Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 382 Accidental Collision

What these soldiers were most proud of before this was the military boxing that they mastered better than others, but now they suddenly discovered that the person who came was actually a senior expert who was even more powerful than them.

And the person in the lead, knowing that they really fell for it this time, said very bachelorly: "Senior in the army, I don't know what you call it,"

"Why, it's impossible to get revenge by asking my name," Chen Tao sneered when he heard these people say this.

"We really want to take revenge. If you don't tell us your name, we can do it. This inquiry is entirely because of your boxing skills. We want to know which legendary military master you lost to,"

Seeing Chen Tao's sneer, the leader hurriedly explained that although he had such thoughts in his mind when he asked, he still didn't have the guts to admit it in front of so many people.

"I'm not an expert in the military, but I can tell you my name. My name is Chen Tao." Of course, when Chen Tao was speaking, he directly escaped with his military officer certificate, and the four soldiers were completely dumbfounded.

"Chen Tao, could it be someone who trains super-strong soldiers?"

When Chen Tao flashed his officer certificate in front of their eyes, they were completely speechless this time, because it clearly stated that Chen Tao was a colonel, and the column of the troops was exactly the number of the legendary troops.

"Oh my god, this product is too damaged, so I didn't show my certificate earlier," the four of them secretly scolded Chen Tao for being insidious, but they dared not speak up. Even the deputy commander of their local division was only a colonel.

A few of them have the rank of lieutenant, and they are not at the same level as others, so they don't know what to do at this time.

"You bastards, have you forgotten the most basic discipline of a soldier? What should you do when you see someone with a higher rank than you?" Chen Tao looked at the few people sitting on the ground and looked at him stupidly, and said angrily.

"Ah," the four of them heard Chen Tao's words, endured the pain in their bodies, barely stood up, saluted Chen Tao, and shouted: "Hello, Chief."

"Yes, for the sake of your obedience, I will spare you today." Chen Tao returned the military salute and said, "Go back and tell your deputy commander that I, Chen Tao, will give him a chance. If he dares to do this again next time Abuse of power, I will see him court-martialed,"

"This..." The four of them were a little dumbfounded. They knew the deputy commander's temper.

"What is this, don't you dare," Chen Tao scolded as he looked at several people.

"Uh, okay, we got it," Seeing Chen Tao's stare, several people couldn't help but shudder.

"Remember to bring it to me intact, the military court is a good place, I like to go there the most," Chen Tao nodded with satisfaction when he heard the answers from those guys, and said: "You bastards , go back,

After hearing Chen Tao's last few words, they knew what level of evildoer they had offended, because it was the first time they had heard that the military court was a good place, but it was a place that no soldier would want to enter.

Of course, Chen Tao's last sentence was also nonsense, in order to increase the pressure on the few people, lest these bastards not honestly tell Zhao Youliang what they said, and send someone to make trouble again.

The four soldiers knew that there was nothing to be done, and it would be even more embarrassing to stay, so they were relieved when they heard Chen Tao's words to go back, and fled faster than when they came.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers were all elated. This uncle who was driving a big race was too lazy. He beat a soldier, and the other party had to give him a military salute. Those who knew the whole story of this incident all speculated about Ling Zhengxin. and Ling Rui's identity.

And Ling Zheng was so excited that he almost jumped up. Uncle Chen was indeed worse than his father, and if he learned all his skills from now on, wouldn't he be as good as him.

The same is true for Ling Rui at this time. Although she is a girl, she also hopes to become stronger and protect what she wants to protect. She is determined to learn some kung fu from Uncle Chen when she returns home.

Lin Ru and Wang Yun in the car also had bright eyes. At first they thought that Chen Tao was just a bastard, but now it seems that he is not like that. At the same time, he also understands why Chen Tao is willing to help them when they are in danger, not afraid of trouble.

Children love vanity, and Ling Zhengxin is no exception. The first two beatings made him feel ashamed, but now Chen Tao vented his anger on him, which greatly satisfied his vanity, and the psychological shadow of the previous two times completely dissipated.

Holding her sister's hand, under the envious eyes of everyone, she walked into Chen Tao's Mercedes-Benz, and when she got in the car, the little guy hugged Chen Tao's arm directly: "Uncle Chen, you are too fierce, I will definitely learn from you in the future." Kung fu, when the time comes, I will beat the soldiers like you, "

"Crack," Chen Tao slapped him directly on the head, and said angrily, "What the hell are you fighting soldiers? After teaching you Kung Fu, they will let you go on the right path. The reason why they retreated is not because I'm so good. , but because my status is higher than theirs, so it is necessary for you to go to the army for training in the future, "

"Well, Uncle Chen is right. My father had such consequences because he took a wrong path. I will definitely go to the army to practice in the future." After Ling Rui finished speaking, all the people present were stunned. I didn't expect this little girl to see things so thoroughly.

