"Why do you ask me when you have an idea?" The woman's voice actually had a little charm, even if she didn't look at her appearance, there was an urge to press the woman under her body, but this voice matched the woman's voice. From time to time, the cold expression seemed a little disharmonious.

In particular, the wine in the woman's hand turned out to be the unique white wine outside the customs, which formed a strong contrast with the temperament she exuded, especially the rhino horn cup in her hand, which shows that women are not considered to be very tasteless people.Drinking this mild spirit from a rhino horn cup will add a touch of flavor.

From the woman drinking this kind of wine, it can be seen that she is a woman who doesn't like to be passive. She likes men to follow her own way of thinking to solve problems, rather than her to cater to men. The performance just now has fully demonstrated this point.

"It seems that your thinking is different from mine." The man's lazy voice sounded again. While talking, he also poured himself a glass of wine, using the same amber glass. When drinking, he was not the same as the previous one. The man also just took a sip, but drank it in one sip, and then closed his eyes to experience the stimulating taste that the rustling taste hits the senses.

The tone of his speech is lazy but it makes people feel an unquestionable taste, as if his words are orders, no matter who must obey, judging from his drinking movements, this is a man who is even crazier and does not play by the rules , far from what the pretentiously elegant man in front can compare with.

"I don't think there's any need for us to quarrel over a piece of trash. It hurts our feelings. I think that's what Sister Xinyu meant by not expressing herself." The elegant man from before hurriedly made a siege, and he looked at Wang Xinyu with eyes full of greed and admiration , even with some incomprehensible feelings, anyway, it's not the kind of love between a man and a woman.

"Yuhe, just be yourself in the future, don't always imitate others everywhere, a man can only have his own charm by being himself." The woman shifted her gaze to the man, looking at his handsome face and said.

She doesn't dislike this man, and even likes him a little bit. Of course, this liking is also the kind without any lust. In his opinion, Chen Yuhe's heart is not dark, but he has been affected by being with Wang Xinliang for a long time.

"But... But I want to be a man like Brother Wang." When he said this, he showed a childishness that didn't match his age at this time.

Even Wang Xinyu felt strange about this point. I really don't know what method my cousin used to make a young man in his 20s worship him almost blindly and ignorantly.

"Everyone has their own life trajectory, and the route they take is different. There is only one Wang Xinliang in the world, and you are the same." Wang Xinyu did not hesitate to speak because Wang Xinliang was by her side.

In other words, if he was not in the same family, he would never have any cooperation with a man like Wang Xinliang who hides a knife in his smile. This kind of man is like a wolf, as long as he relaxes his vigilance a little, he may be eaten to pieces.

"Even if you and I have some disagreements, you don't have to make trouble like this." The man was not angry at this time, but laughed and laughed, and continued: "If I play a game with that trash of the Chen family, Do you think he will lose that woman to me as a bet?"

"After all the calculations and calculations, I made a wedding dress for someone else." Wang Xinyu expressed her opinion unceremoniously.

Originally, Wang Xinliang's plan was to let Zhuang Youxue borrow usury here, and finally achieve the situation of controlling her, and then use this as a threat to make Zhuang Yan choose to stand in line with them, but he didn't expect to kill Chen Tao halfway, and You can make money right away, and take away some funds from the casino.

"You mean, I'm not the opponent?" Wang Xinliang heard the meaning in Wang Xinyu's words.

"At least I don't think you are sure of victory, so why not let him win a few hundred million?" From this sentence, we can see Wang Xinyu's heroism and true wisdom.

"Brother Wang is the direct disciple of the Australian gambling king. I don't believe in giving that waste hundreds of millions of funds for nothing." Although Chen Yuhe is sometimes naive, he doesn't take Chen Tao seriously, let alone hundreds of millions. It was tens of millions, and he felt that it would be painful for Chen Tao to take it away.

"If you are willing to give up, you can only gain if you are willing to give up. That is when the situation is evenly matched, and now I don't think that waste has this qualification." Wang Xinliang already had a plan in mind when he said this.A plan that can break the relationship between the Chen family and the dealer.

After speaking, he snapped his fingers to inform the bodyguards, and asked someone to invite Chen Tao to the luxury private room for a big gamble.

At the same time, Jun Lan also got news from Zhuang Youxue, and her heart became even more entangled. Thinking of the casino environment and Zhuang Youxue's temper, she could tell that there would be trouble.He picked up the phone and directly dialed the numbers of the two masters in the headquarters who were not performing tasks, and asked them to come to the villa to pick him up, and then they went to Kairui International together.

But in the lobby of the casino, this person was extremely excited. Now that he has money, he will give half of it to himself and pay more than 300 million. This man is simply more powerful than a money printing machine. "How much did you buy this time?"

