Fragrant flowers

Chapter 37 I finally woke up

Chapter 37 Finally Woke Up

During the meal, McDull mentioned the matter of letting Zhang Xiaorou return to work, but Zhang Xiaorou neither agreed nor declined.

McDull always felt that Zhang Xiaorou had a lot of things on her mind, maybe she was not used to being reduced from a wealthy family to an ordinary person with nothing at once, but Zhang Xiaorou was very well-bred and looked like a lady.This time Zhang Xiaorou can be strengthened from the pain, and McDull is proud of what she did.

After eating, they sent Zhang Xiaorou home and rushed to the hospital.

Kaizi was not there, so he probably went back to rest. After staying up all day and night, he should take a rest, but Feng Yunshan was nowhere to be seen. Where did this guy go?

"How's the adoptive father?" McDull bit the bullet and asked Ma Biao and Liu Peng.

"What else can I do? Don't you know how to read?" Ma Biao said in a strange manner, without even looking at McDull.

McDull endured it, and if it wasn't for the extraordinary period, he wouldn't be so angry.

"McDull, come here."

McDull turned his head. It was Kaizi who called him from behind. He thought he had gone back to rest, but he was still there.McDull followed him to the corner of the corridor, and Kaizi asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with Yuru, she kept calling and crying, aren't you with her?"

"I..." McDull scratched his head, never expecting Xiao Yuru to call for reinforcements.

"I don't know the extent of your relationship, but I know that you are definitely not as simple as brothers and sisters. The relationship between a man and a woman is unclear, but I don't allow you to hurt her." Kaizi's voice was not loud, But it gives people a kind of deterrence.

McDull always felt a little depressed in front of him, but she was powerless to resist, and she couldn't describe that feeling well.

"Zhang Xiaorou was in trouble, and I went to help her, which made Yuru unhappy, but I can't do nothing, can I?" McDull explained.

"If everyone is against it, why bother to cause public outrage? There must be a reason for the opposition. Things can't just be seen on the surface. There are many people who need help. For example, Mu Feng, he really wants to get rid of Sanhu. Don't you hesitate to help him? ?” Kaizi looked at McDull blankly.

By the way, after he reminded him, McDull remembered that Mu Feng didn't seem to have moved at all recently. Wasn't he in a hurry to get rid of Sanhu? He had been delayed for so long because of trivial matters, why didn't he remind him?

McDull was startled suddenly, could it be that the matter of Zhang Xiaorou's family was his masterpiece?If it was him, then it would not be difficult for the murderer to keep Zhang Xiaorou alive.Damn, if he really did it, it's a beast, no, it's not as good as a beast.

"When you often talk to others, do you think about another thing?" Kaizi shook his head helplessly: "Here, my subordinates said you dropped it, you are really different."

Kaizi shoved him a black plastic bag and walked straight to the intensive care unit.McDull opened the plastic bag in confusion and took a look. It was a very familiar book cover. He took it out and flipped through it, and couldn't help but be dumbfounded. Isn't this the house surgery that Xiao Yuru picked up in the car?When did it drop, how could I not know?Turning around, he wanted to explain that the book wasn't just his, but he just opened his mouth and swallowed the words.

Forget it, let him think it's mine, it's better than letting him know it's that yellow-haired girl's, otherwise how can I embarrass her?

It's not a problem to put the book back in the bag, it's better to send it back to the car.McDull walked into the elevator and went downstairs, threw the book into the car, and was about to leave when he suddenly saw Mu Feng and Liu Xiaoqing coming out of the building.

The three saw each other almost at the same time, Liu Xiaoqing pursed her thin lips lightly, and Mu Feng hugged her shoulders and greeted McDuer generously.

"Brother Mai, we are really destined, we can meet everywhere."

"It's like this a lot of times, the more people you don't want to see, the more you will meet." McDull said disapprovingly.

"Hehe, since it's useless to escape, why not face it?"

