Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 406 Save Your Life for Revenge

It was at this moment that Robert realized that everything before was Chen Tao's plan to slow down the army, which made him have the urge to be played. The next day, when he was preparing to unite with the island nation's mercenary group to launch an attack on Chen Tao and his National Defense Army.

Chen Tao brought people to them again, and brought several truckloads of weapons and supplies. As soon as he met Chen Tao, he explained his purpose of coming, and that was to fulfill the agreement.

Chen Tao's actions made Robert and Jim stunned. They never thought that Chen Tao actually did this. "Deputy head, what do Chen Tao and the others mean by doing this?"

"Judging from everything that has happened recently, this Chen Tao should continue to implement the strategy of slowing down the army, trying to paralyze us. When he wipes out the island mercenary group, he will naturally turn his guns to deal with us." Jim closed his eyes and thought for a while, and suddenly thought Through Chen Tao's intention.

"Isn't he afraid that we will use these weapons against them?" Although Robert also thought this was the case, he still couldn't believe it, because he didn't believe that Chen Tao was the kind of person who had no brains.

"I'm not sure about this. Anyway, this time we must not join forces with them to deal with the island nation's mercenary group. If there is a chance, we will carry out a sneak attack on them. At that time, we will share with the island country's mercenary group. everything."

When Jim mentioned this plan, even Robert was taken aback, "Wouldn't it be the case that we're going back on our promises? Even if we wipe out the Protectorate Corps in the future, our credibility will be completely lost, so why should we fight for hegemony?"

"Regimental Commander, the Middle East is based on strength, not reputation. If we don't do this, with the current strength of the National Defense Corps, we can easily be wiped out."

Robert wanted to refute, but he had to admit that what Jim said made sense. The National Defense Corps is indeed the only one now. If they hadn't been restrained by the island nation's mercenary group, they might really be able to start the road to the restoration of the country.

"Okay, then do as you said. We will discuss the plan with them, and then disclose it to the island country mercenary group. Then we will attack from both sides and destroy the National Defense Army." Now that the decision has been made, Robert will soon have plan.

When entertaining Chen Tao, he was very enthusiastic, and he was very active in making suggestions, and agreed to launch a full-scale attack on the island nation's mercenary group on time tomorrow night.

The National Defense Corps took the lead, and the Werewolf Mercenary Corps assisted, and Robert very generously said that only [-]% of the profit would be enough. In the end, Chen Tao felt embarrassed and decided to give them [-]%.

A plan was completed in harmony, and when the werewolf mercenary group came out, Kamitfei was a little puzzled and said: "Marshal, since the werewolf wants [-]% of the profit, why should we give [-]%? Wouldn't it be a waste of money for them? ?”

"If it wasn't for the fear that they might become suspicious, I would give them [-]%." Chen Tao said with a smile.

"Why?" Kamitfei was even more confused.

"Because our next target is not the island nation's mercenary group, but their werewolf mercenary group. All plans are just a cover-up. Since we attack them and give them a lot of benefits, aren't they all just lip service?"

Chen Tao smiled and said, he would not be so stupid as to believe that the werewolf mercenary group would cooperate with him to fight against the island country mercenary group, because their current structure is a bit similar to that of the Three Kingdoms period in ancient China, with one strong and two weak.

And if you want to win quickly, you have to take it by surprise, so that the opponent has not reacted before the battle is over, and when the time comes to clean up a small island country mercenary group, it will be a piece of cake.

"So that's how it is. The Marshal's move is really clever." Hearing this, Kamitfei admired Chen Tao even more. It turned out that from the beginning of the negotiation with the werewolf mercenary group, he had already started to lay out the rear.

In his opinion, it would take at least seven or eight years of war, but he did not expect that it would take less than three months here, which can be described as a miracle to him, especially their current troops have reached 15 people.

If they hadn't been more strict in beckoning now, the number would have exceeded 20 long ago, so he was confident that after eliminating the werewolves and the island mercenary group, he would completely wipe out the other two forces in the shortest possible time.

Back at the camp, Chen Tao and the others got together again to plan the next plan, and finally decided to attack the werewolf mercenary group, the most important thing is a quick word.

From the perspective of overall strength, although the werewolf mercenary group is not as good as the eagle mercenary group, it is slightly better in scattered operations, because most of them are domestic mercenaries, unlike the eagle mercenary group, which has a large number of mercenaries. Basically, the local mercenaries will not have the phenomenon of defection in the last war.

