Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 46 Speculation

The smile on Wang Xinliang's face froze, and his expression became ugly again.

He didn't expect Wang Xinyu to put down his body to apologize to Chen Tao, but at this moment he still didn't give any face, and he was like a mad dog if he wanted to make things difficult for him.

The smile on Wang Xinyu's face also gradually disappeared, and she stared at Chen Tao with her beautiful phoenix eyes, and said, "Brother Tao, one more friend is far better than one more enemy. I hope you will think about it before making a decision."

"Don't think about it, I don't like Dances with Wolves." Chen Tao didn't show any face, "Sister Yu, I hope you don't interfere in this matter, lest we can't even be friends."

Chen Tao is not a useless person. He has already seen from all the details that Wang Xinyu and Wang Xinliang, the cousins, are at odds with each other. Why don't he take advantage of it? At this time, even if he can't be friends, it's just for Wang Xinyu. A step or an excuse to get out of this matter.

"Really don't think about it?"

"Not consider."

Wang Xinyu nodded, turned around to look at Wang Xinliang, and said helplessly: "Xinliang, it seems that my face can't be turned into friendship. You can figure it out."

Wang Xinliang was astonished.He didn't expect Wang Xinyu to turn his face and deny anyone.Just now, she thought that Wang Xinyu said so many words to stand on the same front as herself, but unexpectedly, she stabbed herself in the back.

What to do?How do you figure it out? You, Wang Xinyu, are also members of the Wang family. Don't you know the nature of the man in the Wang family, you can't bow your head even if you die.

"Chen Tao, don't think that Wang Xinyu is giving you some face, so you really think that you can eat me, and tell you, you are not qualified."

"You are not a smart person, you can't see the situation clearly, today I will let you know how humble you are." When Chen Tao spoke, he had already rushed towards Wang Xinliang.

"You two go up together, let me destroy him." Wang Xinliang stepped back quickly and ordered the bodyguards to dispatch.

The two bodyguards were also unambiguous, they came from the Central Police Station, and this time they were ordered by the old chief to protect the two outstanding figures of the family.

One of them reacted the fastest, so his fist was the closest to Chen Tao. Feeling the power of the strong wind in the fist, and the middle-aged man's opening gesture, Chen Tao had already guessed their identities.

"No wonder you are so confident. It turns out that the bodyguard is a member of the Central Police Department. Then let me see what kind of strength you have." When Chen Tao's fist touched the bodyguard's fist, he directly pointed out the identity of the bodyguard.

"It's so arrogant." This was the thought of the bodyguard of the Central Police Station at the moment.

But when the fists of the two came into contact, he realized that he had been fooled, because Chen Tao's fist had no strength at all, and he seemed to be hitting cotton, and Chen Tao was stunned for a second. Zhong actually changed his moves directly.

One side of Chen Tao's body was directly attached to the bodyguard's body like a magnet, and then he felt as if a strong force came from the ground and pushed him out.

The whole person flew up like a kite with a broken thread, flew out about seven or eight meters and fell heavily on the ground, spurting blood, struggled a few times, and fainted immediately.

"Ah..." Another bodyguard of the Central Police Station was also stunned when he saw this scene. He knew the strength of his old partner. He was the master who could kill a Tibetan mastiff with his bare hands, but he was laughed at by the upper circle with just one move. His illegitimate son was blown away.

At the moment when he was surprised, Chen Tao had come to his side and hit him directly on the right arm. The bodyguard was shocked and put his arms together to form a double layer of protection. He was also shocked and took many steps back, and he was directly placed on a gambling table before stopping.

And when he was leaning against the gaming table behind him, the table was directly shattered by the powerful counter-shock force.

"It's so fierce." This is the emotion of everyone who saw this scene.

If Chen Tao hit the first bodyguard just now, he might not be able to see anything, because it was an over-the-shoulder fall against the mountain, but this time it was a powerful effect of direct force confrontation, and the sensory stimulation caused by watching the surveillance video was definitely Can't understand.

At this time, Chen Tao did not stop, but directly jumped to the side of Wang Xinliang who wanted to escape, and slapped him directly.

"I asked you to apologize to give Sister Yu face. You said that you are a piece of wool. You pretend to be x all day long. Don't you know that pretending to be x requires capital?"

After speaking, he was unceremonious and directly kicked Wang Xinliang's lower abdomen.

"Ah." The severe pain caused Wang Xinliang to kneel down directly on the ground.Enduring the pain, he looked at Chen Tao with hateful eyes, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Chen Tao, you dare to treat me like this, you are looking for death."

Wang Xinliang didn't realize that he was at a disadvantage at all. At this time, he still wanted to threaten Chen Tao so that he would leave here without being so humiliated.

