Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 220: Special Energy Conversion Device

Imperial Beauty Treasure - Chapter 220: Special Energy Conversion Device

"Master, please don't get excited! Initiating the second-order genetic modification project of the human body requires a special energy conversion device, and the electromagnetic pulse force of the Yumei system itself is not enough to complete this project!" "Sinful Spark" said.

"Uh... what does this mean?" Yunlong asked in a daze.

"To put it simply, the Yumei system itself does not have enough energy. It can only help you start this second-level genetic modification program, but it cannot provide the special energy needed for this project! Therefore, another special energy conversion is necessary. Only with the cooperation of the equipment can the renovation project at this stage be completed!" "Sinful Spark" explained.

"Ah? Is that so... Where can I get this special energy conversion device?" Yunlong hurriedly asked it.

"This special energy device does not belong to the earth! The technological content in it has surpassed the current earth by about 10 epochs!" "Sinful Spark" said.

"Ah? This thing is not on the earth? Then how can I carry out secondary genetic modification? Do you want me to fly to an alien planet?" Yunlong was shocked and talked for a long time. This so-called "special energy conversion device", It's so unreal...

"Master, don't worry. Although this special energy conversion device is not something that can be produced by the current earth technology, it is left on the earth." "Evil Spark" said.

"Uh... legacy? What do you mean?" Yunlong asked hastily.

"The thing is like this. In the ancient times, according to the calculation of the earth's calendar, about 10 years ago, Jiangbo star had a group of space science exploration teams that explored life on the planets in the Milky Way, and then discovered the earth! Earth life intends to conduct long-term research." "Spark of Guilty" said.

"And then?" Yunlong was attracted.

"Because of the earth's atmospheric environment and gravity, it is not suitable for the scientists of Jiangbo Star to survive, so they created the "special energy conversion device", which can absorb electromagnetic pulses in the universe and convert For the special energy needed, the gene chain of the body cells can be modified, and the gene can be modified to the best state that is especially suitable for the earth's gravity field and atmospheric pressure." "Sinful Spark" introduced.

"Oh! After being transformed by this thing, what state will the body reach?" Yunlong hurriedly continued to ask.

"The energy field generated by this "special energy conversion device" will make up for various defects in the biological genes, and then enable the body to produce the function of self-adjustment to the best state." "Sinful Spark" said.

"Wow! The self-adjustment function of genes? Isn't it difficult to get sick?" Yunlong understood this meaning and couldn't help but get excited.

"That's almost what it means, because after the transformation, the cell's genes will have a special energy field, which will have a strong resistance to various viruses on the earth. In addition, it can also target certain functional genes. Optimizing!" said Guilty Spark.

"Wow! That's great! What are some genes that can optimize functions?" Yunlong became more excited.

"The Jiangbo star people are very similar to humans, that is, they are all calcareous life forms, so the Jiang Bo star people and humans belong to the same kind of creatures. According to the "Planetary Intelligent Life Convention Code" of the "Interstellar Alliance" of the Milky Way, the Jiang Bo star people cannot treat invaders. Human planets and resources, otherwise they will be condemned and sanctioned by the "Star Alliance"!" "Spark of Evil" said.

"Uh...the Milky Way really has an "Star Alliance"? Why is it like a science fiction novel?" Yunlong said in amazement.

"Quack...that's not how it was originally called. I just translated it into the language of the earth to describe it. This is just for the convenience of the master, you can understand the meaning." "Sinful Spark" said with a smile.

"In the Milky Way, are there really so many intelligent aliens?" Yunlong couldn't help asking curiously.

"Of course, the Milky Way is so vast, and there are countless planets where life is derived, and there are not a few planets that are suitable for the evolution of intelligent life. Moreover, the evolution of these intelligent life and the development of culture and technology are different, and they are many times more advanced than the earth. Yes, there are also those who are backward than the earth!" "Sinful Spark" said.

"Oh? How do you tell the difference between these intelligent life forms on different planets?" Yunlong continued to ask.

"In this regard, the "Star Alliance" divides different levels according to different levels of technological development and interstellar voyage capabilities. There are a total of 10 levels. For example, Jiangbo Star belongs to the 8th level. Even if you have reached the third level, there is still a long way to go from the entry standard level 3!" said "Sinful Spark".

"Uh... why is level 4 the entry standard?" Yunlong was puzzled.

"Oh, because the fourth level is interstellar space exploration technology. In this regard, you humans are just at the beginning. The farthest place you have been to is only the moon. If you want to leave the solar system and explore outer space, there is still a long way to go. What!" said Guilty Spark.

"Oh! So that's the case!" Yunlong nodded.

What the "spark of evil" said is indeed true. The development of human science and technology to this day is considered to be relatively "rapid", but the technology of leaving the earth and entering the space to explore is just at the beginning.

"Hehe...Master, let's get back to business. I suggest that you arrange the time right away to prepare for the second-level genetic modification project!" "Spark of Evil" reminded Yunlong.

"Oh, I understand! By the way, where is the "special energy conversion device" you mentioned?" Yunlong asked immediately.

"After completing the genetic modification project, the scientists of Jiang Boxing conducted hundreds of years of research on the earth's organisms, and then left the earth. Before they left, they left the "special energy conversion device" on the earth. In the last secret base." "Guilty Spark" said.

"Oh? Why...why did they do this?" Yunlong was very curious.

"They did this because they considered that Jiang Boxing and other scientists might return to Earth for research in the future, so they left this device in the secret base. In this way, it will be much more convenient for scientific investigation." "Sin Sparks," said.

"Oh! So, where is that secret base?" Yunlong asked the key question.

"It's in the territory of Huaxia, deep in a snow-capped valley on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Master, you must go there to carry out this genetic modification." "Spark of Evil" said.

"Qinghai-Tibet Plateau! It's there..." Yunlong was quite surprised.

"That place is relatively hidden, and it is the roof of the world. The altitude is high enough. It is one of the most suitable places on earth to receive various cosmic energy rays. That's why a secret base was built there." "Sinful Spark" said.

"Oh, then...will someone find out? I said in the future..." Yunlong asked curiously.

"Hehe...According to the current human beings' exploration technology, even if they develop for a few hundred years, they will not be able to find this secret base. Even if they are lucky enough to find this place, but there is no way to enter the base, it is impossible to enter it!" "Sinful Spark" laughed.

"Oh, how long will it take to complete the secondary genetic modification project?" Yunlong asked again.

"Based on the time on Earth, it will take at least half a year to complete!" "Sinful Spark" said.

"Ah! Half a year! This... time period is not very easy to arrange..." Yunlong was surprised when he heard this.

Yunlong originally planned in his heart to ask for leave to go to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, but the six months is really too long, and there are still many things that are difficult to arrange, especially for the beauties who have close relationships with him. Know what to expect then!

You must know that about the Yumei system and the existence of the "sinful spark" is a secret that Yunlong will always keep in his heart, at least it is impossible for him to mention this secret to anyone right now!

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