Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 411 Mudsok is seriously ill

Half an hour later, only one person who detected the news came back, and he was covered in blood: "Captain, it's not good, there are no people in these villages at all, and all of them are experts from the other side. Our brother just entered, and was killed." They surrounded and killed."

"Send a signal, kill all the people here." The captain knows the strength of these brothers best. They all exist with one against a hundred. When they enter the courtyard, they are suddenly attacked and killed. That can only explain one point. , that means the opponent is powerful.

So the captain let go of his benevolent heart, directly issued the lore order, and even rushed forward. The group of them was originally a master among masters, and their coordinated actions were even more unstoppable.

And those people also saw such an attacking posture, and knew that they had been discovered, so they no longer hid, jumped out of those houses one after another, and formed a formation to fight back.

At this moment, neither of the two parties had any reservations, and they all tried their best, because they all knew that this warrior was the key, the winner would become the master of the Northwest and Central Sichuan, and the loser would be completely defeated.

"Brothers, didn't you all complain that you didn't go to the Middle East to improve your strength? Now is your chance, kill me." The team leader yelled directly, and cut a master of the opponent who rushed towards him in half with a knife, and continued to attack .

Captain Wei Meng and the others were infected by this aura, and their blood boiled with enthusiasm, and their aura was even higher than before. However, the opponent's master was cut in half with a knife, and those people were a little dumbfounded.

Just when they were dazed, Chen Tao and his men had already killed several masters of the opponent, and at this moment, a strange whistle sound suddenly appeared in this area.

With the sound of the whistle, a black crowd suddenly appeared on the periphery of the combatants. Judging from the formation in which they charged, they should all have been soldiers before.

"Hahaha, I know that all of you here are experts, but you must know that this is our territory, and if you want to get involved, you will have to pay the price of your life." Dugu Ao's arrogant voice came over when those people formed and their positions were good. .

"Waste like you, how can we kill us no matter how many people there are?" The captain saw so many people surrounding them, not only did not surround them, but he became excited. Kill here.

"Brothers, kill me, this is the best time for us to improve."

"Don't overestimate yourself, brothers, let me go." Duguao also gave the final attack order at this time. He also wanted to completely wipe out Chen Tao's power in this battle, and then become the real controller of the Northwest and Central Sichuan.

In this way, the two camps began a real killing battle, and many people began to fall in a pool of blood. If we say that everyone had reservations at the beginning, but as brothers died one by one, everyone was jealous. It even includes those special training players.

And Chen Tao, who watched all this from a distance, knew that if the battle was not resolved in time, it would be very disadvantageous to those special training members, so he also joined the battle at this moment.

Just one hour later, at the cost of 20 casualties, the battle between the elites in the Northwest and Central Shu ended, and none of Qin Guangwang's people participated in it from the beginning to the end.

After dealing with the scene, when he returned to the place of residence, Chen Tao immediately expressed his doubts to Jun Lan: "Sister Lan, what do you think Yan is planning? Why did their people seem to disappear out of thin air? generally?"

"Little man, you are so smart that you can't see through it, how can I see through it, but we can slowly look for their traces when we are clearing out the remnants of the Northwest and Central Shu, as long as the Northwest is in our hands, plus No matter how powerful Yan is with our strength on Drake, he will not be our opponent."

Jun Lan said very confidently, because she also fully understood Chen Tao's intentions these days. Before, she didn't understand why Chen Tao wanted to help Mudesok to restore the country, but now the attitude of the big family in the country made her understand.

Because as long as their big families don't want to give up Drake's interests, they must have a good relationship with the Chen family or Chen Tao.

"It seems that this is the only way to do it now. The aftermath of the northwest and central Sichuan will be handed over to you. The battle on Drake's side is coming to an end. As the marshal of their country, I will be crowned at the coronation ceremony a month later. On the other hand, some arrangement is needed.”

Now that the Northwest and Central Shu are stable, Yan Lu can't stay out, and the major families are closely related to the Chen family. Even if the Wang family has taken the initiative to show favor at this moment, the country is basically completely free of worries.

Everything seemed to be going according to the predetermined plan. Just when Chen Tao thought that he could make a plan to go to another world with all his strength, a sudden news caught him off guard.

"Old friend, are you kidding me?" Chen Tao remembered that when he came back last time, Mudsokona was still in good health and showed no signs of illness at all. It has only been two short months now. He turned out to be terminally ill.

