Fragrant flowers

Chapter 5 Don't Touch Her

Chapter 5 Don't Touch Her

Jinding Manor.

On the sofa of the villa, Xiao Qingyun, Xiao Yuru, and McDull were all sitting there silently. Zhang Xiaorou lay unconscious on the other side of the sofa. will wake up.

"Why do you meddle in other things? It's just their triangular debt. There are too many things like this in this circle. Can you handle it?" Xiao Yuru pouted and looked at McDull dissatisfied.

"If you were Zhang Xiaorou, what would you do today?" McDull rarely calmed down, looking at the unconscious Zhang Xiaorou with deep eyes.

"I..." Xiao Yuru suddenly didn't know how to answer. She grew up in a blessing, and she didn't understand that kind of misfortune and sadness at all.

"People who have never been in pain have no right to speak."

Xiao Qingyun looked at McDull, he knew that the scar on the bottom of McDull's heart hadn't fully healed, on the surface he was unrestrained, but inside he was more fragile than anyone else.

"Dad, what did I say wrong again?" Xiao Yuru said coquettishly to her father.

"It's not that you said something wrong, but that you can't understand how deep the pain is." Xiao Qingyun patted his daughter's hand lightly.

With a cry, Zhang Xiaorou frowned, and slowly opened her eyes. She rubbed her dizzy head and sat up with support. When she saw the people in front of her, she froze in surprise.

"I, why am I here, who are you?" She scanned the environment, and then her eyes fell on McDull: "You brought me back?"

"Well, you fainted before you left the venue, and I didn't know where you lived, so I brought you back." McDull smiled faintly.

Zhang Xiaorou looked at Xiao Qingyun and Xiao Yuru again.

"Oh, he is my adoptive father, she is my adoptive father's daughter, this is my adoptive father's home." Seeing Zhang Xiaorou's doubtful face, McDull quickly introduced.

"Thank you, I have caused you trouble, I should go back." After saying that, Zhang Xiaorou stood up.

"It's getting dark, I'll take you back." McDull followed.

"No need, I can do it myself." Zhang Xiaorou's expression was still lonely, she hadn't shaken off the pain in her heart, but she forced a smile on them.

"A good man will do it to the end. I'll send you back. If something happens to you on the way, I will feel guilty." McDull insisted.

"People say no need, why are you so stubborn, maybe they don't want you to know where she lives?" Xiao Yuru curled her lips and said.

Zhang Xiaorou didn't speak, just bit her lower lip lightly, and McDull said kindly: "Don't pay attention to her, she often talks inconsequentially, go, I'll take you back." Saying that, she pulled Zhang Xiaorou and walked out, when a voice came from behind her. I heard Xiao Yuru's indignant voice: "You're just making things upside down..."

At McDull's insistence, Zhang Xiaorou got into his car and said the name of a neighborhood.

It was a somewhat shabby residential area. Looking at the residential buildings that were about to become dangerous, one could imagine what kind of people lived there.

He parked the car in front of a building, opened the door and got out of the car, then walked to Zhang Xiaorou's side, and opened the door for her very gentlemanly.

"Thank you." Zhang Xiaorou got out of the car and looked at him gratefully.

There will always be some people who come out to enjoy the cool air on a midsummer night. There are very few famous cars driving in here, and some people who enjoy the cool get together in twos and threes to discuss in a low voice.

"Go back, this place is not suitable for you." Zhang Xiaorou said softly.

"It doesn't matter whether it's suitable or not, there will be people living in any place, besides, you, a beautiful woman, can live here, why can't I stay here for a while?" McDull raised the corners of his lips.

Zhang Xiaorou looked at McDull with clear water eyes, and said with a wry smile, "Do you think I'm pitiful?"

"I never feel sorry for others, because a poor person must have something to hate." McDull said lightly.

Zhang Xiaorou bowed her head and remained silent.

"Every poor person has a side that is not worthy of being pitiful. A person who cannot face adversity, no matter how poor he is, is not worthy of being pitiful. No one's life is smooth sailing. You will not have forever. It's inevitable." McDull looked at her sincerely, and he didn't understand why he said this to her, why he felt sad when he saw her suffering, and he hasn't felt bad for others for a long time.

"Thank you, I understand what you mean, I will not do stupid things, and I will never let Fang Tianyu go. Through what happened tonight, I have completely seen him through, and I will live my own life in the future. I will work hard to make money so that Dad can spend his old age in peace." Zhang Xiaorou's eyes were very firm.

"I believe you are a strong girl, and you will definitely get better. It's getting late, you go upstairs, and come to me if you remember anything. This is my business card." McDull smiled, and took it out of his pocket. Handed her a business card.

Zhang Xiaorou glanced at the business card: "McDull, is your name so weird?"

McDull scratched his head and said with a smile: "I am an orphan, and my childhood dream was to open a luggage shop. Later, my adoptive father adopted me and named me this."

"Hehe, such an interesting name, I will never forget it, okay, I'm going upstairs, bye!" Zhang Xiaorou smiled brightly, then turned and walked towards the stairs.

Seeing her slender back melt into the darkness, McDull was about to get in the car when a voice stopped him.

"It seems that you have found a fellow traveler." Mu Feng stood beside the car at some point. He changed out of the suit he wore for the dinner and wore a set of white casual clothes.

"Are you following me?" McDull asked coldly.

Mu Feng smiled: "I just want to talk to you..."

"We have nothing to talk about." Before Mu Feng could finish speaking, McDull interrupted him.

"About Zhang Xiaorou, don't you want to talk about it?"

The completely different personalities of the two are in stark contrast at this time, McDull is beaming with joy, while Mu Feng is calm and sophisticated.

"I can ask her about her directly, I don't need to listen to your nonsense." McDull didn't want to talk to him, opened the car door and got in.

"If you don't talk to me today, you will never see Zhang Xiaorou again tomorrow. My buddy will come and set fire to the house at three o'clock in the morning. By the time you receive the news, their father and daughter will have already been ashes." " After finishing speaking, Mu Feng turned around and wanted to leave.

With a sound of "bang", McDull got out of the car angrily, closed the door hard, and then strode up to Mu Feng: "What do you want? What's going on with me, why bother?"

Mu Feng smiled lightly and shook his head: "Do you know how much her father owes me? [-] million." Mu Feng paused, and then said: "You are also a gangster in the Tao, and you should know the means of collecting debts, or in other words, like this Have you ever done the same thing?"

McDull stopped asking. That's right, people on the road are always ruthless in their debt collection. Too many loan sharks have been massacred, and several of them died in his hands.

"Hehe, McDull, I appreciate your talent, and you have a heart for Zhang Xiaorou, so I came to talk to you." Mu Feng patted McDull's shoulder.

"Give me one day, and I will find a way to pay back her money." McDull said with a sullen face.

Mu Feng shook his head: "As far as I know, you don't have this ability yet, but if you are willing to help me with something, the money Zhang Xiaorou's father owes me can be written off."

McDull suddenly raised his head, and smiled evilly: "Mu Feng, you want me to do things for you, don't dream. I tell you, you are not allowed to touch them until I raise money, otherwise, I, McDull, will dig out your money." Ancestral grave." After speaking, he strode back to the car, started the car and drove out of the community.

Mu Feng watched McDull's car drift away, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a number.

"Old ghost, proceed as planned."

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