Chen Tao is not a timid person, on the contrary, he likes this exciting feeling, especially torturing these opponents who are unattainable and invincible in the eyes of ordinary people.Since you are stubborn, brother will let you completely collapse physically and mentally, so that you will never dare to fight against me.

"A fool threatens his opponent when he is dying."

Chen Tao mentioned Wang Xinliang again, put his hands directly on his neck, and began to close them together forcefully. Wang Xinliang's breathing became more and more rapid due to the choked trachea, his eyes were wide open, and panic appeared on his face.

The bodyguard of the Central Police Station, seeing this situation, ignored the pain in his waist and went directly to attack Chen Tao. If Wang Xinliang was killed at this time, his fate would definitely not be good.

"If you want him, why should I give you a sneak attack?" Chen Tao threw Wang Xinliang out as he spoke.

The bodyguard jumped up and hugged Wang Xinliang in his hands, and when he fell, Chen Tao kicked them two times in a row, kicking the two of them flying, and finally hit the ground heavily. Down below, the huge impact made him unable to hold on any longer, and his consciousness was blurred and he passed out.

The coldness and murderous look on Chen Tao's face at this time was released by him instantly, and a wicked smile changed on his face, but it made people feel more horrified than before. This is simply the smile of death. Frightened, it can be seen that Chen Tao's strength is completely beyond her imagination.

Just now Chen Tao pinched his neck, that kind of fear has completely destroyed his self-confidence, conceit, self-promotion, and pride at this moment; all he has at this moment is the deep fear of Chen Tao.

Wang Xinliang was really on the verge of collapse, not because his body was trembling, let alone his face was trembling, but even his internal organs were trembling at this moment.He was afraid, at this moment he felt that Chen Tao was really going to kill him.

"Chen, Chen Tao, let me go, I can do anything you ask me to do, and I, I will agree to everything."

He broke down, didn't want to die, and began to speak incoherently, which was completely different from the previous lazy state.

"I'm scared now, I know I'm begging for mercy, what did you do when I gave you a chance just now?" Chen Tao squinted and said disdainfully: "If I were in your situation, would you let me go, would you? Loudly Answer me, trash!"

"Yes, yes, I have never had any malice towards you." Wang Xinliang's handsome face twisted, and he said something against his will that even he didn't believe.

Chen Tao raised his hand and slapped him across the face. Wang Xinliang grunted and fell to the ground again.

"Coward, you can speak against your conscience in order to survive. You are not worthy of being a man. Killing you is an insult to my hand." After Chen Tao finished speaking, he ignored Wang Xinliang, turned his head and left without even looking back. I can't arouse the slightest interest.

At the moment when Chen Tao left, Chen Yuhe choked up at this moment. He couldn't believe that the man he had always admired was so soft at the most critical moment. At this moment, he realized that he was very stupid and very sad.

When he was choking, when he saw Wang Xinliang whose cheeks were swollen, he felt an inexplicable pleasure in his heart. You deserve it, you hypocrite, you coward. He wanted to say these words, but his reason told him he couldn’t. Do it like this.

In the end he held back, at this moment he suddenly found that Wang Xinyu's words were so reasonable, from today onwards he will not imitate anyone, he will walk his own way as he pleases.


"Damn Chen Tao, a guy who doesn't know what to do, and even says he's a friend, yet he doesn't give Sister Lan any face." Sitting in the car back, Zhuang Youxue complained very unhappily. "Sister Lan, you too. He told you to leave and you just leave. You don't know how to maintain your face."

"Are you worried about him?" Jun Lan didn't answer Zhuang Youxue's words, but directly asked the essence. She knew that Zhuang Youxue's complaint about Chen Tao was false, but it was true that she complained that she didn't stay to help Chen Tao.

"The ghost is worried about that annoying ghost. I'm just a little upset." Zhuang Youxue deliberately pretended to be angry, but the blush on her face did not escape Jun Lan's eyes.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine. It's kind of him to let us go." Jun Lan thought of the moment when the man laughed out loud and made him look at him, making him believe that this man is definitely not a reckless person.

"Does he still have good intentions?" Zhuang Youxue was stunned at this moment. Apart from winning money for himself, he didn't find any good intentions from Chen Tao.

"If I'm not mistaken, he should have known the identities of those three people long ago, and he already knew your identity. He just didn't want us to get involved in this fight." Zhuang Youxue said her guess.

"What is he doing this for?" Zhuang Youxue suddenly felt that her brain was not enough when she heard this argument.

"Maybe he doesn't want to provoke your banker, or maybe he wants to use you. In short, I think he must have no good intentions. Maybe he did it on purpose when he met you." Jun Lan said several guesses of her own, and she had to say this It's really not easy for a woman to deduce the truth in such a short period of time.

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