Extremely ambiguous

Chapter 86 I'll Help You Educate Them

Joyful all morning, he didn't stop this interesting scolding until he was hungry, turned off the computer, picked up the phone and wanted to go out, but found that the phone was out of battery, "No wonder, no one cares about me after such a fight Well, it turned out to be its problem."

He spent a lot of effort finding a spare battery and replacing it. As soon as the phone was turned on, countless text messages swarmed in. Except for some irrelevant ones, he called and replied one by one. After all the calls were answered, he realized that he was leisurely. By that time, everyone had settled the matter clearly.

"The world will continue to revolve without anyone, haha." Chen Tao couldn't help expressing such emotion.But before the emotion was over, the ringtone of his mobile phone had already been remembered again.

It turned out to be a call from a landline number. I wanted to hang up at first, but after thinking about it, he connected. "Hi, hello, who is it?"

"Brother branch secretary, I'm Tian Xia, but I've contacted you. The people in the village are dying of anxiety. They all thought something happened to you." Then Tian Xia told the story of the village going to the city to make a scene, and even the Internet cafe fought back. She also said the post again, and she was very proud: "Brother branch secretary, I scolded them for being bloody, it's amazing."

"The naughty woman, this can't be you, right?" Chen Tao recalled that the most vehement words were his two accounts, "Lao Tzu Is the Party Secretary" and "The Unruly Good Woman".

"Yeah, oh, that's the number I used. It turns out that the branch secretary knows about it. I'm so happy." The little girl Tian Xia suffered from the nympho disease again.

"Girl, let's get down to business." At this moment, I heard Mr. Tian's displeased voice from the phone.

"Oh, I almost forgot." The little girl looked at her grandfather and stuck out her tongue, and continued: "Brother branch secretary, Wang Shang wants to see you and said something important."

"What's the matter?" Chen Tao asked in a daze.

"We don't know either. Wang Shang and his wife don't even know. They say it's important and only tell you." Tian Xia was a little unbalanced when she said this. If she told herself such an important thing, she would tell the secretary herself. Brother, that would be great.

"I see. I'll be there this afternoon. Thank you for the top post on the Internet." Chen Tao was also somewhat moved by this frank little girl.

"Brother branch secretary, you have helped the village so much, I should do something, hehe." The little girl said a few more words to Chen Tao before hanging up.

Seeing his granddaughter like this, old man Tian knew that the girl must have been moved, and persuaded him: "Girl, don't get so close to Chen Zhishu in the future, she has a wife. People in the village saw her and talked about it." Gossip, how will you marry in the future."

"Just say what you like, it's just fine if you don't get married, and it's just right to be your brother's lover when the time comes."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Girls should find an honest man to live a down-to-earth life." Old man Tian held back the anger in his heart and spoke again.

"I'm not talking nonsense. I have to control my own happiness. It's better to be a capable lover than to be a worthless wife."

Originally, Tian Xia didn't have such a big determination before, but after experiencing the matter of Wang Shang's family, she understood a truth, if she wants not to be bullied, she must rely on the strong, and Chen Tao is the only person she can contact, so she doesn't want to miss it. .

"I...I'll kill you girl." Old man Tian never thought that his granddaughter would say such an insulting thing, and he picked up his crutches and was about to beat her up.

"Hit me, beat me to death. I will save myself from marrying a worthless man who is being bullied." The little girl's eyes were firm, she stared straight at Grandpa, her body didn't dodge or hide like you wanted to hit me. Just fight, anyway, the girl's decision will never be changed.

"I...you...are so mad at me." The old man really didn't want to let go, or his granddaughter was pretty, and he knew in his heart that if it wasn't for her granddaughter's tough temper, she would have been bullied a long time ago. Walk outside the house.

After her grandfather left, Tian Xia's tears flowed uncontrollably, she was a little confused, why did this happen, is it wrong to pursue her own happiness?


The Yushi Detention Center is located in a remote area west of the third ring road, sparsely populated, and there is no location of the detention center even on the electronic map. It took Chen Tao three hours to find the place.

Just as he stopped the car, a patrolling warning came over and looked at his car window and said, "Parking is not allowed within 500 meters of this place. You can go to the parking lot in the office area of ​​the detention center. It's in the front one." corner."

When speaking, the patrolman pointed politely to another doorway on the west side, Chen Tao responded and said he knew, and then drove to the parking lot.

Get off the car and ask the policeman at the gate of the detention center to register and go to the director's office. If you want to see the detainee directly, you have to apply 24 hours in advance. If Chen Tao doesn't want to apply, he can only go to the director here.

After entering the director's office and explaining his purpose of coming, the director didn't show any face at all, and immediately drove him away: "Go through the formalities, come back tomorrow."

"I'm in a hurry to find a friend." While talking, Chen Tao took out a wad of money, almost 3000 yuan, and put it on the table: "Director Liu, please accommodate me."

