Chapter 128

When she got home, McDull couldn't wait to turn on the computer, and then checked whether Ruoshui was online or not, feeling an inexplicable expectation in her heart.

"I'm back." McDull quickly typed a few words and sent it.

The woman had actually been in front of the computer for a long time, but she had been hesitating about a question in her heart, so she didn't respond immediately.

"Are you there? Why don't you talk?" McDull asked again.

"I want to ask you a question." The woman looked at the screen with a little hesitation.


"Have you ever slept with a woman?"

McDull hesitated for a moment, why did she suddenly ask this question, what was she thinking?After a while, he responded: "Occasionally!"

The woman's heart sank, and she didn't know why she cared so much about this man who had never masked her face. She really wanted to know about him, and even thought about him when she was at work.

"Can you tell me your phone number, I'll call you?" McDull asked tentatively.

After a moment of silence, the woman sent out a string of numbers uncontrollably with her fingers. Soon, the phone rang and the woman's hands trembled.

Picking up the phone and pressing the answer button: "Hello?" The voice was gentle and soft, even she was surprised, is this her own voice?

"Your voice is very gentle!" McDull praised, her voice was indeed very soft, and he couldn't help lowering his voice, which added a little joy to his heart.

The woman's chest rose and fell, and her heartbeat obviously accelerated. She was nervous, and even she didn't know what she was nervous about.

"Are you in a bad mood?" McDull asked.


"Can you tell me?"

"Why did I tell you?" the woman blurted out.

"I just want to care about you and get to know you. I hope we can try to communicate." McDull said cautiously.

"Dating?" A red cloud flew over the woman's beautiful face. With such straightforward words, it felt like a deer hit her heart.

"Yes, I want to see you, at Guangna Hotel at six o'clock on Sunday night, okay?" McDull sent out the invitation straightforwardly.

"Aren't you afraid that I'm a dinosaur?" The woman's thin lips curled up into a slight smile.

"Not afraid!" McDull was quite confident.

The woman was silent for a while, and McDull asked again: "Is it okay?"

"it is good."

Seeing the woman agreeing, McDull was overjoyed immediately, chatted with other things for a while, said good night, and both of them logged off the line.

Oh yeah, haha, I can finally meet her!McDull jumped up on the bed excitedly, like a big boy who just fell in love.

Friday passed quickly. On Saturday morning, McDull tidied herself up and called Zhang Xiaorou. She was almost dressed up. McDull drove out to pick her up. On the way, he also contacted Kuang Bowen. Already went to pick up Chong Fei and her partner.

The two cars arrived at the Luyuan Hotel on the top of the mountain almost at the same time. Chongfei brought a female companion, who was also a superb beauty, but when he first saw her, Kuang Bowen was really surprised. This was not the day when he chased him for a driver's license. the policewoman?

After getting out of the car, I got together alone, McDull stared at the female companion brought by Chongfei, and said in surprise, "You're all chasing here?"

"Do you know each other?" Kuang Bowen and Chong Fei asked almost at the same time.

The policewoman blushed slightly, and said stubbornly, "Who knows him, pervert."

Upon hearing this, Kuang Bowen looked at McDull with a smirk, and said, "McDull, when did you get another nickname?"

"Men are lustful, and they are heroes. Besides, I'm not lustful for all women." McDull said casually.

"McDull, don't you want to introduce us?" Zhang Xiaorou said from the side.

"Oh, yes, I am confused when I see a beautiful woman. Fortunately, you reminded me." McDull smiled, introduced Zhang Xiaorou and Chongfei, and stopped when he saw the policewoman, and then looked at Chongfei. Fei.

"Oh, I thought you knew her name, she is a friend, her name is Mo Yiran." Chong Fei introduced with a smile.

"Still, it's so nice. No wonder you are friends. Not only are you both beautiful, but even your names are unique. Well, I like it." McDull had a bad look on his face.

"Okay, let's go in, don't bask in the sun here." Kuang Bowen suggested.

Several people walked inside, McDull deliberately slowed down, and whispered close to Mo Yiran and Chong Fei: "Do you think we are destined, not only we know each other, but you also know each other, what a coincidence."

"Because of your size, if I had you, I wouldn't come." Mo Yiran gave him a blank look.

"It's insincere, I know, women always talk ironically, you say you don't want to see me, but you may want to see me so much in your heart, well, I can understand, who told you, brother Mai, that I am cute? "McDull played his own brazenness again.

Mo still vomited, and said, "I've seen shameless people before, but I've never seen someone as shameless as you. You deserve to be a VIP-level person, but it's different."

"Hey, aren't you feeling well? You won't get pregnant after just a few glances, right? You're too immune."


"Okay, what are you doing?" Chongfei didn't know what misunderstanding there was between them, but she felt a little embarrassed when they bickered when they met.

"I said what are you muttering behind, here, here is your room card, take it here." Kuang Bowen handed them the room card.

"Room card? Aren't you here to play? Why do you still have a room..." Mo Yiran suddenly covered his mouth, and the excitement was too loud just now, causing other guests in the front hall to look over.She felt that opening a room was not very pleasant after all, so she hurriedly shut up.

