Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 73 What a big tail wolf

Once something goes wrong in a place like a bar, if you go late, there may be an accident. When I went downstairs, I just told everyone that there was something urgent, and then left in a hurry.

"Could it be another cheating?" Hu Yuerong felt more and more suspicious of Chen Tao, and finally made up her mind to follow to see what happened.

"Sister-in-law, I'll keep an eye on my cousin for you." After finishing speaking, he trotted and chased after him, and the rest of the people were speechless, wondering if it was this little girl who fell in love with Chen Tao. What a good sign.

"I'll go and have a look too." Wang Yuelong also chased him out, he was a little worried about Hu Yuerong.

Just a minute after they left, four policemen walked into the coffee shop. They walked towards the bar with serious expressions, first showed their IDs, and then politely asked Yang Huiying.

"Miss, we are from the Municipal Criminal Police Brigade. Is your boss, Yang Huiying, here?"

"I'm Yang Huiying, what's the matter with you?" Phantom heard the other party's question and wanted to make up a lie, but Yang Huiying answered honestly before she even opened her mouth.

"Ah..." The policeman who asked the question was obviously stunned for a moment. He couldn't imagine that such a beautiful woman was the mastermind behind the murder, but he thought of the order and said: "Miss Yang, we suspect that you have something to do with a murder case." If you have any questions, please come with us."


In Zero Bar, Zhuang Youxue was full of guilt when she saw Feihu who was stabbed to protect her. She regretted that she was as self-willed as the young man in front of her. Although she regretted it, she was not a master who was willing to give in.

Supporting Feihu who had already been stabbed, he stared at the proud young man in front of him and said, "You'd better let the two of us leave here now, or else my sister will bring someone over later, and it's impossible for you to leave."

"It's good that your sister is here, I happen to be flying together." The young man is obviously a playful master who is not afraid of trouble.

"My sister is Junlan, the general manager of Baohe Company, known as Blood Orchid." Zhuang Youxue saw that the glossy kid in front of her didn't like her, and wanted to reveal her identity as the daughter of the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. But when he thought that the other party came to this place with a dirty look, he must be from the underground world, so he reported Jun Lan's name.

Zhuang Youxue has no choice now, she can only delay the time and wait for Junlan's arrival.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished saying this, that guy had already laughed, and he laughed unscrupulously, "Jun Lan, Blood Orchid has such a resounding name, if she comes, I'd like to see if she is a virgin. Girl, will you?" It will bleed."

"I'm fighting with you." Zhuang Youxue couldn't bear it any longer when she heard the other party talking like this at this time, and threw the wine bottle that she had been clutching for a long time towards the greasy guy.

But before the wine bottle touched the young man, it was smashed by a thin man beside him with a punch, and he even said something incomprehensible in his mouth, no, if you listen carefully Listen, it should be an island dialect.

Chen Tao is definitely no stranger to the Zero Bar. Back then, the owner of this body would be cool here once a month, especially watching the girl's skill performance while drinking. It was simply an imperial enjoyment.

But now Chen Tao is not in the mood. It is because he knows the place that he knows how dangerous it is. If he goes late, he is afraid that something will happen. He runs through seven red lights, causing five cars to collide in a row. Luckily Fortunately, no one was killed, and Chen Tao arrived at the bar in 4 minutes.

At this time, the modified car he was driving had been knocked out of shape. It can be seen that Chen Tao was really in a hurry this time. The car stopped and Chen Tao rushed into the bar.

When he entered, he heard a loud noise, followed by a crisp slap on the face. Looking in the direction of the sound, it was indeed Zhuang Youxue and the bodyguard. The bodyguard had suffered severe injuries to his injured body just now in order to protect Zhuang Youxue. I couldn't bear it any longer and passed out.

In anxiety, Zhuang Youxue rushed to the oily-faced guy again, and was slapped abruptly, her face swelled instantly, and she fell to the ground, covering her face and staring at the oily-faced guy young people.

"Damn it, I really don't care about face. Believe it or not, I will find someone to take your turn now." That greasy-haired and pink-faced guy now has the absolute upper hand, and he is extremely arrogant at this time.

Seeing how powerful he was, the other spectators didn't dare to open their mouths. They just watched the safflower bustle from a distance. Someone was performing a reality show, and they were willing to watch it.

"I don't believe it." Chen Tao's playful but chilling voice sounded at this moment.