Seeing that he took out the money, the director really wanted to collect it, but after thinking about the explanation from above, he still refused after thinking about it: "Sir, if I can accommodate other matters, this matter is really not good."

After Chen Tao said this, he took out another three thousand and put it on the table. He had already seen that the director was moved, "I have nothing to do with Qian, but the higher-ups found out and I asked you to visit. I'm afraid I will pack up and go back home."

"Okay, I got it." Chen Tao dialed Shan Shouxin without saying a word, told him the truth, and asked half-jokingly: "Single game, don't you want someone to solve it here?" Get rid of Wang Shang."

"Nonsense, I don't know about this matter at all, don't worry, I will definitely investigate it strictly." After speaking, he asked Chen Tao to hand over the phone to the director.

Chen Tao handed the phone to the director, and as soon as he put it to his ear, he heard a dignified voice from the other side of the phone: "I am Shan Shouxin, the director of the Municipal Bureau, sir... The people around you are sent by us to investigate Comrade, take him to see the suspect."

"Yes, I understand." After hanging up the phone, I almost scolded my mother in my heart. Since you have such a strong relationship, you still use money to bribe me, trying to trick me.

After handing over the phone to Chen Tao, his attitude changed a lot, "So you are a member of the single bureau, so tell me directly so there is no need to cause such a big misunderstanding."

"Secret mission, I don't want to disturb too many people, so as not to be called incompetent." Chen Tao is also unwilling to offend the director of the detention center. After all, Wang Shang will stay here for a while, and he can't hurt innocent people just for one breath.

"Understand, understand." The director smiled knowingly. He had done this kind of thing in the past, and in order to get the appreciation as soon as possible, he made a promise with his superiors.

"If there is nothing wrong, take me to see Wang Shang. I'm worried that someone will harm him." Chen Tao expressed his guess, otherwise Wang Shang can let his wife convey important matters, there is no need to make an unnecessary effort to bring him over.

"I'm second." Director Liu couldn't help but swear, he only found out now that he had been tricked by Liu Hua. Why did he arrange a secret interrogation for two people?

"Let's go there quickly, I'm afraid it will be too late." After speaking, he hurried out of the office, forgetting to ask Chen Tao to take the money back.

Chen Tao also followed closely behind. From the director's expression, he could see that this guy was completely kept in the dark. Seeing his anxious look, he liked this guy more and followed closely behind.

Soon, the two of them, together with the person in charge of Wang Shang's second building, arrived at the guard area and entered the building where the suspect was held. The first thing that caught his eye was the flickering lights. It was extremely dark, coupled with the unstable voltage here, and the flickering light bulbs, it made people feel even more gloomy.

Going up to the second floor and opening the iron door, the smell of blood, urine, feces, musty, and putrefaction came to my face, accompanied by howling, screaming, cursing, and moaning, echoing in the corridor, chaotic There was a sound, like the cries of evil spirits being tortured in hell.

The aisle is [-] meters high and [-] meters wide, with no end in sight at a glance. There are two rows of cold iron gates every four meters on the left and right.Grille holes are installed on the iron door, which is convenient for prison guards to check the situation in the cell.

With a bang, the iron door slammed hard against the solid concrete wall, making a piercing sound.It overshadowed the noise of the prisoners.

Someone was lying on the iron gate looking desperately, and laughed in a hoarse and ugly voice: "Haha, son of a bitch, there is another new product. And let the director of the **** take it, it's really cool, embezzler, or Who is the young master?"

The person in the opposite prison interjected: "I think it should be a little boy. Maybe it was the woman who had a gun with us and was imprisoned here." Don't dare to offend them to death.

"I also look like a little boy. If someone's young master and corrupt criminals are placed in single rooms, when did someone with a background come to the second floor." Another person in the cell also interjected.

The prison guards in the second building felt that this was very embarrassing, so they took out their batons and pointed at the guy who just said that Chen Tao and their director who robbed women were just batons.

Even though it was separated by the iron fence, he still knocked on that guy's head with great precision, but his strength was well grasped, and it just made the other party bleed, otherwise, the prisoner would have died long ago.

"Don't fucking talk nonsense, or you will be put in a small cell."

Closing the trumpet does not give you a separate room, but locks people in a room with a size of one square meter, lights you with more than 200-degree light bulbs, and makes a person suffer day and night, and what is even more terrifying is that two people Genius gives a meal.

With his threatening sound, the noisy voice decreased a lot. When they walked to the door of [-], they saw through the cracks in the bars that two strong men were beating Wang Shang and swearing. intimidating.

"You fucking better admit that your wife has an affair with Zhou Xing, or we will torture you to death here."

"Those two boys are very arrogant, Director Liu, open the door for me, and I'll help you educate them." A sneer appeared on Chen Tao's face, which surprised Director Liu.

"Well, why don't I change Wang Shang to a single room." At this time, he wanted to calm down, and he couldn't afford to offend people from both sides, so he didn't want Chen Tao to conflict with the two newly arranged prisoners.

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