Fragrant flowers

Chapter 166 Double Jade Ring

Chapter 166 Double Jade Ring

The man spat at the closed door, then entered the elevator with his card in his mouth.

McDull glanced at the living room again, the cushions on the sofa were thrown on the ground, and there were still the man's footprints on them, and the newspapers were scattered all over the place. The woman seemed to have sensed the dissatisfaction where his gaze was, and immediately got up to clean it up, McDull Er stopped her.

"Sit down and rest, I'll come." McDull bent down and gathered the newspapers on the ground together, rolled them into rolls and threw them into the wastebasket. He threw the trampled cushion directly into the trash can.

"I'm sorry, we have caused you trouble." The woman stood there and said regretfully.

"Auntie, no matter how you look at me, I always regard Chongfei as a friend, and friends should help each other, so don't think about anything, and I won't ask you any excessive returns." McDull After a pause, he said, "Now, I have a request."

The woman looked at him puzzled, and McDull raised the corners of her lips, showing a nice smile, and said, "Come with me for lunch." Then, she took out McDull's dishes from the plastic bag and opened them one by one. Said: "I don't know what you like to eat, so I just bought a few."

The woman was a little moved, and she already believed that McDull really had nothing else to ask for, at least for now.

During the meal, McDull showed his caring side very well, which made the woman less defensive.

After eating, McDull packed up the things, poured the rest of the dishes into the plate, and put them in the refrigerator.

The woman poured him a glass of water, then sat across from him, as if she had something to say.

"Auntie, do you want to say something? It doesn't matter, just say what you want to say."

"Can I meet your adoptive father?" The woman hesitated.

McDull paused, and said: "He is not in a good situation now. I asked him at the time, if I found Nier, would I take him to see him, but he was afraid of danger, so he refused, so..."

"Danger, what danger? Is someone going to kill him?" The woman frowned.

"Well, yes, the adoptive father is the head of the church, and now he has been framed, and the situation is dangerous. I stayed in the hospital to protect him during this time."

"Then why doesn't he go home?"

"It was his family members who posed a threat to him, so he stayed in the hospital with great difficulty." McDull said.

The woman was even more confused. Seeing the suspicious look on her face, McDull smiled wryly and said, "This matter is more complicated, and I can't explain a sentence or two clearly. I will explain it to you slowly later."


"If that guy comes to you again in the future, don't open the door for him, call me, and I will deal with it." McDull instructed.

"You have treated him like this today, and he should not come again."


"Okay, you rest, I'm leaving first, except for me and Big Fish, no one else should open the door. I've already called the cleaning side, they won't send anyone here these days when you live here, As for those who are in the name of charging or repairing, don't bother." McDull said worriedly.

The woman smiled for the first time and said, "I see, don't worry."

When McDull was about to leave, he took away the bottle that caused the trouble. The car deliberately passed by the door of Fei Leng Cui, observed the surrounding conditions, then parked the car aside, and walked into Fei Leng Cui.

"Welcome, sir, what do you need?" A man wearing glasses stood up from behind the counter and walked out politely.

"Oh, my friend gave me a finger wrench, and I want to ask the boss to show it." McDull didn't know anything about antiques, but since he came in, he needed an excuse.

"Oh, I'm the boss here, my name is Xue Bin." The man introduced himself.

McDull showed a surprised expression, and said: "The boss is so young, I didn't expect that, I thought the boss here would be an old man in his 70s or [-]s?"

"Hehe, I am also influenced by my family. My ancestors studied antique calligraphy and paintings. When I come here, I naturally can't leave it behind."

"Okay then, please ask the boss to help you take a look. It's not in vain, and I will pay for it." McDull said kindly.

"Hey, what's the point, just take a look, what kind of reward do you want, Xue is not that kind of philistine." Xue Bin hastily evaded.

Hehe, I didn't intend to give you money at first, I just found an excuse to come in and hang around.McDull laughed heartily.

McDull raised his hand and stretched out his thumb. The boss looked at it and said, "This, can you take it off? I'll look more carefully."

"I want to take it off too, but since I put it on, I can't take it off." McDull smiled wryly.

"Oh? Is there such a strange thing?" Xue Bin was surprised, holding McDull's hand, raised his thumb to his eyes, looked carefully, then turned around and took out a magnifying glass from the drawer, and looked at it again. That wrench.

McDull's hands were sore, and the boss didn't say a word. In the end, he couldn't help asking: "Boss, how much is this thing worth?"

"This thing isn't worth much now, but..."

What, can it appreciate?

"But what?" McDull asked.

"If it's a pair, it's priceless." Xue Bin said.

"What? A pair?" McDull exclaimed in surprise, "You mean, there is another one for this finger?"

Xue Bin nodded: "That's right, it also has a nice name called Shuangyuhuan. It's not a finger puller. According to legend, it was made by a pair of sisters. In order to make the jade ring more beautiful, the two sisters put their own It is said that hair is the soul of a person, that is, the jade ring contains the hard work and spirit of the two sisters, so it is white and clear, even after a thousand years of baptism, it will not affect it. Color and toughness.”

legend?That is to say, there is no basis for the statement, but where can I find another jade ring?

"But why can't you take it off?" McDull asked.

"This, I also heard it when the elders were chatting. I was young at that time, and I can't remember clearly. This jade ring should be hung around the neck with a red string. To put it bluntly, it is what we often call a necklace pendant. Maybe It's because you used the wrong place that you can't take it off." Xue Bin said with a smile.

Grandma’s, I didn’t look at it carefully when I picked it up, let alone put it on my finger, who knows that this thing is not for wearing it, this is terrible, I won’t wait until I die, It can only be taken off after the flesh body is rotten, right?

McDull secretly groaned, Xue Bin saw his distressed face, and said again: "I heard that this thing is very spiritual, maybe after finding another one, I can take it off?"

McDull smiled wryly: "It's easy to say, but where can I find another one? What's more, what you said is just a legend and has no basis."

Xue Bin pushed his glasses, and said uncertainly: "Since it is a legend, there must be no waves without waves. You can get one, which also means that you are destined for this jade ring. Maybe the other one will appear soon. You You can also ask your friend where you got it, and ask him to look for it for you too."

"Okay, then, thank you." McDull thanked and left Fei Leng Cui.

McDull's car was driving slowly on the road, thinking about what Boss Fei Lengcui said in his heart, maybe if he found another one, this one could be taken down, so why not try his luck in the woods?

Alas, it has already been rewarded. Originally, I just wanted to see the terrain, but I found out the origin of this thing by mistake. Although it is all a legend, at least I have a theory, which is also a good thing.

"Shuangyuhuan, the ancients would think of such a special refining method, and I don't know if there are any of their sisters in this jade ring..." McDull shook his head immediately. What was he thinking? It's not a horror movie. Is it just a ghost hiding in the jade ring?

That's right, didn't Tian Ge talk about brain waves or something? Could it have something to do with the hair that their sisters put in?Thinking of this, McDull immediately took out his phone and called Tian Ge.

After hearing what he said, Tian Ge was stunned for a moment. McDull thought he would laugh at him for being superstitious, but Tian Ge looked thoughtful.

"Hey, what's the matter, is there something wrong?" McDull asked worriedly.

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