McDull smirked and said, "Why did you open the room?"

"Chongfei, you can see, this is the face of a fox, let me just say, the tricks of the rich are nothing more than that, you still think they really treat you as a friend, I think it was premeditated." Mo Still aiming at McDull everywhere, but accidentally caught Kuang Bowen in his words, at this time Kuang Bowen frowned slightly.

"Miss Mo must have misunderstood McDull. He looks like a fool on the surface, but he is very kind and helpful. After a long time, you will naturally know what kind of person he is. Today we are here to play. If you If there is any minor problem, let it disappear!" Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Zhang Xiaorou hurriedly stood up to adjust.

"Yiran, don't do this anymore, don't you believe me? They are really good people." Chong Fei also quickly persuaded.

McDull also felt that he was a little too much, and if he continued to make trouble, he might spoil everyone's happiness, so he smiled and said, "Your Excellency doesn't remember villains, so don't worry about those trivial things, so as not to cause acne."

"Hmph!" Mo Yiran didn't say anything anymore, and she didn't want to spoil a good outing because of herself, especially it was not easy for Chong Fei to come out.

The verbal battle came to an end, and the group first went to the room department on the seventh floor, and entered the room according to their respective room cards.

Three rooms for five people, one for Zhang Xiaorou, one for Chong Fei and Mo Yiran, one for McDull and Kuang Bowen.After entering the room, Kuang Bowen complained.

"If it wasn't for Chong Fei's sake, I really wanted to say a few words to her just now."

"Hehe, if you know as much as a little girl, don't you just argue a few words, and you won't lose a piece of meat." McDull said with a smile.

"You don't know, she was the one who chased you all the way to the hospital when you were sent to the hospital, and she didn't make me mad."

"It was really her that day? No wonder she looked familiar at the time. If she hadn't covered her tightly, I would have recognized her."

"So what if you recognize it, she's just a piece of wood, she doesn't know how to be flexible at all, such a woman must have no flair at all."

McDull smiled and ignored him, lay down on the bed for a while, and said, "Let's go swimming in a while, and I can see the beauty's figure."

"Hey McDull, how did I find that we are getting more and more tacit understanding?" Kuang Bowen thought the same in his heart, and the two laughed badly.

After 10 minutes, no one got together again and came to the swimming pool at the back of the hotel. Although it was only in the morning, there were already many people in the swimming pool. Of course, most of them were young people.

"How can you swim without a swimsuit?" Mo Yiran muttered.

"Let's go over there to buy." McDull said.Not to mention them, even he and Kuang Bowen didn't bring swimsuits.

When he came to the front of the swimsuits for rent and sale, Mo Yiran admired the colorful swimsuits with his mouth half open, and couldn't help sighing: "It's so beautiful!"

"Each of you pick one," Kuang Bowen said.

Zhang Xiaorou chose a vest and short skirt with a pink origin, which was both sexy and not very revealing.

Mo Yiran also wanted to get a two-piece style, but thinking about it, there were two men around him, so he chose a purple one-piece briefs, and Chong Fei chose a more conservative style in red.

"How much does it cost me?" Mo Yiran asked casually.


"Wow..." Mo Yiran marveled in his heart, the ones in the shopping mall outside are only three or four hundred, why are they so expensive here?Do these two men have money to burn? If we want to swim, we can just ask us to bring our swimsuits. Why spend a lot of money here.

For men, there was nothing to choose. Kwong Bowen and McDull each chose a pair of swimming trunks, and McDull handed over a card. Three swimsuits plus two pairs of swimming trunks cost four thousand.Mo Yiran and Chong Fei looked at each other, and it was almost a month's salary for them.

"Okay, let's go to the locker room and change our clothes." Kuang Bowen said.

After finishing speaking, the two men walked towards the west district. It was the first time for Chongfei and Mo Yiran to come here. They couldn't even tell the difference between the south, the north, and the north when they entered here, so they also followed that way. Suddenly Zhang Xiaorou stopped them.

"Wait, over there is the men's locker room, and the women are over here." Zhang Xiaorou calmly looked at them while holding her swimsuit.She did not know how many times she had been to such a place before, but those happy times were gone forever.

"Have you been here?" Chong Fei asked in surprise.

"Well, I came here with friends before." Zhang Xiaorou said lightly.

"Ah, that's good, hehe, I almost made a joke just now." Mo Yiran laughed.

Zhang Xiaorou smiled, the two girls were easy to get close to, and soon the three of them had a conversation, after changing into their swimsuits, the three beautiful women took a look in front of the mirror, praised each other, and then laughed and changed their clothes room.

The three of them are naturally beautiful, and the swimsuits they choose are all bright colors, and the skin lining is fairer. The height of the three women is more than 1.6 meters [-], with well-proportioned bodies, breasts, buttocks and waist, and slender legs are very attractive.

As soon as they walked out of the locker room, they already attracted a lot of attention. When they walked towards the swimming pool, they caused quite a commotion. Even McDull and Kuang Bowen, who had read countless women, showed surprise on their faces, and couldn't help swallowing. Drooling.

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