Chapter 63 Molested

McDull sat down on the bench in the corridor, recalled Kaizidiu's analysis of this incident, and went through several people in Qingyuntang one by one, without any clue.

When the phone rang, McDull lazily took out the phone and answered it without looking at it.


"Hello, sir. This is China Life Insurance. May I ask what means of transportation do you usually use?"

McDull smiled evilly and said, "Wheelchair!"

"sorry for disturbance!"

McDull looked at the hung up phone playfully, and couldn't help thinking of a bad idea, so he pressed a few shuttlecocks - 10086.

"Hello?" After the call was connected, McDull pursed his lips and gave a low voice.

"Hello, sir, may I help you?" The lady at the 10086 service desk spoke in a very friendly voice.

"My phone is out of battery, and it shuts off automatically, what time is it?"

Halo, the lady at the service desk at 10086 asked reflexively, "Then how did you call me, sir?"

"My mobile phone is automatically turned off, and I can make calls, but I can't see the time."

"Sir, it's one o'clock in the afternoon, is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Oh, don't you need to rest at noon?"

Dizzy again: "I'm sorry sir, this is my job, is there anything else I can do?"

"Can't you make a phone call?"

"I'm sorry sir, that's not what I meant." The service desk lady hurriedly explained.

McDull snickered and said, "Why is it free to call you? Why is it charged to call others?"

"Sir, this is our high-quality service to customers. We adhere to the principle that customers are God, so there is no charge for calling our customer service."

"Then God is hungry, I'll give you my home address, can you come to my home and cook me something to eat..." McDull covered her mouth, trying not to let herself laugh.

"Sorry sir, we don't have this service."

"Are you picky about your service to God?"

"I'm sorry sir, we only answer customers' business questions. Do you have any questions now?"

McDull thought for a while and said, "I'm not an unreasonable person, so how about it, you answer my three questions correctly, and I won't pester you anymore."

The lady at the service desk looked helpless: "Please tell me."

"First, how many miles did you walk in the Long March?"

"Twenty-five thousand miles."

"How many people are there?"

"Eighty-six thousand people."

Knowing a bit of history, hehe, seeing how hard it is for the young master to catch you, McDull smiled slyly and asked, "What are their names?"


The lady at the service desk had a black line on her face, why did she meet such a lunatic, but she dared not speak out.

"Hey, if you refuse to answer God's question, I will sue you." When McDull saw that the other party had lost his voice, he knew that he had succeeded.

"Sorry sir, I really don't know."

"It's so simple that you can't answer it. Your attitude towards work is not serious, and you still have resistance."

The lady at the service desk said with tears in her voice, "Is this... is this simple? How about this, sir, and I'll ask you three questions. Are you interested in answering them?"

"Let's hear it." McDull said with interest.

"Where were the 2008 Olympics held?"


"What month is the opening ceremony?"

"August [-]th." McDull immediately added after answering: "If you dare to ask me the names of everyone in the stands at the opening ceremony, I will still sue you."

The lady at the service desk at 10086 cried wildly: "Sir, give me your home address, and I will cook for you."

McDull hung up the phone and couldn't help laughing. On the other end, Kaizi's bodyguards looked at him stupidly. Since he started calling, those people have been paying attention to him, and laughed until he hung up the phone. , more like looking at an alien.

"Hahahahaha, you guys...why are you looking at me like that? Hey, let me listen to you." McDull laughed almost to the point of tears, got up and walked over to a few bodyguards, and played the recording of the call just now , handed it to the gecko man, and went to the bathroom on the other side of the corridor to pee.

After a while, the hallway was full of laughter. McDuer was much more relaxed after draining the water. When he walked out of the bathroom, he saw several bodyguards giggling. When the gecko man saw McDuer coming, he said with a smile: "Master Mai, thank you!" You can figure it out, 10086, you also flirt."

"Hey, I also came up with a sudden inspiration." McDull smirked, answered the phone, and said, "They should have finished eating, I'll go in and have a look."

McDull knocked on the door symbolically, and without waiting for a response from inside, he opened the door and walked in.

"Wow, so warm!" With an exaggerated expression, Kaizi almost choked again, Xiao Yuru rolled his eyes at him.

"I'm full, thank you, miss." Kaizi swallowed the food in his mouth and said to Xiao Yuru.

"Really full?"

"Really, look, I've eaten so much."

"Okay." Xiao Yuru turned around and walked to the sofa to sit down, picked up her share of food on the coffee table and started to eat.

"No way, Yuru, you haven't eaten yet. I should have known that I would stay to feed Brother Kai." McDull said hypocritically.

"I've seen hypocrisy, but I've never seen you so hypocritical." Xiao Yuru said while chewing his rice.

"Wrong, I am neither false nor false." McDull said with a smirk.

"It's not hypocritical, just peel an apple for me." Kaizi said.

"Okay, do you eat the apple peel or the apple husk?" McDull asked, picking up an apple.

Kaizi was confused, but Xiao Yuru pursed his lips and laughed, and said, "You can only eat these two kinds of apples he peels. The flesh of the apples is basically peeled off together with the skin."

Kaizi shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, even if you don't eat, you can't waste it."

McDull walked into the bathroom with a smile, washed the apples and walked out: "Then, the skin of the apple is very nutritious, so you can eat it like this."

"I don't want to eat by myself, but I want you to gag your mouth."

Xiao Yuru glanced at McDull, laughed again, and told him to talk nonsense, he really should find something to plug his broken mouth.

McDull and Xiao Yuru talked with Kaizi for a while, and left the hospital after two o'clock in the afternoon. Xiao Yuru was already very tired, so she went back to her room to rest.

"Brother, what's the situation?" The old bus waited in the villa with people, and what happened at noon was only a rough idea from others.

"At that time, Yuru and Kaizi were the only ones in the car. I don't know who they were going for." McDull sat down on the sofa.

"Could it be that Qingyuntang offended someone, and we didn't notice it? So many things have happened recently. When I'm free, I wonder if it's an old grudge?" Old Ba said.

Old grudges?McDull felt that she had overlooked another point. It seemed that besides being reckless, she really had no brains. Even the old bus could think of things that others couldn't think of, but she blindly connected everything with Mufeng. Yes, I have too deep a prejudice against him, that's why I'm biased?But in this old grievance, who will it be?

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