"Chen, I'm really on the verge of dying. I want to see you for the last time. Come here as soon as possible. I still need your help with important things...cough cough cough." While speaking, there was a violent coughing sound from the phone.

"Okay, I'll go to your place tomorrow." After Chen Tao finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and then asked Liu Yi and Gai Xin, and finally found out that after His Royal Highness felt that the victory was in his hands, he began to indulge himself. In the past two months, I contracted an incurable disease.

In addition, he indulged too much and his symptoms could not be controlled, so until now there is no cure at all.Hearing this made Chen Tao have the urge to scold his mother, he was really self-inflicted.

But if he dies, it will completely disrupt Chen Tao's plan. If he supports a new king again, it will definitely cause new disputes. At that time, the country will be in chaos again, which will be very unfavorable to him.

If he proclaims himself king, there is a great risk. The more he thinks about it, the more trouble he gets. He got on the plane to Drake early the next morning. He wants to meet Mudsok as soon as possible. He has something to explain.

After an 8-hour flight, Chen Tao arrived in Drake again. This time it was more grand. All the important military generals went to the airport to greet him. On the way, Kamitfei kept expressing his guilt, saying that he did not take good care of the prince.

"Okay, let's talk about it when we see him. If something like this happens at this critical moment, the country that we took nearly a year to conquer may be ruined." Chen Tao thought about the possible consequences. .

Because another collapse here will have a great impact on him in the country.

"This is also something that His Royal Highness is worried about, so I will inform you of your arrival as soon as possible." Kamitfei accompanied Chen Tao to the palace, and briefly introduced the reason why he came here on the way.

It turned out that Mudesokko knew that his time had come, so he specially took back his illegitimate son who was placed abroad, and planned to let him take over the position of king, and let Chen Tao come here, hoping that he could assist his son.

"That's good. As long as there is an orthodox heir, then we will have a legal status and the country will not be chaotic." Chen Tao was relieved when he heard this, "After meeting, we must give the little prince as soon as possible." Conduct the canonization ceremony."

"His Royal Highness also means the same thing. We have already made preparations before you come. Tomorrow we can confer the little prince as crown prince." Seeing Chen Tao's attitude, Kamitfei also breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, what he was most worried about was that Chen Tao would take this opportunity to seize power, but now it seemed that his villainous heart was judging the gentleman's belly.

When they arrived at the bedroom where the Mudesok Palace was located, the man who used to be very wise and energetic turned into a sick man with a weak spirit, coughing a few times from time to time.

Standing beside him was a [-]-year-old boy. From the boy's eyebrows, he could see Mudesok's shadow, and he didn't need to guess that this should be his illegitimate son.

After the guard reported, Mudesok asked the little boy and the nursing doctor to help him sit up, and then said to Chen Tao in a weak voice: "My old friend, you are finally here, you are finally here."

"I'm here, you..." Chen Tao originally wanted to say some comforting words, but in the end he opened his mouth and didn't say anything, because he has already seen that Mudsokko is now exhausted, and there is still a week at most. Life.

"It's because I indulged myself too much, but the heavens have treated me kindly and let me find my son." Mudesok has already guessed what Chen Tao was going to say, and continued: "Old friend, I hope you promise me a lifetime thing."

"Tell me, as long as I, Chen Tao, can do it, I will definitely agree."

"With your words, even if I die today, I can rest in peace." After Mudesok finished speaking, he said to his son, "Kneel down to the Marshal, after listening, he will be your father."

"Plop." The boy knelt down on the ground, slammed his head three times, and then called out to Chen Tao for his father. Chen Tao quickly helped the boy up, and immediately understood what Mudesok meant.

"Old friend, I recognize this son, don't worry, if you unfortunately leave, I will definitely assist him to control the country and restore the country to the pre-war living standards."

Mudesokho treats him sincerely, and Chen Tao naturally gives him a guarantee that he can rest in peace if he goes to heaven.More importantly, doing so is also very beneficial to Chen Tao. He doesn't have to worry about his reputation being wrong, and it will be more logical to implement various government orders in the future.

"Thank you. The most proud thing in my life is getting to know you. If you weren't interested in a small country like me, I would have given this country to you, cough cough cough."

Mudesok held Chen Tao with trembling hands and said, "I will announce you as the prime minister of this country in public when the crown prince announces tomorrow, and I will tell all the people that you are Muhand's second son." a father."

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