Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 252: Running

Imperial Beauty Treasure - Chapter 250 [-]: Running

"Oh! This Tibetan mastiff is really cool! If you get it to the United States, it will be worth several million dollars at least! Raising such a guy is very rich!" Seeing this, Harry couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and immediately yelled.

Unexpectedly, the "Silver Leopard" seemed to understand Harry's meaning, and immediately roared fiercely at him, then leapt up into the air, like a white lightning, and flew towards the horse immediately. On his back, he opened his mouth and bit Harry's collar, and flicked it violently...

"Wow!" Harry was thrown by it, and screamed strangely, his whole body was lifted into the air by a huge force, and he flew directly off the horse's back, falling completely dizzy!

The "Silver Leopard" didn't stop, but fell from mid-air and threw itself on Harry directly. Its paws pressed against his body, and its mouth was less than a few centimeters away from his throat...

"Help! Don't kill me..." Harry turned pale with fright, and hurriedly called for help.

"Oh! My God! Don't do it..." Linna also turned pale with fright, because she is a biologist herself, and she knows very well that the Tibetan Mastiff has terrible lethality!

Tibetan mastiff is resolute, powerful and ferocious, and its wildness still exists, making people fearful. It is the only dog ​​breed that is not afraid of beasts, and is known as the king of dogs.

And in some specific periods, Tibetan Mastiffs may be irritable and irritable when facing strangers, which is difficult to control.

Moreover, Tibetan mastiffs are extremely loyal to their owners, but they are extremely fierce and aggressive towards strangers. They are the protection dogs of nomadic peoples.

And the best Tibetan mastiff like this "Silver Leopard" is even the best among Tibetan mastiffs. Its wisdom and fighting power are much stronger than ordinary Tibetan mastiffs.

Linna even judged that the "Silver Leopard" must have heard the teasing meaning in Harry's words. With its violent and proud personality, it launched an attack on Harry, a stranger...

"Okay, "Silver Leopard", don't play with him, he didn't do it on purpose..." Dawa Yangzhen stopped him.

As soon as the "Silver Leopard" heard Dawa Yangzhen's words, it stopped moving, and then slapped Harry's face with its paws. The slap made Harry burst into tears, leaving a shallow bruise on his face. Light paw prints...

Linna hurriedly jumped off the horse, ran forward, pulled Harry into his arms, and reminded him: "Huh... Fortunately, you are fine! Harry, don't speak ill of it in the future!"

"My God, I, I was just talking casually, I didn't expect it to understand human speech! It's incredible..." Harry muttered with lingering fear.

"Oh, haven't you read the analysis report of scientists? Ordinary adult pet dogs can have the IQ of a human child of three or four years old, and large canines like mastiffs and wolf dogs have the IQ of a human child of six or seven years old. With training, they can reach the IQ level of human children aged [-] to [-] or [-]. What do you think a child with the intelligence of [-] or [-] years old can’t understand? Especially the best Tibetan Mastiff like this, Ling Zhi Higher!" Linna explained.

"Uh... so powerful! But no matter how powerful it is, it can still understand English?" Harry couldn't believe it.

"For mastiffs with high intelligence, if it is simple language and commands, it does not need to understand. For example, it does not need to listen with ears, but to observe your movements, expressions, and listen Your tone of voice and speed, and it can even smell the pheromones emitted from your body when you speak! Capture your heart rate and sweat gland secretion, just like a lie detector, it can observe your true state of mind and Ideas, whether you despise them, praise them, like them, or hate them, they can all be, you'd better show your kindness!" Linna explained to Harry very carefully.

Because Lin Na is really worried about her brother with a big tongue, if she says something wrong again and makes that "Silver Leopard" angry again, it will not be as simple as being thrown down by it...

"Ah! That's so powerful, then...then I have to be more polite to it..." Harry hurriedly looked at the proud "Silver Leopard", and then said cautiously: "Then... Brother "Silver Leopard", I was wrong just now , I offended you, don't take it to heart, you adults don't remember villains..."

Unexpectedly, the "Silver Leopard" suddenly stood up again, and let out a deep, thunderous growl at Harry...