"All six this time," Chen Tao said casually. At this time, the eyes of the people around him widened. This kid won't want to win this underground casino, will he?

Zhuang Youxue didn't hesitate at all this time, and put all her chips on three sixes, but at this time the croupier said: "Miss, the maximum limit for each customer at each table is 200 million."

"You're so stingy, it's only 200 million." Zhuang Youxue muttered angrily.

Hearing this, the croupier even wanted to die. He had already lost less than 5000 million at the table by himself. If he lost another game, his life might be lost. For the safety of his life, he decided to It is more appropriate to faint first and delay the time.

Zhao Hu, who saw this scene in the monitoring room upstairs, was also dumbfounded at this moment. He knew the purpose of Chen Tao's coming here better than anyone else. If he continued to play at this speed, his Kerry International might change its owner.

Originally wanted to inform Chen Hai, after all, his backer here is the Chen family on the surface, but after thinking about what happened last time, Chen Tao was covered by the family. To be on the safe side, he still dialed his real boss behind the scenes phone.The other side just said lightly, I know.

This made Zhao Hu very nervous. He didn't feel relieved until the deputy manager revealed to him the news that Young Master Wang was betting against Chen Tao. In his opinion, as long as Young Master Chen stepped forward, everything could be solved easily. .


"Hey, what's going on with your casino, hurry up and start." Seeing that the croupier was carried down, but no new croupier came up to operate, Zhuang Youxue, who was already impatient, quit. If you delay for one more minute, you will lose tens of millions of income, and start yelling again.

Chen Tao just smiled and said nothing, he wanted to wait for Zhao Hu to come out and let him go bankrupt, but he didn't know that Zhao Hu was actually just a dog.

At this moment, the lobby manager came over and said politely to the two of them, "You two, if you want to play bigger, you can follow me to the VIP room."

"Okay, okay, I haven't been to the VIP room yet." Upon hearing that he could win more money, Zhuang Youxue immediately agreed with bright eyes.

Chen Tao gave the girl a sudden blow, "What's the matter, the hall is safe, if someone ambushed the killer in the private room, a beautiful and cute little girl like you may be killed by so-and-so."

"Ah..." Zhuang Youxue also saw a similar plot in the gambling movies on TV, because the gamblers win more money, and they are often stopped by the casino people halfway, so Chen Tao will believe it when he scares him. and a certain amount of fear.

"We don't go to the VIP room, let them come here if we want to gamble. Miss Ben will accompany you, hmph"

After finishing speaking, he ignored the hall manager, patted Chen Tao on the shoulder and said, "I didn't expect you to know a lot. I thought you were just a reckless man. It turns out that you are a little Zhuge."

"Sweat." Rao Chen Tao is thick-skinned, and he was embarrassed by this girl in front of so many people. At this time, he really wanted to say, girl, it's because you are too stupid, not because you are smart, but through the contact just now , she felt that this girl was a little nervous, and she was pitiful enough, so she didn't have the heart to hit her.

"Hey, what's your expression? Could it be that you're scared?" Seeing that Chen Tao's expression became a little unnatural, Zhuang Youxue asked with some concern. It's broken.

"There is nothing in this world that I am afraid of. If there is, I think you may become the object of my fear in the future." Chen Tao felt that Zhuang Youxue's eyes staring at him were a bit abnormal, as if she wanted to swallow herself .

"Hey, you bastard, don't get Miss Ben's idea, or I will castrate you." Obviously Zhuang Youxue misunderstood, he thought that Chen Tao's saying that you might become the object of my fear in the future was a disguised confession to her.

All of a sudden, he widened his eyes and yelled at Chen Tao, Chen Tao was wronged, but he didn't refute it, explaining to the woman was tantamount to covering up, it was impossible to explain why it was so reasonable, but he expressed his dissatisfaction with his eyes.

I looked at Zhuang Youxue's body, saw her feet from head to head, and finally shook her head with bribed eyes, sighed exaggeratedly on purpose, and said very seriously: "59 points, such a woman marries It is too difficult to get a massage to [-]% when I go home.”

"You bastard, are your eyes glued to shit? Miss Ben is so smart and beautiful, and you only gave her 59 points." Zhuang Youxue quit immediately, and didn't care about the consequences of going against the cash cow.

"It's not ladylike at all. Now it's only 55 points." Chen Tao deliberately showed a bitter face, shaking his head and sighing.

The crowd who saw Chen Tao's appearance wanted to instantly kill this pretentious guy with their eyes, while Zhuang Youxue's face was flushed with anger. Such a low score.

"You nasty bastard, I'll fight you."

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