Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 254: Meiduo Zhuoma

Imperial Beauty Treasure - Chapter 250 Four: Medo Dolma

Seeing Yunlong's obsessed look, the fairy couldn't help covering her small mouth with a "puchi..." smile, and a burst of heart-stirring blush surged on that flawless face, making it even more beautiful...

Seeing such a soul-stirring beauty, Yunlong couldn't help muttering to himself: "Beautiful, so beautiful! So beautiful!"

"I hate it..." the fairy muttered coquettishly when she heard Yunlong's words, and then slowly sank into the lake, and swam towards the opposite bank, because she realized that Yunlong was peeping at her with wide-eyed eyes. Body…

" are you going?" Yunlong felt a bit lost and couldn't help asking loudly.

The fairy didn't answer his words, but raised her right arm and waved, splashing crystal clear waves on the surface of the lake, leaving behind a crisp and delicate laugh, and then turned into the corner of the lake and disappeared. , just like a fairy in a fairyland who fell into this mortal world to play in the water, and then returned to the heavenly palace.

Looking at the snow-white and graceful back of the fairy swimming away, Yunlong still has a dreamy feeling...

It's no wonder that Yunlong has such a feeling. Among the beauties he knows, if it comes to figure, then Lin Na, Tang Guo and Nie Xiaowen are definitely the most popular; ", it is Murong Yingying, if it is gentle and kind, it is Liang Xiaoxia, but among these beauties, in terms of appearance alone, they are all slightly inferior to Liang Yingxue.

Liang Yingxue, the flower of the art school, has always been the most beautiful girl in Yunlong's mind. Her appearance is so exquisite that it makes people tremble, and she is still youthful and fashionable. She thinks she is the ultimate beauty!

But today, in this snow-capped mountain plateau lake, the "fairy" that Yunlong suddenly met, she is not inferior to Liang Yingxue in terms of beauty, appearance, or temperament, and she is even more elegant than her. The cleanliness makes people feel refreshed, even the breathtaking "fairy spirit", and an indescribable sense of mystery...

Just as Yunlong was still reminiscing about the dreamy feeling of encountering a "fairy", a white shadow quickly ran to his feet and grabbed his trousers.

Yunlong was stunned, quickly came back to his senses and looked down, it was the "Silver Leopard" that was pulling him, as if it was going to take him somewhere.

So Yunlong walked with the "Silver Leopard", but saw that it was running diagonally towards the opposite bank of the lake...

Yunlong followed the "Silver Leopard" and turned to the opposite bank of the lake. He saw a circular mound over there, and on the mound was a delicately woven weed.

The grass is already filled with many different kinds of plants. Yunlong looked over and identified some of them, which were quite expensive traditional Chinese medicines, and they were still very fresh.

"Huh? It turns out that someone is collecting medicinal materials here!" Yunlong immediately realized this.

But the "Silver Leopard" ran towards the ring-shaped mound with cheerful steps, and let out a burst of excited and joyful howling.

Immediately afterwards, Yunlong soon saw a beautiful girl wearing a beautiful Tibetan dress like Dawa Yangzhen, but with half a white skirt underneath, and came out from behind the circular mound in a panic.

Seeing her face clearly, Yunlong's heart beat wildly again. It turned out that this beautiful girl was the "fairy" who just bathed in the lake!

Although she is wearing a colorful Tibetan dress, she has an unconcealable "fairy spirit", and her wet black hair makes her exude a unique elegant and refined temperament at this moment. She is still beautiful be thrilling...

As soon as the "fairy" saw Yunlong staring at her, her white face couldn't help flushing with embarrassment, then she opened her big watery eyes, looked at Yunlong, and then asked him: " must be Han. ?”

"Oh, yes! Yes! I am Han!" Yunlong nodded hurriedly, and he found that "Fairy" could speak quite fluent standard Chinese!

"Oh, by the way, you... how come you are with the "Silver Leopard"?" The "fairy" asked curiously.

"Uh...I played a race with it, and then brought me here." Yunlong replied truthfully.

"Racing? My family's "Silver Leopard" doesn't seem to be very familiar with you, does it? I don't even know you!" "Fairy" felt even more strange.

"Oh! Your family's "Silver Leopard"? Isn't it Dawa Yangzhen's family?" Yunlong said hastily.

"The Dawa Yangzhen family you mentioned is my family, she is my sister!" The "fairy" said suddenly.

"Ah! are Dawa Yangzhen's younger sister!? The master who can refine the Tibetan medicine "Zuotai"!" Yunlong opened his mouth wide in surprise, he did not expect to meet Dawa Yangzhen under such circumstances sister!

"That's right! Are you... familiar with my sister?" "Fairy" asked Yunlong in surprise.

"Oh, I'm not very familiar... Actually, your sister and I just met. We were besieged by wolves, and she used a strange tool to help us disperse the migrating wolves, so she is our benefactor!" Yunlong explained.

"Oh, that's not a tool, but a bone flute, a spiritual object carefully refined by ancient animal controllers, which can drive wild beasts!" The "fairy" said, and added: "That bone flute, I taught her to use it. .”

"Oh! So it's like're really amazing!" Yunlong couldn't help admiring.

"Hehe... I dare not take it! My name is Mei Duo Zhuoma, how about you?" The "fairy" brushed her hair shyly, and introduced herself to Yunlong.

"Oh, hello! My name is Yunlong, the cloud of the cloud, the dragon of Bruce Lee!" Yunlong hurriedly introduced himself.

"Oh, by the way, could you be besieged by migrating wolves?" Medo Dolma asked Yunlong again curiously.

"'s like this..."

Yunlong began to talk to her about his experience with Linna and others, but Yunlong concealed the purpose of his trip, only saying that he was a "donkey friend" who yearned for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Later, I came to this "most beautiful place in my heart", and then those things happened...

Medo Dolma listened to Yunlong's narration, looked at him with big beautiful eyes, flickering with surprise and thought from time to time...

It took about twenty minutes for Yunlong to tell Mei Duo Zhuoma about his thrilling trip to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau after "processing and processing".

After listening to Yunlong's "story", Medo Dolma nodded again and again, but she was also a little puzzled, especially when Yunlong told the story of encountering the Himalayan snowman, which surprised and puzzled her.

Because, unlike ordinary Tibetan people, Medo Dolma knows very well how horribly lethal the Himalayan Yeti is. Under normal circumstances, as long as human beings encounter a Himalayan Yeti, there are basically no bones left, but Yunlong said that he Can drive it away!

Because of this, Medo Dolma doubted the authenticity of this "story"... So she looked at Yunlong with something different...

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