Fragrant flowers

Chapter 22 Be careful, the partition has ears

Chapter 22 Be careful, walls have ears

McDull was in a coma for a day and a night, and he didn't wake up until the next afternoon. The first thing he saw was Xiao Yuru with red eyes.

That silly girl was sitting beside her in a daze, if it wasn't for the excited cry of the big fish, she would not have recovered.

"Brother, you finally woke up, but you frightened us."

Big Yu and the old bus came around, Xiao Yuru turned to look at McDuer, tears streaming down his face, took McDuer's hand, and said with a choked voice: "McDuer, you are awake, do you know that he is How worried are you?"

McDull smiled wryly, looking at Xiao Yuru's appearance, she looked like a little daughter-in-law, and it was the first time he saw her so haggard.

"Aren't I all right?"

"Do you still feel uncomfortable? Old man, go and call the doctor, just say that McDull is awake." Xiao Yuru seemed a little flustered.

"Yes." The old bus answered and left the ward.

"Brother, the hall master promised that he would personally intervene in this matter, and those two desperate guys will definitely be found out." Big Fish said.

"Okay." McDull had his own idea in his heart, but he couldn't say it.

The doctor came to check on McDull, and said that his condition was stable, he would take a good rest and he would be fine soon.

Xiao Qingyun received a call from his daughter and was very happy to learn that McDull had woken up. He had already sent someone to investigate the car accident when he came back from the hospital. He had already found the two cars today, but no one had found them yet. .

McDull was originally in good physical condition, and he recovered quickly after the injury. He even absorbed the blood congestion in his head very well, and the initial headache gradually disappeared.

Ten days later, McDull was alive and well, and after completing the discharge procedures, the first thing McDull had to do was to have a good meal.

"Let me lend you my car. Your car is already scrapped. I'll buy another one with you tomorrow." Xiao Yuru handed over his car keys to McDull. Big Yu and Old Ba saw it, and they were all very interested. The first to go away.

"Also, you have to remember, you must drink less, and you must come to me at night, you know?" Taking advantage of the time when Big Yu and the old bus went to pick up the car, Xiao Yuru added another sentence.

McDull smiled and nodded: "I asked you to go with me, but you refused."

"I went, you won't have fun, you don't care, they are thick-skinned enough, they will be restrained."

McDull smiled, and didn't say anything more. Xiao Yuru changed a lot after being injured this time. Not only did she come to the hospital every day, but she also took care of McDull more attentively. There has been a change.

In these ten days, except for Zhang Xiaorou who called to greet him, no one came to him, but he did not tell the truth to Zhang Xiaorou. On the one hand, he did not want her to worry about him. On the other hand, Xiao Yuru was in the hospital every day. Once there is a conflict, it is better to avoid it if it can be avoided.

Xiao Yuru left in a taxi. McDuer opened the door and got in the car. Xiao Yuru's body fragrance still lingered in the car. McDuer took a deep breath and was about to start the car. Hey, what is this?

Inadvertently, he caught a glimpse of a yellowed book under the passenger seat, picked it up, and glanced at it—the art in the room.

Be good, this girl started reading this kind of book before she left the cabinet, she doesn't want to learn how to serve her husband from now on, does she?

I opened it and took a few glances. It was not the picture of boudoir joy as I imagined, but the steps similar to cultivation, and occasionally some pictures were inserted.

McDull curiously followed the steps in the opening chapter and brewed it calmly. He felt that his body was gradually heating up, and there was a warm current in his lower abdomen. Mai Douer also began to heat up...

Wow, it's really so powerful, let's learn it when we have time. At this time, there is not even a place to solve it.McDull immediately distracted himself, put away the book, and started the car.

In Guanghai Restaurant, in private room 305, Old Ba, Big Yu, and a few brothers who are usually on good terms are celebrating McDull's discharge from the hospital.

"Brother, the brothers have been worried a lot during your absence, but we have not been lazy at all in the tasks you gave us." A man with dyed red hair said.

McDull drank the wine in the glass and smiled: "Is there any good news?"

