Fragrant flowers

Chapter 87 Secret

Chapter 87 The Secret

Fortunately, the stone slab was not very thick. McDull smashed it hard for a while, and there were already many fine lines on the stone slab. However, it seemed that it would take some time to break it apart completely.

"Hey, how are you?" McDull sat on the ground tiredly, his body sweating like rain.

"I'm still here." The woman replied weakly.

"This slate is too hard, it can't be broken with one or two blows, you hold on, don't sleep. Otherwise, you talk to me, maybe I can go faster." McDull said His arm rubbed against his face.

"Okay... okay." The woman replied.

"Then, tell me first, what's your name, for so long, I don't even know your surname."

"I, my name is Yuan Xiaofei."

"How old are you?" McDull stood up again, picked up the big stone on the ground and continued to smash the slate.


"how tall?"

"1.6 meters seven."

"What are the measurements?"

"Do you want to die?"


McDull chuckled, and then realized that he was asking too much, so he asked again: "How did you get down here?"

"I was hunted down. I fell into a hole while I was running. Then I walked along the hole and came here."

"Then why don't you go back the way you came?"

"The entrance to the cave is sealed, so you can't get out."


"Be careful, get out of the way."

Seeing that the crack was getting bigger and bigger, McDull smashed it down with all his strength, and it was really broken, and the broken stones fell down one after another.

When the dust settled, McDull looked down, and there were stairs extending down below. He tried to go down a few steps, and there was candle light in the hole.

"Are you okay?" McDull asked inside.

"You're not dead yet, come down." Yuan Xiaofei responded.

McDull went down the stairs, saw Yuan Xiaofei half lying on the ground, and hurried over to help her up.

"Are you injured?"

Yuan Xiaofei shook her head: "No, you come with me." Saying that, she pulled McDull and walked inside.

"Didn't you say that the entrance to the cave over there is blocked, why do you have to go back?" McDull asked puzzled.

"You'll know in a while."

Why is this woman always talking about it, knowing that it is a dead end and still walking back, maybe she wants me to open the hole over there?McDull guessed in his heart.

"I don't have the strength to help you get through the hole over there?"

"Who told you to do that, so you can't hold your breath?" Yuan Xiaofei gave him a blank look, and continued to walk inside.

After going around three turns, McDull stopped in shock. This is a space of about [-] square meters. There are more than a dozen containers piled up on the open space, and oil lamps are hung on the wall. Obviously, this place is used as an underground warehouse.But who would keep things in such a secret place?And what's in those boxes?

McDull looked at Yuan Xiaofei suspiciously, Yuan Xiaofei smiled triumphantly, and motioned for McDull to go and have a look by herself.

McDull hesitated for a moment, walked over, carefully looked at the batch number on the outside of the container, frowned, Yuan Xiaofei walked over with a smile, and said, "See what's going on?"

"It seems to be..." McDull was not sure.

"Looks like the shipment you lost, isn't it?"

"Why are you here?" McDull asked puzzled.

"This batch of goods has always been hidden here, but you didn't know it. If it wasn't for this accident, maybe you would never know this secret."

"How do you know?" McDull looked at her suspiciously.

"Don't doubt me, I came here after receiving information, but I was ambushed by others, my people were scattered, and I just happened to fall into this hole and found this batch of goods." Yuan Xiao Fei looked at McDull and asked, "But how did you know I fell into the hole?"

"I'm not a god, how would I know. I rushed over after receiving your call. I heard your cry when I was outside the forest, and then I came in to look for you. Who knew someone shot at me, and I shot back. , while running into the woods, although he lost those people, he got lost, and later, he picked up this." McDull raised the wrench on his big finger: "Then fell into the hole."

Yuan Xiaofei didn't pay attention to the finger pull, but frowned slightly, as if thinking about something, and after a while, said: "If you say that the side where you fell is also the entrance of the cave, why is there a stone board blocking it?"

McDull shrugged: "I don't know."

"You have found the goods, do you want to call your people to bring the goods back?" Yuan Xiaofei asked.

McDull suddenly remembered Xiao Qingyun's words. If he remembered correctly, he said twice that the goods were found. Did he already know where the goods were?Or, he found the goods and moved them here?Then why didn't he take the goods back, but let the goods be buried in the ground?

"What are you thinking?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I think, let these goods stay here." After finishing speaking, he lowered it and walked towards the hole where he fell just now.

"Hey, where are you going?" Yuan Xiaofei chased after her.

"Of course you want to leave here, don't you plan to live here?"

Yuan Xiaofei gave him another look, followed closely behind, and when she reached the broken stone slab, Yuan Xiaofei looked at the not-so-high hole, and then at McDull.

"Squat down."


"I told you to squat down so that I can step on your shoulders and climb up." Yuan Xiaofei said confidently.

"Why should I let you step on it?"

"Because you are a man, in special times, you should keep women safe first, and besides, if you don't let me go up, you won't go out either. What, do you want to live here?" Yuan Xiaofei held McDull The son returned the words, and then looked at him proudly.

McDull curled his lips and said, "Okay, man, don't care about it like your little girl." After finishing speaking, he paused by the wall.

The corners of Yuan Xiaofei's lips curled up into a smile, then she grabbed the soil layer of the wall with both hands, and quickly stepped on McDull's shoulders, her hands could already climb to the ground, McDuer got up little by little, and Yuan Xiaofei's upper body was exposed On the ground, put your hands on the ground, and jump lightly onto the ground.

"Give me your hand." Yuan Xiaofei called to McDull.

"Won't it collapse again?" McDull said hesitantly.

"Then you can't come up?" Yuan Xiaofei asked with her head tilted.

"Come on, of course you have to go, at worst, you will be thrown back." As he said, he stretched out his hand to grab Yuan Xiaofei's hand: "You have to hold it, don't try to pull you down."

"There's so much nonsense." As soon as the words were finished, Yuan Xiaofei exerted force on her arm, and McDull jumped up with this force.

McDull, who jumped out of the cave, stared at Yuan Xiaofei in surprise for a while, and Yuan Xiaofei couldn't help giggling when he saw McDull who was in a mess like a monkey.

"Look at your dirty, go out to the top of the mountain and wash it first, otherwise, you will have to wash the car."

"What on earth do you do?" McDull no longer had the heart to estimate his own image.

"Why, do you have doubts about me?" Yuan Xiaofei smiled lightly, and said, "When you know it, you will naturally know it."

"Who is going to hunt you down?"

"Naturally the enemy."

"I don't like being treated like a monkey." McDull said coldly.

Yuan Xiaofei also restrained her smile: "What do you have that I can play with?"

"Why do you ask me for help, and how do you know that I will come to save you?" McDull asked.

Yuan Xiaofei looked at him with her lips pursed, and said, "Maybe you won't believe me if I tell you. At that time, I suddenly thought of you, so I called you. However, I almost killed you You. Why did you come alone? What about your subordinates?"

"I hope this is our last contact, and I don't want to have anything to do with you in the future." McDull said resolutely.

The woman was stunned: "Why? Do you still suspect that I will harm you?"

"I don't like guessing, especially for a stranger. It's a waste of time. What's more, you know a lot about me, but I don't know anything about you. It's unfair. I don't like it." This way of getting along, even if you once helped me."

"I understand. Well, I will disappear in your world until I reappear when you need it. Take care, there will be a period later." Yuan Xiaofei accepted McDull's decision without any delay, and really Turned around and left.

"Hey, you haven't told me how to get out?" McDull quickly followed.

"If you want to go out, follow along." Yuan Xiaofei said without looking back.

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