"Ah! What...what's the situation, I, I didn't offend it this time, did I..." Harry was so frightened that his face turned green again.

At this time, Dawa Yangzhen giggled and said to Yunlong next to him, "My "Silver Leopard" is a girl!"

"Oh! That's how it is!" Yunlong suddenly came over, and immediately said to Harry in English: "Harry, it is a girl, a beautiful woman, you misidentified its gender!"

"Ah! Then... I'm sorry! Beautiful Miss "Silver Leopard", please forgive my ignorance, you are the most beautiful and kind Tibetan Mastiff girl on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau..." Harry immediately changed his words and praised loudly.

Only then did "Silver Leopard" bark his teeth at Harry, turned his head away and ran straight to Dawa Yangzhen's feet.

Dawa Yangzhen jumped off the horse, stroked its head lightly, and asked, "Silver Leopard, where is my sister Zhuoma now?"

The silver leopard turned around immediately, stretched its neck in a distant direction and let out a howl...

"Oh! Crescent Lake! Dolma should have gone there to collect medicinal materials!" Dawa Yangzhen looked in that direction, muttered to himself, and then said to Yunlong and others: "Come with me!" Come on, I'm going to get you some food now!"

"Oh, thank you!" Yunlong nodded, took Harry in his arms, greeted Shanglinna, followed Dawa Yangzhen, and walked to the village.

Walking all the way to the village, Dawa Yangzhen led the three of them into a cow-hair tent, arranged for the three to sit down, and began to prepare food for them.

The "Silver Leopard" also got into the tent, but it seemed to be particularly interested in Yunlong, circling around him from time to time, smelling his scent, and even tearing his clothes curiously...

"Uh...does it like dragons?" Harry hurriedly asked Linna.

Lin Na observed it for a while, nodded, and said, "Well... it likes dragons a little bit! But it's even more curious about him."

"Curious? Why isn't it curious about me?" Harry had some small comments.

"What are you curious about? You don't have the aura of a dragon!" Linna said with a white look at her brother.

"Uh... Men need to be strong to be marketable, even dogs are more popular!" Harry sighed helplessly.

Hearing what he said, "Silver Leopard" pricked up its ears and stared at him again, which made Harry praise it incessantly...

Yunlong found it interesting, and couldn't help but reach out and stroke the head of "Silver Leopard". Strange to say, "Silver Leopard" didn't reject Yunlong's intimacy, but seemed to like the way he did it, and stood by his feet from time to time. Rubbing and rubbing.

Even Dawa Yangzhen was amazed at this scene, because she knew the habits of Tibetan mastiffs very well, and basically took a very alert attitude towards unfamiliar people or strangers!

Unexpectedly, "Silver Leopard" felt very kind to Yunlong, to such a degree that even Lin Na became a little jealous, because although "Silver Leopard" didn't offend her, he didn't show any kindness to her...

At this time, "Silver Leopard" suddenly opened its mouth and grabbed Yunlong's trousers, and dragged him to the outside of the tent. Yunlong didn't know what it wanted to do for a while.

"Hehe..."Silver Leopard" asked you to play with it." Dawa Yangzhen saw the meaning of "Silver Leopard" and couldn't help laughing.

"Go with it to play, okay!" Yunlong was stunned, and immediately stood up with a smile, and followed "Silver Leopard" to the outside of the tent.

Lin Na originally wanted to follow her, but "Silver Leopard" didn't seem to welcome her, and even snarled at her, causing Lin Na to sit back speechlessly...

As soon as he got outside the tent, "Silver Leopard" immediately ran around Yunlong and let out cheerful cries from time to time.

Yunlong also ran along with it, and "Silver Leopard" seemed to show off its speed and agility on purpose, the more it ran, the faster it ran, its lion-like body jumped up and down with incomparable flexibility.

Yunlong thought it was very interesting, so he let go of his hands and feet, followed it to run, and showed some difficult movements from time to time.

"Silver Leopard" became more and more addicted as he played, and ran out of the grassland. It turned out that it found Yunlong's speed was very fast, and it planned to race against Yunlong.

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