In order to cater to the quick dispatch, they formulated a route of cutting and encircling, focusing on attacking, which is to divide all the members of the werewolf mercenary group, and use masters to attack and kill the backbone of the werewolf mercenary group, leaving their team in a state of no command.

Any team that has no soul character will instantly change from a hungry wolf to a sheep.

Of course, Chen Tao does not intend to send all the masters to the werewolf mercenary group this time. He has divided some people to monitor and defend the movements of the island country mercenary group. , Killed a carbine, wiped out the island nation's mercenary group, and completely turned this large area into their territory.

So after the task was assigned, everyone became excited, because they saw the hope of the country's recovery, and a prosperous country without war was about to reappear. They were willing to give everything and shed every drop of blood.

There were not many people in the attack, but they were all elites, and they were all members of the special training team. Since the location of the camp where the opposing commander was located had already been determined before, this time the attack went straight to the target without wasting any time.

And those ordinary people are lurking around the werewolf mercenary group. After the opponent's elite commander is killed, they will press on all fronts and deal a devastating blow to the werewolf mercenary group.

In this operation, in order to prevent accidents among the people defending the island nation's mercenary regiment, Chen Tao specially asked Mo Yu to go to the front line to provide support and deal with emergencies at any time.

Following Chen Tao's sound of subzero, those special training team members divided into ten different directions and went to ten different camps for the fastest sneak attack, because Chen Tao only gave them 5 minutes, and after 5 minutes, they will launch The people attack.

In the dark night, those special training members sneaked into the camp like ghosts. Although they are all masters, the opponents are not all vegetarians, so just when everything was about to be settled, guns rang out from the werewolf mercenary group Voice.

This forced Chen Tao to launch an attack in advance. Of course, he didn't blame the special training team member, because there were also mutant fighters in the werewolf mercenary group, and he was very relieved that this happened at the last moment.

It was also because of that gunshot that the members of the werewolf mercenary group were also alarmed, and they put on their clothes and took weapons to prepare to meet the enemy, but when all their people came out, they did not see their commander.

What they saw was a black crowd. Before they could even react, countless bullets flew over, killing a battalion of troops in an instant.

And the first special training team members went to the arsenal of the werewolf mercenary regiment according to the plan, and used the most powerful explosives to destroy them all.

"Boom-" There was a loud bang, and an arsenal was set on fire, overturning the entire land, as if an earthquake had struck.

Robert and Jim, who were preparing to fight back, turned black when they heard the explosion. They knew what the explosion of the arsenal meant, and scolded Chen Tao for being dishonest. took them.

"Deputy head, hurry up and contact the island mercenary group, let them send people to rescue us, and promise to give them all the spoils of defeating the National Defense Army." Robert was really anxious at this time.

At this time, he no longer thought about how to grab greater benefits, but only had one thought in his mind, that is to preserve his strength, preserve the existing interests, and not let the consortium behind him down.

"I've already contacted. The people from the island nation's mercenary group have already rushed here with all their strength, but they encountered obstacles on the way. Their group leader told us to hold on for half an hour, and he promised to arrive in half an hour."

"Okay, then I'll trust these cunning oriental monkeys for once." After speaking, Robert said to Shen Bing's guards: "Go out with me to defend against the enemy, we will make these bastards who deceive us pay the price with their lives."

Jim originally wanted to stop him, but thinking of such a crisis, if he was unwilling to go all out, he would really have no chance. Thinking of this, he picked up a submachine gun and followed him out.

This time they had already made up their minds to die, but when they went out, they realized that their troops had no order at all, they were completely disorganized, and those who were killed by the soldiers of the National Defense Army were retreating steadily.

Some people even had a mental breakdown in such a high-pressure war, dropped their guns, turned around and ran away, and then a grenade hit his head, completely ending his life.

"Deputy head, take your people out of here, and I'll kill you." Robert was not reconciled to seeing his decades of hard work destroyed in an instant, he wanted to live and die with his mercenary group.

"Captain, if you don't leave, we won't leave either. If we die, we will die here together." Jim has already seen Robert's thoughts, how could he leave, and the werewolf mercenary group is also his painstaking effort. Die dignifiedly.

"Deputy head, you can't die. I need you to avenge me. I will find an opportunity to go to Huaxia in the future and kill that cunning Chen Tao. Remember to use the same method to attack his relatives."

Robert said in an orderly tone: "What are you still doing in a daze, lead people to retreat from the secret passage, and avenge me."

"Yes, I understand, brothers retreat." Jim hesitated for a while and finally decided to follow the order of the leader. He wanted to save his life and avenge the leader.

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