Fragrant flowers

Chapter 26 Something Happened

Chapter 26 Something Happened

McDull didn't speak, but he was very surprised. He has been in Xiao's house for more than ten years, and he has never heard of any treasures. He has seen a few antiques, but he doesn't think there is anything special. hand?But how did those people know?

"In fact, we were able to start a business back then because of the two treasures we got at that time. After one of them was sold off, Qing Yuntang used the funds to grow continuously. And the other one was put away by me, which was a priceless treasure. Blue and white porcelain, named: Yuan blue and white Guiguxiashan porcelain jar."

McDull doesn't have much research on antiques, but it sounds like it has been changed to a rare treasure. It turns out that the Xiao family has hidden such precious things. Could it be that those who want to rebel are not only for the position of the leader of Qingyuntang, they are also beating treasures? idea?

"This treasure was already worth more than 2005 million U.S. dollars in 2770, and the current price will far exceed this figure. The reason why I keep it is not because I want to take this wealth for myself, but because I bought this treasure After it was placed in the secret room, Qingyuntang's business began to flourish, and I have already regarded it as the mascot of the Xiao family."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I already feel the danger, it is difficult for me to hold on to this treasure. I don't want it to fall into the hands of those who are obsessed with interests, but you are different. You have been by my side for so many years, and you have always been a person who is happy with the situation and has no greed. And ambitious people, this is why I trust you."

"However, I still don't understand, what does this have to do with what happened tonight?"

"You will know. What I want to say now is that I hope you promise me that once something happens to me, you will take Yuru away immediately, the farther the better, and you must not let those people hurt Yuru, can you do it?" ?" Xiao Qingyun stared at McDull very seriously, as if danger was imminent.

Xiao Qingyun's abnormal behavior puzzled McDull, but he still nodded solemnly and said, "I promise you, I will do my best to protect Yuru, unless I die."

"Okay, foster father saw you right." Xiao Qingyun nodded in satisfaction.

"You don't need to participate in the action tonight, just stay with Yuru, I will ask someone to contact you at any time, you just need to wait for the news." Xiao Qingyun said.

McDull nodded without asking further questions, but felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Okay, it's okay, you go to Yuru, she has been waiting for you tonight."

"Well, then I'll go."

When McDull came out of the study, his mind was in a mess. What will happen tonight? Why is Xiao Qingyun so nervous, as if making arrangements for the funeral?

When the door was closing, McDull looked at Xiao Qingyun again, Xiao Qingyun nodded and smiled kindly at him.

Standing in front of Xiao Yuru's door, she knocked a few times, and the door opened. Xiao Yuru's blushing face was a bit shy, and McDull looked at her suspiciously. Why are father and daughter so strange tonight?

"Why? Sichun?" McDull blurted out, and just as he finished speaking, Xiao Yuru rolled his eyes.

"Can't you say something nice?" Xiao Yuru returned to normal, walked to the dressing table and sat down, combing her hair gently in front of the mirror.

"Hey, aren't you used to it? Why don't you fix it for me." McDull approached cheekily.

"I can't cure it, and I'm not a veterinarian."

"Tch, isn't this a sequela of puberty? Hey, I don't believe you weren't impulsive during puberty." McDull curled her lips and sat down on the bed.

"You are the only one who still mentions youth to me, don't waste the word youth, you are already in autumn." Xiao Yuru turned around and said with a smile.

McDull touched his face, and said, "No wonder I always have insomnia recently, and I only wake up once every 16 hours."

Xiao Yuru giggled, and McDull sighed, "Finally made my Miss Xiao happy."

"I wasn't unhappy at all." Xiao Yuru got up and said, "Come on, accompany me out for a walk, and treat me to something to eat, I didn't have dinner at all just now."

"Okay, let's talk to foster father first." McDull followed suit and stood up.

"Well, go ahead and talk, I'll wait for you downstairs."

Xiao Yuru went downstairs, and McDull first went to the study to look for Xiao Qingyun. He didn't know if he was still there or not. He tried to knock on the door a few times, but no one answered. He probably went back to his room. McDull went to the master bedroom again. When I opened the door, I heard a noise downstairs.

McDull and Xiao Qingyun looked at each other, and immediately ran downstairs. After Xiao Yuru screamed in horror, she was fainted. Five tall and burly masked men broke in, and one of them was unconscious. Xiao Yuru quickly withdrew, and the other four covered them with the most advanced firearms in their hands. Most of the bodyguards of the Xiao family were killed or injured.

When McDull rushed downstairs, the nameless masked man had already evacuated the villa, and he quickly chased them out. Seeing those people get into a white van and drive towards the road, McDull jumped onto Xiao Yuru's car without hesitation. The yellow sports car chased after him.

Xiao Qingyun was extremely anxious and calculated everything, but he didn't expect that the other party would dare to come to his home to kidnap him, and something happened in the end.

After McDull, he also started the car and chased him out.

While chasing quickly, McDull made a few phone calls and dispatched manpower to respond. The speed of the car ahead was fast, and McDull didn't dare to push too hard, worrying that Xiao Yuru in the car would be in danger.

Xiao Qingyun from behind also followed, and the two cars followed. Suddenly, the white van started shooting at the two cars, and the bullets hit the car making a ping-pong-pong sound.

Just as McDull was about to get the gun in the drawer, he suddenly remembered that this was not his car, and thumped the steering wheel angrily, trying to avoid the incoming bullets as much as possible.

But Xiao Qingyun fought back while driving, and the speed of the car slowed down significantly, so more bullets were shot at McDull.

The front windshield of McDull's car was shattered in several places, and there were bullet marks on the car body. Fortunately, McDull hid deftly and was not injured for the time being.

Under the strong firepower, McDull's car was forced to retreat. Just when McDull was going to retreat and act as the tail, suddenly a grenade was thrown towards the middle of the car.

Both McDull and Xiao Qingyun saw the grenade thrown at the same time, and they quickly avoided the car to the side of the road. It was too late and then too fast, only to hear a loud "boom", and the glass on the car window was shattered. , the car stopped not far away.

McDull jumped out of the car, shook off the broken glass on his body, and ran towards Xiao Qingyun's car.

Xiao Qingyun lay on the steering wheel and had already passed out. McDull dragged him out of the car and found that besides the head injury, he had been shot in the chest, and the blood had already stained his shirt.

"Damn it!" McDull cursed through gritted teeth. The white van had disappeared. McDull first dialed the emergency number, and then dialed a series of numbers. As soon as the other party answered, he immediately said, "Listen up!" , Find me a white van with the license plate xx-xxxxx immediately, and notify me immediately if there is any news."

After hanging up the phone, McDull anxiously looked at Xiao Qingyun in his arms, his face became paler, and thick black blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

"It will be all right, it will be all right." McDull said to himself.

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