Chapter 197

Looking back on his past, McDull indeed offended many people invisibly. He felt that those people were hypocritical, so he never bothered to be with them. His adoptive father reminded himself many times that even if he didn’t like it, he had to pretend to be indifferent. Let others see my emotions, but I have never paid attention to it.

At the beginning, it was also because he was not convinced by Mu Feng, and he never summed up the reasons for his failure. Now he has to admit that Mu Feng's scheming and city skills are beyond his ten years of cultivation.

"Forget it, it's all in the past, let's talk about the present first." Seeing McDull's depressed look, Xiao Qingyun sighed: "My villa is reserved for you as a souvenir, no matter what happens, you must keep it , that is your last chance."

"I will." McDull promised.

"Come with me to the law firm in the afternoon, and I'll make a will."

"Are you really going to do this?"

"Of course, this is the only way to convince Kaizi. Don't worry, I have already planned everything."

"But..." McDull hesitated to speak.

"Do you mean Chongfei's mother and daughter?"

McDull nodded. Ever since they met, they had no time to arrange their new home. Now that most of the Xiao family's property has been divided, what will Chongfei and her daughter do in the future?

Xiao Qingyun chuckled and said, "Do you still remember the box I gave you?"

McDull suddenly realized that Xiao Qingyun planned to leave that priceless treasure to their mother and daughter, heh, it was worth more than the Xiao family's company and church combined.

After noon, when Big Yu drove, McDull accompanied Xiao Qingyun to the lawyer's office, and found Xiao Qingyun's personal lawyer to make a will.

"I also want to make a special will. This will must be kept absolutely secret. Only after my death, in front of my daughter Xiao Yuru, son-in-law Kaizi, adopted son McDull, and Chongfei mother and daughter, If Chong Fei's mother and daughter are not present, or pass away in an accident, all the property in this will will be donated to the orphanage."

"Okay." The lawyer replied.

In the end, this will was entirely to protect the interests of Chongfei's mother and daughter. Xiao Qingyun had to think of all possibilities. The life safety of the mother and daughter will not be guaranteed. If that is the case, wouldn't I have harmed them.

"If my daughter and son-in-law come to you, you can show them those two copies, lest they embarrass you." Xiao Qingyun instructed.

"You are still so considerate of others, well, I will keep the last one for you, even if something happens to me, our law firm will keep it for you."

"Thank you."

After leaving the lawyer's office, Xiao Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief, but McDull remained silent.

"What's the matter, is there anything else you can't figure out?" Xiao Qingyun asked.

"I'm thinking about Shang Wenwen, who was imprisoned by me. She died so badly." McDull said sadly.

"No one wants this. Now the most important thing is to find the real culprit as soon as possible."

McDull nodded and followed Xiao Qingyun into the car.

Back at the hospital, McDull called Chong Fei to reassure her, but he couldn't see her for the time being so as not to cause trouble to her.

Of course, he should be most grateful to Yuan Xiaofei. If she hadn't sneaked into the hospital at the risk, McDull would not have been released on bail so soon.

"It's good that you're fine, I'll do my best to help you."

"The way I treated you before, you still help me like this really makes me ashamed." McDull said embarrassingly.

"You also said it was in the past, then you just have to treat me better." Yuan Xiaofei said jokingly.

"Hehe, definitely."

"I found out that the surveillance video was interfered by the equipment, which led to the gap in that period of time. However, there are footprints in the corridor that can be extracted. I suspect that someone in the police conspired with the real murderer to cover up this."

"Oh? That can prove that someone else was present at that time? But why didn't the waiters there and the security guards in the community see other people coming in and out?"

"I haven't investigated this yet, but there will be news soon."

"I don't even know what to do now."

"The three tigers are looking for you, you'd better not show up." Yuan Xiaofei reminded.

"Maybe I have to ask him about Mu Feng's background. If I can confirm that Mu Feng is Mu Yuchen who escaped from prison that year, then I have a chance..."

"I'm afraid the three tigers won't give you a chance to ask anything when they see it. Don't forget, it's their own sister who died. The three tigers are famous for being cruel and merciless. They won't let it go if they are angered this time." You, everyone will help you do the things you said, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Okay." McDull said helplessly.

"Well, let's do this first. As soon as there is news, I will notify you immediately."

"Okay, you have to pay attention to safety."

Putting down the phone, McDull lay on the bed full of worries. The old bus should have a rest during the day, but he couldn't help but ran to the hospital.


"Come in."

The old man opened the door of the ward and saw McDull lying on the bed alone. He came in and closed the door, came to the bed, pulled a chair and sat down.

"Brother, are you alright?"

"Do you think something is wrong with me?" McDull sat up with a bitter expression on his face.

"Our people are all familiar faces, or ask those people to help us."

"No, Fatty has already sacrificed the last batch of goods. If they show up again, maybe new things will be involved." McDull objected.

"I searched all the places where people could hide in the suburbs of City H this morning, but I couldn't find Bai Lan's whereabouts. Where do you think they will hide people?"

"Mu Feng probably won't make the mistake of last time. Is it possible for him to have those occasions?" McDull guessed.

"No way, there are too many people talking, and I heard that almost all of Mu Feng's venues have been searched today." The old man said.

"Help me ask the four masters of Feng, Yun, Qing, and Bao to come out. An hour later, we will be at the Zeshuang Bar on Hualun Street in the north of the city. It is far away from the city, so it should not be noticed by people." McDull said.

"Can those four old fellows come? Although this incident happened at night, it should be spread in the Tao by now. They are all wise and safe people." The old man hesitated.

McDull sneered, "Hmph, it's because I have two lives, isn't that the most threatening?"

The old bus was stunned for a moment, and then understood what McDull meant.

The four hall masters were indeed as expected by the old bus. They resisted and refused to come. The old bus said in a strange way that they were ignorant of the current affairs. One murder case, how many more?

The four old guys not only spared their lives, but also worried about their family's suffering, so they had no choice but to agree.

The old bus went to the bar one step ahead, booked a box first, then called McDull to tell McDull the number of the box, and sat at the bar while drinking and waiting for the four hall masters.

McDuer was the last to arrive, and walked through the back door. The old bus was watching outside, so McDuer went directly to the box. The four hall masters greeted McDuer with smiles on their faces.

"Don't be afraid, I won't harm you, but if you play tricks on me and help Mu Feng harm me together, then you will be blessed." McDull sat down and lit a cigarette.

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

"It's up to you whether you dare or not. What I want to say is, tell all the things you know about Mu Feng. I mean the things when he first started his family. There are many good things to say, There is a prize." McDull took a puff of cigarette.

"This..." The four of you looked at me and I looked at you, and hesitated.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, everyone can leave with one hand or foot." McDull leaned on the sofa, put his feet on the coffee table, and looked at them sharply.

The air here is tense, and the other side is also engaged in serious negotiations.

Mu Feng was talking to the old ghost in the study, when Liu Xiaoqing knocked on the door and walked in, determined to talk to Mu Feng.

"If it's about McDull, it's fine." Mu Feng said coldly.

"Talk about the two of us." Liu Xiaoqing said.

The old ghost looked at the two of them and said, "Brother, I'll wait for you downstairs." Then he turned and left the study.

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