Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 388 Severe situation

When he arrived at the camp where Mudesok and the others were staying, Chen Tao was a little speechless. No wonder they couldn't stand it anymore. high.

When the two of them arrived at the gate, the blunt English of the two soldiers had already been spoken. These places are a great mix of people from all over the world. Almost all the locals can understand several major internationally popular languages. Seeing that Chen Tao is obviously not a local, I didn't know where this Asian was, so I chose English.

"This is a military restricted area, please leave immediately, otherwise we will use wartime military law to kill anyone who tries to intrude." From this point, it can be seen that Captain Kamitfei is still very competent.

With such a consistent team, but retreating steadily, it can only show that their disadvantage should be above the weapons and equipment.

Mo Yu was a little angry. They came here from thousands of miles, and it was fine if the other party didn't come out to greet them, but they were still blocking them at the door. It was unbearable, and said to Chen Tao: "I want to teach them a lesson."

"This is a matter within their duties, don't be impulsive." Chen Tao calmed Mo Yu softly, and said, "My name is Chen Tao. Let your guard captain Kamitfei come to see me, right away."

"Ah..." The two soldiers were stunned for a moment. Although they had never met Chen Tao, the name had already taken root in their hearts, because it was this man who helped His Royal Highness return to the country.

Every time the prince lectured, he would mention this benefactor, and even the captain of the guard had ordered them to pay attention to this man in the past two days.

A soldier reacted first, and said apologetically, "Mr. Chen, wait a moment, I will report to you right away."

After about 1 minute, the soldier rushed out, saluted Chen Tao very quickly, and said, "Mr. Chen, General Kamitfei, will come out soon, but before confirming your real identity Before, please wait here, please forgive me."

Chen Tao nodded in satisfaction. As a sentinel, these two people were killed very well. It seems that this army has made good use of it. It is not difficult to restore the rule of this country again.

After about 3 minutes, a very simple jeep has rushed to the gate, and the dustman is driving the flying dance, and a figure has jumped out of the car in a hurry.

It was Kamitfei, the captain of the guard who had lost a lot of weight after not seeing him for half a month, but this time when we met, although this guy lost weight, he became much more energetic.

It's just that the clothes are worse than before, which makes Chen Tao a little puzzled. Before he can ask any questions, Kamitfei has already jumped out of the jeep.

"Mr. Chen, it's really you. I didn't expect you to come so soon." When he was speaking, he walked quickly to Chen Tao's side and gave him a big hug.

But the two soldiers seemed a little cautious, and just stopped the benefactor that His Royal Highness kept talking about.

"You are Kamitfei, um, it seems to be very good." Mo Yu can feel the ability of this man from his aura, because Mo Yu doesn't judge a man by his clothes, but by his temperament Look, because this kind of temperament can't be faked just by pretending

"Who is this beautiful Miss Dongfang?" Kamitfei didn't know Mo Yu's identity, but he could feel the bloody aura emanating from Mo Yu's body. It was a feeling among soldiers.

It's like ordinary people sometimes don't recognize soldiers in plain clothes, but soldiers can recognize them at a glance.

"This is my wife, Mo Yu, who is also the chief instructor of the masters I brought this time." Chen Tao introduced Mo Yu with a smile, and then said to Kamitfei: "I am very satisfied with your soldiers. I am confident that we will be able to unite and restore peace again."

Although it was just a brief introduction, Mo Yu felt very happy because Chen Tao called him his wife in front of outsiders.And it's a foreign friend, so everyone in the entire barracks will know about it in the future.

Kamitfei nodded excitedly, and hurriedly greeted Mo Yu: "Mr. Chen, Miss Mo Yu, please come inside."

He dared not offend this woman with the title of chief instructor, which was the key to their restoration of the country.

From the gate to the garrison's camp, there is at least one mile away, so it's no wonder that Kamitfei came here in a car. On the way to the camp, Chen Tao also had a deeper understanding of their situation at this time.

Even if they are princes, if they want to gain a foothold in this city, they have to pay a certain amount of property rights deposit like the United Kingdom Guild. This is one of the reasons why Chen Tao gave them a sum of military expenses, but they are still in such a miserable situation.

Of course, part of the reason is that they suffered heavy losses in the previous battles because their equipment could not keep up, and the pensions also cost a lot of money. Originally, the general mercenary regiments or local forces in this matter died as soon as they died. There is no such thing as a pension.

