Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 77 Pig Brain

In the confinement room of the military barracks diagonally across from Yu City's cadre rest center, both Yang Huiying and Liu Yu showed deep worry on their faces, but Phantom showed a nonchalant expression, sitting on the single bed and laughing at the two of them.

"You two chicks, give me a smile."

"What time is it?" Yang Huiying really can't do anything about the phantom at this time. If she said that she can relax like this, she is now imprisoned in the barracks in a daze, and no one gives them an explanation. This makes her very worried. .

"Don't worry, Chen Tao will definitely come back to save us. The people in the military camp did not interrogate us, which means that we have been affected by this matter." Phantom kept thinking about everything that happened. Someone picked him up, and when he arrived, he locked himself and others in the small black room.

It is clear that this is not aimed at them. Since it is not aimed at them, it is only aimed at Chen Tao.

"Ah... Then will my husband be in danger?" Phantom didn't say this, but Yang Huiying was even more worried. If the military wanted to deal with Chen Tao, it was even more dangerous than the police, because in the Huaxia military They are all independent systems.

"In theory, yes, but I believe that in practice, with Chen Tao's flexibility, he can turn danger into a bargain." Phantom has confidence in Chen Tao, while Liu Yu is silent, listening to the discussion between the two. Also uneasy.


Before Chen Tao came here, he was full of anger. He didn't intend to be polite when he came here. Of course, the soldiers who are polite will not let him in. If you want to go in and out of the dry rest center, you must show your ID or have a pass in your car.

So when the soldiers blocked him, Chen Tao kicked them out. It wasn't that he had a problem with the soldiers, but that this was the only thing he could do now. He could only say sorry for wrongly hurting innocent people.

Kicking away one of the soldiers who blocked him, Chen Tao attacked another soldier without stopping. The soldier was knocked out before he could ring the alarm bell. Go to the villa where you live.

Just when Chen Tao walked to the outside of Chen Tao's villa, he heard a young man's unwilling roar from inside: "I don't understand what grandpa thinks, why did you let those three women go? Why did you treat Chen Tao like that?" tolerant."

"Yeah, I really don't know what happened to Dad. Dong'er was almost maimed by him. Is there anything wrong with taking some interest from his woman?" At this time, a woman's voice came out.

You can roughly guess without asking, that this woman should be Lin Dong's mother, and only such a woman who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong can raise such an excellent son.

"Sister-in-law, don't talk about it. Dad did this for the reputation of our Lin family. Otherwise, if it is spread that our Lin family bullies women, how will we gain a foothold in China in the future." The person who spoke was Lin Dong's second uncle, who is also the future of the Lin family. at the helm.

Just from his being able to say this sentence, it can be seen that this person is still somewhat capable, and he sees things much farther than that woman and Lin Dong just now.

Chen Tao heard the conversation inside and knew that Yang Huiying and the others were fine, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that, just as he thought, they did everything just to lure him into the bait.

Chen Tao went to the entrance of the villa and knocked out the two guards. He found the magnetic cards on them and opened the anti-theft door outside. When he entered, he saw a large family sitting in the hall, but he wanted to see them most. The old man is not there.

"It seems that I came at a bit of a bad time. The old man is not here. What a waste of time." Seeing everyone looking at him, Chen Tao sighed deliberately.

Just after he finished speaking, a pleasant female voice came out: "Grandpa will be back in a while, if you have nothing urgent, you can sit down for a while."

Chen Tao followed the voice and saw a little girl with big eyes blinking at her in the corner of the sofa, as if waiting for his answer.

"Okay, then I'll sit down and wait, please give me a cup of Longjing to thank you." Chen Tao said this politely, people who don't know may think that Chen Tao is this little girl's boyfriend.

They all looked at the little girl, including the Lin family's second son and his wife, with meaning and anger in their eyes. They had already said that she would not be allowed to find a boyfriend, but now they even brought her home.

"Why do you all look at me? I don't know him." The little girl was like a ghost, she knew what was going on when she saw her parents' eyes, and she quickly explained, but this explanation made others feel a little helpless. Two means.

"Really don't know?" In the end, the little girl's mother asked. This is not a sloppy thing. When the girl was just born, she had already made a baby kiss. If there was a scandal, she would really have no way to face the capital in the future. The Wu family.

"Really." Just as the little girl said this, Lin Dong also came back to his senses, and scolded Chen Tao: "I didn't expect you to come here, today you just wait to end up like me .”

At this time, all the people realized that the person who came was actually the bastard they were talking about. Lin Xue stuck out her tongue at Chen Tao and said mischievously, "You don't have superhuman powers, hehe..."

"Shut up." The second child of the Lin family, Lin Weiguo, yelled at his precious daughter at this time.

"Oh, then I'm going to make tea." When I was talking, I quickly got up, walked to Lin Weiguo and whispered something, and I gave him some laxatives.

