Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 241: Falling into a Surrounding Circle

Imperial Beauty Treasure - Chapter 240: Caught in a Surrounding Circle

However, the 7 or 8 plateau wolves, after the first round of tentative attack, did not launch another round of attack immediately, but quickly spread out, forming a triangle encircling circle, and gathered towards the three of them.

Strangely, the main direction of these wolves gathering was not Harry and Linna, but Yunlong!

Aware of this strange phenomenon, Yunlong was stunned for a moment, his mind suddenly flashed, and he immediately guessed the intention of these wolves. It turned out that these wolves could already feel that he was their most dangerous enemy, so they planned to find an opportunity Take the lead in attacking yourself!

At that moment, Yunlong didn't hesitate any more, and rushed to Harry's back with a stride, raised his foot and kicked his ass.

"Bang!" Harry didn't expect that Yunlong would launch a surprise attack from behind him, and he kicked him so that he threw him forward!

"Ah! Long, why did you kick Harry?!" Linna screamed when she saw this.

But Yunlong didn't have time to answer her question, but suddenly moved his body, and rushed forward like a whirlwind.

The place where Harry fell happened to be the core of the encirclement circle of those wolves. Originally, they planned to keep this place to "serve" Yunlong, but unexpectedly, it was Harry who fell in...

Because of Yunlong's sudden kick, the wolves' attack plan changed, so their actions were collectively stagnant.

It was this very short delay that created the conditions for Yunlong. Yunlong rushed to Harry's side like a wind, and with a bent right hand, he snatched the okc-3s military dagger from his hand.

Then with a flick of luck... with a "swoosh", the dagger turned into a black shadow with terrifying power and shot at the leading wolf.

"Pfft!" With a sound, because the speed was so fast, the leading wolf had no time to dodge, and was pierced through the forehead by the okc-3s military dagger.

Blood burst out, brains flew, and the leader wolf let out a miserable howl, and fell to the ground, twitching and convulsing a few times, and died directly.

But Yunlong didn't stop, and continued to rush forward, pulled out the OKC-3S military dagger from the forehead of the leading wolf, twisted his body, and stabbed the neck of another plateau wolf next to him.

"Pu Chi!" Yunlong's movements were extremely fast, and the plateau wolf had no time to dodge, and was stabbed through the throat by Yunlong.

Before he could pull out the dagger, Yunlong swung his left fist... "Bang!" The punch hit the waist of another plateau wolf that was attacking from his side, and a blood hole was directly smashed out.

The remaining plateau wolves seemed to know that they couldn't avoid Yunlong's sharp edge, so they attacked him collectively!

What Yunlong was waiting for was this opportunity. With a loud shout, he poked his forefoot and smashed open the head of the wolf in front. Then he threw his body forward and knocked down a wolf. The okc-3s military weapon in his hand The dagger pierced into its forehead, and then kicked with its hind legs, kicking away the wolf that was waiting for an opportunity to attack behind it. Finally, Yunlong rolled sideways, but bumped into the last wolf.

It was an old wolf. When it saw Yunlong's movements, it realized that something was wrong, and immediately wanted to run away. At the same time, it raised its neck, smacked its mouth into the sky and let out a wolf howl.

And Yunlong had already pounced in front of it, with a sweep of his right leg, he kicked the old wolf more than ten meters away, and his body hit the hard cliff, killing him immediately!

Yunlong killed all these plateau wolves in one go, cleanly and neatly, like wind and clouds, the whole process took less than a minute!

This left Lin Na and Harry, who just got up on the ground, dumbfounded...

"Oh my God! If Dragon is allowed to join the army, he will definitely be a terrifying war machine!" Harry murmured with wide-eyed eyes.

While Linna was surprised, she also had a very bad premonition in her heart, because the bloody breath of the dead wolves was blown in with the air flowing in the valley and spread...

"Oh my god, these are migratory wolves! Long, we must leave here immediately!" Linna immediately ran to Yunlong and said.