But now they are acting as a righteous national force, in order to regain control of the country in the future and win the hearts of the people, so they will do this.

"Since it is so difficult, why didn't you ask for help earlier?" Chen Tao said a little angrily, because if there is too much gap with other forces in the early stage, then he will be hindered everywhere in the future.

"It was my fault. I underestimated the other party and overestimated myself. I thought I could win an oil well, but instead of succeeding, I also lost more than 100 soldiers." He blamed himself and regretted it.

Of course, Chen Tao also knew the deeper reason, that is, Kamitfei was still wary of him.

"Old Ka, I think you don't trust me. When I helped you, I made it very clear that I have no interest in such a small country." Chen Tao reiterated what he said at this time, because he Knowing that there must be no gap between the two, otherwise it will be difficult to carry out future plans.

"I'm sorry, my friend." Kamitfei was already a little guilty, but this time when he heard Chen Tao say this, he felt even more uncomfortable. At this time, he finally made up his mind to trust Chen Tao unconditionally.

"I, Kamitfi, swear to Allah that I will trust my Eastern friends unconditionally in the future."

"Okay, I believe in your sincerity, Lao Ka. My people will arrive within these two days. You need to prepare a place for them to live in advance, and let your soldiers be mentally prepared. They Will be the instructor in the team."

"His Royal Highness and I have already made an arrangement, but what we lack most now is money. We need to recruit more soldiers and more weapons. It is best to have armored vehicles, otherwise we will not be able to fight against the other four major forces." .”

This is what Kamitfei is most worried about. Last time they suffered from the armored vehicles. Although their soldiers were of high quality, they were massacred one-sidedly.

"I will find a way to solve these. Now take me to see His Royal Highness, and let's discuss how to develop next." Chen Tao thought for a while, and felt that it would be better to talk to Mudsok about some things in person.

"His Royal Highness also means the same." Kamitfei continued to drive forward. While walking, Chen Tao nodded again when he saw the soldiers on both sides undergoing combat training. Although the overall quality of these soldiers was not as good as that of the Chinese special forces, they still It is not inferior to the special forces of some major countries in the Middle East.

"Because there are not enough weapons and ammunition, I asked the guards to personally train them in hand-to-hand combat, so as to be able to use them when dealing with some small and medium-sized mercenary groups, and then connect those sites together."

On the surface, he was introducing soldiers, but in fact, Kamitfei was talking about his own strategic idea, which was rejected by His Royal Highness, and he hoped to get Chen Tao's support to make His Royal Highness compromise.

"Your idea is very creative, but it is not realistic. When we came here, we also conducted some secret investigations. Many small mercenary groups are actually attached to large mercenary groups or large forces. If you attack a small mercenary group, you will be retaliated by the forces behind him, and it will be very difficult for us to resist."

Chen Tao didn't beat around the bush, but expressed his opinion.

"However, I don't think those people will really fight us for the small mercenary group." Kamitfei did not compromise because of Chen Tao's words, but expressed his opinion again.

"Do you think those big forces and the leaders of the big mercenary group are all mediocre people?" Chen Tao did not continue to refute Kamitfei, but asked instead.

"Although he is not a person with a strong strategic vision, he is definitely not a mediocre person." Kamitfei was stunned for a moment, and did not understand Chen Tao's intention of asking this question, so he answered honestly.

"How are you and the others compared to you?" Chen Tao asked again.

"Some people are not as good as me, and some people are worse than me. From the perspective of the main station, they are all between brothers." Kamitfei was a little confused by Chen Tao's question, but she still answered honestly.

"If your affiliated mercenary group was attacked, what would you do?" Chen Tao asked again.

"Of course I will..." At this point, Kamitfei suddenly understood, and smiled awkwardly: "It seems that I was a little naive, but if I don't do this, what should we do to fight against those big mercenary groups and A great power is like hitting a stone with an egg, so how long will it take to restore the country?"

"So what we have to do now is to improve our own power and recruit more soldiers. I will find a way to get some sophisticated equipment and armored vehicles. You gather fighters who know how to use them and let them teach soldiers who don't understand in advance. "

Chen Tao revealed some of his own ideas. Although this method is slower, it is the method with the greatest chance of winning. In a short period of time, he will hide in this place for secret training. If all the regiments are taken down, those small mercenary regiments will naturally submit.

At that time, based on this place, we will start to slowly crusade against other forces, so that we can unify this country step by step.

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