Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 231: Himalayan Yeti

Imperial Beauty Collection - Chapter 230: Himalayan Yeti

There are still rugged mountain roads along the way, and rocky and dangerous peaks can be seen everywhere, but these are already pediatric obstacles to Yunlong.

Yunlong hurriedly stopped, raised his eyes to look around, and identified the place where the sound came from, behind a huge rock about 1 km away from him!

Now Yunlong's hearing has become very sensitive, so even though the call was still a kilometer away, he still heard it clearly!Moreover, the location of the opponent was quickly determined.

Moreover, although Yunlong's oral English level is average, his English level is not bad, so he can fully understand the basic spoken English language, which covers the most extensive area in the western world, and the yelling was "Help, who will help me?" , help..." cried for help.

In such a precipitous snowy environment, when he suddenly heard such a cry for help, Yunlong's first reaction was that English might be a mountain climber, or a foreign donkey who likes to explore!

Immediately, Yunlong ran quickly in the direction of the cry for help, and shouted loudly in English that he was not very proficient in: "Excuse me, what trouble are you in? Tell me right away, I'm on my way now!"

"Oh, my God! God! What is's terrible!!" The exclamation sounded again, and this time Yunlong immediately recognized that it was a woman's voice, and it looked quite young.

"Miss, don't be afraid, I'll be there soon, tell me, what is that?" Yunlong asked loudly in English with a distance of more than ten meters away.

"God! I don't know... what kind of animal it is! It's so tall... It's a huge humanoid monster! It's so fast, I... I can't see clearly!" The woman yelled in horror.

Yunlong's English level is not enough to understand the uncommon nouns like "huge humanoid monster", but this does not prevent him from understanding the woman's urgent need for help!

"Ah...", before Yunlong arrived, there was another scream, this time it was a man's voice!

Immediately afterwards, your woman's shrill scream sounded again: "Oh my God! Harry was knocked out by it... I was also hurt, come and save us, save us..."

The road ahead was bumpy and difficult. Even if Yunlong ran at the fastest speed, he could not reach the scene of the attack soon. Hearing the screams, he could only shout: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

This time there was no sound, maybe the woman who called for help had also died, Yunlong was startled, he thought that the woman had also met an accident...

"Omg! That monster hurt my shoulder, I bled so much, I might never be able to wear a bikini again! God, it's here again, I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

The cries that sounded again soon proved that Yunlong's guess was wrong, so he had to speed up his pace immediately.

This distance is close to 1000 meters. In fact, it took less than 2 minutes for Yunlong to run hard. The cries behind the rock were getting closer and closer. Yunlong knew that he was not far away from the woman who was attacked by the beast. He took a deep breath, feeling an urge to try.

But just when his mood fluctuated a little, a tall and agile figure suddenly appeared on the huge rock.

Following the appearance of that figure, a disgusting body odor blew towards his face, making one want to vomit!

Immediately afterwards, Yunlong saw clearly the true face of that thing, it was an exaggeratedly tall humanoid monster! !

The monster has a ferocious face, its height is more than 3 meters by visual inspection, and its body is exaggeratedly strong. It looks a bit like the giant ape in the science fiction movie "King Kong", but its head is pointed, its red hair is draped around the top, and its body is long. It was covered with taupe hair, and this monster was agile and fast-moving, and with those protruding and well-developed limbs, it was obvious at first glance that it was a monster of infinite strength!

"Damn it! this a savage? Or a snowman? Or something?" Yunlong was startled, he didn't expect to encounter such a monster.

The strange thing is that the monster also stopped on the rock, staring down at Yunlong condescendingly, its eyes flashed with a fierce red light, its facial muscles were tightly wrinkled, and its collapsed nostrils were constantly twitching. shivering...

It was actually smelling Yunlong's scent, because it saw that the naked Yunlong looked a bit like its "kind"!

Although it has never seen a "similar" like Yunlong, it did not dare to act rashly...

Among the different ferocious beasts in the natural world, when encountering them accidentally, they will not start fighting immediately. Generally, they will first judge the opponent's strength and severity through confrontation and observation!

And this humanoid monster is confronting Yunlong with the "rules" of nature, because it can feel that Yunlong has a very dangerous aura, and the "giant bird" under Yunlong's crotch does not seem to be the same size. Small, this is also one of the factors that make it feel uneasy.

Taking advantage of this gap, Yunlong nervously asked the "Spark of Evil" in his mind with his consciousness: "What kind of species is this thing?"

"Oh, this thing is the legendary "Himalayan Snowman"! It belongs to ancient humans, a rare species inhabiting high altitudes and polar regions!" "Sinful Spark" quickly replied.

"Ah! Snowman!! This thing actually exists!" Yunlong was astonished.

Among all the mysterious animals in the world, the most fascinating is the legendary Himalayan yeti, who is called "Yeti" (yeti), which means animals that live on rocks.

The legend about the Yeti can be traced back to 326 BC. They range in height from 1.5 meters to 4.6 meters, with pointed heads, red hair draped over the top, taupe hair all over the body, and quick steps.

The legend about the Yeti has gradually been recognized by cryptozoologists, attracting countless explorers to the Himalayas to find this mysterious animal that brings infinite fantasy to human beings. In the Himalayas, the Yeti is described by Tibetans as a tall, half- The legendary animal of the half-ape.

However, after so many years of searching, there are very few explorers who can find the Yeti. Moreover, most of these people are lucky enough to encounter the Yeti, but most of them can only see it disappearing in the vast snow field with incomparable vigor. .

But now, this legendary creature appeared in front of Yunlong alive, and it looked even more ferocious and aggressive than in the legend...

For a moment, Yunlong had a dreamlike feeling in his heart. This snowman looked like an alien creature.

"Master, be careful, this snowman is about to attack you..." "Evil Spark" suddenly reminded him.

"What?" Yunlong was shocked when he heard the words. In a trance, he raised his eyes and looked up, and immediately saw the snowman on the rock. A fierce light burst out from his eyes, and then he let out a piercing roar: " Aw... woo!!"

Yunlong woke up immediately, his trance just now made the snowman feel scared, so it wanted to take advantage of the situation to attack him!

When Yunlong realized this, the snowman had already jumped from the high rock, and rushed towards Yunlong at an extremely fast speed, and a disgusting body odor filled the air instantly...

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