Fragrant flowers

Chapter 71 The only choice

Chapter 71 The Only Choice

After a quarrel, the two of them calmed down a lot. Maybe sometimes they need to burst out the backlog of emotions and release them before they can calm down.

Xiao Yuru quietly sat aside, listening to McDull and Kaizi analyze the current situation, McDull has already thought of the best candidate, not only has a certain strength, but can definitely compete with Mu Feng.

"Who are you talking about?" Kaizi asked, in his mind, given the current situation of the Xiao family, it was difficult to find an ally.

McDull whispered two words: "Three Tigers!"

"Three tigers?" Kaizi looked at him in surprise.The Three Tigers are considered legends in the Tao, and they are particularly mysterious. No one knows their backgrounds, but the strength of the Three Tigers is indeed not to be underestimated. It would be good to have them as allies. What about cooperation?

"Do you still remember Mu Feng asking me to kill the three tigers? At the beginning, Mu Feng told me that the goods might have been robbed by the three tigers. According to the behavior of the three tigers in the past, it is not impossible, but Mu Feng can do it." Hint me, there is no need for me to get rid of the three tigers." McDull looked at Kaizi with piercing eyes.

"You mean, there was some unhappiness between them, to the point where Mu Feng could get rid of the three tigers quickly?" Kaizi asked.

McDull nodded: "I didn't think too much about it at the time, I just thought that Sanhu's reputation on the road was not good, and they often didn't follow the rules, which offended many people, and Mu Feng was just one of them, but now that I think about it, It shouldn't be that simple."

Kaizi nodded, pondered for a moment, and said: "I'd better discuss this matter with elder brother, maybe elder brother can know something about the past between Sanhu and Mufeng." Kaizi paused, and said in a low voice: "This This matter must be kept secret, and it is best not to let anyone else know about it except us, so as not to cause bad things.”

"I understand." McDull replied, then looked at Xiao Yuru, and said coldly, "You stay here first, I'll go to foster father."

"Oh." Xiao Yuru answered with a pout.

McDull went downstairs, just as he drove out of the hospital gate, the cell phone rang.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Husband, it's me, how about having lunch together, I have a gift for you!" said a woman's delicate voice.

McDull was suddenly blindfolded, as if no one had ever called him that before, it couldn't be a big mistake, right? "Okay, you can decide the time and place, I will be there on time."

Hearing that he agreed, the other party seemed very happy: "Okay, then at 11:30, at Huayan Restaurant on Zhongyuan Road, second floor, No. 205."

"Okay!" McDull smiled slyly.I don't know whose woman calls everyone husband, but the voice is pretty nice, maybe she is a beautiful young woman!

This strange call made McDull feel a lot more relaxed, and soon came to the hospital where Xiao Qingyun was.

"Boss, why did you come back so quickly?" Big Fish looked at McDull who had gone back and forth in confusion.

"Suddenly remembered something, I forgot to tell my adoptive father just now."

"Oh, then go in, as there is no one at the moment." Big Fish said.

"Why, was someone here just now?"

"Yeah, the deputy hall master came and left after staying for less than 10 minutes."

"Has anyone else been here?"


"Well, then I'll go in, you stay outside, someone will give you a hint." McDull ordered.

Walking into the ward, Xiao Qingyun was sitting on the bed reading a newspaper. When McDull came in, he put the newspaper aside and asked in confusion, "What's the matter?"

"I went to see Kaizi just now. We analyzed the recent situation and thought of something. I want to tell you so that I can help you with an idea." McDull walked to the bed, pulled up a chair and sat down , I told Kaizi the speculation of the two of them, and I also said my own thoughts.

Xiao Qingyun nodded: "Since I learned that Kaizi and Yuru were attacked, I began to think that the killer's target should be Kaizi, not Yuru. But I couldn't figure out the purpose of attacking Kaizi. You left just now. Later, when Yunshan came, he mentioned the company's operational problems, and now both Kaizi and I were injured and hospitalized, and many things in the company have come to a standstill, so I suspected that someone was trying to trick the company."

"Oh? He also mentioned the company? Does he have any suggestions?" McDull asked.

"He suggested asking the secretary to bring the documents to the hospital, or give them to me, or to Kaizi. If there are some important documents waiting for approval, won't it affect the company's reputation? I'm still thinking about it. The secretary brought the documents, or I should go out and go back to the company ahead of time. No, you're here."

"Did he not consider your injuries? You all need a good rest now. If you bring the documents here, how can you rest well?" McDull said casually, but she was thinking about other things in her heart, why Feng Yunshan didn't use this to recommend someone to help How about managing the company?Could it be that Qing Yuntang is really his only ambition?

"Hehe, actually, I also said, it's better to find a reliable person in the company and temporarily act as an agent for a few days. After a few days, Kaizi and I will recover almost, and we will be able to return to the company's head, but Yunshan He disagreed, he said that all the people in the company were hired, and if he misread it, he would be the one to lose." Xiao Qingyun shook his head helplessly: "I know he is worried that the company will boast, and their dividends will be wasted. , that’s not a small amount of income.”

McDull didn't answer, he didn't have any trust in those guys, so what can he say now?

"By the way, are you sure you are looking for Sanhu?" Xiao Qingyun asked.

"Do you agree with me doing this too?"

"There is no other choice now. Either find a strong ally to fight back, or wait to be bitten to death. The foundation of the Xiao family was brought back by my life. I naturally don't want to hand it over to others. As long as there is a front line Hope, I will try. It's just that this level is not easy!" Xiao Qingyun said.

"If we want them to help us willingly, we must have something that can attract them. There is no certain benefit, let alone them, even if someone comes to us, we will also refuse. As the saying goes, people die for money."

Xiao Qingyun stared at McDull for a while, and McDull was a little uncomfortable being looked at, so he couldn't help but said, "Father, why are you looking at me like that?"

Xiao Qingyun smiled: "You have finally matured. In the past, you only yelled and shouted, so you couldn't hold your breath and never thought about it. Now you are so insightful and calm in this matter. I'm really happy from the bottom of my heart." Saying that, Xiao Qingyun's eyes turned red.

"Father, I have caused you a lot of trouble in the past, and now it's time for me to help you." McDull looked at Xiao Qingyun like this, and felt sore in his heart.

"Good boy, the Xiao family, I will rely on you in the future. Then let's study how to win Sanhu."

"Father, there is something I want to know. Why did Mu Feng kill the three tigers? Is there any special hatred between them?"

Xiao Qingyun frowned, as if he was trying to remember something, after a long time, he stretched his brows slightly, and said slowly: "Maybe it was that incident that made Mu Feng hate Sanhu so much, but what I know is also true. It's just a rumor in Jianghu, it has not been confirmed."

"What's the matter?"

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