Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 229 : Where's my clothes?

Imperial Beauty Collection - Chapter 220 Nine: Where are my clothes?

after a long time...

"Quack! Congratulations, master, you have finally survived the stage of "gene coagulation nuclear explosion" and successfully completed the entire second-level genetic modification project!"

The extremely excited voice of "Sin Spark" rang in Yunlong's ears, and at the same time woke him up, otherwise he would still be immersed in the thrilling memories before!

At the moment Yunlong opened his eyes, he looked in surprise at his almost "rapidly changed" body, he found that his body seemed to have become a little taller again, and his figure had become much stronger, and his skin showed a particularly healthy appearance. The bronze color is as perfect as a gladiator in ancient Rome!

In particular, Yunlong could feel the power in his body suddenly increase a lot, as if there was an inexhaustible force filling his body, Yunlong even felt that he could easily smash a hard rock with one punch !

This feeling made him very excited. You must know that a man's desire for power is just like a woman's desire for beauty. It is almost an innate instinct!

"Oh! this the benefit brought to me by the second-level genetic modification project?" Yunlong said excitedly.

"Quack... definitely not only these benefits, but also other aspects!" "Spark of Evil" said to him with a smile.

"Well, what are the benefits?" Although Yunlong could feel the huge changes in his body, he didn't know the specific changes.

"Spark of Evil" said: "Master, your body has undergone five major genetic modifications in addition to being more powerful!"

"Oh? Which five items?" Yunlong asked hurriedly.

"Well, let me explain it to you!" "Spark of Evil" began to introduce Yunlong...

(1) Add special biological genetic modification materials to the bones, making it almost impossible for the bones to break!

(2) Add a combination of strengthening proteins to the muscles to make the muscle fibers denser and recover from fatigue in a very short time.

(3) Implant enhanced gene crystals in the thyroid to help the rapid growth and regeneration of muscles and bones.

(4) Activating the enhanced gene biotin implanted in the brain can speed up the blood flow of the corneal blood vessels and increase the sensitivity of visual perception.

(5) Change the nerve conduction, use the current conduction and reception method, can improve the reaction speed by 500100, make people smarter, have better memory, and be more creative!

After listening to the introduction of "Spark of Evil", Yunlong became excited again: "Wow! This time I have developed!"

"Quack! Of course, if any one of these five genetic modifications is placed on an ordinary person on earth, it would be considered a superhuman existence!" "Sinful Spark" laughed.

"Hey... I really want to try, how strong I am!" Yunlong couldn't wait to try.

"Uh...Master, you are about to leave here and return to Earth, you have a lot of opportunities to try!!" "Sin Spark" said, and then reminded him: "But master, please don't be too ostentatious!"

"Why?" Yunlong asked hurriedly.

"Because you have now completed the second-level genetic modification project, and your physical fitness and brain power are far superior to ordinary humans, but you are not invulnerable, and your overall strength has not improved accordingly, so after you go out, develop in a low-key manner first, and make your own Accumulate your comprehensive strength! After you can enter the third-level genetic modification project, you can do whatever you want!"

"Spark of Evil" said to Yunlong almost earnestly. It was worried that Yunlong would develop too much self-confidence and pride because of his powerful power, which would be an obstacle to Yunlong's future development...

"Oh, I see!"

Yunlong nodded, he didn't take the words of "Spark of Evil" too seriously, because at this moment he was already replaced by excitement.

"Now, can we get out of here?"

Yunlong looked around at the dark and boundless "cracks in time and space", and felt a sense of panic in his heart. He found that staying in this kind of place seemed to freeze his whole body, and it was really hard to describe the terrible feeling of loneliness...

"Hmmm... I'm going to pulse now, connect the Indexer, it'll guide us out of here!"

"Spark of Evil" was speaking, and at the same time, in the depths of Yunlong's mind, a biological pulse signal was sent to the outside world.

Soon, the humming sound of "buzzing..." came from Yunlong's ears. device".

"Okay, we got in touch, master, you can lie down now, we are about to enter the state of "superluminal space leap"!" "Sinful Spark" reminded Yunlong.

"Oh, okay!" Yunlong lay down as he said. Although he didn't understand the concept of "superluminal space leap", he knew that he could finally leave this dark place!

After Yunlong lay down, the hatch cover of the genetic modification cabin slid down again, closing the cabin again.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling green light tore through the darkness, entered the "rift in time and space", and quickly enveloped the entire genetic modification cabin!

"Buzz..." Surrounded by green light, a rotating black hole with green light suddenly appeared in the darkness.


After the genetic modification cabin trembled violently, it was quickly sucked in by the black hole. For a while, Yunlong could strongly feel a kind of time flies, the ancient changes, the vicissitudes of the sea...


I don't know how long it took, but the sound awakened Yunlong. At the same time, the hatch cover of the genetic modification cabin slid up slightly, and Yunlong's eyes were once again covered by a dazzling green light. .

Before he could see the surroundings clearly, the voice of "Evil Spark" sounded in his ears: "Master, this mission has been completed, and the indexer will send us to another exit right now!"

"Uh... don't you need to go back the same way?" Yunlong asked subconsciously.

"According to the "Indexer" prompt, in order to avoid leaving traces, the original road has been closed, and we have to leave through another exit!" "Spark of Guilt" explained.

"Oh, well, as long as you can leave!" Yunlong didn't care.

He jumped out of the genetically modified cabin, surrounded by the shining green light of the "Holy Church", and finally looked up at the great "Pioneer" ruins around him, feeling overwhelmed...

"Om..." Just as Yunlong was looking around, the oval "indexer" appeared in front of him again.

The "indexer" opened quickly, still with a petal-like structure, Yunlong hurriedly stepped in, the "indexer" quickly closed, and then slowly rose into the air.


After a buzzing sound, the "Indexer" was turned on again. Just as Yunlong opened his eyes, a dazzling white light shone into his eyes, and then he felt a cold breath enveloping his body!

"Ah! Here... is on the snow mountain!!"

Seeing his current situation clearly, Yunlong immediately exclaimed, it turned out that the "indexer" sent him directly to the top of a snow mountain that he didn't know where!

It was broad daylight at this time, and the white snow and ice that surrounded the sky, accompanied by a strong cold wind, whizzed towards us...

However, Yunlong didn't feel particularly cold, but rather cold, because his current physique was already able to resist this level of ice and snow!

This discovery made Yunlong very pleasantly surprised, but then he discovered another problem, a very troublesome problem!

Now I am completely naked, naked, naked!

"Damn, I have no clothes to wear!!" Yunlong yelled, he realized that this was not good.

It was only then that Yunlong remembered that the clothes on his body had been blown to pieces during the "gene coagulation nuclear explosion", and he didn't even know where those mountaineering packages and equipment fell...

"My clothes...are gone, can you find me a set?" Yunlong shouted at the "indexer" helplessly.


The "Indexer" ignored his request and floated up, hovering in mid-air, quickly turned into a ball of green light, and disappeared from Yunlong's vision in an instant...

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