all the information before noon," Chen Weiguo agreed in pain without asking why. Of course, this was also because he knew this nephew very well, and he knew that Chen Tao would not do evil things.


In the evening, in front of an unremarkable villa in the suburbs of Hedong Province, Chen Tao and Qi Yaxuan got out of the car and rang the doorbell very politely. After a while, a woman in her 40s came out.

Although she is very old, judging from the outline of her face, she should have belonged to the type of beauty back then. It was just the butcher's knife of time that made her lose her style. However, seeing that it was Chen Tao and Qi Yaxuan, the woman was a little puzzled: " Who are you, it seems that you didn't make an appointment, right?"

"We are Mr. Zheng's friends. He said that he has a special date tonight, and he asked us to come here," Chen Tao said with some doubts. After speaking, he deliberately said to Qi Yaxuan, "Could it be that we came to the wrong place?"

The woman heard Chen Tao's words, looked at Qi Yaxuan, and then thought of the little child star in the room. She had a clear expression on her face, and she simply asked Chen Tao a few questions, confirming that Zheng Yuanyue was the person, and her attitude A moderate change came, and the two were invited into the villa.

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