"I still have something to do, excuse me." McDull was about to leave, but was stopped by Mu Feng: "Oh, it's too embarrassing for me to leave in a hurry when we first met. I have good news to tell you."

McDull had to stop, Mu Feng chuckled and said, "Xiaoqing is pregnant, tell me, is this a happy event?"

There was a strange light in the eyes of the two men, as if two transparent swords were waving between them.

McDull said coldly: "Then you should accumulate more blessings for your children, and do less things that hurt nature and reason, so as not to bring disaster to future generations."

"I, Mu Feng, have always done things upright, so I won't bother Brother Mai to worry about this. When the baby is born, Brother Mai must come to have a wedding." Mu Feng is calm and at ease. In his eyes, McDull will always be just an irresistible Huo's boy, and all the overall situation is in his own hands.

Let's talk about it after birth!This sentence jumped out of McDull's mind, but McDull didn't speak, and glanced at Liu Xiaoqing, who looked at him with a complicated expression.If it were any other woman, he would definitely spit out these words, but for Liu Xiaoqing, he didn't want to curse her with such vicious words.

"Let's go, I'm a little tired." Liu Xiaoqing broke the deadlock and pulled Mufeng's arm.

"Okay, let's go." Mu Feng smiled gracefully.

As soon as McDull got into the elevator, the phone rang: "Where did you go? Brother woke up." It was Kaizi calling.

"I'm downstairs, come up right away."

Putting down the phone, McDull was faintly worried, would the adoptive father get better after waking up this time?The adoptive father was seriously injured this time, and it would take a long time to recover. There were always accidents in the hall, and he was very worried that someone would take advantage of this time to make trouble.

In the ward, several people stood quietly. When McDuer walked in, Xiao Qingyun looked at him and nodded to him.

"Why hasn't Ma Biao come here? You won't be stuck in Ruanrou Township and can't come out?" Liu Peng said sarcastically.

"I've already called him, he should be here soon." Kaizi said.

"I'm fine, you don't have to watch over me, just do what you have to do." Xiao Qingyun said weakly.

"Nothing is as important as your recovery," Kaizi said.

"Oh, I'm old, what would this little injury be when I was young?" Xiao Qingyun sighed and shook his head.

"Brother, take a good rest. The doctor said you can't talk too much, and leave the church affairs to us." Feng Yunshan said.

"McDull, you have to take good care of Yuru, she is young and self-willed, don't care about her as a brother." Xiao Qingyun's words made McDull feel very uncomfortable, it felt like last words.

"Father, Yuru is coming to see you too..." Before McDull finished speaking, Xiao Qingyun shook his head: "That girl will definitely trouble me when she comes, as long as she is safe, I will rest assured, you go back and accompany her You all go back and rest, there are doctors and nurses here, there is nothing you can do if you stay."

Several people looked at each other, and Kaizi took the lead and said, "Okay, then let's go back and let the elder brother have a good rest."

"Yes, let elder brother have a good rest." Liu Peng echoed.

"Big brother, big brother..." Ma Biao yelled and barged in from the outside.

"What are you yelling for? This is a hospital." Feng Yunshan glared at Ma Biao.

"Oh, hehe, I'm so happy. When I heard that my elder brother woke up, I was so happy that I didn't know what to do." Ma Biao smiled and scratched his head.

"Okay, stop arguing here, brother needs to rest, everyone should go back." Kaizi said.

Ma Biao was stunned for a moment, and said, "But, I just came here?"

"Who told you to come early?" Liu Peng walked out with a smile.

Ma Biao sighed, and said to Xiao Qingyun: "Then, brother, you rest, I will come to see you tomorrow."

Xiao Qingyun nodded, watched several people walk out of the ward, and then closed his eyes to rest again.

After leaving the ward, a group of people entered the elevator one after another, exited the ward building, picked up their cars and left without saying a word.

McDull started the car and was about to drive when he suddenly felt someone behind him and turned his head subconsciously.

"I don't want them seeing me, driving."

The yellow sports car drove out of the hospital.

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