"..." Lin Weiguo was about to say something, but the little girl was already trotting towards the old man's study, because only there was a good dragon well and the laxatives he had saved for a long time to make people sick.

"As long as you have that kind of means, I, Chen Tao, don't mind." Chen Tao didn't get angry, but said calmly. Even Lin Weiguo had to admire Chen Tao's calmness and self-confidence at this time. Will not make this decision.

After he finished speaking, he sat down on the sofa unceremoniously, looked at the people around him and continued: "I said, elders, don't look at me with such weird and hateful eyes, it is completely wrong for me to hurt Lin Dong He brought it on himself."

"I think you are the one to blame yourself." Lin Dong became anxious when he heard what Chen Tao said, and he was even more worried that Chen Tao would tell the truth and let his grandfather know when the time came, and everything he had done would be exposed, and the consequences would be terrible. Seriously, so at this time he wants to irritate Chen Tao and make him a target of public criticism.

"Being reasonable doesn't matter loudly. I'm reasoning with you now because I want to save face for your Lin family. If the Lin family doesn't want this face, then don't blame me for being rude." Chen Tao said this very confidently and domineeringly, showing it to her. The little girl of tea is always staring at her eyes, if she has such a friend, then her life will be really worth it.

"Please use tea. This is the best Longjing tea in my house. I just stole it from my grandfather's house." The little girl didn't care about the discordant atmosphere here at this time, and showed her little tiger teeth to Chen Tao to show off her achievements.The rest of the family couldn't help frowning.

"Thank you." Chen Tao took the tea very politely, and then whispered to the girl: "Is there really laxative in it?"

"You..." Lin Xue was startled. How did he know what he said? Could it be the legendary dog's ears, but he quickly recovered, and said, "You'll know if you drink it."

"Stop messing around, just stay with me." Lin Weiguo saw that the expression on the sister-in-law's face became more and more ugly, and worried that the narrow-minded sister-in-law would resent him. When the time comes, the old man will come and sue him, which will cause family conflicts. The contradiction is a bit ridiculous.So stop your girl in time, and don't make any more trouble.

"Ah oh." Lin Xue turned her head and stuck out her tongue at his father mischievously, and then trotted back to her seat just now, looking at Chen Tao with big eyes, as if thinking that this man might be the one who was raped. Laxatives scare you.

Chen Tao smiled lightly, raised the cup to the little girl, and said, "Thank you Miss Lin for the tea."

After finishing speaking, he actually drank it directly. Chen Tao's series of actions made Lin Xue fall into thinking, even Lin Weiguo did the same just now. With his current skills, he naturally heard the conversation between the two, and he drank it even though he knew there was a laxative in it.

What does this mean, the heart is open, people are not afraid of such small tricks at all, such enemies are the real enemies, it seems that this time the old man is also wrong.

The fight that was on the verge of breaking out was also resolved invisible by this atmosphere.

The others were also silent at this time, and at this moment, a group of soldiers with live ammunition surrounded the villa. One of the battalion commanders at the major level trotted in and before he could speak, Lin Weiguo had already opened his mouth.

"It's all right here. It was all a misunderstanding just now. Take someone back first."

"Yes, Chief." When the major said this, he couldn't help but glance at Chen Tao, and then ran away.

"Second Uncle, what do you mean?" Lin Dong originally thought that Second Uncle would let Chen Tao be taken away when the soldiers came, but he didn't expect Lin Weiguo to say that it was a misunderstanding. How could he bear the anger in his heart.

"Because he knows that these shrimp soldiers and crab generals are not my opponents, so that they won't embarrass your Lin family." Lin Weiguo didn't speak, but Chen Tao spoke at this time.

Of course, this is not because of Chen Tao's kindness, but because he did not give Lin Weiguo a chance to explain, and gave the Lin family the seeds of an immediate internal struggle, so that things will be more effective in the future.Of course, there is another point that he can see that the second child of the Lin family is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface, but a smiling tiger with a deep scheming heart.

"Second Uncle, I didn't expect you to be so cowardly. People have come to your door, so you have to endure it." Lin Dong can now see that no one in the room is willing to offend except his mother. Chen Tao, this made him hate other people, especially his cousin Lin Xue.So at this time, he started to criticize his second uncle directly.

"Pig brains." Seeing that Lin Dong actually called her father a coward, Lin Xue murmured to herself again inappropriately, but the voice of the murmur was not too low, and everyone heard it.

"You... you... good... good... good." Lin Dong was scolded as a pig's brain. At this time, he felt very shameless, but seeing the sharp eyes of the second uncle at this time, he finally didn't say the hatred in his heart. Come out, just say hello three times.

However, everyone could see from the violence in his eyes that his three good words were definitely resentment and hatred, and even more threatening.

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