"Migrating wolves? What do you mean?" Yunlong asked hurriedly.

"Each wolf pack has its own territory, which is generally hereditary. Wolves usually live in family groups, with the number ranging from three to five to a dozen. However, when supplies are scarce and the territory cannot sustain livelihoods , There will be repeated battles between wolf pack families. At this time, a certain strongest family will rise up and gather all the wolves in the territory to form a group! However, there is still no one in the huge territory to feed Their food, then, the whole group will undergo a qualitative change, and they will transform from territorial wolves to migratory wolves." Linna is very skilled when talking about her biology major.

"Then what will these migratory wolves that form a group do in the future?" Yunlong asked curiously,

"They will be forced to migrate thousands or even tens of thousands of kilometers from their hereditary habitats in order to find a survivable environment. The biggest difference between territorial wolves and migratory wolves lies in their numbers. During long-distance migration, the unknown difficulties are immeasurable Yes, without enough numbers to maintain, wolves dare not migrate on a large scale. Migrating wolves is a means that wolves are forced to adopt in order to survive. At this time, there are not dozens or hundreds of wolves, but many Sometimes thousands of wolves will gather together," Linna explained.

"Uh... no wonder there should be no less than a few hundred of this group of migratory wolves, and the number is really large!" Yunlong finally understood.

"Moreover, the migration of wolves is a tragic journey. During the migration process, there will be countless battles. Almost every wolf is scarred. No resources will be wasted. Wolves that fall during the migration will die immediately. They become food for their companions. When there is really no food, they even gnaw on the turf. During migration, their walking posture is different from that of ordinary wolves. Their tails are tightly clamped, their ears are always erect, and they are careful when walking. Maybe use the lightest steps to keep up with the big troops, and their eyes will look around at any time like a fox, and even if they smell a single blood molecule in their nostrils, their eyes will turn red!" Linna continued to whisper in a low tone Said.

"Red wolf eyes! I rely on...they...they seem to have surrounded us!!" Harry looked around while listening. Suddenly, many flashing red lights appeared faintly...

Behind those red lights, there were figures of plateau wolves. Their large army surrounded them silently at this moment!

Greedy and hungry red lights flashed in the eyes of these wolves. There were hundreds of them, surrounded by them, forming a terrifying scene!

This made Yunlong's heart sink directly, and he realized that these migratory wolves, together with the help of the embarrassing head, formed a group with extremely high intelligence!

What's more, I was busy fighting just now, so I didn't realize that so many plateau wolves had followed and opened the siege quietly!

At the same time, Yunlong was secretly amazed in his heart. If the embarrassment was a human being, he would definitely be a cunning and outstanding military strategist!

However, the reality does not allow Yunlong to have too much room for reverie, because the wolves have already started to close the encirclement circle!

Yunlong knew that with his own strength, he would definitely be able to kill a bloody path, and even severely injure the wolves, but there were two brothers and sisters, Linna and Harry, following him.

Under such circumstances, Linna and Harry became Yunlong's burden completely, which made Yunlong feel difficult. After all, he had promised them before to take them to a safe place...

Seeing the shrinking encirclement of the wolves, Yunlong remained silent. He kept trying to find the wolf and the wolf hidden among the wolves, because he knew that they were the command centers of these migrating wolves. As long as he found them, he would immediately preempt the wolves, and only then would he have a chance to disrupt the encirclement of the wolves and escape with Linna and Harry.

However, after searching carefully, Yunlong couldn't find the wolf and the wolf, they seemed to have disappeared, which made Yunlong anxious, because the encirclement of the wolves was getting smaller and smaller, and there were no more wolves on his side. Whatever you do, it will be really troublesome!

Sensing the terrifying and murderous aura brought by the wolves, Lina and Harry's faces turned pale with fright, Lina's face was pale and she held Yunlong's arm tightly, while Harry murmured: "My God! Today we really became food in the belly of these wolves, and then turned into wolf dung and sprinkled on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau!!"

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