"We investigated and dealt with the fact that Sanhu had a younger sister who worked in the Wisteria Company. There were two versions of this woman. Back then, Sanhu hadn't made her debut yet, and their younger sister was beautiful. She was taken by the local Tai Sui, but she was stubborn. Temperament is disobedience, and later angered the other party, and after she was dealt with, she asked a few people under her to do it, and later, she gave birth to a daughter, and she didn't even know who the real father was." Hongmao drank. liquor.

"What about the other version?" Although Shang Wenwen felt a little mysterious, he still didn't want to believe the authenticity of the first version, which would be too cruel to a beautiful woman.

"Another version is that this child was adopted by her, so she has always been single, because no one wants to raise a oil bottle."

"Which one is more reliable?" McDull asked.

The red hair chuckled: "I know what you think, big brother. With your character, you would rather believe the latter. In fact, it doesn't matter which one is true. The important thing is that big brother, you are smart, and you are loved by everyone. Flower Seeing Huakai's handsome appearance, you can definitely start with that girl."

"Red hair, didn't you let the big brother use the beauty trick? If that woman is really fucked by so many people, then the big brother will lose." Big Yu laughed.

"That's right, you're the only one who can come up with such a bad idea." Said a thin monkey next to him who looked like he hadn't evolved well.

"Didn't I just say that? But Sanhu has always been cautious and suspicious, and it's not easy to get close. Besides, the identity of the eldest brother is not a secret on the road. You think Sanhu is blind?" Convinced said.

"I said, stop arguing, do you have any clues over there?" McDull stopped with a smile.

"The goods were hidden very secretly, and I haven't found them until now. I have already cast the net. As long as the goods are found, someone will notify me." Big Fish said.

"Brother, why don't you check the madman's secret warehouse?" said the thin monkey.

"Yeah, brother, I've had this idea for a long time."

"Go, go, go, you won't remember if you don't tell me." The thin monkey glared at the red hair.

McDull smiled: "Do you think he will put the goods in his warehouse?"

"Maybe then, isn't that how it was shown on TV? The most dangerous place is the safest place. Maybe the lunatic guessed our thoughts and decided that we wouldn't think he hid the goods in his own warehouse, but he just Just do that." Said the thin monkey.

"You mean, big brother is not as smart as a lunatic?" Hong Mao rolled back the look just now.

Several people were discussing intensely, when suddenly the door of the private room opened after being knocked a few times, the waiter turned sideways to make way for the people behind, and several people in the room immediately fell silent.

Although neither of them spoke, it could be seen from their expressions that all they had in mind was one question - why did he come?

The person who came was Kaizi, one of the four stewards of the church. He was usually calm and low-key, but he played a very important role in the meeting. Xiao Qingyun treated him differently.It's just that McDull didn't have any friendship with him, so I was surprised to see him today.

"Brother Kai." McDull is a quick-witted person, since he came, no matter what the reason, he should greet him, so he stood up from his seat and greeted him with a smile.

Seeing that the eldest brother walked and stood up, the others did not dare to neglect and stood up one by one. The meal, which was originally quite relaxing, was disturbed by this unexpected guest.

"It seems that I disturbed you." Kaizi glanced at the few people present with a half-smile.

"No, it's just in time. We're just getting started, so let's go together." McDull said with a smile.

"No, if I really stay, no one will speak." Kaizi paused, and said, "I came in to remind you that walls have ears." After speaking, he turned and walked out.

Several people look at me, I look at you, McDull raised his eyebrows, and sat down first, and the others followed suit.

"Did he hear something?" Old Ba whispered.

After hearing Kaizi's words, everyone seemed to be more cautious.

McDull picked up a chicken thigh and ate it indifferently, and the others looked at him in a daze, McDull glanced at them and said: "You should eat and drink, and if you want to come, you will come sooner or later. "

"But brother, will he tell what he just said..."

"No, otherwise there's no need to come in and remind us." McDull said confidently.

Thinking about it, although this Kaizi looks cold and unapproachable, since he is willing to come in and remind everyone, it shouldn't be too bad.

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