"Chen Tao..." Seeing this man, Zhuang Youxue got up and rushed to his side, hugged her tightly, and couldn't bear the grievance in her heart anymore, the savage little girl started to cry, That's a pity.

"It's okay." Chen Tao patted Zhuang Youxue's back lightly, giving her a kind of comfort, and then gently pulled her behind him. Yuxue's gentleness disappeared instantly.

What followed was incomparable anger and chills, staring at the few people in front of him and saying: "The guys who just did it, now each cut off an arm, kneel down and apologize to my friend, today I can save you from death. "

"Who the hell are you, hurry up here to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail." Hearing Chen Tao's words, the greasy-faced boy was as funny as he heard the Arabian Nights, and his tone was full of disdain.

"Remember to tell him that I, Chen Tao, is the one who wants to kill you when you report to Hades." As soon as Chen Tao finished speaking, before he even woke up the other party, he had already made a quick move and punched that guy directly in the heart Call to go.

"Ba Ga." The moment Chen Tao made a move, two bodyguards beside the young man rushed out and hit Chen Tao, and another bodyguard quickly pulled the man aside to prevent the young man from being hurt. .

"Ci'ao, it turned out to be from a small island country." While speaking, Chen Tao increased his strength by [-]%, and his four fists collided, making two screams and the sound of bones breaking. The masters from the two small island countries who joined forces to defeat Feihu were crippled.

However, the two masters from the island nation did not have the self-knowledge of being defeated, but took out their usual sneak attack poisonous darts from their clothes and hit Chen Tao.

"You can't live by yourself." Chen Tao's true energy was poured into his hands again, he directly pulled up a chair, and threw it out with all his strength, directly knocking the opponent's dart to the ground.

Although he was resisted, he didn't stagnate at all, but just hit the chest of the island country master in the blink of an eye, the chair was directly smashed, and the island country master flew out directly.In the end, he fell heavily to the ground and died without even making a sound.

The other guy was shocked when he saw this scene, and felt Chen Tao's strong murderous intent, so he threw poisonous darts at Chen Tao desperately.

"Go to hell." Chen Tao said deadly, grabbed a chair again with his hands, knocked out those poisonous darts with a strong flick, and then kicked a dart under him with his feet, directly stabbing the poisonous darts with his feet. It pierced the heart of that island country master.

The greasy-faced boy never thought that Chen Tao would be so domineering and brutal that he really killed someone here, and it was a foreigner who actually stuttered when he spoke.

"You...you...you dare to kill someone."

"It's just a foreign spy. I can kill as much as I want. The same goes for you. As an accomplice of foreign spies, I kill you for the sake of the country." Already thought of a way out.

"I'm not an accomplice of a spy, but the son of He Sanchun, the provincial capital. If you touch me, my father will not let you go."

He Sanchun, this is a sensational name in the underground world of Gui Province. He is a provincial tycoon who has been in Gui Province for nearly ten years.

Zhuang Youxue, who was standing behind Chen Tao, had lost her mind. Chen Tao's actions were completely beyond the scope of her imagination. He actually killed someone, and he was one of He Sanchun's people. Started talking quietly.

Chen Tao didn't pay attention to these discussions, or he didn't care about them at all. Although these things happened a long time earlier than he planned, he didn't care.

What's more, this time, the daughter of the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee participated in it. The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee could at least help him resist half of the firepower, and overall he made a profit.Hu Yuerong, who hurriedly chased after him, happened to see this scene.

Covering her mouth, she stood at the door of the bar in a daze, not daring to go to Chen Tao's side, she was a little confused, is this man really her cousin?

And in a luxurious private room of the bar, a gloomy man smiled when he saw this scene, pinched the grapes from the mountain on the two women beside him and asked: "Two darlings, do you think that this time, Master Zhang and I Are you overplaying?"

"I don't know. We only know that if we follow Master Zhang, we will be happy in this life." The two women answered in seductive voices at the same time.

"Haha, you two are smarter than them." Zhang Qiang was very proud at this time, and with a little trick, it caused a big fight between the two people below.

I squeezed the two women's mountain bags vigorously, and then said again: "The snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman wins. Master Zhang, I am the fisherman. Sooner or later, the underground world of Gui Province will be in my pocket."

"We knew Master Zhang was the most powerful." While talking, a woman got up and put the grapes from the mountain bag into Zhang Qiang's mouth, but when Zhang Qiang's mouth was eating her grapes, a strange look appeared in the woman's eyes.

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