"Okay, as long as you go to school well, when you are in college, I will arrange for all of you to train in the army. Remember that no matter how you behave in the future, you must be upright, so that you can remain invincible forever,"

Chen Tao saw something strange in Ling Zhengxin's eyes, worried that this kid was thinking in a wrong way, so he added an extra sentence at this time.

"Uncle Chen, we got it," the two of them were smart children, and Ling Yun taught the children the right way, so when Chen Tao said this, the two quickly accepted it.


In the Yushi military division, a man with a Chinese face and a very heroic man heard the report of the four soldiers under him. Instead of being angry, he showed a smug smile on his face. I really didn't expect that Chen Tao was so easy to be fooled.

He was Zhao Youliang, deputy commander of the military division, and he confirmed to his soldiers again.

"He really showed his military ID,"

"Well, we can see clearly, the rank of colonel," the leader said with certainty.

"Okay, since he wants to go to the military court, then I will accompany him to the end and prepare the materials for his beating. I want to get this justice," Zhao Youliang waved his hand after finishing speaking, and let the four of them leave.


While driving, he explained some principles of life to Ling Yun's children. Just when they were about to arrive at the club, a car rushed past Chen Tao's car at a very fast speed.

Chen Tao could clearly hear the sound of "嗞嗞", and he didn't need to look to know that the God of Wealth passed by just now, and the car was not scratched, but luckily the other party did not escape, but stopped in front of them, A foreigner in a suit got out of the car.

Seeing the other party approaching, Chen Tao asked the family in the car not to move around, but he walked out of the car, and the other party came directly, he didn't mean to apologize at all, but the villain first complained: "How did you drive? Yes, didn’t you see a car coming from behind, would you die if you hide for a while, now I need you to make compensation,”

Chen Tao originally thought that the other party came to apologize, and he had already thought about it in his heart. If the other party admits his mistake, the matter will be left alone. After all, they are international friends. This shows the generosity of our Chinese nation.

But he didn't expect that the other party was here to find fault. Chen Tao became angry instantly, and went back to the car directly, and said to the people in the car: "Fasten your seat belt."

Just as the few people in the car were fastening their seat belts, when the foreigner was knocking on the glass by the side of the car, Chen Tao stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, facing the rear of that guy's car, and it was a heavy blow.

"Bang..." There was a loud sound, the rear compartment lid of that car was lifted, the fender was broken, smoke was rising from the compartment, and several people inside rushed out in fright.

Chen Tao took out a business card from the car, threw it out of the window, and said to the foreigners, "Since you want compensation, then I will grant it to you. Now I have something urgent, so I need to call this number."

After finishing speaking, Chen Tao drove away directly. A Chinese woman walked out of the car just now, covered her almost runny nose with her hand, looked at the direction Chen Tao left and said, "Remember that number for me, I want to make him look good,"

At this moment, a traffic police car rushed over. The Huaxia woman was overjoyed and made a gesture to the foreigner just now. The foreigner immediately understood, walked towards the traffic police and shouted: "We are the American Forint Group. The investor just got into a car accident and was seriously injured. I hope you can catch the escaped driver and punish him severely,"

"Of course, we will handle it impartially," the leading traffic policeman saw that he was an international person and also an investor, so he hurriedly ensured that these foreigners would not complain and make a big fuss. implicated.

When those people told the captain the license plate number, one of the traffic policemen made a simple inquiry and whispered the identity of the owner of the car in the captain's ear, and the detachment captain's tone changed immediately.

"This traffic accident, we can't just rely on one-sided words. We need to investigate the scene. In addition, you should explain the situation at that time carefully. I need an objective and fair statement. I hope you will not deliberately downplay your responsibilities, otherwise you will be found out. The punishment will be doubled, after he finished speaking, he will make a record and let other people investigate on the spot, "

The woman with a Chinese face is not a fool either. Seeing the changes in the face and tone of the traffic police after checking the license plate, she knew that they were not talking about ordinary people. Especially when she saw the traffic police, they were still carefully eliminating evidence against the other party.

Seeing all this, the woman with Huaxia's face showed slight anger, picked up her mobile phone and dialed the number of the investment officer who received them this time, and briefly explained the matter, hoping that the government can make the decision.

But when the other party heard the license plate number, he was stunned for a moment, and finally sighed: "Let's forget about this matter. The other party has a strong background, and even the city leaders are unwilling to offend. What's more, the collision is the responsibility of both parties. If you go on, I'm afraid you won't get any benefits."

"Your investment environment really disappoints me. Since we haven't dealt with it, we'll leave," the woman originally wanted to threaten and make the other party compromise, but when she heard this, the other party just sighed and said: " If Miss Bai Xue really makes such a decision, there is nothing we can do about it, but I still suggest you to think about it, "

"Hmph, this matter must be explained to me," Bai Xue said and hung up the phone without giving the other party a chance to explain.

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